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Crown Prince's Obsession

ep 01

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It had been three years since Pallavi Trivedi left her village and family to study abroad. On her first day at the new college, she felt both excited and nervous.
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As she walked through the campus, she saw Damien Blackwell, the Crown Prince. His presence was so striking that it captured her attention instantly. When their eyes met, Pallavi felt an intense attraction she couldn’t explain.
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Damien noticed Pallavi’s gaze and was intrigued by her reaction.
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After that first encounter, Pallavi couldn’t get Damien out of her mind. She started following him around the campus, always eager to be near him. Every morning, she would greet him with a bright smile, saying, “Good morning, Damien. I love you.”
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She went out of her way to find out what he liked and would bring him things he wanted—books, coffee, or even small gifts. She would often bring lunch for him, carefully packed with his favorite foods, hoping to catch his attention and show her affection.
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Despite her genuine feelings, others around the campus started to notice her behavior. They began to call her a stalker and a creep, making fun of her whenever they saw her. The whispers and insults grew louder, but Pallavi ignored them all. She was determined to show Damien how much she cared, no matter what anyone else thought.
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Pallavi was so determined to be close to Damien that she somehow managed to forcefully insert herself into his group of friends. Though most of them were unsure about her presence, Liam, one of Damien’s closest friends, took pity on her.
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Liam saw how persistent Pallavi was and, rather than pushing her away, he started to treat her like a younger sister. He could see that her feelings were genuine, even if her actions seemed a bit extreme. Wanting to keep the peace, Liam asked the others to cooperate with her and let her stay in the group.
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Reluctantly, they agreed, though some were still wary of Pallavi. But with Liam’s support, she managed to stick around, hoping that one day Damien would notice her efforts and return her feelings.
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In Damien’s group, everyone thought Amelia and Damien were the perfect couple. They would tease them constantly, saying how great they looked together. The way Damien and Amelia interacted made it easy for people to imagine them as a pair. Amelia would blush and always politely refuse the idea, insisting they were just friends.
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Despite the rumors and teasing, Amelia was genuinely kind to Pallavi. She never treated her poorly, even when others found Pallavi’s behavior strange. Amelia often talked to Pallavi, trying to make her feel welcome in the group. She saw beyond Pallavi’s actions and recognized her sincerity, making an effort to be friendly and supportive whenever they interacted.
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Although Amelia was kind to Pallavi, there were moments when she couldn’t hide her discomfort. Whenever Pallavi talked about Damien or did something special for him, like bringing him lunch or showering him with gifts, Amelia would start to feel uneasy.
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She didn’t say anything directly, but it was clear in her expressions—the way her smile would falter or how she would quickly change the subject whenever Damien was mentioned. While Amelia understood that Pallavi’s feelings were genuine, it still made her uncomfortable to see someone so openly obsessed with Damien, especially when others were pushing the idea of Amelia and Damien being a perfect couple.
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Amelia did her best to stay friendly, but those moments of discomfort were hard to ignore.
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Today, the group gathered around a table, playing Truth or Dare. The atmosphere was light and filled with laughter as each person took their turn. But something was different about Pallavi. Normally, she would be eagerly focused on Damien, finding any excuse to interact with him. But today, she was strangely silent.
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Instead of her usual glances at Damien, Pallavi’s attention was entirely on her phone. She barely participated in the game, only responding when directly asked. Her behavior was so unusual that it caught the attention of the others at the table, especially Damien.
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They were used to her relentless enthusiasm, and seeing her so distant made them curious. A few exchanged glances, silently wondering what had changed. Even Liam, who always looked out for her, noticed her distraction and felt concerned, though he didn’t say anything just yet.

ep 02

Liam scott
Liam scott
(leans closer) What happened, Lavi?
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(looks up from phone) My friend is arriving today and will be staying with me. I’m just waiting for a call.
Amelia Lawson
Amelia Lawson
(smiles) That’s great! It’ll be nice to have someone with you.
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(glances at Pallavi briefly, silent as usual)
Group: (nods, thinking Pallavi’s friend is a girl)
Liam scott
Liam scott
We should all hang out together sometime.
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(smiles slightly) Maybe.
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(cold and distant, says nothing, continues playing)
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Next day:
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(standing in front of college, her hair fluttering in the wind as if she were in a Bollywood movie. She wore a new black kurta that billowed gracefully around her, drawing the attention of passersby)
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She noticed Amelia approaching, but her gaze quickly shifted to the figure standing just behind her. Damien was walking with his usual air of quiet confidence, his presence commanding attention even from a distance.
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Pallavi’s heart skipped a beat as she saw Damien. She tried to maintain her composure, but the sight of him so close made her nervous. Amelia greeted her with a friendly wave, but Pallavi’s eyes were fixed on Damien, who seemed oblivious to the world around him as he walked.
Amelia Lawson
Amelia Lawson
(approaches, smiling) Hi, Lavi!
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(distracted, eyes shift to Damien behind Amelia)
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(walking quietly, focused ahead)
Amelia Lawson
Amelia Lawson
(notices Pallavi’s gaze) You okay?
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(stammers) Oh, um, yeah. Just... admiring the view.
Amelia Lawson
Amelia Lawson
(smiling, not noticing the real reason) Well, let’s go inside.
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(nods, still glancing at Damien)
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In the Lecture Hall:
Professor: (notices Pallavi not paying attention) Pallavi, could you please explain why you’re not focused on the lesson?
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(looks up, startled) I... I’m sorry, Professor.
(harshly) This isn’t the first time. You’re always distracted. It seems like you’re more interested in impressing people than actually learning.
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(eyes widen in shock) That’s not true...
(continues) You’ve been behaving like a gold digger, trying to get attention and favors instead of focusing on your studies. This needs to stop.
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(sits quietly, feeling humiliated and hurt, trying to hold back tears)
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(sitting in the back, smirks slightly as he watches Pallavi’s reaction)
Classmates: (some sneer and whisper among themselves, exchanging looks of pity and judgment)
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(glances around and notices Damien’s smirk and her classmates’ sneers, her face burning with embarrassment)
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(struggles to stay composed, feeling more isolated and rejected)
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Afternoon: The college basketball competition is in full swing. Damien’s team wins, and the crowd cheers loudly.
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(excitedly walks toward Damien, holding a water bottle) Great game, Damien! I brought this for you.
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(walks past Pallavi without acknowledging her, heading towards Amelia who is standing nearby)
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(looks surprised and a bit hurt as Damien ignores her)
Amelia Lawson
Amelia Lawson
(smiles at Damien, accepting the water bottle from him) Thanks, Damien! That was an amazing game.
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(stands still, feeling awkward and disappointed, watching Damien and Amelia)
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(walking by the boys' locker room, hears Damien’s voice)
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(inside the locker room, talking to friends) I don’t know what she’s thinking. She’s always so annoying, following me around.
Friend 1: (laughs) She really is persistent.
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(sighs) And the way she’s always trying to get my attention... it’s just uncomfortable.
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(stops in shock, her face falling as she hears Damien’s words)
Friend 2: (chuckles) Maybe you should just ignore her more.
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(nods) Yeah, I guess. It’s just... she doesn’t seem to get the hint.
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(walks away quietly, trying to hold back tears)
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At the Lunch Table:
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(nervously approaches Damien with a box of food she made) Hi, Damien. I made this for you. I hope you like it.
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(glances at the box, then ignores it)
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(hurt but determined) Damien, can we talk? I... I need to tell you something.
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(grabs the box and throws it into the trash bin) I’m not interested.
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(eyes fill with tears) Damien, I really love you, and I—
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(shouts angrily) Stop following me around! I’m not interested in you! Just leave me alone!
Amelia Lawson
Amelia Lawson
(uncomfortable, speaks up) Damien and I are engaged. We’re together. So, please, stop.
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(shocked, still trying to convince Damien) No, Damien, I really care about you. Just listen—
Lucas Bennett
Lucas Bennett
(pushes Pallavi away roughly) Get off him! You’re a psychopath!
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(stumbles back, hurt and confused, still trying to approach Damien) "Damien, please, I really—"
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(glares at her coldly, cutting her off) "Stay away from me, Pallavi. You’re nothing but a psychopath and a gold digger!"
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(freezes, tears welling up in her eyes, unable to believe his words)
Amelia Lawson
Amelia Lawson
(uncomfortably looks away, for the first time feeling truly disgusted and understanding why everyone hates Pallavi)
Group: (watches in awkward silence, some pitying Pallavi, others feeling justified in their previous judgments)
Liam scott
Liam scott
(steps closer to Pallavi, speaking in a low, firm voice) "Pallavi, if you have any shame left... just go away. Please."
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(looks at Liam, tears streaming down her face, her heart breaking at his words)
Group: (silent, some looking down, others avoiding eye contact with Pallavi)
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(takes a shaky breath, glancing one last time at Damien, who turns away from her, then slowly walks away, feeling utterly defeated)
Amelia Lawson
Amelia Lawson
(quietly watches Pallavi leave, feeling a mix of guilt and relief)
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Pallavi's Room:
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(lying on her bed, tears streaming down her face) "I’ve lost everything… Damien, Liam, even Amelia..." (sobs quietly, her heart heavy with despair)
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Two days passed, and Pallavi cried her heart out. She had lost all hope—hope that Damien would ever love her, the bond she shared with Liam, and the friendship with Amelia. The pain felt endless, overwhelming her completely.
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(wiping her tears, feeling utterly exhausted) "I haven’t eaten anything in two days..." (her stomach growls loudly, reminding her of her hunger)
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The emptiness in her heart was now matched by the emptiness in her stomach. The hunger became unbearable, forcing her to acknowledge her physical needs.
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(takes a deep breath, slowly sits up) "I need to eat something... I can’t stay like this..." (she gathers the strength to get out of bed)
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Outside Pallavi’s Room:
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(steps out into the quiet street, the night air cool against her tear-streaked face)
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She ventured out into the night, her mind still clouded with sorrow, but her body driven by the simple need for sustenance.
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Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(walking down the dimly lit street, her mind still heavy with sadness, when she hears a familiar voice echoing from a nearby alley)
Damien's Voice: (cold and sinister) "You really thought you could betray me and walk away unscathed?"
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(stops in her tracks, heart pounding, and quietly moves closer, hiding behind a wall to see what’s happening)
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In the Alley:
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(standing with a gun in his hand, a cold, creepy smile on his face)
Man on his Knees: (trembling, pleading desperately) "Please, Damien! I didn’t mean to cross you! I beg you, spare me!"
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(laughs softly, his voice laced with malice) "Spare you? I’m not called the Mafia King, MK, for nothing." (raises the gun, aiming it at the man)
Guards: (standing around, armed with guns, watching the scene unfold without emotion)
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(stifles a gasp, eyes wide with shock as she realizes the depth of Damien’s dark side)
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(without hesitation, pulls the trigger, his expression cold and unfeeling as the man collapses)
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(covers her mouth, backing away silently, her heart racing with fear and disbelief)
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(her mind reels with the terrifying truth about the man she once loved)
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(backing away from the alley, her heart pounding in her chest) "Damien... he’s MK, the Mafia King..."
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Pallavi’s mind raced, filled with fear and disbelief. She had heard the stories—everyone had. MK was the most feared person in the city, known for his cruelty and merciless nature. But never in her wildest dreams did she imagine that the man she loved could be him.

ep 03

Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(turns and starts running, her footsteps echoing through the empty streets) "I have to get away... I can’t believe this... Damien is a monster..."
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She ran as fast as she could, her thoughts swirling in chaos. The image of Damien holding the gun, his creepy smile as he pulled the trigger, played over and over in her mind. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks—this wasn’t the man she thought she knew.
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(breathing heavily, tears streaming down her face as she runs) "How could I have been so blind? How could I have loved someone so... evil?"
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The weight of everything she had discovered, coupled with the heartbreak she was already feeling, overwhelmed her completely. All she wanted was to escape, to forget what she had seen, but the truth was now etched into her soul.
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Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(running frantically, her mind a blur of fear and confusion, when she suddenly bumps into someone)
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(screams loudly, her voice filled with terror) "Aahh!"
Aditya Desai
Aditya Desai
(quickly covers her mouth, pulling her into a tight embrace) "Shh, Pallavi! It's me, Aditya! You're safe!"
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(realizes it’s Aditya, her eyes wide with relief and fear, she clings to him tightly, sobbing uncontrollably) "Aditya... Aditya!" (her voice muffled against his chest as she cries)
Aditya Desai
Aditya Desai
(concerned but trying to soothe her, his voice gentle) "Hey, hey, it’s okay, Pallavi. I’m here. What happened? Why are you so scared?"
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(still crying, unable to speak, she just holds onto him tighter, her body trembling with fear)
Aditya Desai
Aditya Desai
(confused but protective, he rubs her back, trying to calm her down) "Shh, it's okay. You don’t have to say anything. I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere."
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Pallavi couldn’t bring herself to explain what she had just witnessed. The terror was too fresh, too overwhelming. All she could do was cling to Aditya, finding some small comfort in his presence, even as her mind reeled from the horrifying truth she had just uncovered.
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College Campus:
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Three weeks had passed since Pallavi’s world was turned upside down. The whispers and gossip that had once surrounded her had slowly faded, as everyone moved on to other dramas. But today, something new was stirring.
Pallavi and Aditya: (walking into college together, hand in hand)
Girls: (noticing Aditya, blushing and whispering to each other) "Who’s that with Pallavi? He’s so handsome!"
(grinning) "Is he her boyfriend? He’s gorgeous!"
(sighing) "Lucky Pallavi..."
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Pallavi held onto Aditya’s hand tightly, feeling a mix of emotions. The warmth of his presence was comforting, but the memory of what she had witnessed three weeks ago still haunted her. Yet, seeing the way the girls were reacting to Aditya brought a small smile to her face.
Aditya Desai
Aditya Desai
(playfully nudging Pallavi) "Looks like I’m quite popular here." (laughs lightly)
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(smiling up at him, her mood lightening) "They just have good taste."
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As they walked together, hand in hand, Pallavi felt a strange sense of normalcy returning. But deep down, she knew that the secrets she was keeping were bound to catch up with her eventually.
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(teasingly, with a playful grin) "India mein nahi toh yaha popular hogaya."
Aditya Desai
Aditya Desai
(laughs, shaking his head) "Looks like I’m finally getting the attention I deserve." (winks at her)
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Pallavi’s playful comment lightened the mood as they continued walking together. For a moment, it felt like old times, back when life was simpler. The bond between them was as strong as ever, giving Pallavi a brief respite from the storm brewing within her.
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College Courtyard:
Liam scott
Liam scott
(gathering the group, his tone serious but trying to be conciliatory) "Hey everyone, let's just forget about what happened and move on. It's time to put the past behind us."
Liam scott
Liam scott
(turns to Pallavi, giving her a reassuring look.) "Pallavi, come here for a minute."
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(approaching hesitantly)
Liam scott
Liam scott
(whispering, with a concerned expression) "I know things have been tough. Just... stay away from Damien, okay? It’s for the best."
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
(a shiver runs down her spine at the mention of Damien's name, her eyes wide with unease) "Okay... I understand."
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Because of what happened, Pallavi stayed away from Damien and avoided him as much as possible.
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Damien, now feeling the absence of Pallavi’s constant attention and care, began to grow bitter and frustrated. He missed the way she used to be around him and couldn't understand why things had changed so drastically.
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College Courtyard:
Amelia Lawson
Amelia Lawson
(giving Aditya a dare) "Aditya, tell us a secret."
Aditya Desai
Aditya Desai
(smirking, intertwining his hand with Pallavi’s) "Alright, Pallavi and I are dating. We’re getting engaged next month, and after we return to India, we’ll have the wedding."
Pallavi Trivedi
Pallavi Trivedi
"Yes, it’s true." (blankly)
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4 months later:
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Damien’s obsession starts to grow as he becomes increasingly focused on Pallavi’s every action and presence.
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Nighttime: Damien's Bedroom
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(sleeping, suddenly wakes up to see Pallavi standing near his bed, shocked) "How did you get in?"
Pallavi: (smiling) "My way."
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
W-why are you here?"
Pallavi: (moving closer) "Because you wanted me near you."
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
", you are not real."
Pallavi: (smile fading) "Yes, I am not. I came from your mind."
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
"Leave me alone!!"
Pallavi: (giggling) "If you really wanted me to leave, I would have disappeared by now. But I didn’t."
"When will you accept the fact you love Pallavi?"
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
"No... no, I don’t."
Pallavi: "Yes, you do. If you don’t like her, why does her not giving you attention and love like before affect you?"
Pallavi: (pouting) Pallavi shouldn’t be ignoring you. Didn’t she always say she loves you? So why is she engaged and dating another man?"
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(saddened) "Yes, how can she go to someone else when she used to sing her love to me?"
Pallavi: (smiling) "If you truly want her back, go and grab her. Don’t let her slip away."
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(slowly nodding)
Damien Blackwell
Damien Blackwell
(eyes suddenly opens)
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Damien looks around, seeing no one in the room. The sunlight streams in through the window, filling the space with warmth.

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