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Heir of the King

The Awakening of Two Kings

Title: "Heir of the King
*Chapter 1: The Awakening of Two Kings*
*Ancient powers lie dormant beneath the sands of time, waiting for the right moment to resurface. Tonight, two paths intersect, and the world will never be the same...*
*(Scene opens with a vast, desolate desert under a moonlit sky. A group of explorers tread cautiously through an excavation site. At the center of the group is **Aric**, a lean and sharp-eyed treasure hunter, driven by his insatiable thirst for the legendary. His voice is steady, determined.)*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
The legends spoke of a crown, buried deep within the ruins of the ancient city of Uruk.
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
They said it was cursed, a relic of unimaginable power.
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
But curses don’t scare me...
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
Not when power is on the line.
(The explorers dig feverishly, and as dawn begins to break, one of them strikes something hard beneath the sand.)
Sir, I think we've found it!
(Aric rushes over, his eyes widening as a glint of gold catches the sunlight. He reaches down and carefully brushes away the sand, revealing a crown — ancient, with ornate carvings and inlaid gemstones that pulse with an eerie light.)
(Aric reaches for the crown, feeling a magnetic pull. The moment his fingers touch the cold metal, a surge of energy courses through him. Visions flash before his eyes — battles, gods, a city in ruins, and a king who commanded both men and gods alike.)
Voice of Gilgamesh
Voice of Gilgamesh
(faint and distant)
Voice of Gilgamesh
Voice of Gilgamesh
The crown is mine...
Voice of Gilgamesh
Voice of Gilgamesh
And now, it binds you.
(Aric gasps and stumbles back, the crown clutched in his hand, his mind reeling from the visions. But a smirk spreads across his face.)
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
So it's true.
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
The power of Gilgamesh still lingers...
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
And it’s mine for the taking.
Cut to: Ashford City, a modern metropolis far from the desert sands. In his room,
**Aiden Malik**
A high school senior known for his athleticism and curiosity about ancient myths, sits staring at his phone. He’s just received a mysterious text message
Text Message:
"Come to the Old Library at midnight. The answers you seek are waiting"
Aiden's heart pounds. The dreams have been getting stronger — vivid visions of a golden city, ancient warriors, and a presence that feels all too real. He checks the clock.
11:30 PM
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
(to himself)
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
Am I really doing this? It’s probably just a prank...
(But something inside him stirs — a gut feeling that he can’t ignore. He grabs his jacket and heads out into the cold night air.)
Midnight at the Old Library. The door creaks open as Aiden steps inside. Dust dances in the dim light, and the silence is almost deafening. Suddenly, a shadow moves in the corner of his vision, and a tall figure emerges from the darkness.
mysterious figure
mysterious figure
Aiden Malik. You’ve come
mysterious figure
mysterious figure
As expected.
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
Who are you?
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
And how do you know my name?
(The figure doesn’t answer immediately. Instead, he pulls out an ancient tablet, its surface covered in glowing symbols that shift and swirl like molten gold.)
mysterious figure
mysterious figure
I know of your dreams, your restlessness.
mysterious figure
mysterious figure
The blood of Gilgamesh flows through you, Aiden.
mysterious figure
mysterious figure
And with it, his power
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
*(Aiden steps back, his eyes widening.)*
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
This is insane. You expect me to believe I’m some descendant of a myth?
mysterious figure
mysterious figure
Believe what you will. But you cannot deny the truth.
He thrusts the tablet toward Aiden, and it bursts into flames. A golden light envelops Aiden, and he cries out as memories flood his mind — battles, monstrous creatures, a city made of gold... and a king’s voice echoing in his soul
Voice of Gilgamesh
Voice of Gilgamesh
Aiden Malik !
Voice of Gilgamesh
Voice of Gilgamesh
You are my heir. Accept this power... or be consumed by it
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
*Aiden collapses to his knees, panting as the light fades. His eyes now glow with a faint golden hue.*
mysterious figure
mysterious figure
You have been awakened. But beware, Aiden
mysterious figure
mysterious figure
Others are seeking this power too. And they will not hesitate to kill for it.
(He vanishes into the shadows, leaving Aiden alone, his heart racing and his mind reeling with the realization that his life has changed forever.
(Meanwhile, back in the desert, Aric stands over the unearthed crown, still buzzing with newfound energy. The sky above darkens, clouds swirling as if responding to the crown's awakening. A dark figure steps forward from Aric's crew, their face hidden in shadow.)
Dark figure
Dark figure
You’ve found it, Aric. But now you must wield it...
Dark figure
Dark figure
Or it will destroy you.
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
I didn’t come all this way to be destroyed
He places the crown on his head, and a blast of golden energy explodes outward. Aric's eyes blaze with power, his veins glowing like molten gold. He grins with exhilaration, feeling the ancient strength coursing through him.
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
A new king has risen...
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
And I intend to claim everything that comes with it.
(In a flash, he vanishes into the night, the power of the crown surging through him.)

Chapter 2: The Awakening

[Location: Aiden’s Room, Night]
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*sitting on his bed, staring at the glowing tablet*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
What… what are you?
*The tablet pulses with a golden light, symbols shifting and glowing like they’re alive.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*mutters to himself*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
This is crazy. It’s just some old stone tablet…
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
Why am I even talking to it?
*The symbols begin to change, rearranging themselves into words he can read*
You are not alone. The Chosen must awaken
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*eyes widen* What does that mean?
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
Who's writing this? Is someone watching me?
*He hears a knock on his door, his mother’s voice muffled through the wood.*
Aiden's mom
Aiden? Are you okay in there?
Aiden's mom
You’ve been awfully quiet
*Aiden quickly throws a blanket over the tablet, dimming its light.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
Yeah, Mom! I’m fine.
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
Just, uh… studying.
*There’s a pause. Aiden hears her sigh.*
Aiden's mom
Alright. Dinner’s almost ready. Don’t be too long.
*He listens as her footsteps fade away. Slowly, he uncovers the tablet again, heart pounding.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*This thing… it knows something. And I’m pretty sure it’s connected to the dreams. But how?*
*He reaches out, hovering his fingers over the glowing surface. A cold shiver runs through his spine.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
Okay, if you're real, then...
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
Show me something. Tell me what you want from me.
*Suddenly, a blinding flash erupts from the tablet, and Aiden is pulled into a vision. He sees a golden city, massive stone ziggurats, and hears the deep, echoing chants of thousands of voices.*
Voice in the Vision
Voice in the Vision
Heir of the King…
Voice in the Vision
Voice in the Vision
Awaken your destiny
*Aiden stumbles back, ripping his hand away from the tablet. He’s breathing hard, drenched in sweat.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*What the hell is happening to me?*
Location: Mesopotamian Desert, Midnight]
*Aric Holt kneels in the heart of a ruined temple*
*His eyes locked on the crown of Gilgamesh.*
*The crown glows faintly, whispering promises of unimaginable power.*
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
*to himself* I’ve found it. After all these years… I’ve finally found it.
*He takes a deep breath and reaches out, his hands trembling as he touches the crown. Immediately, a searing pain shoots up his arms.*
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
*gritting his teeth, refusing to let go* Come on…
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
I’m not letting go.
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
Not now.
*His vision blurs, and suddenly he’s no longer in the temple. He stands in a grand, golden city, staring at a massive throne where a man with molten gold eyes — Gilgamesh — sits.*
You dare claim my power?
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
*stepping forward, bold*
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
I do. I’m worthy of it.
*Gilgamesh rises, his expression stern and regal.*
We shall see.
*With a roar, a wave of golden energy blasts toward Aric. Instinctively, Aric raises his arms, and the energy splits around him. His veins glow with golden light.*
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
*I… I can feel it. The power… it’s mine.*
*The vision fades, and Aric is back in the temple, gasping. The crown no longer feels cold; it feels alive.*
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
*smiling, a dangerous glint in his eyes*
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
Let’s see who dares to challenge me now.
[Location: Ashford City Library, Late Evening]
*Aiden, unable to shake the feeling that something is changing, follows his instincts to the oldest library in the city. The place is nearly deserted, shadows stretching between the rows of ancient books.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*walking down an aisle, whispering to himself*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
What am I even doing here? I should be home, sleeping this off…
*Suddenly, he sees a shadow move at the end of the aisle. He freezes.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
Hey! Who’s there?
*A figure steps out from the shadows — a man with a lean build, dressed in dark, weathered clothes. His eyes glow faintly, like embers.*
You’re far from home,
"Heir of Gilgamesh"
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*heart pounding*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
How do you know that? Who are you?
Smirking* "Someone who’s been watching you for a long time
You’re not as hidden as you think."
*Aiden’s grip tightens on the tablet. The whispers in his mind grow louder.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*I need to be ready… This guy isn’t normal.*
There are others looking for you, boy. Others who want what you have.
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Stepping back, his voice steady* "Yeah? Let them come."
*The man’s smirk widens.*
Oh, they will. And some are far less friendly than me."
*Before Aiden can react, the stranger raises his hand. A flash of blinding light fills the aisle. Aiden stumbles back, shielding his eyes. When he blinks the spots away, the man is gone, leaving only a faint golden shimmer in the air.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*breathing hard* What the hell was that? What is going on?
*He glances around, but the library is silent, empty. He knows he can’t stay here. Pocketing the tablet, he bolts for the exit.*
[Location: Mesopotamian Desert, Dawn]
*Aric stands on the edge of the temple ruins, his eyes fixed on the horizon. A sense of purpose fills him, the power of the crown thrumming through his veins like a second heartbeat.*
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
* Someone else is out there. Another heir… or a threat. I need to find them.*
He smirks, his mind already plotting. The pull is undeniable, guiding him like a compass. Somewhere across the world, the game has begun.
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
*To himself a low whisper* I’m coming for you, heir of Gilgamesh.
[Location: Aiden’s Home, Late Night]
*Aiden sits in his room, heart still racing from the encounter at the library. He knows he’s in over his head, but there’s no turning back now.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*I need to figure this out. If there are others like that guy… if there are people looking for me… I need to be ready.*
*He looks down at the tablet, the glowing symbols still shifting across its surface. He can feel it now — the power inside him, the connection to something ancient, something… dangerous.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*To himself*Okay. If I’m really some heir of Gilgamesh, then it’s time to find out what that means. And if there’s anyone out there who wants a fight…
He grips the tablet tighter, feeling a surge of determination.
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
…then I’m not backing down.
Outside, a cold wind howls, carrying with it the distant echoes of ancient voices, whispering of battles yet to come.
[End of Chapter 2]

Echoes of Power

[Location: Ashford City - Old Cemetery, Midnight]
*Aiden Malik walks cautiously through the old cemetery, guided by a feeling he can’t explain. His breath forms small clouds in the chilly night air. The tablet he holds glows faintly beneath his hoodie.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Why did I even come here? What am I expecting to find in a place like this?*
*He steps over a crumbling tombstone, the ground uneven beneath his feet.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Muttering to himself* I must be losing my mind… following some glowing rock’s whispers. scoffs Great plan, Aiden.
*Suddenly, a low hum fills the air. The tablet's glow intensifies, casting strange shadows that twist and dance around him.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Stopping in his tracks* What the?
*The hum grows louder, resonating deep within his bones. A faint whisper begins, like a distant chorus.*
Whispering Voice
Whispering Voice
Find the door… Seek the past…"
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Eyes wide* whispering back Door? What door?
*The ground beneath him trembles slightly, and he stumbles. The whispers grow louder, more insistent.*
Whispering Voice
Whispering Voice
"The door to knowledge… to power…"
*Aiden spins around, his breath quickening, trying to locate the source of the voices.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
Who’s there?! Show yourself!
*The cemetery falls silent, but the tablet in his hand burns hot, almost like a warning. He looks around, his senses on high alert.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Okay, calm down. You’ve seen weirder things this week. Just… figure it out.*
*He walks deeper into the cemetery, the whispers guiding him. Suddenly, the ground cracks open in front of him with a loud rumble, revealing a dark, narrow staircase leading underground.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Staring into the dark abyss*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
You’ve got to be kidding me…
*He hesitates, glancing back at the exit, but the pull of the whispers is too strong to ignore.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
No turning back now, right?
*He takes a deep breath and steps down into the darkness.*
[Location: Underground Chamber beneath the Cemetery]
*Aiden descends the stone steps, his footsteps echoing. The air grows colder with each step, the walls damp and covered in strange, ancient symbols. The tablet’s glow is the only source of light, casting eerie shadows.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Softly* This place… feels ancient. Older than the cemetery above, for sure.
*He reaches the bottom, entering a vast underground chamber. Pillars line the walls, and at the center stands a stone pedestal with a faintly glowing sigil.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
**This looks… almost like a ritual site. But for what?**
*He approaches the pedestal, the tablet in his hand resonating with the sigil. Suddenly, the whispers in his mind grow louder, more frantic.*
Whispering Voice
Whispering Voice
"The Chosen must awaken… the power must flow…"
*Aiden reaches out, his fingers hovering over the sigil. The moment he touches it, a shockwave of energy pulses through the chamber, and Aiden is thrown backward, crashing into a pillar.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Groaning, trying to stand* What… the hell…
*He looks up, his vision blurred, and sees a figure forming in the middle of the chamber — a tall, ethereal being with glowing eyes.*
Ethereal Figure
Ethereal Figure
You seek the power of Gilgamesh
Ethereal Figure
Ethereal Figure
But are you prepared to face the trials?"
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Panting, getting to his feet*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
What trials?
*The figure’s eyes blaze brighter.*
Ethereal Figure
Ethereal Figure
"Only those who prove their worth shall wield the power."
*Suddenly, the chamber begins to shift. The walls twist, and the floor cracks open, revealing a pit of swirling darkness.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Oh, this is bad… really bad…*
Ethereal Figure
Ethereal Figure
Ethereal Figure
Ethereal Figure
or fall into the abyss."
*Without warning, shadowy figures emerge from the darkness, their eyes glowing red, their forms shifting like smoke. They circle Aiden, closing in fast.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Raising his fists, heart racing* Alright… let’s do this.
*One of the shadow figures lunges at him. Aiden dodges, his reflexes quicker than he expected, and he counters with a punch that passes through the figure’s smoky body.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Frustrated* How the hell do I fight smoke?!
*Another figure lunges, slashing with razor-sharp claws. Aiden barely dodges, feeling the air whip past his face.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Focus, focus… *
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*There has to be a way!*
*He remembers the tablet in his hand and raises it toward the figures. A pulse of golden light shoots out, striking one of the shadows. The figure screeches, dissipating into thin air.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Eyes wide*Alright! That’s more like it!
*The remaining figures hiss and close in. Aiden swings the tablet, releasing more bursts of light, trying to keep them at bay.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Breathing hard* Come on… come on…
*One shadow slips through his defenses, slashing across his arm. He yells in pain, dropping to one knee.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*I can’t keep this up…*
*The whispers grow louder in his mind, almost deafening now.*
Whispering Voice
Whispering Voice
"Embrace the power… Become the heir…"
*Aiden grips the tablet with both hands, focusing on the whispers, letting them guide him.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Shouting* Fine! Let’s see what this heir can really do!
*The tablet glows brighter, a blinding light filling the chamber. Aiden feels a surge of strength, a new energy coursing through his veins. The shadows shriek and recoil, dissolving into nothing.*
Ethereal Figure
Ethereal Figure
*Observing* You have passed the first trial. But many more await, .
Ethereal Figure
Ethereal Figure
Heir of Gilgamesh....
*The figure fades, and the chamber returns to normal. Aiden collapses to the ground, breathing heavily.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Exhausted* First trial? You’ve gotta be kidding me…
[Location: Mesopotamian Desert - Hidden Base, Dawn]
*Aric Holt stands before a group of followers, all dressed in dark robes. His eyes burn with ambition, the crown of Gilgamesh now resting on his head.*
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
The power is awakening. I can feel it… Someone else has stepped into the fray."
*A robed follower steps forward, bowing slightly.*
The heir, perhaps? The one from the prophecy?
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
*Smirking*Perhaps. Or maybe just another fool seeking glory. Either way, we’ll find them.
*He turns to his followers, his voice commanding.*
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
Prepare yourselves. We march soon. I want scouts everywhere in every city, every shadow. Whoever this ‘heir’ is, they won’t stay hidden for long.
*The followers nod, dispersing to carry out his orders. Aric watches them go, a predatory gleam in his eyes.*
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
*Soon, I’ll have all the power. And no one not some kid, not some spirit will stand in my way.*
*He places a hand on the crown, feeling its energy pulse through him. He closes his eyes, concentrating./*
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
*Whispering* Where are you, heir? Show yourself…
*A flicker of an image appears in his mind a young man standing in an ancient chamber, holding a glowing tablet. Aiden.*
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
*Eyes snapping open*
Aric Holt
Aric Holt
*Grinning* Found you.
[Location: Aiden’s Room, Morning]
*Aiden wakes up, drenched in sweat, the tablet still glowing beside him. His body aches from the battle, but he knows he can’t rest.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*If that was just the first trial… I need to be ready for whatever’s next.*
*He sits up, gripping the tablet. The whispers are quieter now, but still there, guiding him.*
Aiden Malik
Aiden Malik
*Determined*Alright… bring it on.
*Outside, the sky is starting to lighten, but a storm is brewing on the horizon one that promises danger and destiny in equal measure.*
[End of Chapter 3]

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