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Bound By Obsession



Dante Blackwood

Age: 32

Appearance: Dante is tall and imposing, with little bit of darkish blond hair that he keeps neatly styled. His eyes are a piercing gold, often described as cold and calculating, though they can burn with intensity when he's fixated on something—or someone. He dresses impeccably in tailored suits, exuding power and control.

Personality: Dante is the epitome of a dark, ruthless CEO. He’s intelligent, cunning, and possesses a calm, almost detached demeanor that masks the dangerous nature of his true self. As the head of a powerful mafia syndicate, he is used to getting what he wants, regardless of the cost. Beneath his composed exterior lies a possessive and obsessive nature, particularly when it comes to Seraphina. He views her not just as a woman, but as something he must possess completely.

Background: Born into a powerful mafia family, Dante was groomed from a young age to take over both the legitimate business empire and the criminal underworld his family controlled. His parents died under mysterious circumstances, leaving him to take the reins earlier than expected. Over the years, he’s expanded his empire, becoming one of the most feared men in New York.

Seraphina Hayes

Age: 27

Appearance: Seraphina has soft brownish hair that falls in soft waves past her shoulders and oceanic eyes that reflect her kind-hearted nature. She has a graceful, almost delicate appearance, often favoring simple yet elegant clothing that complements her natural beauty.

Personality: Seraphina is intelligent, determined, and fiercely independent. She’s a rising star in the corporate law world, known for her ethical stance and strong sense of justice. Despite her success, she remains humble and compassionate, always willing to help those in need. However, beneath her calm exterior, she harbors a stubborn streak and is not easily intimidated.

Background: Seraphina grew up in a modest household, with hardworking parents who instilled in her a strong work ethic and a sense of right and wrong. She excelled academically, earning a scholarship to a prestigious law school, and quickly made a name for herself in the legal world. She’s driven by a desire to make a difference and has little tolerance for corruption, which makes her a target in Dante’s eyes.

Supporting Characters:

Lucian Blackwood

Age: 35

Appearance: Lucian is Dante’s older half-brother, with similar dark features but a more rugged, less polished look. His eyes are a darker shade of hazel, often shadowed by a sense of bitterness.

Personality: Lucian is cold, calculating, and harbors resentment towards Dante for inheriting the family empire. He’s ruthless, but unlike Dante, his ambitions are driven by jealousy and a need to prove himself. Lucian is involved in the darker aspects of the mafia, often handling the more brutal side of their operations.

Background: Lucian’s mother was a mistress to Dante’s father, and despite being the elder son, he was never fully accepted as the heir. This has fueled his animosity towards Dante, creating a tense, volatile relationship between the two. He constantly plots to undermine Dante’s control, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Elena Martell

Age: 30

Appearance: Elena is strikingly beautiful, with dark hair and sharp, cat-like g eyes. She’s always dressed in designer outfits that accentuate her elegance and power.

Personality: Elena is confident, ambitious, and dangerously manipulative. She is deeply involved in the Blackwood mafia and is one of Dante’s most trusted advisors. She’s fiercely loyal to him but harbors unspoken feelings that go beyond professional respect.

Background: Elena comes from a powerful criminal family allied with the Blackwoods. She grew up alongside Dante and Lucian and has been involved in the family’s operations for years. She’s skilled in negotiation, intelligence gathering, and has a network of informants that keep her well-informed about everything happening in the underworld.

The Devil's Stare

The evening skyline of New York City glittered like a sea of diamonds against the inky blackness of the night. From the top floor of Blackwood Enterprises, Dante Blackwood stood by the window, his gaze fixed on the bustling city below. His office was a fortress of glass and steel, a reflection of his power and unyielding control over everything in his life. But tonight, his thoughts were elsewhere.

A soft knock at the door drew him from his reverie. Without turning, he gave a curt nod. The door opened silently, and in stepped Elena Martell, his trusted advisor. Her sharp green eyes took in the sight of him, sensing the tension in his posture.

“Everything is in place for tonight,” she said, her voice smooth and confident.

Dante finally turned, his icy blue eyes locking onto hers. “Good,” he replied, his voice a low rumble. “Make sure there are no mistakes. I want everything to go perfectly.”

Elena tilted her head slightly, studying him. “This woman... Seraphina Hayes... she’s not like the others, is she?”

Dante’s gaze hardened. “She’s different.”

Elena knew better than to press further. She’d seen Dante fixate on things before, but this was different. There was an intensity in his eyes that she hadn’t seen in a long time. It was dangerous, even for a man like him.

Across town, Seraphina Hayes was wrapping up a long day at the office. Her desk was cluttered with case files, and the warm glow of her desk lamp cast a soft light on her tired features. She leaned back in her chair, rubbing her temples as she stared at the latest case that had landed on her desk—an urgent request from one of the city’s most prominent clients.

Blackwood Enterprises.

The name sent a shiver down her spine. Everyone in the corporate world knew of Dante Blackwood. He was powerful, enigmatic, and rumored to have ties to some of the city’s most dangerous circles. But to Seraphina, he was just another client, albeit a very high-profile one.

She glanced at the clock. It was late, but she needed to prepare for the meeting the next day. The firm had been struggling financially, and landing Blackwood Enterprises as a client could be the break they needed. Still, something about this deal didn’t sit right with her. There was an unease she couldn’t shake.

As she packed up her things, her phone buzzed. It was a message from her younger sister, Gabby.

Gabby: Don’t work too late! Dinner this weekend? I miss you.

A small smile tugged at the corners of Seraphina’s lips. Gabby was always the light in her life, reminding her to step back and enjoy the little things. She quickly typed out a reply.

Seraphina: I miss you too. Dinner sounds perfect. I’ll call you tomorrow.

With that, she slipped her phone into her bag and headed out of the office. The city was quieter now, the streets less crowded as she made her way home. The chill in the air made her wrap her coat tighter around her, but it wasn’t enough to dispel the lingering unease.

Dante watched from the shadows as Seraphina exited her office building. He’d been waiting for this moment, carefully orchestrating their paths to cross. His heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and a dark, possessive need that he hadn’t felt in years. As she walked past, completely unaware of his presence, a slow smile spread across his lips.

She was beautiful, more so than he’d imagined. But it wasn’t just her looks that drew him in—it was the innocence in her eyes, the way she carried herself with quiet strength. She was everything he wasn’t, and that only made him want her more.

Dante knew he could take her right then, have his men bring her to him, but that wasn’t his style. He preferred the game, the slow, calculated moves that would bring her to him willingly—or so she would think.

As Seraphina disappeared into the night, Dante turned to Vince Moretti, who had been silently standing by.

“Make sure she gets home safely,” Dante ordered, his voice cold and commanding. “But keep your distance. She’s mine, and no one else is to touch her.”

Vince nodded, his expression unreadable. “Understood, boss.”

Dante watched as his most trusted man followed Seraphina at a discreet distance. For now, he would let her believe she was in control. But soon, she would learn that her life was no longer her own.

Dante Blackwood had set his sights on her, and nothing would stand in his way.

The Deal

The morning sun bathed New York City in a warm, golden glow, casting long shadows across the bustling streets. Seraphina Hayes arrived at her office, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension about the meeting with Blackwood Enterprises. Today could make or break her firm, and she needed to be at her best.

As she entered the sleek, modern lobby of Blackwood Enterprises, she couldn’t help but feel the weight of the building’s imposing presence. The lobby was a vast expanse of marble and glass, reflecting the power and sophistication of its occupants. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that she was here on business, not to be intimidated.

In Dante’s Office

Dante Blackwood was already in his office, seated behind his grand desk, reviewing documents with a practiced eye. His mood was one of controlled anticipation. The sight of Seraphina on the security monitors had only heightened his interest. He was both eager and curious to see how she would handle the pressure of their meeting.

As the clock approached the scheduled meeting time, Dante’s attention shifted to Elena Martell, who entered the room with a confident stride.

“Everything is set,” Elena said, her tone as smooth as ever. “Seraphina Hayes is on her way up.”

“Good,” Dante replied, a faint, calculating smile playing on his lips. “I want this to go smoothly. Make sure she’s comfortable, but keep an eye on her. I want to know everything.”

Elena nodded, understanding the underlying message. “Of course.”

Meeting Room

The door to the meeting room opened, and Seraphina stepped inside. The room was understated yet elegant, with a large conference table and floor-to-ceiling windows offering a panoramic view of the city. Dante was already seated at the head of the table, his posture relaxed but commanding.

“Ms. Hayes,” Dante greeted her with a charming smile, rising to shake her hand. His touch was firm but not overwhelming. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person.”

Seraphina returned the smile, though she couldn’t shake the feeling of being scrutinized. “Mr. Blackwood, thank you for meeting with me. I’m eager to discuss how we can work together.”

They took their seats, and the meeting began with the usual pleasantries. Dante expertly navigated the conversation, his demeanor polished and professional. Seraphina did her best to keep up, presenting her firm’s capabilities and how they could address Blackwood Enterprises’ needs.

As the meeting progressed, Dante’s gaze lingered on Seraphina more than necessary. He was fascinated by her focus and composure, even as she occasionally faltered under his intense scrutiny. He could sense her nervousness and found it both intriguing and endearing.

Unexpected Interruptions

Just as the meeting was reaching its climax, the door to the meeting room burst open. A young man, disheveled and clearly distressed, entered. It was one of Dante’s associates, looking panicked.

“Mr. Blackwood, we have a situation,” the man said urgently.

Dante’s expression darkened immediately. “What’s the problem?”

“It’s the shipment. There’s been a mix-up. The cargo is missing.”

Dante’s eyes narrowed. This was not ideal. He glanced at Seraphina, who was watching the exchange with a mix of curiosity and concern.

“Excuse me for a moment,” Dante said, his voice tight with barely contained irritation. He motioned for Elena to handle the situation and walked out of the room with his associate.

Seraphina sat alone, the tension from the interruption still hanging in the air. She glanced around the room, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Elena, sensing her discomfort, approached her with a reassuring smile.

“Don’t worry,” Elena said softly. “These things happen. I’m sure Mr. Blackwood will be back shortly.”


After a brief but tense interlude, Dante returned to the meeting room, his demeanor once again composed. The disruption had been dealt with, but it was clear that Dante was still preoccupied.

“Apologies for the interruption,” he said, taking his seat. “Let’s continue.”

As the meeting drew to a close, Dante made his decision. He was impressed by Seraphina’s professionalism and resilience. Despite the chaos, she had remained composed, handling the situation with grace.

“We’ll proceed with the contract,” Dante said finally. “I believe we can make a mutually beneficial arrangement.”

Seraphina’s relief was palpable. “Thank you, Mr. Blackwood. I look forward to working together.”

Dante stood and extended his hand once more. “As do I, Ms. Hayes. I’m sure this will be the beginning of a very successful partnership.”

As they shook hands, Dante’s eyes lingered on Seraphina, a dark promise hidden in their depths. The game had only just begun, and he was determined to win.

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