NovelToon NovelToon

Truth Or Dare

Episode 1

Hope you guys are doing well
Let’s start
Lila Green
Lila Green
Alright, guys, you know what time it is... Truth or dare?*screams excitedly *
Oh no, here we go again *laughs*
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
*annoyed*Seriously, Lila? Can’t we just watch a movie like normal people?
Lila Green
Lila Green
Where's the fun in that? Come on, Jake, don’t be a chicken.
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
I’m in. What’s the worst that could happen? 🤷‍♀️
Lila Green
Lila Green
That’s the spirit! Okay, Jake... Truth or dare? 😈
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
*sigh* Dare, I guess.
Lila Green
Lila Green
Oooh, brave. I dare you to send a text to a random number in my contacts.
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
Wait... What? Whose number?
Lila Green
Lila Green
Nope, no questions! Just pick and send. 😜
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
*scrolling*... Okay, here goes nothing... Sent.
What’d you write?
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
“Hey there, you up for an adventure tonight?” 😂
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
Classic Jake. 🙄
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
Wait... I got a reply.
Already? That was fast.
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
Yeah… It says, “Finally, you’ve found me.”
Lila Green
Lila Green
What? Is this one of your pranks, Jake?
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
No, I swear I just picked a random number…
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
Guys… I just got a text too.
Lila Green
Lila Green
From who?
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
The same number… It says, “I know your secret, Mia.”
Okay, now this is getting creepy. 😳
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
You think? This is weird, even for Lila’s games.
Another message comes through the group chat from an unknown number.
Unknown number
Unknown number
“You all have secrets. Tonight, they come out. Let’s play a real game.”
Lila Green
Lila Green
Okay, not funny anymore. Who’s doing this?
It’s not me... I swear.
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
Lila? You planned this, right?
Lila Green
Lila Green
No! I’m serious. I don’t know who that is.
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
What did they mean by "secrets"?
The Unknown Number messages again...
Unknown number
Unknown number
“First secret: Who broke into the school last summer? Confess, or it gets worse.”
Lila Green
Lila Green
😰 That… wasn’t supposed to get out.
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
Wait, Lila, that was you?!
Lila Green
Lila Green
Shut up, Jake! I wasn't alone...
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
Lila… What do you mean, "I wasn't alone"?
Yeah, spill it. Who else was with you that night?
Lila Green
Lila Green
I… I can’t say. It wasn’t just me, okay? But that’s not important right now.
Unknown number
Unknown number
“It’s very important, Lila. Or should we reveal the video?”
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
What video?!
Lila Green
Lila Green
Wait… there was a video?
What the hell, Lila? Who else was there?
Slience for a few moments
Lila, if you don’t tell us, we’re going to assume the worst*looking suspiciously at mia*
Lila Green
Lila Green
*ugh*Fine! It was me and… Mia. We did it together.
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
*suprised*What?! No, I wasn’t there!
Unknown number
Unknown number
“Are you sure about that, Mia?”
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
No! I swear I have no idea what they're talking about!
Another message pops up from the Unknown Number with a link.
Unknown number
Unknown number
“Click to watch the truth.”
*scared* I won’t do it
I’m not clicking that. It could be a virus or something.
Lila Green
Lila Green
I’m doing it… I need to know
Lila *clicks the link*
Bye all
Take care

episode 2

 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
Oh my god… it’s real
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
*shocked and surprised *
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
What is it, Lila? Tell us!
Lila Green
Lila Green
It’s a video of us… breaking into the school. But it’s dark, and…*looks at mia*
Unknown number
Unknown number
“And Mia’s there too. Did you forget, Mia?”
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
*disbelief*I… I don’t remember being there… I really don’t. This has to be fake.
Why would someone fake this? And who’s recording it?
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
Guys, calm down. Let’s think. Someone’s messing with us. They know too much, but that doesn’t mean they have all the answers.
Unknown number
Unknown number
“You think this is a game, Jake? Then let’s play.
Unknown number
Unknown number
Next dare: Confess your biggest fear… or I’ll do it for you.”
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
How do you know my fears? This is insane.
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
Jake, just do it. We don’t know what they might say next.
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
Fine… My biggest fear is… being alone. Losing all of you
Unknown number
Unknown number
“Good boy, Jake. Now… your turn, Sam.”
Nope, I’m not playing this psycho’s game.*annoyed *
Unknown number
Unknown number
“You don’t have a choice. Confess… or pay the price.”
What price? You’re bluffing.You’re just some creep behind a screen.
A notification dings. Sam’s phone buzzes with a video.
Wait… what is this?
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
What did you get?*looks at sam*
*suprised*It’s… a video of my mom’s house. From outside. Right now.
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
Sam, are you serious?🧐
Are you dumb Jake why would I joke
Yes! How are they there?!
Lila Green
Lila Green
Okay, okay, I’ll do it for you, Sam. Just… don’t hurt anyone.
Unknown number
Unknown number
“Too late, Lila. Sam must answer.”
Fine! My biggest fear is… disappointing my dad. I never feel good enough, okay? Happy now?!
Unknown number
Unknown number
*smiles creepily * “Very. Your turn, Mia. Or do we skip to your secret?”
Bye everyone take care

episode 3

 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
I… I don’t know what to say.
Lila Green
Lila Green
Mia, just say something. Anything.
Unknown number
Unknown number
“Tick tock, Mia. Time’s almost up.”
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
Okay, okay! My biggest fear is… that I’m being watched. I always feel like I’m being watched.
Unknown number
Unknown number
“Good answer, Mia. Because you are.”
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
*tensed and scared*
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
Whoever you are, you’re going to regret this. We’re calling the police.* typed angrily *
Unknown number
Unknown number
“They can’t help you. I’m closer than you think.”*laughs creepily *
The friends exchange nervous looks, fear settling in.
What do we do now?
Unknown number
Unknown number
Now? Now we get to the fun part… One of you knows more than the others. Let’s find out who*smirks*
The chat goes silent.
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
What do they mean, “one of us knows more”? Who are they talking about?
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
I don’t know… but I have a bad feeling about this.
Lila Green
Lila Green
Maybe they’re bluffing again, just trying to mess with our heads.
Unknown number
Unknown number
Bluffing? You think I’m bluffing, Lila?
Unknown number
Unknown number
Let’s play a little game to find out. I’ll ask a question. One of you must answer truthfully… or face a consequence.
No more games! Tell us who you are!
Unknown number
Unknown number
First question: Who was at the old train station last Thursday night
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
The train station? Why would anyone be there? That place is abandoned.
Lila Green
Lila Green
Wait… someone was there? Why?
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
I don’t know. I wasn’t. I was at home.
A moment of silence. The friends wait, nervous.
Unknown number
Unknown number
Lying already, Mia? I have a photo. Care to explain this?
A new image is sent to the group chat: a grainy photo of someone who looks like Mia, standing near the old train station at night.
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
What? That’s not me! I mean… it looks like me, but I wasn’t there! I swear!
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson
Are you sure? Because that looks a lot like you, Mia.
 Mia Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
I’m telling the truth, Jake! I don’t know how they got that photo.
Unknown number
Unknown number
Strike one, Mia. Three strikes… and you’re out.
Bye all
Thank you

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