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The Echoes of Forgotten Cities

the cheos of echoes powers

The beginning:

In the future where Earth is not habitable. The cities on earth are now dead and human live on other planets like Mars,moon and some other. Some planets have made allies with other planets and well war are still strong and planets fight against other planets no countries now just one planet nation. But now technology was very advanced so you can see that wars were were on upper scales. But soon the archaeologists and scientists of moon becouse they were close to the earth noticed something in the earth that the ruined cities on the earth were rebuild with an advanced civilization they named them the Echoes mainly because they were faster then the humans and traveled at the speed of light but times more and they were humans at this moment traveled at the speed of lightning finely but seems that they were 100 times faster than them and they populating very fast then the humans have ever been on earth and their technology is very advanced then the humans when they were on earth. And in their particle they have seen they have unique ability to they also can be alive if their heads were cut off for 1 to 2 months and if their one cell was remained they could come back and they will not die until 0 cells are left in their bodies. But they had one weakness the sound if the valume could cross 100 thousand. the humans in this time could achieve the volume of 10 to 20 thousand. There could be more weaknesses but scientists and archeologist couldn't find any more specific options or factors about them. seeing this they were very shocked but to know that they friendly our not they need the help of Mars because they were alied in a treaty called treaty of marshesmoon to protect each other in an attack from the other planets. They had now to contact with them or the universe will be in destroyed by echos and new world will be occupied by the Echoes and humanity will no longer be in the world of echoes. When they contact the Mars they were very shocked but in this time there were many other planets then them and the super power of this world like united state of America on real world. Which they didn't contact you see this Will be bad for them. Soon they will regret this decision that they made. They now send a ship to the earth which they now named ecohoechous. But the n when the space ship arrived at the earth. Their language was not indifferent the Echoes said who are you they said we are humans the Echoes and humans leaders have a conversation and the Echoes leader said yes to it but the conversation is Unown for now but it is safe to say that they are friends with humans but we don't know when they change their minds. And kill all humans because they were advanced so they can easily take over us...

The super powers came in:

The echoes semmed friends for now and the the deal become unknown for now the mars and moon alias also called marshesmoon.

They were aliedbut after 1 years marshesmoon seem to be getting powerful and when they were doing that the planet named jupiter and saturn now involved they were the super powers of this world.they could travel at speed of lightning but 3 times faster. Main wars were fought by them to be the only one super powers when they both saw that the marshesmoon are researching and getting power they both made alience for just to know what is going on when they arrived at mars they saw that they have beacomed advancer and there they saw that they were researching on some unown things when they tried to dive more in to it they rejected and at this point they knew that something is wrong then they went to the moon and they saw that the unown creatures that they saw in mars are also in moon and some were living there.....

The signs of the war:

attacked them for no reason and now they know something was very wrong and they found that the mars and moon so called marshesmoon seem to be the villean in this scenario they were now improved and they also traveled at the speed of light and they were immortal because their research made them those echoes like body which is now the dommination of the world they were shocked and surprised but it was too late....

The war starts:

The seize fire:

The super powers with their allies abord on space ships to attack the marshesmoon this alience of the super powers was called the treaty tosaveworld echoes. They attacked but they noticed that the marshesmoon are there before they could think they attacked them many troops were killed all was left... fires,lazers,blood,electric and these things every thing was wreck where this fight was fought. But there were none to die from marshesmoon moon now the super powers are dealt they will rule the ue....

They rule milkey way:

After six mounth after the fight of super powers: Every planet in the milkey way galaxy is now at the control of marshes moon now they take some rest because after the war of super powers they were the super powers of this world their technology was very advanced they used lazers flying shoes machines of all king weapons that could break through demand and a tecology that could not be hacked or change now the future is.....

The saviour:

Title:Who will be killed:

The future is not good of this world because of the marshesmoon but there is 1 planet in this world the planet of ot44 which is very far away has a tecnology and a hero that will save the world from those echoes and the marshes moon he will save the future of the world or it will be destruction we will have to find out this as soon as possible because this story ending is unknown...

the history and planets

In this planet:

OTS 44 is a free-floating planetary-mass object or brown dwarf located at 550 light-years (170 pc) in the constellation Chamaeleon near the reflection nebula IC 2631. It is among the lowest-mass free-floating substellar objects, with approximately 11.5 times the mass of Jupiter, or approximately 1.1% that of the Sun but there are humans like creatures on it like echoes from where our hero is it doesn't have life in real time. But for now our hero is there but these humans like creatures are called

Varnoks. They have unique powers like:Powers: Enhanced physical strength, stone-like skin that can harden or soften at will, the ability to draw energy from the earth (earth-based abilities, such as manipulating rock or causing tremors).which can counter the echoes but if this is not enough then what will be I don't know but our hero has this powers and his name is volgeth.

How there world looks like:

There world is made up of different stones like diamond and any other hardest material which is imposible to break they live under ground and can dig through any thing and the best part they can counter echoes with there sounds.

And they control many planets of their area now their physical appearance

**Physical Appearance:**

**Rugged and Sturdy**: They have a robust and muscular build, with a thick, rugged skin that can resemble stone or earth.

**Earthy Tones**: Their skin colors range from deep browns and grays to earthy greens, often with natural patterns or textures like cracks or veins that mimic rock formations.

**Large and imposing**: They are generally tall and broad, with a strong, intimidating presence.

**Facial Features**: They might have pronounced facial features, such as high cheekbones and a strong jawline. Their eyes could be bright and reflective, like gems or minerals, hinting at their connection to earth.

**Textures and Patterns**: Their skin might have stone-like textures, and they could have natural armor-like protrusions or spikes that give them a more formidable appearance.

### **Additional Features:**

**Elemental Markings**: They might have glowing runes or markings that pulse with the energy of the earth, reflecting their elemental abilities.

**Claws and Teeth**: They could have sharp claws and teeth that resemble mineral or crystal formations, enhancing their physical prowess.

**Mane or Hair**: If they have hair, it might resemble vines or roots, blending seamlessly with their earthy appearance.

### **Clothing and Gear:**

**Primitive or Functional**: Their clothing is likely made from natural materials like leather, hide, or woven plant fibers, reflecting their connection to nature.

**Armor**: They might wear armor crafted from stone, metal, or hardened earth, designed to be both protective and functional.

This appearance should emphasize their connection to the earth and their physical strength, making them both visually striking and consistent with their elemental abilities.

When the vernok civilization realise that the echoes of ancient civilizations of the earth have captured the milkey way by partnershiping with marshes moon they say that a very big problem becouse they also exist from the ancient times when they tried to rule the world they now knew that there is only one way to stop them the volgeth civilization tried to stop them in previous times but they flopped but now they knew what to do firstly they need to attack them with sounds of very power which they had

-**war starts**-

Now they directly attack them on earth but they were now sound proof this was a dead end gor them and their solgers were stuck there and our hero and their civilization leader volgath was at ot44 and their army that they send was defeated

By echoes becouse they were not effected by sound

-**they need help**-

Now volgath have to contact 9 more accient civilizations because there was no other way

-**all ancient civilizations **-

In previous times there were 11 civilizations. Here are a the names of these human-like creatures:











**echoes **

-**their powers**-

potential abilities:

### 1. **Varnok**

**Powers**: Enhanced physical strength, stone-like skin that can harden or soften at will, the ability to draw energy from the earth (earth-based abilities, such as manipulating rock or causing tremors).


**Powers**: Time manipulation (slowing down or speeding up time), foresight (the ability to see glimpses of the future), and extreme longevity with a slow aging process.

### 3. **Lurian**

**Powers**: Light manipulation (can bend or create light), healing abilities, and the power to blind or dazzle enemies with bright flashes or illusions.

### 4. **Sylthar**

**Powers**: Shape-shifting, controlling wind and air currents, and becoming invisible by blending into their surroundings (air-based camouflage).

### 5. **Arkanis**

**Powers**: Mastery over shadows, the ability to teleport through darkness, and shadow manipulation to create weapons or creatures from pure shadow.

### 6. **Zephyrians**

**Powers**: Flight with wings, weather manipulation (controlling winds, rain, or storms), and the ability to create protective gusts or air shields.

### 7. **Caldorans**

**Powers**: Fire manipulation (creating, absorbing, or controlling fire), immunity to heat and flame, and the ability to unleash bursts of intense heat.

### 8. **Nethril**

**Powers**: Illusions and mind control, psychic abilities like telekinesis or telepathy, and the power to project their consciousness into others' dreams or minds.


**Powers**: Regeneration and extreme resilience, able to survive in extreme conditions (cold, heat, poison), and the power to absorb energy from attacks to grow stronger.


**Powers**: Energy manipulation (can convert energy into different forms, like turning kinetic energy into electricity), and the ability to multiply themselves temporarily by creating energy-based clones.

And echoes powers you know but they were evil and intelligent but they don't had any help and

And they were killed but it was very hard that time but now with the help of marshesmoon it has been more difficult.

Some of these civilizations planets are:

1.Gliese 12 b 2.Gliese 12

3.Gliese 163 c 4.Gliese 163

5.Gliese 180 c 6.Gliese 180

echoes and planet ot44

The "echoes" of the cities in *The Echoes of Forgotten Cities* are meant to be time-locked fragments of ancient, forgotten civilizations. They should appear:

**1. Preserved Yet Ancient**

These cities should look old and timeless, with structures that have weathered countless centuries but appear untouched by decay. Imagine them as ruins that, instead of crumbling, remain perfectly intact as though frozen in time.

**2. Blending Old and Futuristic**

The cities might have elements of classical ancient architecture (think of temples, towers, or old-world buildings) but fused with futuristic technology. For instance:

- **Buildings**: Ancient stone pillars and arches could be interwoven with glowing panels, holographic interfaces, or floating structures.

- **Streets and Pathways**: Cobblestone roads could lead to portals or energy fields that hum faintly with a futuristic glow.

- **Statues and Monuments**: Statues made of bronze or marble might have digital overlays or inscriptions that shift and change like holograms.

**3. Ethereal and Haunting**

Since they are echoes, the cities should feel somewhat otherworldly. They could shimmer slightly, as though not fully anchored in reality, or cast strange shadows and light that defy natural physics.

- **Materials**: Some structures could be transparent or refract light oddly, giving them a ghostly, ephemeral quality.

- **Sounds**: Echoes of voices, footsteps, and old-world machinery might emanate from within the buildings, creating an eerie atmosphere.

**4. Cosmic Influence**

Given that the cities are time-locked fragments that could unravel the universe, their surroundings could be affected by cosmic forces.

- **Skies**: Strange star patterns, swirling vortexes, or energy storms could hang over the cities.

- **Landscape**: Time distortions might cause parts of the cities to float, warp, or appear duplicated at different points in the city.

In essence, these cities should feel like they exist at the intersection of time and space—both ancient and futuristic, stable yet unraveling.

In this planet:

OTS 44 is a free-floating planetary-mass object or brown dwarf located at 550 light-years (170 pc) in the constellation Chamaeleon near the reflection nebula IC 2631. It is among the lowest-mass free-floating substellar objects, with approximately 11.5 times the mass of Jupiter, or approximately 1.1% that of the Sun but there are humans like creatures on it like echoes from where our hero is it doesn't have life in real time. But for now our hero is there but these humans like creatures are called

Varnoks. They have unique powers like:Powers: Enhanced physical strength, stone-like skin that can harden or soften at will, the ability to draw energy from the earth (earth-based abilities, such as manipulating rock or causing tremors).which can counter the echoes but if this is not enough then what will be I don't know but our hero has this powers and his name is volgeth.

How there world looks like:

There world is made up of different stones like diamond and any other hardest material which is imposible to break they live under ground and can dig through any thing and the best part they can counter echoes with there sounds.

And they control many planets of their area now their physical appearance

**Physical Appearance:**

**Rugged and Sturdy**: They have a robust and muscular build, with a thick, rugged skin that can resemble stone or earth.

**Earthy Tones**: Their skin colors range from deep browns and grays to earthy greens, often with natural patterns or textures like cracks or veins that mimic rock formations.

**Large and imposing**: They are generally tall and broad, with a strong, intimidating presence.

**Facial Features**: They might have pronounced facial features, such as high cheekbones and a strong jawline. Their eyes could be bright and reflective, like gems or minerals, hinting at their connection to earth.

**Textures and Patterns**: Their skin might have stone-like textures, and they could have natural armor-like protrusions or spikes that give them a more formidable appearance.

### **Additional Features:**

**Elemental Markings**: They might have glowing runes or markings that pulse with the energy of the earth, reflecting their elemental abilities.

**Claws and Teeth**: They could have sharp claws and teeth that resemble mineral or crystal formations, enhancing their physical prowess.

**Mane or Hair**: If they have hair, it might resemble vines or roots, blending seamlessly with their earthy appearance.

### **Clothing and Gear:**

**Primitive or Functional**: Their clothing is likely made from natural materials like leather, hide, or woven plant fibers, reflecting their connection to nature.

**Armor**: They might wear armor crafted from stone, metal, or hardened earth, designed to be both protective and functional.

This appearance should emphasize their connection to the earth and their physical strength, making them both visually striking and consistent with their elemental abilities.

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