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Last Night


He stepped out of the military base, exiting the base's gate, he stood there holding a cancer stick in between his fingers, he fisted out the lighter from the Cargo pant's pocket he was wearing with his other hand, putting the cigarette between his lips, he flicked the lighter creating a spark with the sound of a click, pulling the flame to the tip of the cigarette to ignite.
Lips wrapping around the cigarette as he took the first drag of the death stick hollowing his chicks, his lungs expanded as they inhale the smoke, feeling a slight burn, bathing his nerves in a Familiar warmth and mind in relaxation
Nine days later.
Standing outside the nightclub, he stepped into the buzzing building with the loud music and laser lights were illuminating every corner of the room making him blind and deaf for a second, the room was swarming, the bar counter was filled with drunk and sweaty people, people were dancing on the dance floor swaying their bodies in drunken state at the lively music the DJ was playing.  
Some were sitting mingling and flirting with strangers, some were being intimate eating each other, some were ordering drinks at the bar counter and some being dead drunk creating chaos and some were just laying by the counter waiting for their family or friends to take them to their home. He examined the room with pounding music awaking horripilation in his body as he walked his way to the bar counter.
 "what would you like to have sir"
The parson behind the counter questioned. as he saw a customer approaching the bar.
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
 ' I'll have a whisky, neat' he ordered sitting in the one of stool.
The bartender get back to his work after the order was placed and came back after a while with glass of whisky and placed it on the counter in front of the customer, who picked the glass in his hand and bringing it to his slightly parted lips and took a sip, tasting smooth, malty and woody in his taste buds.
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
He let out a relaxing sound of 'humm' as the taste of whisky burned down his throat.
Today is the last day of his holidays or rather the LAST NIGHT.


Today is the last day of his holidays or rather the LAST NIGHT.
Tomorrow he will be joining military base in his uniform as captain, guiding his junior officers to become the better version of themselves then they already are.
Its was already midnight when he decided to leave the place after finishing the remaining whiskey in the glass.
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
 " A glass of white wine please" He heard deep voice next to him. 
To his right and was met with The sight of an angelic human sitting beside him, their head resting on the counter. the angle spoke again voice reaching his ears pleasing every (senses) of He turned his remaining sober brain, as he kept staring to the human sitting beside him, whose head was resting in his hand on the counter, he watched the other's lips moved as he told something to the bartender Who was back to his work, preparing the drink for his new customer.
Everything seemed to slow down as he watched with his slightly drunk eyes., he noticed as the person fixed is red shirt falling off his shoulder showing the milky smooth skin and those alluring Collarbone, as he put it back to its place, with his beautiful slender fingers, as the angle moved his ass on the chair to be more comfortable, he watched how this ass of the other plumped down again, Squeezing a little under the other's weight.
The thought crossed his mind of this person, with that, the angelic person sitting in his laps with those plump peaches of their and how those finger of their will feel rapped on his manhood, how those beautiful lips and skin of their will feel on lips, just by imagining it he felt the arousal awaking down his body, feeling the hardness between his thighs, he gulped down the last sip of his drink. Placing back the glass on the bar counter.
He decided to approach this beauty beside him.
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
What's a princess like you doing in this dive bar at this late hour of night?, there are high risk that robbers can rob you, you know?"
He said bending down the bar counter a litter with is one hand on it, to have a better view of the beauty, because the head of his angle was slightly down on counter as they finished their third drink, a bit drunk.
He waited for the other to reply, maybe being offended by his comment and concern 
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
"Such an old pickup line, you know" came the reply,
Hearing the other's again something happened in is heart he couldn't pinpoint it. 
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
"My pickup line maybe old but not other thIngs, i can assure you, want to try" he confessed near the other's ear.
He waited for the person to say something but instead of word, he watched as the other laughed throwing his head in the process, now looking direct in his eyes once composing himself.  
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
"Is it like that?, aren't you too confident?" he asked being amused, 
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
"Well, there is a saying (don't judge a book by its cover)" he observed the other's face replacing the smile with something else.

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