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Reincarnated As The Dragon Prince

I Got Reincarnated!!!

Chapter 1

H-huh...? What happened to me? Why is it so dark? Oh.. Now, I see...

...I.. Died......

And this time it's real I guess...

...(2 days Ago...)...

Hey it's me! Rey Tatsuya! Today my mother is finally coming to meet me! Due to certain circumstances, I've left the home early! And now my mother is finally coming to meet me! I'm so happy!

Hmm.. I guess I have to clean up.. Before she comes! My mother's finally coming to meet me after so many years!!! It's been a long time since I last saw her! Now I will finally get to see my mother!

*phone starts ringing*

*Rey picks up the phone*

Yes? who's this?

"Hey! It's me you dumbass! Your only friend! It's Hayato!"

Oh! It's you! Sorry.. Sorry..! So how are you?

"Huh? IT'S NOT THAT EASY DUMBASS! First you didn't even save my phone number! And now asking me how I am?" said Hayato

Hey! It's not like I did it intentionally!

"Okay, Okay! Whatever! Now listen, there's going to be party today at night, wanna go together?" said Hayato

I'm sorry but I can't.. My mother's finally coming to meet me!! After all these years!!!

"Oh! I see.. So she finally decided to come, huh? Well.. Enjoy then I guess?" said Hayato

Yeah, I will, thanks.

*phone cuts off*

Gotta make the bed look good!

*2 hours passed*

Where's mother? She said she'll be here in an hour, but now she's not here..

*someone knocks on the door*

Maybe she's finally here!!

*Rey runs off to the door and opens up*

Hey mother! I was waiting for you all day!

"Were you really?" said his mother

Yes mother! I was waiting for the time you finally come to meet me

"I have finally come, huh?" said his mother

Yes mother! Now com-

*his mother slaps him*

*with a surprised look on his face* What was that for mother?

"What do you mean 'what was that for?' you ran away from home and tarnished our family's reputation, and you dare to ask what was that for?" said his mother

B-But mother..

"SHUT UP!! Rey Tatsuya!!! You are a disgrace for the family! And what did you expect me to come here for? Ask you to return? I came here to see if you're living a decent life after leaving us and tarnishing our family name" said his mother


"STOP CALLING ME THAT! I'm not your mother anymore! This is goodbye, now you're on your own" shouts his mother

*his mother shuts the door close as she leaves*

Well now I remember...

Why I left my house in the first place...

I was mistreated.. Misjudged.. And beaten without even making a mistake..

I was nothing more than a worker in my own house.. No one listened to me.. not even my mother.. I got so pressurized by the constant torture that I finally decided to leave my home and wha, ands I even expecting? My mother would come and hug me? Why would that even happen? She hates me.. She left me all alone... Why? Just why can't she love me for once? Just once..

*Rey gets heartbroken and lies down on the floor.. He slowly drifts into the sleep..*

*He wakes up when his friend Hayato comes*

"Hey! what happened to you? Why are you like this? And why was the gate not locked?" asked Hayato

*with tears in his eyes* S-She.. She left me all alone..

"Huh? Who? Who left you all alone? Tell me what exactly happened, and why are you crying?" asked Hayato

My mother... She left me all alone.. She called me a disgrace for leaving them..

"What the hell? But why did she do that? It's not new that someone leaves their house" said Hayato

But not for us.. The society blames parents if a child decides to leave them..

"But c'mon it's not even logical!"

If only my father had been around... I miss him so much.. When he was around everything was so nice.. Even mother never used to be angry on me.. My brothers respected me and now.. I don't even know what I should say...

"Forget about it! C'mon stop crying and stand up man! Life hasn't ended completely.. And you have me after all.." said Hayato

But how can I? After all they're my family...

"Am I not your family too?" asked Hayato

It's not like that! You're obviously my family too!

"Then stop crying and come with me! Let's go party! I guess it shouldn't have ended yet" said Hayato

Ok.. But hey! Why did you actually come here today? I told you I wouldn't go to the party

"C'mon! It's not like I won't even check on my best friend when I go out" said Hayato

Hey.. Thanks man.. For always being with me..

"You want a smack or a punch to your gut? Don't you dare say thanks or anything like that To me!" said Hayato

Okay okay fine!! I won't say it..

*with a smiling face* "Yeah let's go now!" said Hayato

*Both Hayato and Rey went to Party together, Rey calms down and starts going to his highschool like normal from the next day*

Well! The morning wasn't that special! I was kinda feeling a bit dizzy, but I had to go to the high school so yeah! Time to head to school!

*to Rey's surprise Hayato was already waiting outside his house*

Hey! How are you here so early?

"I had to be here! How can I leave you alone after all that happened? I'm your family remember?" said Hayato

Yes ofcourse I remember man.. Love you like seriously!

"Hey! Don't tell me you're suddenly a gay now!" said Hayato

Hey!!! What the hell? I'm here complimenting you and appreciating you and you even wanna joke about that?

*laughs and puts his arm around Rey's neck* "okay okay! C'mon! I had to annoy you a little! After all you need to smile man!" said Hayato

Okay fine! I understand!

"Yeahh man! chill! It's not I'll let you have me anyway!" said Hayato


"Hahaha! C'mon relax!!!" said Hayato

You're not gonna get away from it that easily this time!!!

*Rey starts chasing Hayato with a smile on his face and his hands made into a punch.. Hayato stops and starts annoying him by making weird faces!*

Hey! Stop annoying me! C'mon...

"But hey! You're smiling so hard! You enjoyed it man!" said Hayato

*with a look of satisfaction* Yes I surely did!

*Hayato starts to smile a little but then suddenly a car looses it's control and starts to head towards Hayato in high speed, the car was coming from behind the direction which Hayato was facin, soo he couldn't see it properly*

Hayato!!! Watch out!!!!

*Rey jumps in and throws Hayato away.. But the car was so fast before he could even move himself away from it's course, the car ran over him..*

*Rey get's injured so badly that he could barely even speak*

"Nooo!!! Rey!!.. Rey!!.. Why did you jump in front of the car!! You should've let me die!!!" said Hayato

N-No.. It do-doesn't make any sense.. You shouldn't die.. And h-how can I not- *spills blood from mouth* sa-save you when you're the only one I had..

"Please don't leave me.. Rey.." said Hayato

It's fine.. I was happy atleast with you.. I got to experience hap-happiness atleast for once bec-because you were with me.. So it's fine.. And please do not grieve over my death.. Pl-Please be happy..

"How can I be happy without you.. Rey?" Said Hayato

...*Rey was hit so hard that Rey died just after speaking a few words..*...

So that's how I died.. I remember everything now.. I wonder how Hayato's doing.. Well he may be grieving but eventually he'll be better.. I hope..

...*light shines infront of Rey*...

What's this light?

...*Rey wakes up as a child! His mother is looking at him while his father holds him in his lap..! They both seem very happy!*...

*in Rey's mind* h-huh??? What's this?? Am I dreaming? Or did I really just.. HUH??? I'm a little baby now!!!

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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