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Akari: Volume 1

chapter 1: Prologue

*Panel shows a allay way with a crying text bubble*

*A Random man starts walking towards it*

*Baby Akari crying*

*Akari explaining his life*

Akari: Hello diary. Today I'm Writing of my first day

Akari: MY day of Becoming a Mage

Akari: MY Old man Yoku Found Me in a allay Way

Akari: From that day forward he Decided to raise me as his own

Akari: He Feed me

Akari: Trained me

Akari: And teached me How to be a Great person

Akari: MY Old man Teached me the Ways of balance and peace

Akari: He also Showed me the secrets of Maho

akari: Maho, A Substance that lives throughout EVEYTHING

Akari: Eveything was Going Well.

Akari: But One day. Old man Yoku. Died

Akari: that day I tried getting the sadness

Akari: Pain

Akari: And eveything else

Akari: I felt like I was a type of failure

Akari: Only Thing that keep my Mind off

Akari: What growing my garden and using my nature abilities

Akari: One day while I was getting my daily harvest

*Flashback effect*

*Door knocking*

Akari(Young): Huh? Who is it?

*Door open's*

???: Hello There Child. Are you.

???: Akari?

*Akari nods*

???: I'm going to Need you to Come with Me. Or there will be consequences.

Akari: I'm going to have to ask you Leave. I don't want to hurt You.

*Flashback ends*

Akari: I don't remember much after that. what I remember she did was lift her fingers

Akari: the time I woke up. my head was hurting. and it felt like there was someone with me.

Akari: Well dairy I think it's time for me to get to my Job

Chapter 2: The beginning

*Akari talks in his mind*

Akari: MY name is Akari. My old man Yoku Teached me my powers of Mahō to be able to control nature at will.

Akari: it may sound weak. But with enough determination

Akari: "I Would outpower any opponent with enough willpower"

Akari: Heh. that's what my old man told me

*Akari Look's at a card room number*

*Akari goes into a office*

*The ??? Woman is Now introduced as Tamashi"

Akari: Mam. I told you I can't work here.

Akari: Leave me alone and let me work at my garden in peace

Tamashi: Child... we have a little...

Tamashi: infection. Of Fiends.

Akari: Fiends? What are Fiends?

Tamashi: ahhhh. Fiends. Fiends are monsters. Created out of pure anger, Sadness, Pain, Other negative emotions. the more there are. the stronger and more populated they are.

Tamashi: they always have different shapes, Minds, Ability's

Tamashi: Now.I don't care If you want Peace or Not. If you don't help us. these fiends will shred you as if you were a leaf

Tamashi: I am simply saving you. Think about it

*Akari gets a Flashback of Yoku's final words*

Yoku: Akari. Get over here. I want to tell you something

Akari: What is is grandpa

Yoku: Akari, NO matter How Many people choose the wrong side...

Yoku: even in the worst scenario's

Yoku: I want you

Yoku: To guide them

Yoku: Back...

*Yoku dies*

*Flashback ends and Akari turns back*

Akari: I accept

Tamashi: Perfect. I new you would change your mind

Tamashi: Let me Explain about fiends at the level of power they have

Tamashi: We have a strict ranking system

Low Rank : These fiends are simple. Jr's will have a short trouble but still simple

Medium rank: higher. Able to Kill Lots of Mages and can destroy Destoy small towns

High rank: These can destroy Large Towns and is demanded for only lieutenant level Mages and higher to fight these rank of sins

Mortal rank:Could destoy mutili building's and Needs captain or segergent's or Higher. Threat could probably destoy the moon

Exclusive: Unknown.

Tamashi: I hope you got all that info

Tamashi: Because now kid. I have to make up your team members

chapter 3: Akari's teamates

*Akari's mind*

Akari: I wonder who my teamates are. I hope they are nice

Akari: or atleast like plants:/

*Akari Walks inside the door*

*Jigoku and wildcard get introduced*

Akari: Hello There. MY name is Akari

Jigoku: Who are you supposed to be?

Jigoku: Your all scwanny and weak

Wildcard: Leave him alone Jigoku. He just got here

Wildcard: Don't mind him. He's like that

Wildcard: the name's Wildcard. I think I should give you a explanation of our Ability's

Wildcard: Jigoku here can use fire and lava and use it with his mahō energy

Wildcard: I. Wildcard. can use personality's that ench have different abilities

Akari: That's pretty interesting. I can control nature

Jigoku: so you have garden powers. I could burn that instantly

wildcard: JIGOKU! I thought I to-. Never mind. Just don't mind him. Our 4th team mate should be here shortly

*Time passes*

*someone jiggles the knob*

*tanga gets introduced*

chapter 4: Sensei alucard.

*Akari talks in his mind*

Akari: Our teamate is Tanga. She has extreme physical abilities and learn how to heal people and herself. She can even heal herself without touching

Akari: She also has Fiend Dna in here. Her DNA allows her to control her bones

Akari: Tamashi told us she is going to show us our sensei

*Smoke in the middle appears*

???: Hehe

???: Hey brats

???: You 4 must be this Squad's team

???: MY name is Alucard

alucard: I'm going to train you kids how to no get your head off your necks

*Writers note: Since this is digital and I can still work rn I am going to take a short break then go back. Hope yall don't see this 🤣*

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