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Reborn: To Divorce My Husband


At 3 AM, Taehyung went to the Jeon household hurriedly and said.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
I want to see him.
I'm Sorry, the young master said that Kim Taehyung and Dogs are not allowed inside.
Felling an earthquake in his heart, Taehyung felt as if something was dying inside him. He cried at the top of his lungs.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook, come out and let's talk. The death of grandpa has nothing to do with me. I passed out, and grandpa was gone when I woke up.
The guards stared at his scarred face coldly without a word.
Forget it.
A soft voice said. A woman about twenty-seven years old was standing inside the iron gate. She was tall and slender.
He will not see you. Grandpa has just passed away. He needs peace.
It was her, the public mistress of Jeon Jungkook, whom Kim Taehyung thought to be his best friend, Choi Sana.
For five years, Choi Sana had been the Omega holding Jungkook's arm everywhere they went. In the eyes of the media and outsiders, Choi Sana had become the actual Mrs. Jeon. On the other side Kim Taehyung was not more than a decoration.
Choi Sana walked down The stairs slowly, step by step. the guards respectfully opened the gate of her at her arrival. The treatment of two Omegas was so different that Taehyung hated Choi Sana's guts even more.
Choi Sana
Choi Sana
The two of you, go do something else. I want to speak to him alone.
The guards looked at each other, nodded and left.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
I did not kill grandpa.
Choi Sana
Choi Sana
I know. Of course you did not kill him.
Sana smiled and walked outside of the gate. Soon she came over to the pond that was set opposite the Jeon household.
There was a street in front of the house. On the other side of the street was the pond. Without any lighting over there, it was hard to tell where exactly Sana was standing.
Hearing her words, Taehyung felt like something was off. He followed Sana hurriedly and asked.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
What do you mean?
Choi Sana
Choi Sana
Of course you did not kill grandpa. You were knocked out by me, so how could you possibly have done that?
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
(Stared at her with wide eyes)
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
So..... It's you!
Choi Sana
Choi Sana
Hush...(put her finger to his lips and smile contently)
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
It really was you. You b****. Grandpa was so good to you. Why did you...??
Choi Sana
Choi Sana
Good?? (Interrupted and Chuckled)
Choi Sana
Choi Sana
If it was not for that old man, the wife of brother Jungkook would have been me instead of you. The old man knew me since I was a little girl.
Choi Sana
Choi Sana
He never liked me. He should have died a long time ago.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
You are so treacherous. I will go and tell them.
Sana didn't fret at all as Taehyung was about to turn away. She smiled coldly and said.
Choi Sana
Choi Sana
You think they will believe you?
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
(Paused and stayed where he was)
Choi Sana
Choi Sana
It was the same when you tried to explain that you did not drug brother Jungkook. No one believed you.
Taehyung quickly turned around, looking at Choi Sana incredulously.
Sana utterly enjoyed the look on his face and said.
Choi Sana
Choi Sana
And it was the same when you said you did not set the fire. No one believed you.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
what do you mean Choi Sana!
Realization suddenly flashed in Taehyung's mind.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
It was you.
Choi Sana
Choi Sana
That's right it was me.
Choi Sana
Choi Sana
But so what? Do you remember when you left my home? I almost died of stove leaks. You said you did not do anything. But who believed you? And later, when Jungkook was kidnapped by a cult and almost burned at an abandoned warehouse. Everyone saw that I saved him.
Choi Sana
Choi Sana
But you were the one who was found at the site unconscious. You said you did not set the fire, but who believed you?
Hearing what had happened in the past, Taehyung unconsciously reached for his own face.
He pushed Jungkook out of the fire with all his had, but he did not run out in time himself. The fire ruined half of his face and his entire life.
He was the unlawful son of the Kim household.
When he returned to his family at eighteen years old, he knew that the man he would marry was named Jeon Jungkook. However, he had no idea that he had a childhood sweetheart whose name was Choi Sana.
After Taehyung married him at twenty years old, he was constantly compared to Choi Sana.
Sana was dignified and gorgeous Omega.Taehyung was rude.
Sana was kind and beautiful. Taehyung was treacherous.
Sana studies abroad and returned to Korea. Taehyung did not even graduate from college before he was married to Jeon Jungkook.
He was also foolishly treated by Sana as a good friend, from eighteen to twenty-five years old. However, he had no idea at the time that everything he had was destroyed by Choi Sana.
Everyone knew that Taehyung drugged his husband on the night of their wedding in order to provoke Choi Sana. He also set the fire that almost killed Sana.
He deliberately fell from the stairs to lose his baby in order to set Choi Sana up.
his stereotypical image made everyone blind to what he had done to be the match of Jeon Jungkook.
When he stayed up late to revise Jungkook's proposal and become sick, they said he was hypocritical.
When he tried to cure Jungkook's stomach ache and learned how to cook, they said he was calculative.
When he tried to make his grandpa's wish of having a great-grandson come true and nourish the fetus at home, they said he was lazy.
After the Kim family went bankrupt, they said he was a social climber and a b****.
After he had a miscarriage, they said that he did too much evil and was unworthy of getting pregnant. Even his child was taken away by the moon goddess.
Later, he gradually understood that Choi Sana was always right. And that he was always wrong.
That is, until yesterday, when he woke up and found grandpa dead on the stairs of the first floor. When he was standing on the second floor and looking down, the police broke in, he was naturally considered the murderer.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
You b**** Why did you set me up like this.
Taehyung threw himself at Sana like crazy.
Sana had learnt martial arts. She dodged and held Taehyung down, pushing him towards the pond.
Hi guys
I wrote 1087 words.
Bye 😘😘


Taehyung felt like he had become a boat, rising up and down on the violent waves. Very so he hit a giant iceberg or rather a volcano.
Hot, incredibly hot.
However, as hot as it was , he couldn't help but move closer to the volcano. He was thrown up in the air and then penetrated in his ßex fiercely. Something was broken.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
(Whimpered) It hurts...
A volcano could not be stopped during its eruption. He felt his entire body was torn apart and split in half. Taehyung almost sobbed under the mighty strength of the volcano.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
The volcano showed him no sympathy. With a hard thrust, Taehyung felt a kiss falling on his lips. With a steady rhythm, he soon felt the pain disappearing. A great pleasure was sent down his spine and he started to moan.
It became calm again after what had happened.
The consciousness of Taehyung returned to him little by little, and he clearly felt the pain in his body.
He was sore and hurting all over.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
(Eyelashes fluttered, and suddenly opened his eyes)
Dedicated ancient wood carving artifacts were hanging on the ceiling in a stylish way.
This was.....
The old house of the Jeons.
Taehyung suddenly sat up, but he felt so sore that he couldn't help but yelp.
To his surprise, Taehyung felt he was naked. Purple marks were laid all over his chest and collarbone, looking rather scary.
He found there was someone else lying next to him.
Taehyung let out a cry and tried to hide himself underneath the blanket to the side.
The Alpha in front of his eyes was extremely handsome. His eyebrows knitted slightly as he quickly opened his eyes.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
(Opened hie eyes)
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
He would never get tired of the face, no matter how many times he had seen it.
His eyes were deep and dark like the starry night with inmate arrogance and elegance. With some drowsiness, they suddenly became sharp the moment he saw Taehyung.
At this moment, Jeon Jungkook looked like twenty-five or twenty-six years old.
Taehyung was slightly dazed. His arms were suddenly grabbed as Jungkook's face approached him.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
(Growl) Taehyung, you dare to drug me?
This scene seemed to be familiar.
In his last lifetime, when he was set by Choi Sana to spend his wedding night with Jungkook, he said exactly the same thing when they got up.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
(Looked at him blankly) I will leave. No worries.
After their divorce, he gave him a large sum of alimony, including some real estates. If Choi Sana did not kill grandpa in Taehyung's house, Taehyung would not even be here.
Although he was saved from the water, Taehyung did not believe that his husband would like to see him. It was definitely another evil trick to Choi Sana.
He had no idea what kind of impact his words had on Jungkook.
This Omega who tried everything to sleep with him was trying to leave after he drugged him and slept with him.
Throwing a deep glance at the Omega, Jungkook found he was not kidding at all.
He was not rampant and rebellious as he used to be. His expression was calm and cold, like someone who had been through desperation. What was left was only sadness.
Staring at him for a while, Jungkook snorted, approached him and grabbed his hand.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
What tricks are you trying to pull? First you drugged me and now...
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Are you playing hard to get??
His voice was delightful, mellow like the sound of a cello. However, every word from his mouth was malicious.
The Omega in front of him had very fair skin, so smooth that it was as if he had no pores. His eyes were wide and dark. With some confusion and surprise, he was staring at him like a lost deer, not knowing what to do.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
I didn't. Let go of me.
Taehyung tried to pull his hand away, only to find he was too strong.
When he was struggling, the blanket slid off his body.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
(Eyes traced down his body)
All of the sudden he felt as if a million ants were crawling on his body, which made him feel quite uneasy.
Jungkook tried to move his eyes away, but a bulge appeared under the blanket.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
(Saw this and blushed)
Taehyung grabbed the blanket and covered himself up.
Although he had been married to him for five years, he had only slept with him once.
And that time, it was only because Choi Sana drugged him(j).
Ever since then, Jungkook saw him as a virus. He would not even sleep in the same room with him, let alone touch him.
Facing him naked, Taehyung blushed so hard that his face was burning.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
Let me go, Jungkook. You would even sleep with such a ugly Omega as myself?
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
Hasn't Choi Sana satisfied you? (angrily)
Choi Sana??
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
So you said you are ugly. (smiled coldly)
He looked at his nervous eyes and then his straight nose. His lips were slightly apart, wet and supple. They reminded him of a word, kissable.
Feeling his throat tightened, Jungkook gazed a on his lips and his(j) eyes became darker.
Taehyung, on the other hand, felt humiliated. If it were not for Choi Sana, why would his face be ruined?
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
Let go! (wiggled in his arms)
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Stop moving! (shout)
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
You need ßex? Go and find Choi Sana. Sleeping with an Omega as ugly as I am, you are just tasteless.
As he said that, Taehyung suddenly melted into tears.
For so many years, everyone was comparing him against Choi Sana. He could never win. Choi Sana was the princess in the palace, while he was dust on the floor.
That was not a good feeling.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
(Eyes became darker)
Jungkook held his hands down and pushed himself against him.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
If I go to Choi Sana, what do I need you, my lawful wife?
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
(Became dazed and opened his eyes wide)
Lawful wife?
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
(Looked at his expression and snorted in a cruel way)
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
The old man asked me to get married with you just to make us sleep together. You went through all the effort to drug me and now you are acting like this? Huh?
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
I did not! 💢
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
(Ignored him and squeezing Taehyung's chin with to fingers)
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Do you know what lawful wife means??
Support your author 💜
And bye 😘


Taehyung gazed at him and did not speak.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Lawful f**ktoy.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
(Hold his chin and kiss him)
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
(Stared at him with wide eyes and started to struggle)
Lawful F**ktoy?
Struggling harder and harder with all his limbs, Taehyung turned his head to the side and cried.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
Jungkook, we had a divorce. This is r*pe.
Jungkook paused and felt puzzled. His eyes became dark and his eyebrows knitted.
they had been married for three days, but this Omega was already thinking about divorce? What tricks is this?
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
Let me go!
not noticing the reaction of Jungkook, Taehyung struggled with all his got.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
(Stopped and cried) You are dirty. Don't touch me!
His mouth and body had been with Choi Sana god knows how many times. So dirty.... An alpha that had been with that Omega.
Outside the room, with some muffled sound, someone knocked on the door.
Brother Jungkook, are you up?
It was her, Choi Sana!
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
(Calmed himself down and looked at the door)
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
(Took the opportunity to shove him aside)
As Jungkook was caught off guard, he was shoved to the other side of the bed. Taehyung held the blanket up and rolled himself under the bed.
Choi Sana
Choi Sana
Since you are not speaking, then I will come inside?
The voice of Choi Sana was sweet and cute, sounding just like the girl next door. However, only Taehyung knew how vicious she was.
The door was pushed open. When Sana tried to look inside, a red pillow was thrown at her.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Go away! (coldly)
Hit in the face, Sana saw nothing before she was pushed out. The door was closed and locked on a whim.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
(Turned around and looked at Taehyung)
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
(Hiding under the blanket like a mummy)
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
What tricks was this Omega pulling?
Taehyung's face was covered in tears. As he looked down, he suddenly blushed.
Taehyung turned his head and covered his face. However, he suddenly discovered that his face was extremely smooth.
Worried that he might be mistaken. Taehyung continued to touch his was smooth and fine.
There was no scar left by the fire. In addition, Taehyung found that the room was all red.
There were red wedding decorations on the bed, the door and even the pillow that Jungkook used to throw at Sana. Everything was red, the blanket and the lines.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
(Looked at the sheet)
A dried blood stain was left on it. How come?
The old house, wedding decorations and the blood stain...
His heart suddenly started racing. Taehyung thought of a crazy possibility and his breath quickened.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
(Looked at Jungkook)
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
What year is it? And what's the date today?
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
(looked at him as if he was dumb)
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
We have only been married for three days, and you are a good actor. Kim Taehyung, I have underestimated you.
Jungkook did not pay him attention anymore. Holding his desire back, he walked to the bathroom.
Taehyung brought himself up to the vanity. The Omega in the mirror had delicate features. On his smooth skin, there was no ugly scar. None!
That's all for today.
Bye guys 😘

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