NovelToon NovelToon


CHAPTER 1- Jiang Tian

That summer's cicadas were noisier than any other year, and the branches outside the classroom window grew wildly, but they couldn't stop the blazing sun.

The large class room on the top floor of the Mingli Building of the Affiliated High School has always been noisy. The school committee of Class A of Senior Two drifted into the classroom from the corridor and shouted, "Report - our class is about to enter!"

"The little eunuch in the Jingshi room is here to deceive people again." Someone teased

"You're a fucking little eunuch, I'm serious."

"It's neither mid-term nor end-of-term, who's in?"

"Transfer student."

As soon as these words were said, everyone who was awake in the classroom came to the spirit: "Male and female? Fidelity?"

"It's absolutely true! I just saw it, the man is handsome and clean." The school committee smacked it and added, "I don't know which teacher is not a human being and pulled out other people's school grass."

There was a roar of screams in the classroom, and several girls took advantage of the chaos to aim at the corner of the last row. There was a boy lying on the table to catch up on sleep, with one hand covering the back of his head, his long fingers slightly bent, and his wrist bones protruding.

It was so noisy around him that he scratched his short hair and turned his head sideways.

The girls looked back, and their voices suddenly became much lighter: "Where did it come from?"

The school committee reported a school name.

"What is it? Is there this school around?"

"I haven't heard of it, but it must be a key point of the province, otherwise it would be impossible to transfer to our class."

"Wait, I'll check." The talking boy took out his phone from the table like a thief: "Is there no teacher here? Help me keep an eye on it."

He searched quickly with his hands, and after searching, he was dumbfounded: "Fuck?"

"What's wrong?"

The boy held the phone and showed it around, and the rest of the people were dumbfounded.

After a long while, someone finally came back to his senses: "He is from another province? He transferred to Jiangsu after finishing his first year of high school? Taking the college entrance examination? That handsome guy has his brain caught in the door?"

Sheng Wang, whose brain was caught in the door, was waiting for his decision in the Academic Affairs Office.

The cicada hissed in the thick shade, and he left the window and plugged in the earphones before he could hear his father's new voice. Three in a row, each 1 minute long, is Sheng Mingyang's consistent style.

"Your little uncle Chen just called me to say that you went upstairs by yourself. Why didn't you wait for him? New classmates in the new place, it would be better if someone brought you—"

"What's the school atmosphere like? Is it much different from the previous No. 1 middle school? Although it's the key point of the province, it's not a province after all—"

"Have you seen Lao Xu—"

The air conditioner in the Political and Religious Office is a bit old and can only be partially cooled, which is suitable for middle-aged and elderly friends. Sheng Wang stood at the air outlet, the slight sweat on the ends of his hair was blown cold. He pointed his finger at the screen, and cut off each speech after listening to the summary of the previous situation. He rolled his eyes when he heard one, and was a little confused when he turned to the third one.

Of course, Uncle Chen knew that it was the driver who sent him to report. The teaching area does not allow cars to enter, and the parking lot is far away. Sheng Wang finds it difficult to take an extra step, so he simply let him go back first.


"Who is Lao Xu?" Sheng Wang said while pressing the send button.

"You pinched my voice again?" Sheng Mingyang replied in seconds.

Sheng Wang fanned himself while holding the collar, pretending to be disconnected from the Internet.

Sheng Mingyang chased after a phone call, and his tone was helpless: "Lao Xu is the director of the Political and Education Division. He is not too tall and looks very serious. It may be a bit serious.

Sheng Wang followed his description and memories: "No. The teacher who took me upstairs was very kind and kept laughing, just like a big mouth monkey."

Still short, glance at the shoulders that just arrived, and talked up his face. He placed Sheng Wang here and went downstairs, saying that he was looking for someone to get a new textbook.

Sheng Mingyang stuck the shell: "Oh, almost, that's him."

Sheng Wang: "..."

He thought about it and said, "Dad, do you think I look right?"

Sheng Mingyang wanted to hit him.

As a businessman, he saw people talking and ghost -speaking kung fu furnaces.

A human voice came from outside the door, and she glanced at her head: "Monkey, no, Director Xu is here, I hang it first."

Sheng Mingyang accelerated the speed of speech: "OK, perform well, and strive to leave a good impression on the first day, don't get the nickname."

"Oh." Sheng wang dragged his voice.

"Let Xiao Chen pick you up at night, I can almost get home at that time, take you-"

He hesitated for a moment, and said easily and naturally: "Let's invite you Aunt Jiang to have a meal together, that is, the last time Dad discussed with you, okay?"

Sheng Wang pursed his lips.

Aunt Jiang is named Jiang Ou and has a son. He has never seen Jiang Ou's real person. He has only seen two photos, and he has seen quite perfunctory.

He listened intermittently for almost a year, and the frequency appeared from two or three months to every day. He was really used to get used to it. have to say that Sheng Mingyang is a master in controlling the rhythm and can't pick any mistakes. So that even if he had a temper, he couldn't find a suitable entry point.

Last month, Sheng Mingyang said that he would double in the second half of the year and stayed at home for a few days. He also said that there was a change in Jiangou there, and the house could not live. So he wanted Jiang Ou to move over.

In fact, it is fake, and there are special aunts for cleaning and cooking. It is not necessarily true, but just find a breakthrough. Can you still leave when you live together?

This matter is discussing, but did n’t wait for Sheng Wang to nod. New supplies have begun to appear at home. Everything is preparing for the woman, oh, and her son.

Tonight this meal is only one result.

I couldn't hear the response from Hope, and Sheng Mingyang called him on the phone.

The director Xu, who looked like a big mouth monkey, happened to walk into the door, and he paused and hung up the phone.

After all, it is a new student report. Director Xu of the Political and Education Department can still maintain basic kindness: "Calling with the family? It doesn't matter, don't worry about hanging up the phone, saying it should be."

Sheng Wang turned his head, with a youthful anger in his smile: "Thank you teacher, it's almost the same."

Director Xu nodded at the teacher behind him. He just said downstairs that although the new transfer student had a face of a little girl, he was a good student at first glance.

"Come, sit." Director Xu pointed at the newly moved small book and said: "This is the theoretical textbook that the theory this semester, you can turn it over."

What is theoretical?

Sheng Wang did not understand the meaning of this for a while. He turned two pages with the top chemistry, which was quite connected with the content of the previous learned. The difference was very different. It should be a problem to learn.

"I have read your previous information and transferred several times?" Director Xu said.

Sheng Wang nodded his head: "Well, turn it a few times." Basically, he ran away with Sheng Mingyang.

The primary school was in Jiangsu, and changed it twice from the first year of the first year to the first year of high school. This is the third time. Thanks to these experiences, he has no feelings for anywhere, and he doesn't stay anywhere for long.

"I have also read the transcripts. Very good students have basically never fallen out of the top three in the grade. The qualifications are definitely enough, but there may be a little difference in the order and progress of the courses between the two schools." Director Xu used Fingers gestured at a distance of less than 1 centimeter, and said with relief: "You will encounter this kind of problem more or less when you transfer to another school. You can make up for it with a little snack, don't be afraid."

Sheng Wang had a smooth journey all the way, and he really didn't frighten anyone in his studies. I'm afraid it's impossible to be afraid. But he couldn't be too immodest, so he had to put down his raised tail: "I was mentally prepared before I came, and I tried my best to keep up."

Director Xu was even more kind: "Have you ever had a preparatory course in the first year of high school?"

Sheng Wang said: "No, the school has tried a one-semester shift system."

"Oh." Director Xu nodded, "Actually, we are also on a shift system, just a little bit special."

Sheng Wang was a little confused: "Special? How special?"

"Class A you are about to join is an intensive second-year physics and chemistry class. We take it once a half semester. Isn't there two big exams in the midterm and the end of the term? Each time the last three students in the big test will be withdrawn to Class B, and then the three with the highest ranking will be selected. Make up. It's this kind of shift system."

Sheng Wang: "..."

In short, that's the way people choose courses, they're the way to get out.

Director Xu had frightened the children enough, and finally decided to be an individual.

He took Sheng Wang across the flower corridor to Mingli Building. When passing by a wall of honor, Sheng Wang couldn't help but glance a few more times, because the expressionless "passport photo" on the wall was too much like a wanted warrant.

This school is absolutely beautiful, he thought.

Director Xu stood on tiptoe and performed the peacock show on the spot. He said proudly: "The number of high school competitions is not too many, but our performance is still very good. Most of the people on this wall are Will be your classmate, you can recognize it in advance."

Sheng Wang was blind and had no interest in learning about identification in advance, so he remembered one of them.

First, the repetition rate was too high, and he turned the Wall of Honor into Lianliankan by himself; secondly, his surname was Jiang, and his name was Jiang Tian.

The focus is on the second.

Sheng Wang believes that if he becomes the emperor, he must be a foolish monarch, and he likes to sit together. Xiao Du Jichang is Xiao Du Jichang, anyway, he has been unpleasant to see the surname Jiang recently.

Director Xu admired this wall for the thousandth time, but suddenly pulled his donkey face. He approached the photo of Jiang Tian, reached out and wiped it twice, and said angrily, "Whoever draws love on the wall of honor is out of order!"

Sheng Wang hummed beside him: "There's more than one person painting."

The school's photographer Lu Zi is too wild, but the people in the photos still retain a certain quality. In Director Xu's words, they can be full of misfortunes for little girls. But Sheng Wang felt that this kind of cool boy would most likely be bking.

He prayed that he would stay away from this man in the days to come, lest one day he couldn't stand it and fight.

As a result, within five minutes of making this wish, he was pressed by Director Xu next to the live-action version of bking. The reason is that it will be a bit difficult to keep up with the progress at the beginning, and the best way is to find the same table if there is a problem.

Director Xu said: "Looking at the whole grade, I guess I can't find a more suitable tablemate than Jiang Tian."

As soon as the words fell, more than forty pairs of eyes in the class cast suffocating glances.

Sheng Wang glanced dryly at the big-mouthed monkey, thinking that I can go to you.


"Teacher, someone is looking for it." A certain girl called Director Xu and pointed out the window.

The hand on Sheng Wang's shoulder finally let go, Director Xu nodded to the person looking for him outside the window, and said, "Is there a meeting? Just come."

He straightened up, pointed at Sheng Wang's earphones, and said, "By the way, today's report is an exception. From tomorrow, things like mobile phone earphones psp will not appear in the classroom, once I catch it, eh— "

He raised his index finger and pointed twice, and then digged towards the belly of the boy in front of him with lightning speed.

"My day!" The boy jumped up immediately, covering his schoolbag as fast as he had touched the electric gate.

"Does it work? It's the second time, Gao Tianyang." Director Xu raised his hand, shook the freshly seized mobile phone, and said to Sheng Wang, "See, this is the negative teaching material. What about the other disciplinary committee members?"

The girl in the first row stuck her head out: "Yes."

"Playing with a mobile phone will deduct 3 points for civilization, and 1 point for swearing."


Director Xu made a big deal and walked away contentedly with the spoils.

Sheng Wang witnessed the arrest scene up close, his expression a little confused. The boy named Gao Tianyang looked at him, his eyes gradually resentful. After a few seconds, Sheng Wang finally reacted and silently took off his earphones and stuffed them into his schoolbag together with his mobile phone, so as not to irritate people.

Gao Tianyang still looked at him.

Sheng Wang thought about it for a while, and politely comforted him, "Please mourn and change."

"Fuck." Gao Tianyang didn't hold back, he wiped his face and said, "It's okay, it's not the first time. Anyway, I have to check my mobile phone every once in a while, no one in this room has been tricked."

"Oh." Sheng Wang nodded, then wondered, "Then what do you see me doing?"

Gao Tianyang: "I'm just curious."

Sheng Wang: "?"

"Before you entered the classroom, we were talking. I also googled your original school. What can't you think about at a young age? Transfer to Jiangsu in the second year of high school?"

Sheng Wang laughed dryly and said, "Ask my dad to go."

Gao Tianyang touched his round head and wanted to gossip a few more words, but the bell rang suddenly. The classmates who were chatting and spanking all sat up straight, and a few people who had slept in a large recess also raised their heads, stretched their arms and necks, and took out a stack of papers from the table.

When everyone returned to their seats and no longer huddled together, Sheng Wang's sense of abruptness became very heavy-because everyone in this class was a single, a single, a single, a seat! Only him, the table next to the other, a fellow tablemate who slept like a corpse.

i fuck...

Sheng Wang just took out the new textbook, and he didn't put it in his schoolbag, and it didn't matter if he didn't. Extremely embarrassed, he could only turn his head and stare at Jiang Tian.

This suspected bking deskmate may have been a thief all night without even hearing the bell. The arm he supported covered most of his face, and only the line of the jawbone could be seen from the gap. The white crew-neck T-shirt wraps the silhouette of the arched shoulders and rises gently with the breath.

Is this posture to sleep until after school? Sheng Wangxin said.

Gao Tianyang in the front seat suddenly turned his head as if remembering something, stretched out his hand and quickly pushed Jiang Tian, and said in a low voice, "Wake up, brother Tim, self-study is over."

He pointed to Jiang Tianchong and explained to Shengwang, "I just asked him to call him in class, so as not to fall asleep."

Sheng Wang raised his eyebrows, a little surprised. He thought that this same tablemate was here to perform the perfect score for sleeping every day.

Gao Tianyang called twice, and Jiang Tian finally woke up.

He responded with a low "um", the fingers covering the back of his head curled a few times, and the short black hair came out from the gap between the fingers. He pinched his thumb on the knuckle of his index finger and made a light "click" before he raised his head. After sitting up straight, he rubbed his face again.

The naked eye can see how difficult it is to wake up.

"My God, why were you so sleepy last night?" Gao Tianyang couldn't help asking.

"It's a little messed up." Jiang Tian obviously didn't want to talk about it, except for the sleepiness between his brows, he was unhappy. He took out a bottle of mineral water from the belly of the table, and the ice mist on the bottle melted between his fingers.

He frowned and turned his head. Maybe it's because I just drank the ice water, and the voice is very cold: "Who are you, why are you sitting here?"

Listen to this bullshit.

Sheng Wang had originally sat down with him because of his surname, Jiang Lian, and when he was agitated by this tone, he didn't have a good impression. His young master got angry, pointed to the new textbook on the table with his chin and said, "I'm new here, so what if I just sit here."

It might be attractive to see handsome guys fighting each other, and the students at the front desks turned their heads one after another.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Gao Tianyang was the first to rush out to smooth things out: "No, you didn't know when you made up your mind just now, but the teacher put him here."

"Which teacher?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Who else could have a big mouth." Gao Tianyang said, "Isn't he always fond of arranging seats randomly? Last time he took my desk to the side of the podium with a sentence, and he forgot it the next day, and asked me why the classroom is so good. If you don’t sit, you have to go to the podium to squeeze with the teacher, and I’ll be a dog.”

Sheng Wang was confronting Jiang Tian with a cold face. Hearing that, he turned his head to stare at Gao Tianyang, with a row of condemning characters on his face: Why didn't you say anything when the big-mouthed monkey was there?

Suddenly there was a dragging sound of "bang bang bang", Sheng Wang heard the sound and looked over, and saw that Jiang Tian had already stood up, carried his chair, and pulled his single table back a distance.

"What are you doing?" Gao Tianyang asked in confusion.

"Adjust the seat." Jiang Tian didn't even look at it. He tilted his head in Shengwang's direction and said, "He's a little shorter and sit here, I'll sit in the back."

Sheng Wang: "Who is short?"

Jiang Tian had already sat down in his new position. He took out a thick stack of rolls from the table and threw them on the table. Then he leaned back on the chair and looked up at Sheng Wang: "Or are you taller than me?"


So far, Sheng Wang's impression of this person is completely unbearable.

He moved the single table in front of him to the left, aligning it with the whole row, and stuffed the schoolbag into the table. As soon as he sat down, Gao Tianyang tapped his pen on his table, turned his head and whispered, "Hey, buddy."

"Huh?" Young Master Sheng is very targeted when he is upset, and will not slap his face at unrelated people.

Gao Tianyang covered his mouth with his hand and said in a lower voice, "Don't take it to heart, he usually doesn't do this. Something may have happened in the past two days, and he's in a bad mood."

Sheng Wang said "Oh" out of politeness, but what he was thinking was none of my business.

He cares more about other people in the classroom than the ice sculpture plague god behind him.

Because looking around, he was the only one in the entire classroom with textbooks on his desk, and everyone else was just stacks of papers. And the class bell has been ringing for so long, and no teacher has come.

What's wrong with this school?

He glanced around, and before he had time to ask his doubts, Gao Tianyang, the sweet little padded jacket, took the initiative to speak: "Today is Saturday, during the supplementary class period, all day is self-study. You... didn't bring any papers?"

Sheng Wang reminded him angrily: "I just came today."

"Oh, then what are you reviewing for?" Gao Tianyang poked at the brand-new textbook and said, "A textbook?"

"Review?" Sheng Wang repeated, "You mean review?"


Sheng Wang suddenly had an ominous hunch. He asked: "Why review?"

Gao Tianyang said, "Because of the exam tomorrow."

Hope: "???"

"What to do tomorrow?"

"take an exam."

Sheng Wang looked at him with a dream of what you was talking about: "What do you test? The content of high school?"

"That's the last time the final exam. What is the content of the first year of high school?" Gao Tianyang pointed at the textbook that Shengwang had just received today, "Test this."

Sheng Wang: "..."

Can you say that again?

Maybe his solidarity looked a little cute, and Gao Tianyang laughed.

Sheng Wang pointed at the textbook and said with an undulating voice: "Director Xu told me that this is the new textbook of your semester."

"Theoretically." Gao Tianyang said, "But we have finished it. Today, on August 8th, right? We put it for 10 days on July 10th, and then came to class. It's over. "

"Which door?"

"Anyway, CNCC is finished, the language progress is slightly slower, and English is not based on the text."

Sheng Wang suffocated for a while: "So I want to take five things that I haven't learned at all tomorrow?"


"Can I ask for leave?"

"It should not be." Gao Tianyang said vicissitudes: "Friends, there is a long way to go, so he is good at himself. When you graduate, find someone to fight Xu Da's mouth."

This incident was too exciting, so that after a day, Sheng Wang was always in a state of spiritual stunning, referred to as drunk.

It was still the driver Xiao Chen hit his mobile phone, and he reacted to the end of the self -study. The people in the classroom walked seven or eight. Before Gao Tianyang left, he seemed to say hello to him, and the disadvantage was disappeared.

He received a call from his dad Sheng Mingyang halfway. After all, my dad is a dad, and the word "um" hear something wrong.

"What? I met?" Sheng Mingyang asked.

Shengwang's head was against the window, paralyzed in the back seat lazily, and said numbly: "There is a need for trouble to satisfy."


"I want to retreat."


Sheng Mingyang froze for a moment, but didn't hold back and laughed: "Oh, is this my son?"

Shengwang has the character of the peacock from a small to small to open the screen, and when he was a kid, he would say "no", and he never heard it. Leng Buding heard this tone, Sheng Mingyang was still a little bit of emotion, and his tone was a lot soft: "Let's talk to my dad, what stimulation?"

Shengwang said with a sound, and was about to pour a stomach out, but he heard a vague voice around Sheng Mingyang. It was a woman's whispering question. It was covering her back to her.

Sheng Wang froze for a moment, and suddenly his taste.






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"Teacher, someone is looking for it." A certain girl called Director Xu and pointed out the window.

The hand on Sheng Wang's shoulder finally let go, Director Xu nodded to the person looking for him outside the window, and said, "Is there a meeting? Just come."

He straightened up, pointed at Sheng Wang's earphones, and said, "By the way, today's report is an exception. From tomorrow, things like mobile phone earphones psp will not appear in the classroom, once I catch it, eh— "

He raised his index finger and pointed twice, and then digged towards the belly of the boy in front of him with lightning speed.

"My day!" The boy jumped up immediately, covering his schoolbag as fast as he had touched the electric gate.

"Does it work? It's the second time, Gao Tianyang." Director Xu raised his hand, shook the freshly seized mobile phone, and said to Sheng Wang, "See, this is the negative teaching material. What about the other disciplinary committee members?"

The girl in the first row stuck her head out: "Yes."

"Playing with a mobile phone will deduct 3 points for civilization, and 1 point for swearing."


Director Xu made a big deal and walked away contentedly with the spoils.

Sheng Wang witnessed the arrest scene up close, his expression a little confused. The boy named Gao Tianyang looked at him, his eyes gradually resentful. After a few seconds, Sheng Wang finally reacted and silently took off his earphones and stuffed them into his schoolbag together with his mobile phone, so as not to irritate people.

Gao Tianyang still looked at him.

Sheng Wang thought about it for a while, and politely comforted him, "Please mourn and change."

"Fuck." Gao Tianyang didn't hold back, he wiped his face and said, "It's okay, it's not the first time. Anyway, I have to check my mobile phone every once in a while, no one in this room has been tricked."

"Oh." Sheng Wang nodded, then wondered, "Then what do you see me doing?"

Gao Tianyang: "I'm just curious."

Sheng Wang: "?"

"Before you entered the classroom, we were talking. I also googled your original school. What can't you think about at a young age? Transfer to Jiangsu in the second year of high school?"

Sheng Wang laughed dryly and said, "Ask my dad to go."

Gao Tianyang touched his round head and wanted to gossip a few more words, but the bell rang suddenly. The classmates who were chatting and spanking all sat up straight, and a few people who had slept in a large recess also raised their heads, stretched their arms and necks, and took out a stack of papers from the table.

When everyone returned to their seats and no longer huddled together, Sheng Wang's sense of abruptness became very heavy-because everyone in this class was a single, a single, a single, a seat! Only him, the table next to the other, a fellow tablemate who slept like a corpse.

i fuck...

Sheng Wang just took out the new textbook, and he didn't put it in his schoolbag, and it didn't matter if he didn't. Extremely embarrassed, he could only turn his head and stare at Jiang Tian.

This suspected bking deskmate may have been a thief all night without even hearing the bell. The arm he supported covered most of his face, and only the line of the jawbone could be seen from the gap. The white crew-neck T-shirt wraps the silhouette of the arched shoulders and rises gently with the breath.

Is this posture to sleep until after school? Sheng Wangxin said.

Gao Tianyang in the front seat suddenly turned his head as if remembering something, stretched out his hand and quickly pushed Jiang Tian, ​​and said in a low voice, "Wake up, brother Tim, self-study is over."

He pointed to Jiang Tianchong and explained to Shengwang, "I just asked him to call him in class, so as not to fall asleep."

Sheng Wang raised his eyebrows, a little surprised. He thought that this same tablemate was here to perform the perfect score for sleeping every day.

Gao Tianyang called twice, and Jiang Tian finally woke up.

He responded with a low "um", the fingers covering the back of his head curled a few times, and the short black hair came out from the gap between the fingers. He pinched his thumb on the knuckle of his index finger and made a light "click" before he raised his head. After sitting up straight, he rubbed his face again.

The naked eye can see how difficult it is to wake up.

"My God, why were you so sleepy last night?" Gao Tianyang couldn't help asking.

"It's a little messed up." Jiang Tian obviously didn't want to talk about it, except for the sleepiness between his brows, he was unhappy. He took out a bottle of mineral water from the belly of the table, and the ice mist on the bottle melted between his fingers.

He frowned and turned his head. Maybe it's because I just drank the ice water, and the voice is very cold: "Who are you, why are you sitting here?"

Listen to this bullshit.

Sheng Wang had originally sat down with him because of his surname, Jiang Lian, and when he was agitated by this tone, he didn't have a good impression. His young master got angry, pointed to the new textbook on the table with his chin and said, "I'm new here, so what if I just sit here."

It might be attractive to see handsome guys fighting each other, and the students at the front desks turned their heads one after another.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Gao Tianyang was the first to rush out to smooth things out: "No, you didn't know when you made up your mind just now, but the teacher put him here."

"Which teacher?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Who else could have a big mouth." Gao Tianyang said, "Isn't he always fond of arranging seats randomly? Last time he took my desk to the side of the podium with a sentence, and he forgot it the next day, and asked me why the classroom is so good. If you don’t sit, you have to go to the podium to squeeze with the teacher, and I’ll be a dog.”

Sheng Wang was confronting Jiang Tian with a cold face. Hearing that, he turned his head to stare at Gao Tianyang, with a row of condemning characters on his face: Why didn't you say anything when the big-mouthed monkey was there?

Suddenly there was a dragging sound of "bang bang bang", Sheng Wang heard the sound and looked over, and saw that Jiang Tian had already stood up, carried his chair, and pulled his single table back a distance.

"What are you doing?" Gao Tianyang asked in confusion.

"Adjust the seat." Jiang Tian didn't even look at it. He tilted his head in Shengwang's direction and said, "He's a little shorter and sit here, I'll sit in the back."

Sheng Wang: "Who is short?"

Jiang Tian had already sat down in his new position. He took out a thick stack of rolls from the table and threw them on the table. Then he leaned back on the chair and looked up at Sheng Wang: "Or are you taller than me?"


So far, Sheng Wang's impression of this person is completely unbearable.

He moved the single table in front of him to the left, aligning it with the whole row, and stuffed the schoolbag into the table. As soon as he sat down, Gao Tianyang tapped his pen on his table, turned his head and whispered, "Hey, buddy."

"Huh?" Young Master Sheng is very targeted when he is upset, and will not slap his face at unrelated people.

Gao Tianyang covered his mouth with his hand and said in a lower voice, "Don't take it to heart, he usually doesn't do this. Something may have happened in the past two days, and he's in a bad mood."

Sheng Wang said "Oh" out of politeness, but what he was thinking was none of my business.

He cares more about other people in the classroom than the ice sculpture plague god behind him.

Because looking around, he was the only one in the entire classroom with textbooks on his desk, and everyone else was just stacks of papers. And the class bell has been ringing for so long, and no teacher has come.

What's wrong with this school?

He glanced around, and before he had time to ask his doubts, Gao Tianyang, the sweet little padded jacket, took the initiative to speak: "Today is Saturday, during the supplementary class period, all day is self-study. You... didn't bring any papers?"

Sheng Wang reminded him angrily: "I just came today."

"Oh, then what are you reviewing for?" Gao Tianyang poked at the brand-new textbook and said, "A textbook?"

"Review?" Sheng Wang repeated, "You mean review?"


Sheng Wang suddenly had an ominous hunch. He asked: "Why review?"

Gao Tianyang said, "Because of the exam tomorrow."

Hope: "???"

"What to do tomorrow?"

"take an exam."

Sheng Wang looked at him with a dream of what you was talking about: "What do you test? The content of high school?"

"That's the last time the final exam. What is the content of the first year of high school?" Gao Tianyang pointed at the textbook that Shengwang had just received today, "Test this."

Sheng Wang: "..."

Can you say that again?

Maybe his solidarity looked a little cute, and Gao Tianyang laughed.

Sheng Wang pointed at the textbook and said with an undulating voice: "Director Xu told me that this is the new textbook of your semester."

"Theoretically." Gao Tianyang said, "But we have finished it. Today, on August 8th, right? We put it for 10 days on July 10th, and then came to class. It's over. "

"Which door?"

"Anyway, CNCC is finished, the language progress is slightly slower, and English is not based on the text."

Sheng Wang suffocated for a while: "So I want to take five things that I haven't learned at all tomorrow?"


"Can I ask for leave?"

"It should not be." Gao Tianyang said vicissitudes: "Friends, there is a long way to go, so he is good at himself. When you graduate, find someone to fight Xu Da's mouth."

This incident was too exciting, so that after a day, Sheng Wang was always in a state of spiritual stunning, referred to as drunk.

It was still the driver Xiao Chen hit his mobile phone, and he reacted to the end of the self -study. The people in the classroom walked seven or eight. Before Gao Tianyang left, he seemed to say hello to him, and the disadvantage was disappeared.

He received a call from his dad Sheng Mingyang halfway. After all, my dad is a dad, and the word "um" hear something wrong.

"What? I met?" Sheng Mingyang asked.

Shengwang's head was against the window, paralyzed in the back seat lazily, and said numbly: "There is a need for trouble to satisfy."


"I want to retreat."


Sheng Mingyang froze for a moment, but didn't hold back and laughed: "Oh, is this my son?"

Shengwang has the character of the peacock from a small to small to open the screen, and when he was a kid, he would say "no", and he never heard it. Leng Buding heard this tone, Sheng Mingyang was still a little bit of emotion, and his tone was a lot soft: "Let's talk to my dad, what stimulation?"

Shengwang said with a sound, and was about to pour a stomach out, but he heard a vague voice around Sheng Mingyang. It was a woman's whispering question. It was covering her back to her.

Sheng Wang froze for a moment, and suddenly his taste.

"It's nothing, just talk about it, I'm hanging up." He twitched the corners of his mouth and sounded cheerful.

"Oh, where have you been?" Sheng Mingyang asked.

Sheng Wang hooked his head and glanced out of the window. The car was driving through Qingyang Street, and he could vaguely see a fork in the road that could be turned in. After a short drive, it was Baima Lane. There were several cars selling snacks parked at the entrance of the alley, something was being cooked, and a thin layer of smoke fainted by the wall at the entrance of the alley.

There is his family's old ancestral house in Baima Lane, and he moved out when he was only five years old. Before the age of eight, would occasionally come back with mother twice. After the age of eight, mother died and never came again.

The changes here are actually very big, and his childhood impression is not very deep. But when he saw the smoke, he actually gave birth to a trace of nostalgia.

When Xiao Chen drove the car into the yard, Sheng Mingyang was already standing there waiting.

The sky was grey and dark, and some houses were already lit. Sheng Wang got out of the car with his head sullen, and heard his father call his nickname in a warm voice: "Wangzai, this is your Aunt Jiang, this is Aunt Jiang's son Jiang Tian, ​​who is a little older than you, my name is brother."

Jiang who? ? ?

Sheng Wang was stunned for a moment, then raised his head sharply.


The sparse lights divided the light and darkness in the yard, and Jiang Tian stood in the shadow, tall, with the neat outline of a young man, but not too thin. He was carrying a schoolbag on one shoulder, his thumb was hooked on the black strap, and he kept looking away.

It was not until Sheng Mingyang pulled his son over that he turned his face, and then he looked like he had eaten sour rice.

Seeing the other party so unhappy, Sheng Wang felt a little relieved.

"Blame me, it's really derelict as an elder. I just found out that Xiao Tian is also in the second year of high school in the attached middle school. You two are in the same class!" Sheng Mingyang put his arms around his son's shoulder and pulled Sheng Wang forward, who was trying to nail it to the spot. One step: "So, you have met during the day today?"

It wasn't enough for him to interact with his own son, and he had to look up at Jiang Tian, ​​as if Jiang Tian would answer him.

Of course Jiang Tian ignored him.

After a while, Jiang Tian had taken his expression back and returned to his cold face, looking at Sheng Wang like he was looking at a stranger.

"Little Tim." Someone called out softly.

Hearing the woman's gentle voice, Sheng Wang remembered that besides Jiang Tian, ​​there was actually a more important person present——

Jiang Ou stood beside his son, dressed simply and lightly, which was completely different from the style he imagined. She is tall among women, but still much shorter than Jiang Tian. Such a contrast shows that she is not aggressive, and even reveals a weak intimacy.

She pulled her son's arm and said softly, "Xiao Tian? Uncle Sheng asked you something. You and Xiao Wang are classmates. Have you met?"

Jiang Tian turned his head, his eyebrows frowned quickly, and there was instinctive impatience and resistance in his expression at that moment. But in the end he couldn't hold back his mother's gaze, he turned around after a stalemate, and threw a lukewarm sentence, "I slept for a day and didn't pay attention."

Sheng Wangxin said fart, you liar.

Continuing these words will only make it stiffer, and Sheng Mingyang came out in time to smooth things out.

He smiled and said, "On the first day as a classmate, I didn't remember too many faces. It's normal. After getting along for a long time, I will gradually become familiar with it. It will be a long time to come to Japan."

Jiang Tian looked at him expressionlessly, slipped his thumb on the strap of the schoolbag, and lifted the bag up. That posture, it seems that the next second is going to step up and leave.

Sure enough, he opened his mouth and said in a low voice, "I'll—"

"Would you like to accompany mom to finish dinner first." Jiang Ou's voice was gentle with a hint of caution, almost like a pleading.

Jiang Tian: "..."

Sheng Wang seemed to see the soul under the man's skin struggling violently twice, and then lay back down.

He was a little gloating when he watched the fun, but he couldn't be happy the next second, because Jiang Ou got his son and turned his head and smiled at him.

This was the first time Sheng Wang saw the woman's face clearly. The moment she laughed, he suddenly realized that the other party's appearance was five points similar to his mother's.

Maybe the light blurred the outline of the line, maybe there was a shallow pear vortex at the corner of the mouth.

Or maybe it's been too long, no matter how he consolidated it, the people in his memory have faded irreversibly, and they are no longer so clear, and even begin to gradually overlap with a stranger...

"Xiao Wang?" Jiang Ou called him uncertainly.

Sheng Wang was stunned and regained his senses. He suddenly lost the mood to perfunctory and mumbled, "Dad, my stomach hurts, so I'll go upstairs first."

"Hey, don't run, where's dinner?" Sheng Mingyang wanted to drag him but didn't hold back, "Didn't you agree that you won't give your dad this face?"

Sheng Wang burrowed into the door with his schoolbag in his hand, and said without turning his head, "Your son will take the exam tomorrow, but he hasn't studied any of the five courses, so he has time to eat."

The aunt at home handed over slippers, and he dragged him upstairs. When he came to the corner, he couldn't help but glanced out the window. They were still in the courtyard downstairs, and Sheng Mingyang was talking to Jiang Ou.

It's nothing more than explaining how his son is so temperamental, just kidding, don't take it to heart.

Jiang Tian was also grabbed by his mother's arm and couldn't walk away. He stood indifferently in the dark, holding the phone in his spare hand and sliding his head down the screen.

After a few swipes, he seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly raised his head and looked upstairs.

Sheng Wang was startled, turned his head and left.

He hung a "No Knocking" sign on the handle, locked the room, plugged in his headphones and turned up the music so loudly that he couldn't hear the thunder outside, so he sat down.

The new textbooks were lined up on the table, and he curled his pen in his chair.

The screen of the mobile phone lying next to it will light up for a while, and then light up for a while. He saved several before reaching out to unlock it.

The person who sent him WeChat was a classmate from the previous school. He was not very good at exams, but he was very loyal, and he was born with a heroic temperament. Sheng Wang often felt that he did not come to school, but to Liangshan. From the third year of high school to the first year of high school, as long as there are living people, they have friendship with him.

Octagonal Crab:

High school final exam math, physics and chemistry papers? What do you want this for? Don't you think it's a big guy... You just started previewing after the summer vacation?

Octagonal Crab:

That's not right, why do you want final papers for pre-preparation?

Octagonal Crab:

Boss? you answer me.

Octagonal Crab:

Brother Sheng?

Octagonal Crab:

Squad leader! Okay, you won't be able to see the message if you don't send a picture of the test paper.

Sheng Wang turned his pen and stamped with one hand——


I just saw it.

Octagonal Crab:

Put it on, you can put it on again. You are just lazy, it takes too much effort to type more than one sentence, and every time you save a few messages and return them together.

Octagonal Crab:

Look, start saving again.

Octagonal Crab:

Okay, you are handsome, you have the final say. I've got the test paper for you, one for each of the three subjects of mathematics, physics and chemistry, right? Why don't you want Chinese and English? Why do you still engage in disciplinary discrimination?


You are the only one who discriminates, how can you do so much in one night, you have to choose.

Octagonal Crab:

WTF? one night? What are you doing this? And you usually don't type when you're lazy enough to speak, what's the matter today? He actually typed two sentences.

Sheng Wang hung his finger with a "tsk", finally gave up typing, and sent a voice over: "Because I just came to this unfortunate school today, I will have a weekly test tomorrow, and I will take the whole content of the second semester of high school, so I won't hold a Buddha for a while. Tomorrow, I will have five zeros. Chinese and English are too late to rely on fate, and the three mathematics, physics and chemistry can still struggle."

Octagonal Crab returned his eight black question mark emoticons, and then passed the three papers over without a word, with a voice attached.

"No, I didn't figure it out. You can't struggle a little while doing one test, right? It's impossible for people to test the original questions on these test papers."

Sheng Wang: "Who told you that I'm going to make a paper?"

Octagonal Crab: "Then what are you doing?"

Sheng Wang: "According to the paper, the key points are divided according to the score ratio. The topics vary widely from province to province, but the key points and difficulties are still somewhat similar. Let me see which modules have the highest scores. I will focus on them tonight, and they will be more cost-effective."

Octagonal Crab: "Can it still be like this?"

Sheng Wang: "I've said it all, struggling to the death."

Octagonal Crab: "What about the rest?"

Sheng Wang: "Watch your life."

After answering this sentence, the young master suddenly felt a sadness. He has been in the arena for sixteen and a half years, and there is still a day when he will be tested.

He thought about it for a while, and then asked the crab: "What's the secret formula?"

Octagonal Crab: "Hey, wait, I wrote it down on the first page of the note, and I'll take it for you. My God, and when I saw you using the slogan, everyone celebrated."

After 12 o'clock in the night, Sheng Wang finished chemistry and physics, his eyes were a little sour, but his stomach was more sour - he was about to starve to death.

He walked around the room twice, touched three places where snacks were stored, but couldn't find any leftovers, so he had to open the door.

As expected, a sticky note was posted on the door, which said that there were washed red grapes in the refrigerator, and the shredded chicken porridge was warm in the kitchen.

This is left by my aunt at home. Sheng Mingyang often doesn't live at home, and without his parents watching, Shengwang's three meals are always irregular. Every time the door couldn't be knocked on, the aunt would leave something suitable for eating in the middle of the night so that he could go downstairs for food. Slowly it became a convention.

With Sheng Mingyang's schedule, he must have fallen asleep at this time.

Sheng Wang didn't drag his slippers, and went downstairs quietly wearing socks. As soon as he opened the refrigerator and put his head in it to grab and eat, he heard Sheng Mingyang's low voice from the terrace outside the glass.

He was stunned for a moment, holding the red tip and touching it. Sheng Mingyang was on the phone with someone, holding the phone in one hand and between his eyebrows in the other. He looked very sleepy, but his tone was very gentle.

Sheng Mingyang said to the person on the other end of the phone: "I asked about the school dormitory, and I can only apply after the school officially starts. Xiao Tian may not be able to live in the past if he wants to live there."

"Yes, let's stay here first."

"Actually, I'm happier living here for a long time. I'll take Xiao Chen to move things for you in the morning the day after tomorrow. You can tell Xiao Tian that this yard is symmetrical on both sides, each with a bedroom, living room, bathroom, and he can be our family. Shared rent, just share the kitchen."

Sheng Wang chokes a mouthful of grapes in his throat, and the tips of his ears are red.

He had expected that after this meal, the two would officially move in soon, but he didn't expect it to be so fast that he had three nightmares in a row that night.

I dreamed of being chased by blank exam papers, being chased by dogs, and being chased by Jiang Tian.

The weekly exam arrangement in the attached middle school is quite abnormal. There are five exams a day, starting from 7:00 in the morning and ending at 9:00 in the evening. The first subject was mathematics, maybe to help them wake up.

The invigilator stood in front and counted the papers, divided them into several parts, and let the students at the first table pass them on. Gao Tianyang in the front row drew a paper, handed the rest to him, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Sheng Wang laughed dryly and said, "Cold salad, I really can't choose to fill in all C, anyway, I can earn some guarantees."

"You—" Gao Tianyang glanced at him, hesitant to say anything, silently shut up and sat upright under the gaze of the invigilator.

me what?

Sheng Wang wondered for a moment, but the next second, he knew why Gao Tianyang had that expression.Because he glanced at the paper hastily and found...

math!fundamental!No!Multiple choice!

Just as he was sitting numbly and meditating, he was suddenly poked twice in the shoulder, and Jiang Tian's low voice came from behind: "You can also try 14 questions and fill in the blanks with c."


are you crazy?

Sheng Wang turned his head to look at him: "I can fill in whatever I want. What's your business? You have to poke me."

Jiang Tian looked at him and suddenly opened his palm: "I poked you to ask, when are you going to detain my papers?"

Sheng Wang was stunned: "...Oh, I forgot."

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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