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Villainess Avoids Doomsday

Episode 1: A New Reality

Episode 1: A New Reality

Layla jolted awake, her heart racing. The last thing she remembered was the screeching of tires, the sudden impact, and the cold embrace of darkness that followed. Yet, here she was, in a lavish room that looked like it had been plucked straight out of a historical drama. Golden drapes hung from the windows, and a grand chandelier cast a soft glow over the plush, velvet furnishings. This was not her world.

She raised a hand to her head, feeling an unfamiliar weight of long, thick hair cascading over her shoulders. A full-length mirror stood in the corner, and Layla’s breath hitched as she stumbled over to it. Staring back at her was not the face she knew, but the reflection of a young woman with dark, glossy hair and striking green eyes.

"What... what is this?" Layla muttered, her voice trembling.

It didn’t take long for the memories to flood back. Not her memories, but those of Lady Layla, the notorious villainess of a tragic tale she’d read in her former life. The story of a young woman whose jealousy and cruelty had led to her downfall, a prophecy that foretold her demise at the hands of the story’s hero, Duke Adrian Blackwood.

“Is this some kind of nightmare?” Layla whispered, her mind racing. She was in the body of the villainess, in a world where she was destined for doom. The original Lady Layla had been cruel and manipulative, driven by her hatred for her step-sister, Kate, and her unrequited love for Adrian, who was to marry Kate in an arranged union. Her actions had led to misery for everyone around her, culminating in her own tragic death.

But Layla wasn’t that person. She had never been cruel, nor had she desired revenge. “Okay, okay, think,” she muttered, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths. “I’m not the real Lady Layla. I just... I need to stay calm.”

She paced the room, her mind working furiously. If she was in the body of the villainess, did that mean she had to follow the same path? Her stomach churned at the thought. “No,” she whispered, stopping in front of the mirror again. “I’m not going to follow that fate. I have to change things. I have to avoid the prophecy.”

Layla took another deep breath and tried to remember everything she could about the story. The prophecy said that the villainess would meet her end by Adrian’s hand, a fate sealed by her own jealousy and spite. But there was no rule saying she had to play the role of the villainess.

“I just need to avoid Adrian,” she said to herself, nodding in determination. “If I stay out of his way, and if I don’t antagonize Kate, maybe... maybe I can change things.”

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Layla turned sharply, her heart pounding. “Who is it?” she called out, trying to keep her voice steady.

“It’s Mary, my lady,” came the soft voice of a maid. “I’ve brought your morning tea.”

Layla hesitated for a moment before responding, “Come in.”

The door opened, and a young maid entered, balancing a tray with a delicate porcelain teapot and cup. She set the tray down on a small table by the window and turned to Layla with a polite smile. “Good morning, Lady Layla. I hope you slept well.”

Layla forced a smile, trying to act natural. “Yes, thank you, Mary. I... I did.” She needed to blend in, at least until she figured out her next steps.

Mary poured the tea and glanced at Layla with a hint of curiosity. “My lady, are you feeling alright? You seem a bit... different this morning.”

Layla’s pulse quickened. “Different? No, I’m just... thinking about some things. Nothing to worry about.”

Mary nodded, though her expression remained skeptical. “If you say so, my lady. If there’s anything you need, just let me know.”

“Thank you, Mary. That will be all for now.” Layla watched as the maid curtsied and left the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

Alone again, Layla sank into a chair and stared into her tea. “Alright,” she murmured to herself. “Step one: Avoid Adrian. Step two: Don’t antagonize Kate. Step three: Find a way to change my fate.”

She knew it wouldn’t be easy. The world she was in was filled with dangers, and every move she made could lead her closer to the prophecy’s fulfillment. But Layla was determined to survive.

She would rewrite this story, starting now.

Episode 2: A Dangerous Encounter

Chapter 2: The First Encounter

Layla spent the next few days adapting to her new life, determined to stay out of trouble. She studied the layout of the grand estate, memorizing the routes that kept her away from the main areas where Duke Adrian and others might pass. She kept her interactions brief, fearing that her unfamiliarity with the original Lady Layla’s relationships would expose her secret.

Her days were carefully planned until, one afternoon, she heard a knock on her chamber door.

“Lady Layla, your presence is requested in the drawing room,” Mary announced, her tone respectful but firm.

Layla’s heart sank. She had managed to avoid any significant encounters, but it seemed her luck had run out. “Did they say why?” she asked, hoping for a reason to decline.

“No, my lady. Only that the duke himself is present and wishes to speak with you.”

Layla’s stomach twisted into knots. Adrian. She couldn’t refuse a summons from him without raising suspicion. “Very well,” she said, her voice steady despite her nerves. “I’ll be there shortly.”

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. This is fine. She just needed to act natural, avoid eye contact, and leave as quickly as possible.

Layla made her way down the ornate hallway, her footsteps echoing softly against the marble floor. The estate was even more magnificent up close, with its tall ceilings, intricate woodwork, and walls adorned with beautiful paintings. She paused before the drawing room door, taking a final breath to steady herself before pushing it open.

Inside, the room was filled with a warm glow from the afternoon sun streaming through large windows. A few nobles were gathered, but her eyes were immediately drawn to the tall figure standing by the fireplace. Duke Adrian.

He was just as she remembered from the novel—dark hair, intense blue eyes, and a presence that seemed to fill the room. He exuded a sense of command, his posture straight and his gaze sharp as he spoke to a gentleman beside him.

Layla’s breath hitched, and she quickly looked away, bowing her head slightly in a show of respect. “Your Grace,” she greeted softly, trying to keep her voice from trembling.

Adrian’s eyes flickered toward her, and for a moment, Layla thought she saw a flash of curiosity. “Lady Layla,” he replied, his tone even. “Thank you for joining us.”

Layla nodded, trying to keep her expression neutral. She needed to stay calm and collected. “Of course, Your Grace. How may I assist you?”

Before Adrian could respond, a familiar voice chimed in from across the room. “Oh, Layla, you finally decided to grace us with your presence,” Kate said with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

Layla forced herself to smile back. “I apologize for the delay, Lady Kate. I wasn’t aware my presence was required.”

Kate’s smile faltered for a brief second, but she quickly recovered. “No matter. We were just discussing the upcoming ball. Surely you must be excited?”

Layla’s mind raced. She vaguely recalled something about a ball from the novel, but the details were hazy. “Yes, of course. It sounds like a grand event,” she replied cautiously.

Adrian watched the exchange with a quiet intensity, his eyes lingering on Layla a moment longer than she would have liked. “Lady Layla,” he said, cutting through the tension, “I was hoping to have a word with you in private, if you don’t mind.”

Layla’s heart skipped a beat. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. But she couldn’t refuse. Not without raising even more suspicion. “Of course, Your Grace,” she said, her voice steady despite the panic rising inside her.

Adrian led her to a quieter corner of the room, away from prying ears. Layla’s mind raced with a hundred possibilities, each more nerve-wracking than the last. Just stay calm. Act normal.

“I’ve noticed you’ve been keeping to yourself these past few days,” Adrian began, his tone measured. “Is something troubling you?”

Layla swallowed hard, choosing her words carefully. “I’ve just been... reflecting, Your Grace. A lot has happened recently, and I wanted some time to think.”

He nodded slowly, his gaze never leaving hers. “I see. Reflection can be good, but I would caution against isolating oneself too much. There are those who might take it the wrong way.”

Layla nodded, understanding his veiled warning. “Thank you, Your Grace. I’ll keep that in mind.”

Adrian studied her for a moment longer before offering a slight smile. “I hope to see you at the ball, Lady Layla. It would be a shame if you missed it.”

Layla forced herself to smile back, though her mind was still spinning. “I’ll be there, Your Grace.”

With that, Adrian nodded and turned away, leaving Layla standing there, her heart still racing. She had survived the encounter, but she knew this was only the beginning. The game had just begun, and she would have to be more careful than ever if she hoped to change her fate.

Chapter 3: Avoiding the Duke

Chapter 3: Avoiding the Duke

The days following her unsettling encounter with Duke Adrian were filled with anxiety for Layla. She became increasingly vigilant, avoiding any situation that could bring her into contact with him. Every day was a balancing act, as she maneuvered through her responsibilities while keeping a constant watch for Adrian's presence.

Layla’s strategy was to limit her interactions with anyone who might lead her to Adrian. She requested a change in her daily routine, opting to spend more time in the estate’s more secluded areas. She dedicated her mornings to wandering the lesser-used gardens and her afternoons to organizing her personal library—a sanctuary where she could immerse herself in books, away from prying eyes.

One particular afternoon, as Layla perused through the dusty volumes in the library, she heard the distant sound of approaching footsteps. Her heart immediately began to race. She had been working in the library for a few hours, hoping to stay hidden from the world outside. But now, it seemed her refuge was compromised.

“Mary, is that you?” Layla called out, trying to keep her voice steady.

“Yes, my lady,” came the soft response from the maid, who entered the room carrying a stack of papers. “I’ve brought the documents you requested.”

Layla relaxed slightly. “Thank you, Mary. Please leave them on the desk, and you can return to your duties.”

Mary placed the documents on the desk and gave a respectful curtsy. “Very well, my lady. If you need anything else, just let me know.”

As Mary exited, Layla allowed herself a moment of reprieve. She had to remain cautious, but she couldn’t live in fear all the time. The estate’s gardens and corridors were vast, but she needed to ensure she didn’t accidentally cross paths with Adrian.

To further her avoidance tactics, Layla made arrangements to dine alone in her chambers, using her meals as another opportunity to avoid social gatherings where Adrian might appear. She also instructed her maids to send polite but firm refusals to any invitations to events or meetings that could bring her face-to-face with him.

Despite her best efforts, Layla’s luck seemed to be running out. One evening, as she walked through the estate’s labyrinthine corridors, she found herself in an unfamiliar part of the mansion. The walls were lined with elegant tapestries, and the air was filled with the soft hum of an orchestra from a nearby room. She was about to turn back when she heard a voice—deep and familiar—coming from just around the corner.

“Lady Layla,” Duke Adrian’s voice carried through the corridor. It was unmistakable.

Panic surged through Layla as she quickly ducked behind a large potted plant, her heart pounding in her chest. She could see Adrian’s polished boots through the foliage and held her breath, hoping he wouldn’t spot her.

Adrian’s voice grew louder, and Layla could make out his words. “I need to speak with you about the upcoming ball. Your presence is crucial.”

Layla felt a chill run down her spine. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. She had hoped to escape such a confrontation, but now she was trapped, hidden behind a mere plant.

Just then, a soft rustling noise indicated that someone else had arrived. Layla dared a peek and saw Kate approaching Adrian. Her heart sank. Kate and Adrian exchanged a few words, their conversation filled with the kind of familiarity that suggested an ongoing rapport.

Layla used the opportunity to slip away silently, moving as quietly as possible down another corridor. The last thing she wanted was to be seen overhearing their conversation, especially by Kate, who already harbored ill feelings toward her.

Once safely back in her chambers, Layla collapsed into a chair, her breath coming in quick gasps. Her avoidance tactics had worked, but she knew it was only a temporary reprieve. Adrian’s presence seemed to intrude on every corner of her carefully constructed isolation.

She needed a new plan, one that would keep her out of his reach and prevent any accidental encounters. Her mind raced with strategies and contingencies, all while she tried to calm her frayed nerves. I need to be smarter about this, she thought resolutely. I can’t let my fear dictate my actions.

The days ahead would test her resolve, but Layla was determined to face the challenge. If she wanted to change her fate, she would have to navigate this treacherous path with care, avoiding Adrian while finding a way to alter the course of her prophesied doom.

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