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The Possessive CEO


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Let's Start From Summary Of This Novel ~


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One year ago, in her drunken state, Xu Xinya made a mistake - a huge mistake of offending a tyrant - Lu Mingyu - the man whose name shuddered countless hearts.

A year later, circumstances forced herself to agree to a compromise. As long as she was willing to be his mistress, her family would be spared of the huge debt.

Things appeared so, he was their creditor and she was his debtor, nothing more; Xu Xinya was into this just for the sake of the family.

But as their relationship grew she begins to doubt, were things really as they appeared to be?

Did he allow her in just because of that debt...or was there some other terrifying truth that bound them together way before all of this started.

"What was I to you?" She stared into his deep, cold eyes, for once not shying away from his intense gaze. Today, she must get this answer.

"What were you to me?" He said absentmindedly. His deep abyss like eyes hazed for a second followed by a deep fascinating chuckled. "Do you dare to confront the truth?"

There was clear warning in his tone. Like always, he tried his best to intimidate her and give up.

Xu Xinya realized this and this only fueled her resolve.

"Yes, I do!" She replied; her determination only becoming tougher at his warning.



Warning: The genera is dark romance and the ML is portrayed somewhat a possessive freak. He mellows down later own. There will be sexual mature content and violence. So if it is not your cup of tea, steer away.



Warning: The genera is dark romance and the ML is portrayed somewhat a possessive freak. He mellows down later own. There will be sexual mature content and violence. So if it is not your cup of tea, steer away......






(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Do you like this Novel Summary (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) it's nothing when you will read the 1st chapter....

Then you will want to read it more(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Not lying if not believe then read 1st chapter and tell (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)

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Thanku ❤️ For Reading This Novel Summary (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) I Hope You Guys Will Support Me Like This In Future Too(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

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Next Episode Will Be Release Soon

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Byee see you All in the Next Episode

Love You All 💕

I am not afraid of you

Let's Start 1st Chapter ~~~

Xu Xinya's serene expressions faltered as she stirred from her blissful sleep.

Over the white bedsheets, her heavy hair was scattered unevenly and messily. The slim petite body, just under the protection of a thin quilt, looked so provocative. It created a desire in the hearts of onlookers to quickly grab the quilt and throw it away to reveal the voluptuous body that hid underneath.

Yet at the same time, her fragility and daintiness and the innocence of that small flushed face urged a sensation of gentleness towards her in one's heart. It made one treat her with such care and thoughtfulness as if handling the delicate petal of a rose.

Her long eyelashes lifted slightly to reveal those limpid, bright eyes that could stun any soul into awe. Every feature of that girl was perfect. Her eyes were like a pair of fine jade with thick long eyelashes and slightly tilted edges. Her nose was sculptured into a perfectly straight, slightly edged shape. Her jawline was sharp, and her face had high cheekbones. Every feature of hers accentuated others to enhance her overall beauty.

Her skin was even more so, delicate and smooth with a touch of natural blush.

But this time those striking eyes only managed to open into a half-closed crescent shape. They looked somewhat hazed, and her face was also exceptionally rosy.

Surrounded by rose petals on the white sheets she looked like an unblemished angel, vulnerably lying at the center of that king-shaped bed with her dainty frame, ready to be taken advantage of her any time.

"Awake?" The abrupt word woke her up from her drowsiness like a harsh slap. Chilliness pervaded her bones.

She didn't dare lift her eyes.

She blinked twice as memories from the last night resurfaced, vivid and debauched, red crept along with her neck tinting her cheeks with a red hue.

Not sure how much time has passed in silence, she lifted her lashes, partly hoping the voice was just an illusion and that demon was not here.

Of course, she was bound to be disappointed.

He merely gave her a rather curious look before breaking into a smirk, slow and tantalizing. Yet his eyes were cold. No one could look past that man's icy eyes. No one had ever been able to. Some said under those cold eyes, he hid a savage beast. Some said he was just naturally so unfeeling and cold without any emotions.

Xu Xinya could not understand how, after sharing a night of passion, this man could still be an iceberg.

Just his mere look from him would make one's soul shudder; she abruptly broke eye contact.

She could not manage to maintain eye contact with his fierce gaze longer than this. Or else...she feared her heart might jump out of her chest.

Quickly, she managed into a sitting position. The slight movement caused pain between her legs. It wasn't the pain that caused her heart to beat louder. But the memory of the reason as to why was that pain was even there.

The passion that had ensued last night...

Shaking her head vigorously, she tried to get rid of those forbidden thoughts. She even slightly bit her lip to make the pain distract her from the throbbing down there. Under the protection of the quilt, her hands were curled into fists. They were so tight that had knuckles had turned white.

"Look lovely, don't you?" His voice echoed in the silent room. Xu Xinya paused, preparing herself for whatever words he was going to say.

She knew he was not going to let her off easily.

He continued and slowly walked towards her. The front of his white shirt was still unbuttoned. Everything underneath was visible. He slowly buttoned his cuffs, as he made his way towards her. "Covered in all these marks. Souvenirs of our night together." His tone was dangerously low.

She had her eyes down but she felt him approach, closer and closer. Xu Xinya's heart thumped loudly. Self-conscious, she tightly grabbed the silk sheets and covered her body as best as she could. She didn't want to provoke him. Her hair fell before her face, obscuring her from this cruel man.

At that moment, all she wanted to be was for him to leave her alone. If he didn't leave her, she feared she might end up doing something to provoke him again. And everything that happened last night would repeat. That's what she told her.

However, deep within, there was a certain part of herself that didn't want him to leave...that didn't want him to let her off... that wanted the very thing that happened last night to repeat itself... A part that she would never admit to having.

But what she wanted to be was irrelevant. The man was not going to be so benevolent to let her off.

After she made the first move on him last night, he was not going to spare her easily.

Surely, one night of payment was not enough.

Abruptly, he grabbed her chin and forced her to look straight into his deep, abyss like eyes. Being pierced by his sharp, cold yet mesmerizingly beautiful eyes, Xu Xinya's heart thumped loudly.

Even though, she had been countless times pierced with his gaze, every time the experience was a new one. It was always able to stir up something within her.

"Afraid?" The man's voice was soft for once. But still, it had that dangerous edge to it... the ability to shake one at his core.

Her heart hammered inside her chest; she abruptly broke free from his hold and looked away. Her actions held ferociousness. Her lips popped out into a cute little pout. Doing so, she made her will clear: She didn't want to interact with him.

When she heard a fascinating chuckle from the man's side, she stared back into his eyes; her shy, vulnerable eyes were replaced with sharp ones. "I am not afraid of you." In a stern, resolute tone, she announced.

Her words were followed by another laugh from the man's side.

"The way you are clutching this quilt as if wanting to hide away from me... Little girl, if you are not afraid then why are you behaving so?" Placing both his hands on the bed, he leaned in towards her. His face inched closer towards her face. With the reduction of each inch between their faces, Xu Xinya felt her eyes widening in anticipation. "But do you really think this little piece of cloth can save you from me?" His voice was still light, almost playful.

'this little piece of cloth can save you from me?' His words repeated in her mind. Startled, her expressions changed a bit when she grasped the implication.

Was last night not enough? Was he not planning to let her off. What did more he want from her when she had already...

A surge of heat rose from within her. She bit her lip in nervousness.

Slowly, Lu Mingyu's hand reached out and wrapped a strand of her silky hair around his finger; his eyes intently looked into her soul through her enchanting eyes that looked so provocating when filled with confusion and shyness.

Under his deep, incisive gaze, it was as if she was naked. It felt like he could read her every single emotion and thought.

"What are you planning to do?" She meekly asked.

'The moment, she broke from his grasp, she was so ferocious. Yet now, her voice sounds so submissive.' The corners of his lips curled up so slightly. His deep gaze continued to pin her with his heated stare. His finger continued to roll her silky brown hair around his finger; doing so his hand inched closer towards her face. His casual actions and cool eyes said all that his words didn't.

'Could it be...that...he wants it again?' Xu Xinya's face showed obvious signs of shock. In response, she inched away.

She had just shifted a bit and Lu Mingyu guessed her intentions. His eyes shifted; he quickly put his hands on both sides of her on the bed's headboard. With a loud 'noise' his hands landed; the sound likewise his actions sternly warning her to not take any action.

'Since she was the one who had started it... She would have to take responsibility...'

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If you push me over my limits, I won't even care for my family anymore

2nd Chapter ~~~~

Encaged within his arms, pressing her cherry red lips into thin lines, she could only give up. In front of this formidable man, there was no place on the planet where she could run or hide in.

Even if, by some lucky chance, she succeeded in escaping his grasp and run out of this room, what place was there his influence didn't reach? Who would be willing to provide her shelter and offend this tyrant?

No matter how much effort she put or how far she got, in the end, it would just be as much work as flicking a finger for him to get her back right into his bed.

If she truly regretted it right now...she should have thought it before provoking the Devil last night.

Once Xu Xinya realized that she could not avoid the consequences of her actions, her gem-like chocolate brown eyes shimmered with determination.

With a settled heart, she lifted her head to meet his heated gaze. But once her eyes landed on that cold chiselled face and that small, sexy smile...she felt the strings of her heart being pulled mercilessly. The sensation was vivid and overwhelming. Events of last night flashed across her mind.

At that time... when he had held her down... and...and...

Unwanted hotness emerged between her legs and spread across her lower abdomen. Xu Xinya sucked in a deep breath in shock. Under the quilt, her fists tightened even more. Her nails dug into the flesh of her palm.

Afraid that he might look through what she was feeling, Xu Xinya quickly looked away hiding her expressive eyes from his incisive gaze.

Why was her body giving such a reaction? She...didn't like him. Then why... Wasn't that obvious? Could it be her cousin was right? She was just a slut?

A layer of moisture gathered over her bewitching eyes at her inability to address those questions. That, in turn, made her eyes appear more enthralling like polished gemstones.

It was all because of those conflicting feelings. What was it that she really wanted? It was those feelings that had caused last night.

She thought after spending a night with him...those confusing feelings would be cleared.

But that didn't happen.

Those strange feelings were still there. Now, even more confusing.

Suddenly her face was roughly grabbed and forcefully made to look back into those deep, soul-devouring eyes.

The sudden movement made tears roll down her rosy cheeks like colorless shining pearls. His thumbs lifted up and gently stroked her soft cheeks, wiping away her warm tears. But soon, they were replaced by new and fresh ones.

She had never cried in front of him like this. Not even once. Not even last night.

He glanced at his wet thumb and chuckled darkly. "Why?" Suddenly, his playful aura seemed to be replaced by a domineering air. Xu Xinya sensed the change in him. Inevitably that made her cringe back in fear. This, in turn, elicited an even harsher response from him. He hated it when she tried to push him away. Xu Xinya knew this yet she could not stop herself.

He looked at her clouded eyes. Over his face that had always been excessively cold, grew a few layers of frosts.

"I asked why?" His voice grew colder, demanding an explanation.

The atmosphere in the room changed instantly.

However, Xu Xinya didn't respond.

After a long while passed and she still didn't respond, she felt his handsome face leaning in closer to her. His lips were inches away from her neck. His hot breath brushed her sensitive neck. A pleasant shiver ran down her spine making Xu Xinya widen her eyes in shock.

"Last night..." His low, seductive voice, with an undertone of warning, whispered into her ear. "Didn't you like it very much?" A hint of anger appeared in his tone. His displeasure at her reactions was clear.

Yet, his deep evocative voice successfully brought back those images that Xu Xinya was struggling so hard to suppress.

Those hot passionate kisses...her moans...her shameless words...

"Please, don't!" She shut her eyes tight; shaking her head, in denial of last night.

No, that did not happen!

"I remember it was you who was screaming my name when I..."

"I said stop it!" Her voice was loud this time. Placing her hands over his shoulder, she shoved him away.

Since she was the one who started it, why must she push him back now? Since she was the one who gave him hope, why must she mercilessly trample on it now?

Once being shoved back, Lu Mingyu's lips curled up into an unfeeling smirk. His eyes had that merciless and bloodthirsty look. That look could alone scare the bravest of the person.

Leaning back again his finger lifted up her chin.

"Is it hurts?" His other hand slipped under the quilt, traveled across her leg, and ended up resting upon her naked thigh under the blanker.

His warm, strong yet gentle touch made Xu Xinya almost jump in shock. Each point he touched upon her supple and sensitive skin would dent a jolt of pleasure up her body.

Those feelings...were too overwhelming.

Xu Xinya instantly put her hand over his; gently giving it a slight push in hope of getting free.

Her actions only caused the hold over her flesh to tighten in a warning. An immense heat crawled up her thigh making her breathings tremble slightly. The hand that was resting atop his, over the quilt, trembled and weakened.

The feelings in her heart grew turbulent.

No, this had to stop now!

Last night...must not repeat.

"Just what else you want now?" Xu Xinya raised her head and looked into his eyes. This time, the vulnerability in her eyes was replaced with emptiness. "Haven't you already taken everything from me? Aren't you satisfied now? Would you only stop once I kill myself out of desperation?"

Seeing that he paused, Xu Xinya knew her harsh words finally had an effect on him. She continued. "Is it my death you want? You might think that I won't take such a step because of my family. But Lu Mingyu, let me tell you. If you push me over my limits, I won't even care for my family anymore."

Just as she expected, anger roiled up within those deep dark orbs. A cold, chilling anger. It was as if dark clouds of gloom had suddenly infiltrated the room. The atmosphere had changed so quickly. Any moment, something was about to erupt.

Xu Xinya waited. Keeping her tear-filled yet determined eyes fixated onto his face, keeping her hand strongly holding still his hand over her thigh.

And, he laughed.

It was the coldest and chilliest laugh she ever heard.

"Do you think by killing yourself you can escape me?" The hand on her thigh never left. Instead, it only tightened more and more. To the point, Xu Xinya knew that if he pressed a little more, she would have gotten a mark.

However, his strength never surpassed the limit to actually hurt her.

Suddenly, he climbed onto the bed and pinned her down.

Startled, Xu Xinya froze. Only after a moment, she recovered and begin to struggle.


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Byeee Good Night 😴 😴

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