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Wellspring Hollow


Shin saw nothing but black after he heard a shot of the gun. Before it happens he saw how his husband cried with all of his pain. When he saw those tears all the way from his husband's eyes, he seized the opportunity to pray to allmighty to give him the chance to make his decision not regretful.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Oh Holy Spirit I pray for you. Make the time reverse. I beg.
Year 2024 (past)
As the light of the sun starts to appear. The bird begans to sing. The yellow oranged color of the rays instantly find the way to kiss the cheeks of the free spirit young man. This makes the man open his eyes widely.
He began to scan his surroundings. All he saw was familiar. The picture frame hangs on the wall. The Old Wooden Cuckoo Clock that hangs in gray wall. The soft bed and gray colored pillow beside him.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
My room???
The free spirit is so confused.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Where the Hell am I???? What the fck is happening? Is that a dream????
He slowly makes the blanket out of his lap and walks towards the vanity. There, he saw himself wearing a pair of sleepwear and did not even have a slight smudge of blood.
His train of thoughts was interrupted by the knock of the door.
Good Morning Young Master Sorry to interrupt your sleep. The breakfast is already served at the dining hall. The Master and Mistress was already present.
Shin hurriedly opens the door it made the woman shock.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Wait up!
Shin grabbed the maid on her arm that made her stop moving and stare at the floor
Ye-yes young master? What help can i offer?
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Whyy am i here? What am i doing here?
The maid thinks that Shin is still in the state of hangover. Nevertheless she answered
Yo- young master you arrive at 4am in the morning from partying. The driver took you here because you don't like being in the house of your husband.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
💬 oh I'm married and already living with my husband hmmm
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Oh thank you lady (smile at her)
(shocked 😮) My pleasure young master (bow then leave)
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
💬 Oh Allmighty why did you put me in this setting? sighs you could have put the timeline when i was walking down the aisle hmp

1 : Strange Change

Shin can't believe this is happening.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Now, I can do what makes other happy. (smiled)
He turned his body to his room and shut the door. His face is beaming. It shows too much happiness.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
💬 Should I visit my husband?? But wait! This day was the day he came back from the business kemerut sighs.
Shin opens his closet and finds everything fresh and new. All of his outfits are for clubbing and more or less screaming fashion including half naked outfits.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
I'll shop for today
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
There's no formal dress here not even casual clothes.
Shin searches for any wearable slash presentable clothes. He rummages all closets and takes all of the clothes. Still finds nothing. He gave up.
Shin walks to his bathroom and stands in front of the sink. He just washed his face not glancing at how he looks.
Shin exits the bathroom and searches for his phone. He dials and the phone begins to make a sound.
Ivan Hugh
Ivan Hugh
Empress? What a surprise to dial me?? Got some trouble?
Ivan hugh, Kye's Secretary and best friend. Ivan is now surprised. He wouldn't have the thought that his bestfriends wife is calling him.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
💬 Empress??
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
💬Ah yes sighs I made them called me that. Why not? It sounds very powerful hehehhe
Shin giggles that made the other person confused.
Ivan Hugh
Ivan Hugh
Ummm? Empress? You got trouble?
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Oh sorryy
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
My mind is floating everywhere
Ivan Hugh
Ivan Hugh
📱💬 Did he apologized? What a strange fellow.
Ivan Hugh
Ivan Hugh
📱Oh then how can i help you? Is there a trouble? Need some Cleaning empress?
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
📱Oh no no no
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
📱There isn't. I i i just w-want to know if he- i mean my husband is out of the country?
Shin is stuttering. He feels nervous. Of course their marriage is not a loving one. The business of each other is out of the border.
Ivan is now shocked. Ivans mouth is open wide even his eyes are wide awake. Didn't expect the question. Didn't expect that the empress would mention his husband's whereabouts.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
📱Umm? Hello? Are you busy?
Ivan Hugh
Ivan Hugh
(back to his senses) 📱Empress! Sorry didn't expect that question actually. Is there a family gathering? I checked his schedule but it didn't say about that.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
📱um no i just wa-want to know. (bites his lips out of nervous)
Ivan Hugh
Ivan Hugh
📱ohhh we're now going back to office there about an hour from now.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
📱Oh thank you
Shin turns off the call. He is now jogging making way to the dining hall.
Every pair of eyes is now shock. Even the maids were not expecting that the young master is having breakfast and take note wearing panjama only.
Cross (Shin
Cross (Shin's Father)
What a surprise my son!
Garnet (Shin
Garnet (Shin's Mother)
Good Morning my gem (wide smile)
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Good Morning my parents! (smile lovingly)
Shins kiss his mother's cheek before sitting. He begins to eat not minding all the stares his getting. Stomach first.
Cross (Shin
Cross (Shin's Father)
My son? Do you need anything? (his father asked suspiciously)
Garnet (Shin
Garnet (Shin's Mother)
(she nudges his husband) Don't ruin the mood honey. It's been a while since i saw his appetite.
Cross (Shin
Cross (Shin's Father)
But honey, look i think he wants something that's why he's here. (he whispered)
The Mistress side eyed his husband and the latter shut his mouth.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Father No. (he munched and munched)
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
I just want to eat
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Im so hungry
The parents focused on they're son that didn't notice the new presence that joined them in their breakfast.
Amber ( Shin
Amber ( Shin's Elder Sister)
Ehem (she fake cough)
Cross (Shin
Cross (Shin's Father)
Good Morning Amber!
Garnet (Shin
Garnet (Shin's Mother)
Morning Sweety (smile)
Amber ( Shin
Amber ( Shin's Elder Sister)
Good Morning ! Especially to my little free spirit brother
Amber, Shin's Elder Sister. She's the reason why Shin is married to the ice boy. She's kind and very straightforward.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Morning sis (smiles so beautiful)
Amber is shocked and didn't expect the greetings from her brat brother. She looks at her parents and makes eyes talk like "what's happening" but the parents just shrugged indicating that they don't have no idea.
Amber ( Shin
Amber ( Shin's Elder Sister)
You're being weird. What's wrong?
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Oh my god even you sis? (asked exaggerated)
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
I'm being me. I just want to eat okay? This food is so tasty.
Amber ( Shin
Amber ( Shin's Elder Sister)
Okay that's it. Tell me.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Sis nothing happens (he stated while eating)
Amber ( Shin
Amber ( Shin's Elder Sister)
First of all you don't eat breakfast. Second, you don't do greeting and lastly the fish? Is tasty? Liar.
The eldest just rolled her eyes stating all the facts. The parents are waiting for Shin to retort.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Just want to change i guess. ( he flattering his eyes)
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
And by the way, I'm going back to my husband. I think i miss him. Hehehe
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Thanks for the food and Maid please clean my room. It's a mess but don't pack my things, I'll do it. Thank you
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Then He left them with a confusing look.
Amber ( Shin
Amber ( Shin's Elder Sister)
The hell??!!!! That's a freaking weird hell of a change.

2 : Beginning Yearning

Shin doesn't waste time. The time is running so he must run like the one in the marathon. He runs towards the car, opens it and sits.
E-excuse me young master?
The driver stuttered in nervousness and didn't know what to do. He glanced at the young master through the mirror and asked.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Ahh please drive me to the airport
Shin told the driver with so much politeness that the driver was not able to move quickly.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Ahm Can you drive faster? I need to see my ha-husband.
Shin stuttered not really comfortable saying that word.
A-Ah yes right away young master.
Shin observed the scenery through the window. His eyebrows furrowed indicating his impatient attitude. He crossed his legs and tapped his knee with his index finger.
Shin's restlessness was noticed by his driver without any thoughts the driver accelerated the car. Thanks to that they arrive half an hour instead of an hour.
The young master impatiently unlocks the door of the car and runs to the arrival area hoping he's not late.
This blonde colored young man abruptly stands, tiptoeing and making his neck stretch that looks like a giraffe because a lot of people are also present there. He particularly searches for a tall person, looking so handsome, wearing a necklace with a red gem and of course intimidating. In addition to that, looking so scary with a person beside him always with his secretary aka his best friend.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
💬whats wrong with this people? Ughhh I can't even see. Ughh also that icy person he's rich why dont he land on private land. Hmp
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
💬 gotta call that best friend
He tries to get his phone out of his pocket when suddenly someone snatches it at the speed of light. Shin doesn't get the opportunity to react of course he is shocked. The snatcher runs like a cheetah.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
He screamed so loud. The people whose attention was on arrival waiting for their loved ones, they all turned to the source of scream. Shin runs with a goal of snatching back his phone from the snatcher. How ironic.
The airport personnel had a hint of what was happening and hurriedly blocked the snatcher.
They caught the snatcher how fast it is.
The airport personnel handcuffed the snatcher and took the phone from his hands. In a moment the phone rings. He answers it hoping that the owner is the caller.
Hello? Is this your phone? Please proceed to the airport's security office for further information. Thank you.
The other person didn't have the time to say anything. The officer ends the call right away and takes the snatcher to their airport precinct for further investigation.
Meanwhile, Shin lost his strength and gave up on running.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
What a day! Sht. Im tired. (he says in difficulty)
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
💬Where the hell he is? Im tired really omy sighs
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Umm excuse me sir? Can i ask someting? I was the one who got snatched.
He asked when he saw some officers around.
Oh you are? Come with me at the office
The officer led the way followed by the young master who seems so tired and can't even move a finger literally dragging his feet.
The officer opens the door. Made a way In order for Shin to enter first. Shin being tired he was looking down didn't bother to look around.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Umm officer? My phone? Im tired. Need to call my husband please. (says without looking at officer.)
Ivan Hugh
Ivan Hugh
This made Shin look up and notice the surroundings. There is one officer writing something. There is his husband's best friend looking at him with confusion in his face. And lastly There he is. His husband. looking at Shin without emotion
Shin not expecting this will be the scene where he will meet his husband for the first time in his second life.
Everything seems to stop when Shin locks his eyes in his husband. Shin's gaze shows apologetic while the other one shows nothing.
Oh lord it ruin the moment.
Ivan Hugh
Ivan Hugh
Empress? What's wrong? (asked politely)
Ivan asked for the second time. He notice Shin's appearance. Wearing panjama that seems like he doesn't even take a bath. Wearing only one slipper. Well one of his slippers breaks when he is looking for the snatcher. Wearing a bare faced look and bed hair.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Ivan? Im-Im ch-chasing the snatcher. (he fidget not wanting his husband feels turn off on him)
Kye Ezra Grey
Kye Ezra Grey
Is it done?
That made everyone feel cold. It is not even winter but the atmosphere feels so cold. It makes Shin shiver.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
So-sorry (he mumbled looking down)
We're done here. Young man here is your phone and Everything is settled you can go now.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Umm thank you officer (he bows and opens the door)
Ivan Hugh
Ivan Hugh
Wait empress!
Ivan tries to reach the empress hand but he remembers something that made him stop so called him instead.
Shin turns to Ivan. Not wanting to meet his husband eyes.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
💬 what the hell self? Its very wrong impression? Really???? In airport??
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
💬but i miss him :(
These thoughts made him sad and even a pout is visible in his face.
Ivan Hugh
Ivan Hugh
Empress? Are you okay? You seems (looks up and down) out of the character
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Ha? Ah ye-yes im okay just you know ahm
Kye Ezra Grey
Kye Ezra Grey
Oh the icy boy was there. Kye looks at Shin's he notices something. Change.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
Ahh husband so-sorry for the trouble. It will not be ha-happening again. (the tears will likely to fall anytime now)
That shocked Kye to the core. Shin calling Kye as husband? It is once in a blue moon event.
Kye Ezra Grey
Kye Ezra Grey
Don't cry. Let's go.
Ivan led the way to the parking. They began to walk. When suddenly something stops the icy black boy from walking.
He turns where that "something" stops him. Finding his wife tugging his hem of tuxedo, looking down.
Kye Ezra Grey
Kye Ezra Grey
What a short reply. So being cold.
Shin Akai Yagami
Shin Akai Yagami
I wanna hug you. Please? Let me feel you (ask looking directly at the yes of his husband)

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