NovelToon NovelToon

Shadows of the Hidden King

ep 01

grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(slowly opens her eyes, the soft morning light streaming into the room. As her vision clears, she sees her baby brother, Eli, sitting nearby, playing with the floppy ears on his cap. He looks up at her with wide, curious eyes).
eli whitelock
eli whitelock
(giggles, his small fingers still tugging at the cap’s ears, his gaze fixed on Grace).
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(smiles warmly, her heart filling with affection as she watches him) "Good morning, little one," (she whispers, reaching out to him).
eli whitelock
eli whitelock
(tilts his head slightly, his eyes sparkling with innocence) "Sister..." (he murmurs, a smile spreading across his face as he reaches out toward her).
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(lifts her hand, and Eli eagerly scoots closer, climbing into her arms with a happy giggle).
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(cradles him gently, leaning in to kiss his cheek) "You're too cute for your own good," (she whispers affectionately, her heart swelling with love).
eli whitelock
eli whitelock
(snuggles into her embrace, his tiny hands holding onto her) "Sister," (he murmurs contentedly, feeling safe and loved).
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(gets up from the bed, holding Eli securely in her arms. He rests his head on her shoulder, nuzzling into her neck with a sleepy sigh).
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(softly) "What did you dream about, little one?" (she asks, gently rubbing his back as she walks toward the living room).
eli whitelock
eli whitelock
(mumbles sleepily, still half-asleep) "About us...playing..." (he says with a small smile, his voice trailing off).
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(smiles, placing him gently on the sofa) "That sounds like a wonderful dream," (she replies warmly).
lily whitelock
lily whitelock
(appears, rubbing her eyes, looking sleepy as she shuffles into the room).
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(leans down and hugs Lily, pulling her into a warm embrace) "Good morning, Lily," (she says softly, brushing a strand of hair away from her sister’s face).
lily whitelock
lily whitelock
(yawns and leans into Grace’s hug) "Morning, sister..." (she murmurs, still waking up, but comforted by her sister’s presence).
lily whitelock
lily whitelock
(looks up at Grace with sleepy eyes, still nestled in her sister's embrace) "Sister..." (she murmurs softly, her small voice carrying a hint of need).
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(smiles down at Lily, gently stroking her hair) "Yes, Lily?" (she asks with warmth, sensing her sister's needs).
lily whitelock
lily whitelock
(rubs her eyes, her tummy rumbling softly) "I'm hungry..." (she says, looking up at Grace with a hopeful expression).
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(chuckles softly, giving Lily a reassuring squeeze) "Let's get you something to eat, then," (she replies, standing up and goes towards the kitchen).
Ryan Whitelock
Ryan Whitelock
(steps out of his room, his eyes immediately drawn to his little ones. He sees Lily sitting with Eli, listening attentively to his cheerful blabbering).
eli whitelock
eli whitelock
(waves his tiny hands excitedly as he tells his nonsensical story, while Lily giggles, fully entertained by her baby brother).
Ryan Whitelock
Ryan Whitelock
(watches them for a moment, his gaze then shifting to his elder daughter, Grace. He feels a swell of pride as he observes her quietly managing the morning routine).
Ryan Whitelock
Ryan Whitelock
(feels a pang of sadness as he realizes the weight of responsibility and pressure that Grace has taken on. Despite his numerous jobs, Grace has been handling all the household chores and caring for both Lily and Eli on her own. He never wanted her to bear such a burden, but she has done so with remarkable strength and dedication).
Ryan Whitelock
Ryan Whitelock
(takes a deep breath, silently acknowledging Grace’s sacrifices and the immense pride he feels in her, mixed with regret for not being able to be more present).
Ryan Whitelock
Ryan Whitelock
(walks over to Grace, his heart full of mixed emotions. He wraps his arms around her in a warm hug, holding her close).
Ryan Whitelock
Ryan Whitelock
(gently kisses Grace's forehead) "Good morning," (he says softly, his voice filled with both tenderness and a hint of sadness).
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(smiles up at him, her eyes reflecting a mixture of warmth and concern).
Ryan Whitelock
Ryan Whitelock
(notices how Grace’s features are so similar to his late wife, Hope. The resemblance is striking, bringing back bittersweet memories of the past. He feels a deep sense of connection to her, as if Hope's spirit is present in Grace).
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(smiles warmly up at her father) "Dad, you sit down. Let me serve breakfast," (she says, her tone both caring and cheerful).
Ryan Whitelock
Ryan Whitelock
(nods, his heart swelling with pride and gratitude. He takes a seat at the table, watching as Grace moves to prepare breakfast, feeling a mixture of admiration and sadness).
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(begins setting the table and arranging the breakfast items, her movements efficient and practiced as she takes care of the morning meal for the family).
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(gently feeds Eli, her movements practiced and tender as she spoons food into his eager little mouth).
eli whitelock
eli whitelock
(smiles and giggles between bites, clearly enjoying the attention and his breakfast).
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(sits down beside him, eating her own breakfast while keeping a watchful eye on Eli. She takes bites of her meal with a calm, satisfied expression, balancing both tasks effortlessly).
dead person
dead person
Everyone is having breakfast at the table.
Ryan Whitelock
Ryan Whitelock
"I’m heading to work now. Have a good day, everyone." (He stands up and leaves).
dead person
dead person
Lily is wearing her school uniform and putting on her shoes.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
"I’ll finish up here." (Washes the dishes, then bathes Eli. She moves on to fixing Lily’s hair, her hands working carefully).
lily whitelock
lily whitelock
"Thank you, Big Sis." (She smiles at Grace, showing her respect and affection.)
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
"You’re welcome, Lily. Let’s make sure you’re ready for school." (She continues arranging Lily’s hair with care.)
dead person
dead person
Grace gets ready for college, her morning routine brisk and focused. She then prepares to take Eli to daycare.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
"Alright, Eli, let’s get you to daycare." (She picks him up and carries him to the door.)
dead person
dead person
At the daycare, Grace gently places Eli down and kneels to his level.

ep 02

grace whitelock
grace whitelock
"Be good today, Eli. I’ll be back to pick you up later." (She kisses his cheek tenderly.)
eli whitelock
eli whitelock
"Okay, Sis!" (He smiles and waves as Grace leaves.)
dead person
dead person
Grace leaves the daycare and heads to college.
dead person
dead person
Grace arrives at college and spots her best friend, Maddie, searching for her
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(smiling, sneaks up behind Maddie and gently covers her eyes) "Guess who, Maddie?"
Madeline Miller
Madeline Miller
(laughs, trying to guess) "Hmm, who could it be?"
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(giggling) "Take a wild guess!"
Madeline Miller
Madeline Miller
(turns around and sees Grace, her face lighting up) "Grace! I was looking everywhere for you!"
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(laughs and hugs Maddie) "I’m here now! Ready for our day?"
dead person
dead person
Grace and Maddie walk together on campus, chatting as they go.
Madeline Miller
Madeline Miller
(frowns, clearly frustrated) "I can’t stand Professor Thompson. He’s always punishing me for the smallest things."
dead person
dead person
Grace and Maddie are in class, taking their seats. They notice Professor Sebastian sitting at his desk, holding his nose bridge in apparent frustration.
Madeline Miller
Madeline Miller
(whispers, admiringly) "Look at him. Even when he's stressed, he’s so... charismatic."
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(glances at Sebastian with a mix of frustration and indifference) "Yeah, charismatic. He’s probably just annoyed with us for something."
dead person
dead person
All the girls in the class are watching Sebastian, clearly captivated by him.
Madeline Miller
Madeline Miller
(notices the other students) "It’s like they’re all mesmerized. How can they not see how difficult he is?"
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(nods, leaning in) "I guess his charm overshadows everything else for them. But I’m not buying it."
dead person
dead person
Professor Sebastian looks up, meeting Grace’s gaze briefly before turning his attention back to his papers.
Madeline Miller
Madeline Miller
(trying to shift focus) "Let’s just hope the lecture goes smoothly today."
dead person
dead person
Professor Sebastian is teaching, but he notices that the students are not paying attention
Sebastian king
Sebastian king
(sternly) "Can someone stand up and answer this question?"
dead person
dead person
A girl hesitantly stands up, looking nervous.
Sebastian king
Sebastian king
(frowns, his tone harsh) "What’s the answer to this question? You’re not prepared at all."
dead person
dead person
The girl stumbles, unable to answer correctly.
Sebastian king
Sebastian king
(raising his voice) "Unbelievable! This is basic material. You need to take your studies more seriously!" (He continues to scold her in front of the entire class.)
dead person
dead person
The class falls silent, clearly uncomfortable with the confrontation.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(whispers to Maddie, frustration evident) "This is exactly what I mean. He’s always so harsh. It’s no wonder no one pays attention."
dead person
dead person
Professor Sebastian notices Grace’s frustrated expression as he scolds the previous student. He shifts his gaze toward her.
Sebastian king
Sebastian king
(pointing at Grace) "Grace, since you seem so displeased, why don’t you stand up and answer the question?"
dead person
dead person
Grace, taken aback, stands up hesitantly. She tries to answer but struggles to provide a correct response.
Sebastian king
Sebastian king
(coldly, with a sneer) "It seems all you’re good at is attracting attention and charming everyone. Maybe you should stick to that since you can’t seem to handle the material."
dead person
dead person
The class gasps, and Grace’s face flushes with embarrassment.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(muttering, her voice shaking) "That’s not true..."
dead person
dead person
Professor Sebastian, still seething, throws a crumpled piece of paper towards Grace.
Sebastian king
Sebastian king
(harshly) "Take this and use it to study. Clearly, you need to put in more effort!"
dead person
dead person
Grace looks down at the paper, feeling humiliated.
Sebastian king
Sebastian king
(turning back to his desk) "Class is dismissed. Make sure you’re prepared for next time."
dead person
dead person
As the lecture ends, Professor Sebastian exits the room swiftly, leaving Grace and the rest of the students behind
Madeline Miller
Madeline Miller
(turns to Grace, concerned) "Are you okay? That was really harsh."
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(trying to hold back her frustration) "I’ll manage. Just need to get through this day."
dead person
dead person
Grace gathers her things, feeling the weight of the professor's words and the stares of her classmates
dead person
dead person
The class settles in for the next lecture. Professor William enters, holding a stack of papers.
Professor William Hayes
Professor William Hayes
(with a warm smile) "Good afternoon, everyone. I have the results from the recent tests."
dead person
dead person
The students listen intently, and Grace, still feeling the sting from earlier, tries to focus.
Professor William Hayes
Professor William Hayes
(looking at Grace) "I’d like to congratulate Grace Whitelock for scoring the highest on the test. Excellent work, Grace!"
dead person
dead person
The class claps, and Grace’s mood brightens slightly despite her earlier distress
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(smiling, feeling a mix of relief and pride) "Thank you, Professor William."
Madeline Miller
Madeline Miller
(whispers to Grace, smiling) "See? You did amazing, despite everything."
dead person
dead person
Professor William continues with the lecture, and Grace tries to enjoy the moment of recognition.
dead person
dead person
After the lecture with Professor William, students begin to leave the classroom. Grace and Maddie walk out together.
dead person
dead person
Suddenly, Professor Sebastian steps into their path, blocking Grace’s way.
Sebastian king
Sebastian king
(sternly) "Grace, can I speak with you for a moment?"
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(surprised and tense, nods) "Yes, Professor?"
Sebastian king
Sebastian king
(gestures toward the hallway) "Let’s talk in private. Follow me."
dead person
dead person
Grace exchanges a concerned glance with Maddie before following Professor Sebastian down the hallway.
dead person
dead person
Grace follows Professor Sebastian, her heart racing as she wonders what will happen next.
dead person
dead person
Professor Sebastian leads Grace to a quieter part of the hallway and hands her a stack of test papers.
Sebastian king
Sebastian king
(gesturing to the papers) "Here are your results. It seems you scored perfectly on every test."
dead person
dead person
Grace examines the results, her eyes widening in happiness and suprise at the perfect scores
Sebastian king
Sebastian king
(sighs, looking regretful) "I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you. I didn’t recognize your hard work and achievements."
dead person
dead person
Grace looks up, surprised by the apology.
Sebastian king
Sebastian king
(earnestly) "But you need to study even harder. Keep up the good work and don’t let your guard down."
dead person
dead person
He turns to leave, giving Grace a final nod.

ep 03

dead person
dead person
After College - Daycare Scene
dead person
dead person
After Sebastian leaves, Grace gathers her things and heads to the daycare to pick up Eli. As she enters the daycare, Eli’s teacher greets her with a warm smile.
(smiling) Good afternoon, Grace. Eli’s been eagerly waiting for you.
dead person
dead person
Eli, spotting Grace, runs over with a bright smile, pulling at her hand.
eli whitelock
eli whitelock
(excitedly) Sister, this is my new teacher! She’s really nice!
dead person
dead person
The teacher chuckles, looking at Grace with a friendly expression.
It’s wonderful to finally meet you, Grace. Eli talks about you all the time.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(softly) I’m glad to hear that. He’s always full of stories.
dead person
dead person
The teacher’s expression becomes slightly more serious.
Grace, could I have a word with you? There’s something important we need to discuss.
dead person
dead person
Grace nods, but first, she bends down to Eli’s level and speaks to him gently.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
Eli, why don’t you go and pick some beautiful flowers for Lily? She’ll love them.
dead person
dead person
Eli’s face lights up, and he nods enthusiastically before running off to the daycare garden.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(standing back up and turning to the teacher) What’s the matter?
dead person
dead person
The teacher takes a deep breath, preparing to discuss the important issue with Grace.
(gently) Grace, I’ve noticed how much responsibility you carry, and I recently learned about your mother’s passing. I’m so sorry for your loss.
dead person
dead person
Grace’s smile falters slightly, but she nods, trying to remain composed.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(softly) Thank you... it’s been difficult, but we’re managing.
dead person
dead person
The teacher hesitates, then continues delicately.
I admire how you’re taking care of your siblings, but it’s a lot for someone your age. I’ve been thinking... it might be good for your father to consider remarrying. It could help to have another adult in the home to share the responsibilities.
dead person
dead person
Grace’s eyes widen in surprise, and she looks down, processing the suggestion
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(quietly, almost to herself) Remarry...?
dead person
dead person
Grace’s expression hardens slightly as the teacher suggests remarriage. The memory of her mother's last moments flashes in her mind, her mother’s weak smile, and the promise she made.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(firmly, looking directly at the teacher) I appreciate your concern, but my mother trusted me to take care of my siblings. I promised her... I won’t let them feel her absence.
dead person
dead person
The teacher’s smile becomes a bit strained, her tone softening as she steps closer.
(gently, but with a hint of persistence) Grace, I know you’re doing everything you can, but you’re still so young. It’s a lot for someone your age to handle. Your father might need someone by his side… someone to help share the burden.
dead person
dead person
Grace frowns, sensing there’s more behind the teacher’s words.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(a bit more guarded) My father has enough to worry about already. We’re managing just fine.
dead person
dead person
The teacher’s gaze lingers on Grace, her tone becoming more personal.
(softly, almost hesitantly) Grace, I care about your family… about your father. I think I could be the support all of you need. I could help raise Lily and Eli, just like a mother would.
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dead person
Grace stiffens, the words confirming her suspicions. The idea of another woman stepping into her mother’s place makes her uncomfortable, almost angry.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(coldly, her voice firm) My mother isn’t someone who can be replaced. I promised her, during her last breath, that I would take care of my siblings. I intend to keep that promise, no matter what.
dead person
dead person
The teacher sighs, seeing the resolve in Grace’s eyes but not ready to give up.
(trying to sound understanding, but still persuasive) I know how much you love them, Grace. But think about how much easier it would be with someone else to help—someone who cares for you and your father.
dead person
dead person
Grace’s expression softens just a little as she sees Eli running toward her with a handful of flowers, his face beaming with pride. She bends down to his level, taking the flowers from his tiny hands.
eli whitelock
eli whitelock
(excitedly, holding up the flowers) Sissy! I got these for Lily!
dead person
dead person
Grace smiles softly, her resolve solidifying even more.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(gently, but decisively) Thank you, sweetie. Let’s go home and give them to Lily.
dead person
dead person
She stands up, holding Eli’s hand, and gives the teacher a polite nod before turning to leave.
(calling after her, a slight edge of desperation in her voice) Just… think about it, Grace. You’re strong, but everyone needs someone sometimes.
dead person
dead person
Grace walks out of the daycare, her grip on Eli’s hand tightening slightly as she silently reaffirms her promise to her mother.
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dead person
Back at the House
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Grace and Eli enter the house to find Lily comfortably lounging on the sofa, munching on a bag of potato chips while watching Friends on TV. The familiar laugh track fills the room as Lily giggles at the jokes.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(raising an eyebrow as she sees Lily) Lily, weren’t you supposed to finish your homework before watching TV?
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dead person
Lily quickly looks up, mid-chew, trying to come up with an excuse. She smiles sheepishly.
lily whitelock
lily whitelock
Um... I was just taking a little break, I promise! I’ll get back to it in a minute.
dead person
dead person
Eli, still holding the flowers, rushes over to Lily, his small hands reaching up to her.
eli whitelock
eli whitelock
(excitedly) Lily! Look! I got these for you!
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dead person
Lily’s expression softens as she takes the flowers from Eli, smiling warmly at her little brother.
lily whitelock
lily whitelock
(gently) Aw, thank you, Eli. These are beautiful.
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She pats his head and looks back at Grace, who’s standing with her arms crossed, giving her a knowing look.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
Alright, well, after your break, you need to get that homework done. We can’t have you slacking off, okay?
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Lily nods, giving Grace a playful salute.
lily whitelock
lily whitelock
Yes, ma’am!
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Grace rolls her eyes, smiling despite herself, Eli climbs up onto the sofa next to Lily, snuggling close as they both watch TV together.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(noticing Eli getting comfortable on the sofa with Lily) Eli, before you get too cozy, come on, it’s time for your bath.
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Eli pouts a little but obediently slides off the sofa and walks over to Grace, who’s waiting with her hand extended.
eli whitelock
eli whitelock
(reluctantly) Okay, sister...
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Grace takes his hand and smiles down at him.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
Good boy. Let’s get you cleaned up, and then you can have dinner.
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She leads Eli toward the bathroom as Lily goes back to watching TV, still holding the flowers Eli gave her.
lily whitelock
lily whitelock
(smiling fondly as she watches Eli walk off with Grace) My baby brother... I hope he never grows up.
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In her room:
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
(laughing as she chases Eli around the room) Eli, come here, you little rascal!
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Eli giggles uncontrollably, trying to escape her grasp.
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Grace finally catches him, scooping him up in her arms and tickling him gently. Eli bursts into laughter, squirming in her hold.
grace whitelock
grace whitelock
Gotcha! Now let's get you cleaned up, mister!
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Eli continues laughing, his small hands trying to push her away playfully.

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