NovelToon NovelToon



Orion's POV-:
Every noble and commoner wishes to enter the ROYAL ACADEMY.
Students from noble families across the kingdom and beyond came to the Royal Academy to hone their skills, be it in the art of war, diplomacy, or the arcane.
The academy was spread across hundreds of acres of land, surrounded by the very mysterious and ancient forest of Eldenwald. Every building situated in the academy was towering like a cliff, touching the sky with its pointy spires.
Ryder Calum
Ryder Calum
You've been accepted into the academy as a scholarship student, Orion
Ryder Calum
Ryder Calum
Here's the letter
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(grabs the letter)
Ryder Calum
Ryder Calum
You should be in triumph rather than looking like that
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
I'm merely accepted into the academy, I'm yet to achieve what I want
Ryder Calum
Ryder Calum
Be happy for once, you're always so serious
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(looks at Ryder) I promise I'll avenge you.... And myself
Ryder Calum
Ryder Calum
(gets up and walks towards Orion) I believe you
Ryder rests his hand on my shoulder, a gentle squeeze to show me his unrestricted trust on me. He flashes me a quick smile before getting straight to the business.
Ryder Calum
Ryder Calum
Now.... Let's review our plan for the last time before you leave
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
My dream isn't being accepted into the Royal academy.....My dream is the throne itself.
And to conquer it, the academy is a stepping stone.
Ryder Calum
Ryder Calum
Foremost thing, never make an enemy out of the royal princes
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
I shall stay away from them at any cost
Ryder Calum
Ryder Calum
Good (smiles)
If only I knew what my fate has in its plan.
Two days later:
In front of the academy -:
The Royal academy was a bit far away from my village, and it's no surprise since it's for the nobles who live in a separate place then the peasants.
It had already been a day since I set out, and today I was near to my destination. As I entered the walls of the academy, I was greeted by a guard.
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(halts his horse)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(gets off the horse)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Your admission letter ?
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(gives him the letter)
(looks at Orion) *A commoner in the royal academy? He must've used nasty techniques to get in*
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Are you done with checking it ?
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Or is it that you can't read ?
Look at your arrogance, don't forget you're a commoner
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(snatches the letter) And you don't forget that you're a guard
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(walks inside the gates)
Where are you going without me granting you permission?
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(without turning back) Where do you think?
I ignore the shouting guard, as he continues to maunder curses at me. Walking inside the academy, I drop my letter accidentally, and as I bend to pick it up someone else picks it for me.
(grabs the letter)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Who are you ?
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
I'm a student here
(stares at him)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
I've never seen you before, state the name of your house
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Could you please hand back my letter ? I don't know why I need to tell you about myself
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
(walks closer to Orion) Well, Pretty boy
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
You need to tell me about yourself because I said so
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
(smokes his cigarette)
I know something will happen if I were to tell him I'm a commoner.
Nobles loathe commoners.
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(tries to snatch the letter back)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
(lifts his hand up in the air)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Answer me
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(grits his teeth)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
You're harassing me, this is against the rules
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Well guess what, Pretty boy
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
I make the rules here.... And I break them
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
If you don't wanna answer then I'll see it in your letter
The man brought his hand down, opening my letter with his eyes staring at me. I immediately try to snavel back the letter, but he grabs my wrist in his free hand.
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
(smirks) Why're you in such a hurry?
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Leave my hand !
With his other hand, he flicks my letter open, peering into it. Before he could read it, I stomp on his foot, wresting my hand out of his grasp.
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(snatches the letter)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Please pick someone else to harass, I'm too busy to entertain anyone
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(turns around)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Luckily for you, I've to go meet someone
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Or else I would've made you pay for that stomp on my foot
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(rolls his eyes and walks away)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
*Quite entertaining*
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
I'm already late, and I have to meet the dean of the academy. With the place being this big, I know it's gonna take me some time before I find his office.
To be continued.
Hello guys 💕
This is my new story and I hope you all will enjoy it
Do read it if you like - Strong MC and notorious ML
With lots and lots of plot twists
I hope you all enjoy it 💕💕


Orion's POV-:
Life in the Royal academy is perilous.
And right now is no exception, when every person in sight is like a dagger against my throat, waiting for the perfect opportunity to slit me open.
Being a commoner in a place filled with the nobles of highest-ranking is like being a rabbit in a wolf pack.
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(walking through the hallway)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
*I've to meet with the priest before he leaves for the temple *
The priest overlooks the academy, having been granted the position by the very king of the country. I, as the scholarship student, has to meet him before starting my studies here.
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(opens the door of the dean's room and enters)
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
(looks up at Orion)
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
You're late, Mr. Hage
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Huff.... Pardon me, I was a little lost in this huge place
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
(looks him up and down)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
I assume you've already been to your assigned room ?
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Thaddeus doesn't look amiable.
Being the sole holy priest of the country is one of the highest positions granted. He's always looked upon as the messenger of the god, who's blessed with holy spirits.
He's young and Imperious.
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
(crosses his legs)
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
My job here is to look after each and every student and see if they're well-behaved
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
I'm sure you know..... Your position here as a scholarship student
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
....(grits his teeth)
My lips pull up in a tight fake smile as I retort back-
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
My position here is of a student
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
I'm neither less than that nor more than that
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
(tilts his head) Nice answer....But might I add that you're the only commoner in here
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
I'll advice you to use that sharp tongue intelligently
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
I will (tightens his jaw)
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Your name is Orion Hage, right ?
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
It is
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Then I wish you make your time worth here, Orion
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Don't get into troubles..... I know you're aware that nobody would be friendly to you
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
And nobody would save you either
I can argue back with him, but the truth is that I'm indeed a commoner and would be loathed by most of the people here. My position does not allow me to argue with Thaddeus.
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
And that includes me as well, I won't save you, Orion
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Pardon ?
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
(stands up) I hope you get accustomed to your life here as soon as possible
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Aren't you the dean, why won't you save me ?
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
(stares at Orion's face)
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
My job includes me looking after the 'Nobles' not a commoner
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
I did expect this but nonetheless, I'm a little surprised. The hatred laced in his voice is conspicuous.
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Then you won't interfere if someone harms me ?
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(smiles) I hope you don't interfere when I fight back as well
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
(laughs) I think I'll have fun in the coming days
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
*Fuçking son of a motherfuçker*
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
Thaddeus 《Holy Priest》
You may leave now
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(bows slightly)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(turns and walks out the room)
The situation is worse than I imagined, I knew the students would hate me and look for chances to ostracize me, but the dean himself made it clear that he wouldn't save me.
But I'm prepared to kill every person who stands in my way. It doesn't matter if I have to fight alone, I will get what I want.
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(walks down the stairs to get to his assigned room)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(halts) This is not the correct way..... Did I get lost once again ?
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(turns around)
I examine the place, hoping to find someone but to my rotten luck it was deserted. I sigh deeply, contemplating to walk back to the dean's office to ask for help.
Before I could take a step ahead, I hear a voice from behind. My body turns around in a swift move, alerted because I didn't hear any footsteps.
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(turns around) Who are you ?
Dylan Andre 《Baron
Dylan Andre 《Baron's son》
(smiles) I'm Dylan Andre, Baron's son
Dylan Andre 《Baron
Dylan Andre 《Baron's son》
Are you perhaps lost ?
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
He doesn't have any harmful intent in his aura.
Dylan Andre 《Baron
Dylan Andre 《Baron's son》
Let me lead you to your assigned room
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
I'd appreciate it
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(walks towards him)
Dylan Andre 《Baron
Dylan Andre 《Baron's son》
I assume you're the scholarship student
Dylan Andre 《Baron
Dylan Andre 《Baron's son》
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
I am
He's rather beautiful.
We're both of the same height, his build is more on the skinny and toned side. The features on his face are delicate and soft, along with his pale skin which highlights his cheekbones and jawline. His hair are a mesmerizing white color, complimenting his looks.
Dylan Andre 《Baron
Dylan Andre 《Baron's son》
I was excited to meet you, everyone's talking about you
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(scrunched eyebrows) Talking about me ?
Dylan Andre 《Baron
Dylan Andre 《Baron's son》
Yeah, everyone's waiting to test you (smirks)
Seems like it's going to be tougher than I thought.
End of Orion's POV.
Somewhere in the Royal academy -
Caius's POV-:
There's a rumor going around about the scholarship student.
Mostly the scholarship students consist of children from fallen noble families but this time it's a commoner. And not only did he excel in academics but also in swordsmanship, something which even nobles find hard to do.
Trevor Brooks 《Duke
Trevor Brooks 《Duke's son》
What do you say, Caius?
Trevor Brooks 《Duke
Trevor Brooks 《Duke's son》
Shall we have a little greet and meet with the new student ?
Trevor Brooks 《Duke
Trevor Brooks 《Duke's son》
I'm dying to test him
Xavier Jaxson 《Archduke
Xavier Jaxson 《Archduke's son》
It'll be a lie if I said I wasn't interested
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
(straightens up on the couch) A commoner dares to step foot in the Royal academy
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Is he dumb or....Daring ?
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Intriguing indeed
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Trevor Brooks 《Duke
Trevor Brooks 《Duke's son》
So is that a yes ?
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
(smirks) Yeah, let's see how long this one stays
To be continued.
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️💕PLEASE GIVE ME VOTES AND GIFTS 💕 ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
Love you guys ❤


Name-Orion Hage Parents - Orphan Age- 19 years Height- 5'7 feet Status - Commoner With hair as black as raven falling above his shoulders and a face with sharp jawline and high cheekbones, the thing that stands out the most is his blue ocean eyes. To resist his charm is impossible, but he is a rose that grows thorns.
Name- Caius Xandros Age- 19 Height- 6'7 feet Parents - King & Queen Status - Prince (royalty) With hair as deep as the night, but with unsettling eyes - crimson red in color that strikes fear in every person that looks into them. His eyes seem like an undying fire, fueled by his rage but have an allure of its own. People covet him, but are also jealous of him.
Name - Xavier Jaxson Age- 19 Height- 6'5 feet Parents - Archduke & Archduchess Status - Royalty A charming personality and dashing looks, making most nobles and commoners fall for him. But the indifferent nature and Imperious behavior makes him difficult to approach.
Name - Trevor Brooke Age- 19 Height- 6'5 feet Parents - Duke & Duchess Status - Noble The famous golden boy, with hair that shines like sunshine but nature of complete contrast. Highly narcissistic and looks down on others.
Name - Dylan Andre Age- 19 Height- 5'7 Parents - Baron & Baroness Status - Noble The most delicate and soft looking features but the heart of merciless devil. His countenance is a mere facade that hides his real nature. A friend to friend and a devil to his foe.
Orion's POV-:
The rest of my day went by in sorting out my things and remembering where all my classes will be held from tomorrow onwards. I'm glad Dylan helped me out despite the fact that I'm a commoner.
My room
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(sits on the bed) Huff....Who was that person I met in the morning?
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
He looked young but....He was so tall
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
He must be some noble of high position, else he wouldn't say that he gets to make the rules
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
I better stay out of his sight
I remembered his face full of arrogance, his playful yet domineering countenance. He was quite......handsome.
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
...... What the hell am I thinking?
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
I better go to sleep early
I sprawled on the velvety mattress, feeling it dip from my weight. I closed my eyes, tossing and turning on the bed till I had finally fallen asleep.
Next morning-:
Dylan had already left for the class when I got to his room. Having no one else to accompany, I walked alone through the bustling halls and stairways.
Halfway through my path, when I walked down the stairs I noticed a familiar figure-
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(walks down the stairs)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(looks down).....
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
(standing on the end of the stairs)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
*What is he doing here.... And who are these people next to him?*
The man wasn't alone, two more men of likely the same age accompanied him. Each one's gazes were fixed upon my figure descending the stairs.
I have a premonition that this isn't going to end well.
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(tries to pass by them)
Trevor Brooks 《Duke
Trevor Brooks 《Duke's son》
(blocks his way)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Might I know what you want ?
Trevor Brooks 《Duke
Trevor Brooks 《Duke's son》
You're the new scholarship student, right?
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
What if I am ?
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
That's why you didn't let me see your letter yesterday
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(turns towards Caius) What do you want?
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
(walks towards Orion and bends to his height)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Why're you so defensive? We're just trying to be your friends (chuckles)
His face is a bit too close to mine, and seeing his sardonic behavior aggravates me.
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
(smokes his cigarette and blows the smoke on Orion's face)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(coughs) !
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(walks backward) W... What the hell are you doing?
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Xavier Jaxson 《Archduke
Xavier Jaxson 《Archduke's son》
Do you know who it is you're talking to ?
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(looks at Xavier)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Who are you ?
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
You really don't know me (laughs)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
(walks closer to Orion)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Stay where you are !
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
I'm Caius Xandros, the fourth royal prince
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(widened eyes)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
(grabs Orion's chin) That's the look I like
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(pushes his hand away) Please refrain from touching me, Your Highness
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Please excuse me, I have to attend my classes
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
(grabs Orion's wrist) I didn't give you the permission to leave
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(glares at him) Your Highness, leave me
Caius brings my hand to his mouth, placing a gentle kiss on the back of it. I bite my lip in distress, feeling his stare on me.
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
(kisses Orion's hand)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Won't you greet me ?
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(bites his lip) Do I look like a woman to you, Your Highness?
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Why're you kissing my hand ?
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Ohh, pardon me
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
It was a mere excuse to touch you
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(snatches his hand back) Enough with the jokes, let me go
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
But you still have to pay for stomping on my foot
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
If I'm guessing correctly, the other two guys are - Xavier Jaxson and Trevor Brooke. These three are always said to be found together.
I can fight with him, but it's too risky. He's the royal prince after all.
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
(starts dragging Orion with him) Let me take you somewhere nice, Pretty boy
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
S... Stop, I've to attend my classes, Your Highness
Xavier Jaxson 《Archduke
Xavier Jaxson 《Archduke's son》
(walks behind Orion) You're being so rude to us when we're just trying to be nice
Xavier Jaxson 《Archduke
Xavier Jaxson 《Archduke's son》
Trevor Brooks 《Duke
Trevor Brooks 《Duke's son》
Indeed a commoner
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(grits his teeth)
I try wresting my hand out of his grasp, but when he looks back at me with a cold glare I stop resisting.
In the end he drags me to an inside pool-
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
(leaves Orion's hand)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(steps away from Caius) W...Why have you brought me here, Your Highness?
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
For you to entertain me, Pretty boy
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(looks back at Xavier and Trevor)
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
Please stop this....I really have to go
Xavier Jaxson 《Archduke
Xavier Jaxson 《Archduke's son》
(walks towards Orion) Come on....Why're you being so boring
Ryder told me not to fight back with these three, but I don't know what to do in this situation.
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
(takes a deep breath) What is it you want me to do ?
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
That's more like it
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
And please hurry up, I don't want to be late on my first day (glares at Caius)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
*Look at him glaring....He's too pretty to be this ferocious*
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Okay, as you say, Pretty boy
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Caius Xandros 《Royal Prince》 (ML)
Jump in the pool
Orion Hage (MC)
Orion Hage (MC)
I thought so.
To be continued.
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️💕PLEASE GIVE ME VOTES AND GIFTS 💕 ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
Love you guys ❤

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