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Between Us: A Collection of Moments

"The Royal Romance" — 1

#Dispatch Sparks Rumors of Gong Yoo's Alleged Relationship with Korean Royalty#
Dispatch has set the internet ablaze with new suspicions about one of Korea's most beloved actors, Gong Yoo. Known for his incredible range in bringing characters to life on screen and his notoriously private personal life, Gong Yoo is now rumored to be in a relationship with a well-respected philanthropist who is also a member of Korea's royal family.
According to Dispatch, the pair has been secretly dating for about a year. While the news has not been confirmed, the speculation alone has sent shockwaves through Gong Yoo’s fanbase. Fans aren't necessarily shocked that Gong Yoo might be in a relationship, but the rumored partner has raised many eyebrows. Not only is she a member of the royal family, but she is also significantly younger than the actor. This detail has only added fuel to the fire of speculation and debate.
#Public Reactions: Disbelief and Conspiracy Theories#
The reactions from K-netizens have been mixed and fervent, to say the least. Many fans were quick to dismiss the rumors as unfounded.
"This must be another Dispatch stunt. Gong Yoo has always kept his personal life private," said one fan on a popular online forum.
Many expressed outright disbelief, questioning the authenticity of the report.
“This has to be a joke, right? Gong Yoo would never!” wrote one fan, echoing the sentiments of thousands.
Others believe there may be more to the story than meets the eye, with some netizens speculating that this could be a calculated move by the royal family or government.
"This feels like a distraction, maybe to cover up some scandal. Why else would a royal be involved with an actor?" another commenter wrote.
Some netizens are convinced that this is all a fabricated story, a distraction designed to divert attention from a “royal mess” that the family might be involved in.
“It feels like a PR stunt, honestly,” commented another user on an online forum. “The government and the royal family could be using Gong Yoo to clean up their image.”
However, there are also those who think this could be a genuine connection, regardless of the age difference.
"Love is love, and if Gong Yoo is truly happy, who are we to judge?" a supporter stated, attempting to quell the flames of controversy.
“If he’s happy, then I’m happy for him,” a longtime fan shared.
However, the age gap has been a sticking point for some, sparking debates on social media about the appropriateness of their relationship.
#Agency’s Silence Fuels the Fire#
Despite the rumors swirling around, Gong Yoo’s agency has remained tight-lipped, neither confirming nor denying the allegations. Their silence has only deepened the public's curiosity, leaving fans and media alike to speculate endlessly.
Some believe that this silence might mean there is some truth to the rumors, while others think it could be a strategic move to keep the gossip going.
Without any official confirmation, what started as a piece of gossip has grown into a full-blown media frenzy, with everyone speculating on the nature of Gong Yoo's relationship with this mysterious royal woman. The intrigue surrounding their possible romance has captivated the public, turning what could have been a fleeting rumor into a topic of national discourse.
As the story continues to unfold with no clear answers in sight, fans and onlookers are left wondering: Is this the beginning of a royal romance, or just another rumor blown out of proportion? Only time will tell if this mystery will ever be fully unraveled.
The grand royal meeting hall was bathed in a muted, golden light that filtered through the tall, arched windows, casting long shadows across the marble floors. The air in the room was thick with tension, an almost palpable weight that seemed to press down on everyone present.
Ji-Cheol sat stiffly in a high-backed, ornately carved chair, flanked on either side by his manager and his assistant. The three of them formed a small island of silence in the vast, echoing room.
The silence was deafening, almost painstakingly so. The kind that makes you acutely aware of every small sound—like the faint ticking of a distant clock, the soft rustle of fabric as someone shifts in their seat, or the barely audible sigh that escaped Ji-Cheol’s lips as he tried to suppress his growing anxiety.
His eyes drifted around the room, seeking some distraction from the oppressive stillness.
They landed first on the intricate moldings that adorned the ceiling, tracing the curves and patterns with idle curiosity. From there, his gaze fell to the series of paintings that lined the walls, each one depicting a significant moment in the royal family’s long history.
There was a portrait of a past monarch, his stern eyes seemingly following Ji-Cheol as he moved his gaze, then a scene of a grand coronation, full of pomp and ceremony. But none of these held his attention for long.
Finally, his eyes came to rest on his CEO, who was seated a short distance away. The man was deep in conversation with the head of the PR department, their voices low but urgent, the tension between them almost as thick as the air in the room.
The CEO’s brow was furrowed in concentration, his fingers drumming a steady rhythm on the armrest of his chair. The head of PR, a woman known for her calm under pressure, was nodding thoughtfully as they discussed what Ji-Cheol could only assume was the latest in a series of crises they were trying to manage.
Ji-Cheol let out another quiet sigh, his patience wearing thin. He had been through countless meetings, press conferences, and negotiations in his career, but this one felt different. The stakes were higher, the atmosphere more charged with anticipation.
The royal members, whose arrival they were all waiting for, would soon enter the room, bringing with them an air of formality and expectation that Ji-Cheol could already feel creeping under his skin.
He shifted slightly in his seat, his gaze falling to his hands, which were clasped tightly in his lap. He flexed his fingers, trying to release some of the tension coiled within him.
It was an endless wait, each second stretching into an eternity, as the room remained suspended in that unbearable silence. All Ji-Cheol could do now was wait—wait for the doors to open, wait for the meeting to begin, and wait for whatever fate the royal members would decide for him.
Gong Ji-Cheol
Gong Ji-Cheol
All I can do now... is wait,
He murmured, the words barely above a whisper. His gaze dropped to his hands, still clenched tightly in his lap.
Gong Ji-Cheol
Gong Ji-Cheol
Wait for their decision. Wait for the consequences. It’s always waiting.
He let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head.
Gong Ji-Cheol
Gong Ji-Cheol
Gong Ji-Cheol
Gong Ji-Cheol
I’ve spent my whole life preparing for moments like this, but when it comes down to it, I’m still just sitting here... waiting.
His voice trailed off, filled with a quiet resignation that seemed to echo through the vast room.

"The Royal Romance" — 2

The oppressive silence in the royal meeting hall was suddenly shattered by the distant, unmistakable sound of raised voices. Ji-Cheol's ears perked up, his body going rigid as the echoes of an argument filtered through the heavy wooden doors. The voice, clear and authoritative, carried the sharp edge of impatience and command—it was the Crown Prince Hyun-Su.
Ji-Cheol's breath caught in his throat as he listened intently, the words indistinct but the tone unmistakable. The Prince's voice was firm, cutting through the muffled responses of the royal staff, who were clearly trying to placate him. The heated exchange grew louder as they approached, each step of the royal entourage bringing them closer to the meeting hall, and closer to the confrontation Ji-Cheol had been dreading.
He tensed, every muscle in his body coiled with anxiety. The casual slouch he had been trying to maintain vanished as he straightened his back, his posture now ramrod straight. His heart began to pound in his chest, each beat resounding like a drum in the quiet that had fallen over the room once more.
His manager and assistant exchanged nervous glances, the atmosphere becoming even more charged with anticipation. Ji-Cheol could feel their anxiety feeding into his own, a shared unease that no one dared voice. The CEO, Seo Ji-Hwan, too, had gone silent, his previous conversation with the head of PR, Kang So-Ra abruptly halted as they all turned their attention to the door, waiting for the inevitable.
Ji-Cheol’s eyes flickered toward the entrance, his mind racing. What could have provoked the Crown Prince to such anger? Was it something that had happened before, or was it related to the meeting they were about to have? He swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry, and forced himself to maintain a calm exterior. But inside, a storm of thoughts and emotions churned, each one vying for his attention.
The hushed murmurs of the royal staff could now be heard more clearly as they neared the door, their attempts to soothe the Crown Prince seemingly in vain. The tension in the room reached a fever pitch, and Ji-Cheol’s hands, now gripping the armrests of his chair, tightened with the effort to keep himself composed.
Seconds felt like hours as they all waited, the anticipation unbearable. Ji-Cheol steeled himself, knowing that whatever was about to happen, he would need every ounce of his composure and resolve to face it. The door would open any moment now, and when it did, there would be no turning back.
The heavy wooden doors creaked open, and the room seemed to hold its breath as the Crown Prince strode in, his regal presence immediately commanding attention. His entourage of royal staff followed in close formation, their heads bowed in deference as they silently fanned out around the perimeter of the room, their movements careful and deliberate.
Ji-Cheol, along with everyone else, rose quickly from his seat. In unison, they bowed deeply, their eyes lowered in respect as the Crown Prince crossed the threshold. His footsteps echoed sharply against the polished marble floor, his leather shoes making crisp, deliberate sounds that punctuated the stillness.
The Crown Prince gave a curt nod in acknowledgment, his expression one of cool detachment, though his brow was still creased with the remnants of whatever irritation had caused his earlier outburst. Without a word, he made his way to the head of the long, ornate table, his movements fluid but marked with the weight of someone accustomed to authority. The room seemed to revolve around him, every gaze fixed on the young royal.
As he took his seat, everyone else followed suit, lowering themselves back into their chairs, though the tension still hung thick in the air.
Ji-Cheol couldn’t help but let his eyes linger on the Crown Prince for a moment longer, his mind working to analyze the man who now sat at the head of the table.
The Prince was undeniably handsome, with sharp features and a well-defined jawline that only seemed to emphasize his natural air of command. His dark, neatly styled hair framed a face that radiated sternness, his lips pressed into a thin line that gave nothing away. He had the presence of someone born to rule—elegant, poised, and unquestionably regal.
Yet, beneath that facade of authority, Ji-Cheol could see flickers of something else. His eyes, sharp and calculating, carried a glint of youthful arrogance. There was a subtle petulance in the way his fingers tapped impatiently on the table, a hint of the spoiled brat within—the Crown Prince who had likely never been denied anything in his life, accustomed to having every whim fulfilled with a snap of his fingers.
His expression may have been one of carefully crafted composure, but Ji-Cheol could see the cracks beneath it, the traces of childishness lurking just under the surface.
Despite his stern exterior, there was an almost boyish quality to him that Ji-Cheol could not ignore. It was as though the Crown Prince was still playing at being the ruler he would one day become, wearing the mask of a monarch, but not yet fully inhabiting it.
Ji-Cheol sat up straighter, his eyes briefly meeting the Prince’s before quickly averting them, knowing better than to hold the gaze of royalty for too long. He silently observed the dynamic of the room, how even the slightest movement or sound seemed to revolve around the Crown Prince’s presence.
It was clear that, despite his youth and occasional flashes of immaturity, his authority was absolute in this space.
Ji-Cheol's heart thudded in his chest, knowing that whatever was about to unfold would depend heavily on the whims of the young Prince seated before him. He steeled himself once again, preparing for whatever the Crown Prince might say next, knowing that every word could change the course of events.
As the Crown Prince settled into his seat, the weight of the situation pressed down on Ji-Cheol like an invisible force. The murmurs of the royal staff died down, and the room was once again swallowed by a thick, suffocating silence. Ji-Cheol shifted uncomfortably in his chair, his eyes flickering toward the Prince, then toward his own CEO, who still sat tense, clasping his hands tightly together.
Ji-Cheol couldn’t shake the growing feeling of unease that had been gnawing at him since the moment they were summoned to this meeting. Something was off. The Crown Prince’s earlier outburst, the sudden rush of royal staff, the meeting’s abrupt scheduling—it all felt too orchestrated, too carefully planned.
The truth had been eluding him for days now, but he could sense it—lurking in the shadows of hushed conversations and suspicious glances. All Ji-Cheol knew for certain was that he was being pulled into a web that he didn’t fully understand, and it made his skin crawl. Whatever this meeting was really about, he knew it wasn’t going to be good.
He caught a glance from his manager, who looked equally on edge, his lips pressed into a thin line. The PR head was shifting papers in front of her, her eyes scanning them with laser focus, as if preparing for a script she was about to recite. The CEO sat unnervingly still, his eyes darting between the Crown Prince and Ji-Cheol, silently preparing himself for whatever this was.
Then the Crown Prince spoke, his voice low but firm, laced with the authoritative tone that only came from years of absolute deference.
Thank you all for coming,
He began, though his eyes never left Ji-Cheol.
We have a situation that requires… delicate handling.
Ji-Cheol’s pulse quickened. He knew that "delicate" in royal speak usually translated to "explosive." He swallowed hard, his throat dry, as the Crown Prince continued.
There are rumors, scandals, that have been circulating among the public. Unfavorable attention has been drawn to certain… affairs within the royal family and the government. As you all know, the stability of the monarchy, and by extension, the government, is paramount.
Ji-Cheol clenched his jaw, biting back the questions that threatened to spill from his lips. He knew better than to interrupt royalty. But even as the Crown Prince spoke, his words began to unravel the truth that had been carefully kept from Ji-Cheol.
This wasn’t about him. It wasn’t about some relationship. It was a ploy—a grand spectacle designed to divert the attention of the public. Something darker, something far more damaging, was brewing behind the royal curtains. The rumors about the Crown Prince’s scandalous behavior, the government’s involvement in secretive affairs—all of it was too close to the surface. They needed something bigger to distract the public, something more salacious to feast on.
Ji-Cheol, the popular actor with an untarnished reputation, was the perfect scapegoat.
The Crown Prince leaned forward, his eyes narrowing slightly as he zeroed in on Ji-Cheol.
There has been speculation about a romantic entanglement between yourself and my sister, a member of the royal family. Though unfounded, we believe these rumors present an opportunity.
Ji-Cheol’s stomach churned. His worst fears were being confirmed, laid bare before him. They were going to use him—his name, his image, his life—as a smokescreen to cover up the real issues plaguing the royal family and the government. He was being pushed into the fire, sacrificed to save the Crown and the politicians hiding behind it.
You understand,
The Crown Prince continued, his tone smooth but unyielding,
That maintaining the public’s focus on more… palatable topics is in everyone’s best interest. We expect your cooperation.
Ji-Cheol’s blood ran cold. Cooperation? Did he even have a choice? The room felt smaller, the walls closing in as the reality of the situation sank in. He was trapped. The glimmer of youthful arrogance in the Crown Prince’s eyes was unmistakable now—this was not a request. It was an order, wrapped in polite language and veiled threats.
Ji-Cheol’s mind raced. What could he possibly say to this? They were asking him to fuel a lie, to become the face of a false romance with a member of the royal family in order to distract from whatever real scandal lay hidden. The press, the fans, the public—they would devour the story, leaving no room for the truth to surface. And in the process, Ji-Cheol’s life would become fodder for gossip and speculation, his image entangled with lies he had no hand in creating.
But he couldn’t refuse. Not when the royal family was involved. Not when the Crown Prince himself was staring him down, expecting compliance. Ji-Cheol felt the weight of the royal gaze on him, the silent demand for obedience.
Kang So-Ra
Kang So-Ra
Of course,
The PR head interjected, her voice calm and measured,
Kang So-Ra
Kang So-Ra
We’ll ensure everything is handled discreetly. The narrative will be crafted carefully—both sides will come out of this looking favorable.
Favorable. Ji-Cheol wanted to laugh, though the sound caught in his throat. Favorable for whom? Certainly not for him. He was nothing more than a pawn in this game, and the realization filled him with a sickening dread.
He took a slow, deep breath, forcing a neutral expression onto his face. He could feel his assistant’s eyes on him, the silent question hanging between them—
"What are we going to do?"
Ji-Cheol didn’t know. All he knew was that the game had already been set in motion, and now, he was standing at the edge of the fire, about to be consumed. With a single nod, he sealed his fate.

"The Royal Romance" — 3

Ji-Cheol’s mind buzzed with frustration as the conversation in the room continued, the words circling around him like vultures picking at a carcass. The Crown Prince sat there, calm and poised, the weight of his position giving him a detached air as though none of this affected him personally. The CEO nodded along with whatever the head of PR said, his face betraying no emotion.
Meanwhile, Ji-Cheol’s skin felt too tight, the air too thick. He could barely keep up with the threads of manipulation being spun right before his eyes.
The head of PR, always sharp and professional, leaned forward slightly, her voice as smooth as silk but with an edge of cunning that sent a shiver down Ji-Cheol’s spine.
Kang So-Ra
Kang So-Ra
We’ve seen that the public responds well to the mystery.
So-Ra said, her fingers tapping lightly on the table as she laid out the next steps like pieces in a game.
Kang So-Ra
Kang So-Ra
The rumors of Mr. Gong’s relationship with her royal highness have sparked significant interest, but it’s not enough. We need to keep them guessing, keep the story alive.
Ji-Cheol’s stomach churned, the bile rising in his throat as he heard her next words.
Kang So-Ra
Kang So-Ra
The next move is to release a few more well-timed ‘leaks.’ Paparazzi shots of the two of them—private meetings, maybe an intimate dinner. Enough to keep the public curious.
Kang So-Ra
Kang So-Ra
Let them think they’ve uncovered a scandal themselves. The key is to make it believable, but not too obvious. Then, once the speculation reaches its peak, we’ll confirm the relationship with a formal announcement.
Her eyes darted to the Crown Prince for approval, who gave a barely perceptible nod. Ji-Cheol’s grip on the arms of his chair tightened, the wood groaning under the pressure of his fingers. His jaw clenched as the head of PR continued with a carefully rehearsed smile.
Kang So-Ra
Kang So-Ra
Of course, the final reveal will be the announcement of the engagement. The public will be so fixated on the royal romance between you and the Princess that they’ll have no room for anything else—least of all the tax evasion issue.
The mention of the tax scandal felt like a punch to the gut. So that was it. That was the real reason behind all of this. Ji-Cheol’s head swam with the implications.
The royal family’s hands were dirtier than anyone knew, and they were willing to throw him—an actor, an entertainer—into the fire to shield themselves. The public would eat it up.
Royal scandals, love stories, and celebrity gossip were irresistible distractions. He had seen it time and time again, but he never thought he’d be on the receiving end of one so intricately planned.
His heart pounded in his chest, his pulse deafening in his ears as the others in the room discussed the finer details of the plan as though they were planning a simple marketing campaign.
But Ji-Cheol wasn’t a product, and this wasn’t just some harmless PR stunt. This was his life they were playing with, his reputation they were willing to tarnish to save their own skins.
He sat there, listening to them talk about him as if he weren’t even in the room, his frustration mounting with every passing second. They spoke about how the public would speculate about his connection to the Princess, how curious they would become about his every move, and how, eventually, the announcement of their supposed engagement would divert attention from the royal family’s financial indiscretions.
The Crown Prince remained silent through most of it, though his sharp eyes occasionally flicked to Ji-Cheol, as if daring him to speak out.
But Ji-Cheol knew better. This wasn’t a room for objections. This was a room where decisions were made without his input, no matter how much he hated it. He was a pawn in their grand scheme, and there was little he could do to change that now.
Ji-Cheol’s throat tightened. He wanted to say something, anything, to protest this entire charade. But what could he say?
The royal family held all the power, and any resistance from him would likely result in consequences he couldn’t afford. Still, he felt like he was suffocating, trapped in a game he didn’t want to play.
Kang So-Ra
Kang So-Ra
We need to keep the princess and Mr. Gong in the public eye.
Kang So-Ra continued, her voice cold and calculating.
Kang So-Ra
Kang So-Ra
Photos of the two together, rumors of secret dates, hints at a future royal wedding. By the time we release the official statement, the public will be so wrapped up in their fantasy of a royal romance that the other issues—tax evasion, legal inquiries—will be nothing more than background noise.
Ji-Cheol felt a cold sweat break out across his skin. His life was being turned into a spectacle, a tool to protect the image of the royal family and the government.
Every interaction he had with the Princess would be scrutinized, dissected for clues about their fabricated relationship. The media would hound him, and the public would become obsessed with the false narrative they were about to spin.
His hands itched to slam down on the table, to stand up and tell them all to stop. But the look on the Crown Prince’s face—a mixture of amusement and authority—kept him frozen in place. Ji-Cheol understood, with painful clarity, that this wasn’t just a suggestion. It was an order, dressed up as a conversation.
The Crown Prince finally spoke again, his voice calm and measured but with an undertone of impatience.
This will work, Ji-Cheol. For both of us. You will come out of this as the nation's sweetheart, attached to royalty, and we will resolve our… issues. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement.
Mutually beneficial? Ji-Cheol almost laughed.
Gong Ji-Cheol
Gong Ji-Cheol
(What do I get out of this?)
His life would be reduced to a spectacle, and the royal family would walk away with their reputation intact while his remained forever linked to a scandal that never even existed.
Gong Ji-Cheol
Gong Ji-Cheol
But he couldn’t refuse. Not here. Not when the Crown Prince and the entire royal institution were counting on him to be their scapegoat. The weight of the decision was crushing, and the walls seemed to close in around him.
All he could do was nod.

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