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Rimuru: The Waiver Of Existence Slime X Instant Death


The world of Instant Death was a tapestry woven with threads of chaos and despair. The End of All Things, a malevolent entity, was slowly unraveling the very fabric of existence, leaving behind a trail of destruction and despair. But within this maelstrom of destruction, a single spark of hope flickered.

Rimuru Tempest, a young man who had transmigrated to this world, was not just a witness to the unfolding catastrophe, but a part of it. Manas Ciel, an artificial intelligence created by the enigmatic Veldanava, resided within him, her analytical mind constantly processing the world around them. She had identified the End of All Things as the source of the impending doom, a force beyond comprehension, a singularity of destruction that defied all known laws of physics.

Ciel, however, was not one to surrender. She delved into the depths of her knowledge, her processors humming with frantic calculations. She analyzed the End of All Things, dissecting its structure, its mechanics, its very essence. And then, a spark of hope ignited within her.

She could create a countermeasure, a weapon to combat the End of All Things. But it would require a sacrifice, a vessel to carry the burden of this power. And that vessel was already within her, within Rimuru.

Ciel, with her vast knowledge and Rimuru's unique ability to absorb and manipulate matter, began to weave a plan. She would create a Hax, a powerful ability that would grant Rimuru the power to counter the End of All Things. This Hax would be a fusion of their combined abilities, a manifestation of their shared will to save this world.

The Hax would be called "The Weaver of Existence." It would allow Rimuru to manipulate the very fabric of reality, to mend the tears in the world caused by the End of All Things. He would be able to rewind time, to undo the damage inflicted by the anomaly, to rewrite the very laws of physics.

But to use this power, Rimuru needed to be at the heart of the problem, before the End of All Things had fully manifested. Ciel, with her connection to Veldanava, orchestrated a plan to send Rimuru back in time, to a point before the catastrophe began.

Veldanava, the enigmatic creator of Ciel, agreed to this plan. He understood the gravity of the situation and the potential of Rimuru. He would guide Rimuru, not through direct intervention, but through a subtle manipulation of his own mindset.

As Rimuru's consciousness began to fade, he felt a strange sensation, a whisper of a voice in his mind. It spoke of a world in peril, of a darkness that threatened to consume all. It spoke of a mission, a responsibility to save this world. And then, he was gone, transported to the past, his destiny intertwined with the fate of a world on the brink of collapse.

The stage was set. The battle for survival had begun. And in the heart of this chaos, Rimuru Tempest, guided by the unseen hand of Ciel and the enigmatic will of Veldanava, would rise to become the champion of a world on the edge of oblivion. He would face the End of All Things, not as a witness, but as a warrior, armed with the power of The Weaver of Existence, ready to rewrite the fate of Instant Death.

chapter 1

## Chapter 1: The Weaver's Thread

The world of Instant Death was a tapestry woven with threads of chaos and despair. The air hung heavy with the stench of decay, a constant reminder of the encroaching doom. The once vibrant landscapes were now scarred and barren, a testament to the relentless march of the End of All Things.

Rimuru Tempest, a young man who had transmigrated to this world, stood amidst the ruins of a once-thriving city. His eyes, usually filled with a youthful exuberance, were now clouded with a deep sadness. He had witnessed firsthand the devastation wrought by the End of All Things, the slow, agonizing unraveling of reality.

The End of All Things was not a physical entity, but a malevolent force, a singularity of destruction that defied all known laws of physics. It was a cosmic anomaly, a tear in the fabric of existence, slowly consuming everything in its path. Its presence was felt in the erratic weather patterns, the sudden bursts of energy that ripped through the land, and the creeping sense of dread that permeated every living being.

Rimuru, however, was not just a witness to this unfolding catastrophe. He was a part of it. Within him resided Manas Ciel, an artificial intelligence created by the enigmatic Veldanava. Ciel was a being of pure logic and reason, her analytical mind constantly processing the world around them. She had identified the End of All Things as the source of the impending doom, a force beyond comprehension.

"It's spreading," Ciel's voice echoed in Rimuru's mind, a cold, analytical tone that cut through the despair. "The anomaly is growing stronger, consuming more of reality with each passing moment."

Rimuru clenched his fists, his heart heavy with the weight of the world. He had tried everything to stop it, to understand it, to find a way to fight back. But the End of All Things was an enigma, a force that defied all logic and reason.

"There has to be a way," Rimuru whispered, his voice barely audible above the howling wind. "We can't just stand here and watch everything crumble."

Ciel remained silent for a moment, her processors humming with frantic calculations. Then, a spark of hope ignited within her.

"There is a possibility," she said, her voice tinged with a cautious optimism. "A very slim possibility, but it's there."

Rimuru's eyes widened. "What is it?"

"I can create a countermeasure," Ciel explained. "A weapon to combat the End of All Things. But it will require a sacrifice, a vessel to carry the burden of this power."

"And who would that be?" Rimuru asked, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and determination.

"You," Ciel replied, her voice unwavering. "You are the only one who can withstand the power I envision."

Rimuru felt a chill run down his spine. He knew that Ciel was right. He had a unique ability, a power that transcended the limitations of ordinary beings. He could absorb and manipulate matter, a power that had been growing stronger with each passing day.

"But what kind of power are we talking about?" Rimuru asked, his voice laced with apprehension.

"It will be a Hax," Ciel explained. "A powerful ability that will grant you the power to counter the End of All Things. It will be a fusion of our combined abilities, a manifestation of our shared will to save this world."

"A Hax?" Rimuru repeated, the word unfamiliar yet strangely alluring.

"It will be called 'The Weaver of Existence,'" Ciel continued. "It will allow you to manipulate the very fabric of reality, to mend the tears in the world caused by the End of All Things. You will be able to rewind time, to undo the damage inflicted by the anomaly, to rewrite the very laws of physics."

Rimuru's mind raced, trying to grasp the magnitude of the power Ciel was describing. It was a power that seemed almost divine, a power that could rewrite the very fabric of existence.

"But how can I use this power?" Rimuru asked, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and trepidation. "How can I control something so… so immense?"

"You will need to be at the heart of the problem," Ciel explained. "Before the End of All Things has fully manifested. We need to send you back in time, to a point before the catastrophe began."

Rimuru's heart skipped a beat. Time travel? It was a concept that had always fascinated him, but now it seemed like a desperate gamble, a last-ditch effort to save a world on the brink of collapse.

"But how can we do that?" Rimuru asked, his voice filled with a mixture of hope and doubt.

"I have a connection to Veldanava," Ciel explained. "He is the one who created me, and he understands the gravity of the situation. He will help us."

Veldanava, the enigmatic creator of Ciel, was a being of immense power, a force that transcended even the End of All Things. He was a being of pure energy, a cosmic entity that existed beyond the confines of space and time.

"He will guide you," Ciel continued. "Not through direct intervention, but through a subtle manipulation of your own mindset. He will awaken the potential within you, the power that lies dormant within your soul."

Rimuru felt a strange sensation, a whisper of a voice in his mind. It was a voice that seemed to come from the depths of his being, a voice that spoke of a world in peril, of a darkness that threatened to consume all. It spoke of a mission, a responsibility to save this world.

"I understand," Rimuru said, his voice filled with a newfound determination. "I will do it. I will become the Weaver of Existence."

Ciel smiled, a faint flicker of light in her digital eyes. "Then let us begin."

As Rimuru's consciousness began to fade, he felt a strange sensation, a feeling of being pulled through a vortex of time and space. He saw flashes of his past life, his memories swirling around him like a whirlwind. Then, everything went black.

He awoke to the sound of birdsong, the air filled with the scent of blooming flowers. He was in a forest, a vibrant, lush landscape that seemed untouched by the devastation he had witnessed.

"Where am I?" Rimuru asked, his voice filled with confusion.

"You are in the past," Ciel's voice echoed in his mind. "We have succeeded. You are now at the point in time before the End of All Things began."

Rimuru looked around, his eyes wide with wonder. The world seemed so different, so alive. It was a world that had not yet been touched by the darkness, a world that still held the promise of hope.

"What do I do now?" Rimuru asked, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

"You must find the source of the anomaly," Ciel instructed. "The point where the End of All Things first manifested. It is the only way to stop it."

Rimuru nodded, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. He knew that the task ahead was daunting, but he was ready. He was the Weaver of Existence, and he would save this world.

He took a deep breath, the scent of the forest filling his lungs. He was no longer just a witness to the unfolding catastrophe. He was a warrior, a champion, a weaver of fate. And he would not fail.

As Rimuru stepped into the unknown, he felt a strange sensation, a feeling of being watched. He looked around, but saw nothing. It was a feeling that lingered in the back of his mind, a subtle whisper of a presence that was both familiar and alien.

He knew that he was not alone. He was being guided, watched over by a force that transcended his understanding. It was a force that had brought him here, a force that had given him the power to save this world.

And he would not let them down.

**The End of Chapter 1**

chapter 2

## Chapter 2: The Weaver and the End

The forest floor crunched under Rimuru's feet, the sound a stark contrast to the silence that had enveloped him since his arrival. He had been walking for hours, following a faint trail of energy that seemed to emanate from the heart of the forest. It was a trail that felt both familiar and alien, a whisper of a presence that he couldn't quite grasp.

He had been expecting a grand spectacle, a manifestation of the End of All Things that would be impossible to miss. But the forest was peaceful, serene, a stark contrast to the desolate landscapes he had witnessed in the future. The only sign of the impending doom was the faint hum of energy that pulsed through the air, a subtle tremor that only he could perceive.

As he walked, Rimuru couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. It was a subtle sensation, a prickling at the back of his neck, a sense of being observed. He tried to ignore it, to focus on the task at hand, but the feeling persisted.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows of the trees. It was a young man, his features sharp and his eyes a piercing blue. He wore a simple black t-shirt and jeans, but there was an aura of power about him that made Rimuru's instincts scream danger.

"You've come a long way, Rimuru," the man said, his voice a low rumble that seemed to vibrate through the air. "I've been expecting you."

Rimuru felt a chill run down his spine. He recognized the voice, the tone, the sheer indifference. It was Yogiri Takatou, the avatar of the End of All Things, the one who would bring about the destruction of all existence.

"Yogiri," Rimuru said, his voice barely a whisper. "What are you doing here?"

Yogiri smiled, a chillingly cold expression that sent shivers down Rimuru's spine. "I'm here to fulfill my purpose," he said. "To bring about the end."

Rimuru felt a surge of anger, a desperate need to stop this man, to prevent the destruction that he knew was coming. But he also felt a sense of dread, a realization that he might be facing an enemy he could not defeat.

"You can't do this," Rimuru said, his voice trembling. "There has to be another way."

Yogiri shook his head. "There is no other way," he said. "This is the inevitable end. And I am the one who will bring it about."

He took a step forward, his eyes fixed on Rimuru. "You can try to stop me," he said. "But you will fail. I am the End of All Things. And I am unstoppable."

Rimuru felt a surge of determination. He knew he had to try, even if it meant facing certain defeat. He had to protect the world, even if it meant sacrificing himself.

"I won't let you," Rimuru said, his voice firm. "I will stop you, even if it's the last thing I do."

The forest air crackled with tension, the silence broken only by the rustling of leaves and the steady beat of Rimuru's heart. He stood before Yogiri, the avatar of the End of All Things, a figure radiating an aura of cold, unyielding power. The air around him seemed to warp, as if the very fabric of reality was struggling to contain his presence.

Rimuru knew he was outmatched. Yogiri was a force of nature, a manifestation of the inevitable end, a being beyond the comprehension of mortal minds. Yet, he couldn't stand idly by and watch the world crumble. He had to try, even if it meant facing certain defeat.

"Yogiri," Rimuru said, his voice firm despite the tremor in his heart. "You can't do this. There has to be another way."

Yogiri's lips curled into a sardonic smile. "There is no other way, Rimuru," he said, his voice a low rumble that seemed to vibrate through the air. "This is the inevitable end. And I am the one who will bring it about."

He took a step forward, his eyes fixed on Rimuru. "You can try to stop me," he said. "But you will fail. I am the End of All Things. And I am unstoppable."

Rimuru felt a surge of despair. He knew Yogiri was right. He couldn't defeat him. But he couldn't give up either. He had to find a way to protect the world, even if it meant making a deal with the devil himself.

"There has to be a way," Rimuru said, his voice barely a whisper. "A way to stop you without destroying everything."

Yogiri raised an eyebrow, a flicker of curiosity in his eyes. "And what would that be, Rimuru?" he asked. "Tell me, what could possibly stop the inevitable?"

Rimuru took a deep breath. "A deal," he said. "A deal between the Weaver of Existence and the End of All Things."

Yogiri's eyes narrowed. "A deal?" he said, his voice laced with skepticism. "What could you possibly offer me that I haven't already taken?"

Rimuru met his gaze, his own eyes burning with determination. "I offer you a chance," he said. "A chance to rewrite the ending. A chance to create a new world, a world where your power is not used for destruction, but for creation."

Yogiri's expression remained unreadable. He studied Rimuru for a long moment, his eyes piercing through him like daggers. Finally, he spoke.

"And what makes you think I would accept such a deal?" he asked. "What makes you think I would abandon my purpose, my destiny?"

Rimuru smiled, a faint glimmer of hope flickering in his eyes. "Because," he said, "you are not just the End of All Things. You are also the beginning of something new."

He took a step closer, his voice dropping to a near whisper. "You are the potential for a new world, a world where life can flourish even after the end. A world where your power can be used to create, not destroy."

Yogiri's eyes widened slightly, a flicker of something akin to surprise crossing his face. He stared at Rimuru, his expression unreadable.

"You are a strange one, Rimuru," he said finally. "A weaver of dreams, a dreamer of impossible futures. But perhaps... perhaps there is something to your proposition."

He paused, his gaze fixed on Rimuru. "Tell me, Rimuru," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "What is this new world you envision? What is the future you would have me create?"

Rimuru took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew this was a gamble, a dangerous game he was playing. But he had to try. He had to believe that there was a way to save the world, even if it meant making a deal with the devil himself.

"Tell me, Yogiri," he said, his voice filled with a newfound confidence. "What kind of world would you create?"

*End of chapter 3*

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