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The Cultivator's Rebirth

The Awakening

In the ancient era of the Celestial Empire, where cultivators roamed the land and Qi flowed like rivers, Kaito, a young and talented cultivator, was betrayed by his closest friends and allies.

With his Qi scattered and his body broken, Kaito's consciousness was torn from his mortal coil, leaving him with a singular thought:

"I will return... and I will make them pay."

Centuries passed, and the world changed. The Celestial Empire gained more power, and new dynasties rose. But Kaito's spirit remained, trapped between the realms of the living and the dead.

Until the day he awoke in a new body, one that was frail and weak, but possessed a refined and delicate structure. His new form was that of a young noble, with piercing blue eyes and raven-black hair.

At first, Kaito was dismayed by his new body's limitations. His Qi was stagnant, his muscles weak, and his senses dulled, "What's wrong with this it broken". But as he explored his new form, he discovered a hidden depth, a refinement that surpassed his previous body.

His meridians were narrower, but more efficient. His Qi was scarce, but more potent. His senses were muted, but more acute.

Kaito's eyes gleamed with realization. This body was not a hindrance, but a vessel, a tool to be honed and perfected. He would forge this body into a weapon, stronger and more resilient than ever before.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Kaito began his journey, driven by the need for revenge and the thirst for power. He knew that to rebuild his cultivation, he needed access to ancient knowledge and powerful artifacts.

But in this new era, such resources were scarce and closely guarded. Kaito's eyes narrowed as he considered his options. He needed to join a sect, a cultivation clan that could provide him with the tools and knowledge he required.

Rumors spoke of the prestigious Azure Dragon Sect, a clan renowned for its vast library of ancient texts and skilled masters. Kaito's heart burned with ambition as he set his sights on the sect.

He would join their ranks, gain access to their resources, and master the techniques and skills necessary to make him stronger and get his revenge. A suitable weapon, one imbued with Qi, would also be essential to his growth.

Kaito's gaze fell upon the distant mountains, where the Azure Dragon Sect was said to reside. The Azure Dragon Sect was one of the top five sects in the Celestial Empire. A fierce determination ignited within him.

"I will enter the Azure Dragon Sect it can be my starting point in restoring my power to were it was before," he said to himself. "I need to learn some of their techniques atleast and maybe get a good weapon...(grumble) it was coming from his stomach,"But before that I need to eat". Kaito walked down looking for a village in hope for food to eat.

Settling into Shadows

As he descended the hill he saw a village and he could see the houses and the smoke drifting lazily from the chimneys, and the people moving about in the town square, "Finally!!," he said as he sighed with relief. His stomach growled with hunger, and his thirst parched his throat. He had been searching for a place to rest and replenish his supplies.

His eyes scanned the village, taking in the layout of the streets, the position of the buildings, and the movement of the people. He spotted a large stone well in the center of the town square he ran towards it to get a sip of water, the well was surrounded by a cluster of wooden buildings that didn't look right to him.

He slowed his approach, his caution taking hold. he had learned to be wary of others ever since his betrayal and made sure to trust no one. But the promise of food and shelter proved too enticing to resist. His gaze moved from the Empirical Knights to a nearby Tavern named Dragons Den. His stomach growling in anticipation.

He took a deep breath and pushed open the heavy wooden door and stepped into the warm and lively atmosphere that was inside. The sign above the door had depicted a sturdy sword and shield, and the aroma of roasting meat and freshly brewed ale had drawn him in like a magnet.

As he entered, the patrons turned to look at him, their faces of curiosity. Kaito's eyes scanned the room, taking in the rustic wooden tables, the roaring fire pit, and the barkeep polishing a mug with a white apron.

He spotted an empty stool at the bar and made his way over, his stomach growling with anticipation. The barkeep, a stout man with a bushy beard, greeted him with a warm smile.

"What can I get for you, young man?" he asked, looking at him in his torn and tattered clothes.

"Unfortunately I don't have any money one me right now," he said since he didn't even know the currency of the world he was in. The barkeep, whose name was Grimbold gave him a drink and some bread and said it was on the house, he then regaled him with tales of the Azure Dragon Sect's recent activities, and the whispers of a powerful new cultivator in the area and the thing that was most shocking to Kaito was that it was the heiress to the Ryujin Family one of the Five Great Families.Kaito listened intently, his ears perked up with interest.

A burly warrior almost the same age as Kaito with a scar above his eyebrow named Asmir sat next to him,"You're a warrior, eh?" the man said,"What brings you to these parts?"

Kaito smirked, "Just passing through," he said, "Is that so, " he said with a smile,"I know the feeling. I'm on a quest to find the legendary Asteria Jewels. Have you heard about them?"

Kaito looked at the man, "Asteria Jewels? Never heard of Them." Thee barkeep looked at both of them," If you guys want to know more about the Asteria Jewels you should go to Master Wong's place, he knows a lot more than anyone in Trayvon but remember one thing he might be old but his strong enough to take down a Saber Wolf. "

Both men looked at each other with a fierce stare, without a word they stood up and walked out together the tension between them grew thicker. They eyed each other sideways their gazes darting banco and forth like rapiers. It was a challenge to see who would reach the house of the Master first.

They both ran in the same direction, Grimbold's friend,Safira, who watched them as they ran asked, "Do they even know where their going," Grimbold laughed, "They'll figure it out eventually......I hope. "

Master Wong

Kaito and Asmir finally arrived at Master Wong's house after running around the village eight times. Master Wong was in seclusion so he could cultivate in peace so his servant, Saiwu, who was caught off guard when they arrived greeted them with a mixture of surprise, curiosity and suspicion.

"Ah, young travelers, I wasn't expecting my Master to have visitors today. What brings you to the Wong Manor?"

Kaito's eyes narrowed as he looked at him, "We're looking for Master Wong, we want information about the Azure Dragon Sect's trials as well as the Asteria Jewels. We've heard rumors, but unfortunately for us we don't know much about them."

Master Wong who came out of seclusion asked the young men to come in and take a seat. The Masters expression turned serious, his eyes gleaming with intensity. "The trials, yes. They are a test of one's spiritual energy, martial skils, and comat ability. But I must warn you, the trials are not for the faint of heart or for those who pretend to be strong but are weak inside."

Asmir looked at him with stone cold eyes"What do you mean by that old man," he said in anger, "What kind of challenges are going to be happen during the trial that you have to say something like that?"

Master Wong closed his eyes and explained the stages of the trial. "The trial is divided into three stages. The first stage is a test of spiritual energy, where you must demonstrate your ability to harness and control the elements. The second stage is a martial arts tournament, where you must showcase your combat skills. The third stage is similar to the second one but in this stage you will be tested on your fighting capabilities without using your QI,and by the looks of it you guys would fail the first two. Anymore questions?"

Asmir was frustrated by all this but his determination surged to the forefront. He would do whatever it took to pass the trial and join the Azure Dragon Sect.

"Master Wong, I want to ask you something," Kaito said, his voice filled with curiosity. "The main reason for coming here was to know more about the Asteria jewels?"

Master Wong's eyes sparkled with interest. "Ah, the Asteria jewels. They are ancient artifacts imbued with the essence of the stars,they are similar to our mana stones but people who are still in the inner stages use them since they don't have enough money to get one for themselves. You can find them within the bodies of monsters, they are extracted and used to enhance one's spiritual energy."

Asmir's eyes widened with excitement. "That sounds incredible!"

Master Wong smiled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Indeed, the Asteria jewels can be sold to collectors and merchants, who will pay a fair sum for them. Alternatively, you can use them to enhance your spiritual energy and abilities, making you stronger and more formidable cultivators."

Kaito's mind was racing with excitement. He thought to himself, "This could be a fast way to cultivate my spiritual energy to were it was in my previous life. If I can obtain theem, I can accelerate my progress and become stronger than how I was in my previous life."

Master Wong finally made eye contact with the young men,his expression serious. "Remember, the journey to obtain the Asteria jewels will be treacherous, and you must be prepared to face challenges and dangers beyond your wildest imagination."

Asmir grinned, his face set in a determined expression. "We're not afraid of a challenge. We'll hunt those monsters and claim the Asteria jewels."

Master Wong's laughed with tears of joy coming out of his eyes. "Very well, I will provide you with my assistance, I would like to see if you are capable of turning those words into reality, But first I would like you to tell me what stage are you two currently at?"

Kaito thought for a moment,"I've only been able to reach the fifth inner, Alignment stage of the Novice Cultivation Stage, Master Wong."

Asmir chuckled. "I'm currently at the Synergy Stage of the Novice Cultivation Stage Master Wong. My spiritual energy is balanced and harmonious, and I can sense the flow of energy around me."

Master Wong's eyes narrowed, his expression thoughtful. "I see, so technically you both are just the same as garbage."When Kaito heard these words he thought to himself, "What do you mean by garbage I struggled to reach this stage and made it happen in five days, FIVE DAYS! ever since I reincarnated in this body."

Kaito didn't notice that his face was similar to that of a child trying to poop, The Master continued saying, "To qualify for the trials you need to at least be at the pulse stage, the seventh inner stage of the Novice Cultivation Stage, so to succeed in the trials, you'll need to improve your spiritual energy and abilities fast before the trials."

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