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Fractured Fairytales


As the father and mother, Mr and Mrs Kim walked into the police station, their faces were etched with pain.
They clutched each other's hands tightly, seeking strength in their shared grief.
Their hearts shattered into a million pieces as they recounted the horror of finding their son, in such a vulnerable and traumatized state.
The police officers looked at them with disdain, their expressions cold and apathetic.
One officer sneered, "What kind of son do you have that ends up like this? Must have been asking for it, huh?"
Mrs kim
Mrs kim
*voice trembled as she tired to explain.* our son is a good boy. He would never put himself in a harm's way willingly.
Mrs kim
Mrs kim
Please, you have to help us find whoever did this to him.
But the officers continued to dismiss their pleas, mocking them and belittling their son.
Mr kim
Mr kim
* fists clenched in anger as he shouted* He is our son! How dare you speak about him like that? Have some humanity, some compassion!
Mrs kim
Mrs kim
*tears streamed down her face as she begged.* Please, just listen to us. Our son needs justice. He needs to know that he is not alone in this nightmare.
But the officers turned their backs on the grieving parents, their indifference cutting deep into Mr Kim and Mrs Kim's hearts.
They were left standing alone in the cold and unwelcoming police station their hope shattered and their faith in justice crumbling.
They knew then that they were truly alone in their fight for their son's redemption,and the weight of that realization was crushing.
Mrs kim
Mrs kim
*crying* nae ah-gi. (My baby)
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Mr and Mrs Kim's son jolted awake in a cold sweat, his heart pounding in his chest.
He sat up in bed, his breath coming ragged gasps as he tried to shake off the horrifying nightmare that had gripped him in his sleep.
As he stumbled out of his room and into the living room, his eyes widened in shock at the scene before him.
His parents lay on the floor, their lifeless bodies covered in blood.
Their throats had been cruelly slit, and the once warm and inviting room now felt like a tomb.
Tears welled up in his eyes as he fell to his knees, a gut-wrenching crying ripping from his throat.
The sound of quiet weeping caught the attention of Taehyung as he sat in the corner of his favorite cafe, sipping on his coffee.
His gaze shifted to the source of the noise, and his heart clenched at the sight of Jungkook sitting alone at a nearby table, tears streaming down his face.
Jungkook was lost in his own world, his hands trembling as he wiped away the tears that fell endlessly from his eyes.
Taehyung could see the pain etched into every line of his face.
As Jungkook flinched, lost in a painful flashback. Taehyung felt a surge of empathy wash over him.
Without a second thought Taehyung stood up from his seat and approached Jungkook.
*with a gentle smile* Excuse me, I believe this is your coffee.
He said softly, holding out the steaming cup towards him.
Jungkook blinked, startled out of his reverie by Jungkook's voice. He looked up with tear-filled eyes, surprised to see a stranger before him with a gesture of kindness.
He accepted the coffee gratefully, murmuring a quiet.
Thank you. * As he took a sip *
it was then Jungkook noticed the bandages that wrapped around Taehyung's wrist, peeking out form beneath the sleeve of his shirt
Taehyung offered Jungkook a small understanding smile before turning to leave.
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As Taehyung sat across from the beautiful woman he had finally worked up the nerve to ask out, the cozy ambience of the candlelit restaurant.
Was quickly shattered by the unwelcome presence of Jungkook. Now donning a waiter's uniform, he approached their table, a strained smile plastered on his face.
Excuse me, sir. May I take a moment of your time? * he asked. *
Taehyung exchanged a confused glance with his date,Gina as Jungkook continued to speak.
Love is a tricky thing, isn't it? It can lift you up to the highest highs and then crush you back down just as fast.
His words were vague and filled with a sense of foreboding striking a nerve with Taehyung. As Jungkook lingered by their table, his presence growing increasingly unnerving.
Taehyung tired to brush off the encounter as a harmless attempt to provide some philosophical insight.
But Jungkook's words turned dark and accusatory, his gaze piercing as he insinuated that Taehyung was hiding something beneath his charming facade.
Gina beside him shifted uncomfortably in her seat, clearly unnerved by the sudden tension that had enveloped their table.
Taehyung felt a cold sweat break out on his brow as Jungkook's words grew more insistent, each accusation hitting closer to home.
Sensing that Jungkook was on the brink of something more sinister, Taehyung knew he had to act quickly to protect himself and Gina sitting across from him.
with a clenched jaw, he mustered all his courage and stood up, his voice firm as he addressed Jungkook.
Enough. I don't know what game you're playing, but you have to stop now.
Jungkook's demeanor shifted in an instant, his once confrontational stance replaced with a look of panic as he stumbled back, his facade crumpling.
In a swift motion, he turned on his heel and bolted towards the kitchen disappearing into the shadows just as quickly as he had arrived.
Taehyung watched him go, and turned to Gina, a forced smile on his face as he tried to shake off the unsettling encounter.
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