NovelToon NovelToon

Let's Become Villainess

Ep 1 - A fairytale

Ras / Author
Ras / Author
Hey guys so yep I am back again with new story
Ras / Author
Ras / Author
And if you are wondering what happened to my previous story then I don't know
Ras / Author
Ras / Author
It got deleted suddenly, and I got notification that it has been deleted due to too many reports ?
Ras / Author
Ras / Author
I was already feeling dejected and frustrated enough from my real life and even here mt did this thing it was literally the most heartbreaking thing 💔
Ras / Author
Ras / Author
But still I am here again for you with new story as I thought I would start it when the previous one ends but yeah
Ras / Author
Ras / Author
Hope you will understand ❤️‍🩹
Ras / Author
Ras / Author
Let's get into the story
The hall is beautiful, glowing with the soft light of a thousand enchanted candles, but none of it matters....
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
All I can see is love, my heart racing as he walks toward me with that smile...the smile that always makes the world around us disappear. He looks so happy, and it makes my chest ache with love for him.
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*turns back with a soft smile* I have been waiting...
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
Now the wait is over my love *grins*
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
He promised me something tonight, something special... He said it would change everything, that it would bind us together forever...
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
*walks with little steps towards her* I am sorry for making my love wait for so long...
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*heart thumping* just in time
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
My heart feels like it might burst from anticipation. This is the moment I’ve dreamed of...when we would finally become one, in heart, in soul, in magic....
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
*stands in front of her staring while smiling*
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Wh...what is it...*flustered*
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
*extends his hand out while on behind his back* I wonder if this beautiful lady here will give me honor to be her escort today ?
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*chuckles* Of course my prince
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*places her hand on his*
When he takes my hand, warmth floods through me, making me shiver....
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
*leans closer and wishpers* Are you ready ? My love ?
He whispers, his voice a sweet, tender caress....
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*nods shyly*
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
Tonight, we will be bound together for eternity. No one will ever come between us. *while kissing back of her hand*
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*teary eyes*
My eyes fill with tears of joy... I barely breathe, leaning into him, feeling the solid comfort of his body against mine
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
I’ve waited so long for this moment, For us
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
I know... *kisses gently against her temple*
He leads me to a chamber I’ve never seen before, a place that feels ancient and powerful. The walls are covered in glowing runes, and in the center, a circle of pure white light pulses like a heartbeat...
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*while gazing up at the sky with soft eyes* ( The stars are pretty today )
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
My breath catches in my throat. This is it. This is where we’ll be bound together, where our love will transcend everything, even death...
He steps into the circle with me, his hands holding mine, grounding me, keeping me steady.
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
This is the Ritual of Eternal Bonding
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
Once we complete it, our souls will be forever intertwined. No one will ever tear us apart.
He explains...his voice filled with excitement..or is it something else? Why am I having this paranoid kind of feeling ?
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
*brushes his cheeks softly* My love ?
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*suddenly breaks out into tears*
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
The thought of our souls being bound together fills me with such overwhelming joy that I can’t stop the tears from spilling down my cheeks....
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
I’ve never loved anyone like I love you...*voice shaking*
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*smiles softly with tears in her eyes* I would give up magic, my power..ju...just to be with you
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
! ! *taken aback*
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
And I would give up world for you my love *in soft and soothing voice*
His eyes flicker with something dark, but I don’t notice, too lost in the swell of emotions...
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
As he begins to chant, the circle of light flares to life, enveloping us in warmth. I close my eyes, letting the magic wash over me, feeling it bind me to him in a way that feels so right, so perfect. I’ve never felt so connected to anyone, so sure of my place in the world.
But then....
… something changes.
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*suddenly feels chills over her body*
The warmth turns cold, and the light that felt like a protective embrace now burns, searing my skin....
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*opens her eyes in anxiousness* Ian this-
Panic grips my heart as I open my eyes and look at Cassian...
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
....searching for the love that’s always been there, the love I’ve always found in his eyes....
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
But it’s gone. The love is gone, replaced by a cold, calculating look I don’t recognize....
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
I...Ian...? *voice trembling*
I whisper, my voice trembling. I try to pull away, but the magic holds me in place, stronger than anything I’ve ever felt.
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
Yes my love ? *smiles*
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
He smiles, but it’s not the smile I know, not the smile I love. This smile is twisted, cruel....
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
*lets go of her hand and chuckles* You have always been so naive, Luciana
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*heart starting to throb* Wh...what
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
So willing to believe in fairy tales of love and destiny. But this ritual isn’t for us...
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
It’s for me.
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
That's when I realized that in this cruel reality love is just...
A fairytale
?   ?   ?
? ? ?
*chuckles darkly through the shadows* Seems like...
?   ?   ?
? ? ?
I will soon get to taste someone's rage
?   ?   ?
? ? ?
◇ To Be Continued ◇
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Ep 2 - The summoning

Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Wh...what do you mean....? *voice trembling*
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
This ritual will drain out your all magic from you and transfer it in my body
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
I’ll become the most powerful mage this world has ever seen, while you…
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband’ll be nothing.
My heart feels as if it is being torn apart into pieces one by one small peices
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
A vessel, drained of power, of life.
No. No, this can’t be happening. He wouldn’t do this. Not Cassian, not the man I love. But his words… his words are tearing me apart, ripping through my heart, my soul. I can’t breathe. I can’t think. The man I loved, trusted with everything I am, used me, lied to me....
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl lied to me ! *tears chocking out*
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl me...? *feels her knees getting numb*
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
love...*voice softens suddenly*
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
*eyes colden with darkness* Love is just a weakness Luciana
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
And you...
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*falls down on her knees*
The magic is ripping through me, tearing away my power, my strength, everything that makes me who I am....
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
*evil smirk* ...are weak and pathetic Luciana!
I collapse to the ground, my body trembling, weak, broken. The magic is gone, my power stolen, my strength drained. I look up at him, my vision blurred by tears, searching for any trace of the man I loved. But he’s not there. Maybe he never was.
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
Oh... I can feel it...
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
The power running in my veins
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
*clenches his fist with a grin* Now...
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
I will be the king
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
! !
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
Just like how you will vanish from this world your father will disappear too without any traces
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*grits her teeth* Cassian you....
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
*chuckles darkly* Yes my love yes
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
Your father, your brother I will clean them all out of way *walks out of magic circle beaming with light*
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*groans* You...fùcking...
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
What ? You never loved them anyway ? Neither did they care about you ? They actually hated you
There was sudden ache in my heart
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
You fought against them for me and upset them so much they don't even want to see your face
Because he wasn't wrong...he was spitting the harsh reality...
I was living in a fairy tale all along
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*clenches on the floor digging her nails into the ground*
And now I am laying here lifeless
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband
See you never again...*walks away*
Cassian Von Morris / Fl
Cassian Von Morris / Fl's ex-husband love
being struck my reality
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
?   ?   ?
? ? ?
Tch I thought I will find someone with rage, but this woman has completely given up to despair
?   ?   ?
? ? ?
*turns away* Weak and pathetic woman-
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
?   ?   ?
? ? ?
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Hahahahahaha *laughs like a maniac*
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*takes out the hair pin from her hair* You think that I am weak and pathetic just because I fell in love with you ?
?   ?   ?
? ? ?
! !
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*slits her palm* It was just because I loved a weakling like you....
My own very father and brother hates me because they are scared of what I posses
You just have never seen that side of me because I loved you Cassian
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
You have no idea of how crazy of a bìtch I am, you have seen my love but now you will see my rage
I am not weak and pathetic crybaby who would give up and cry like a it is an end to everything
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
?   ?   ?
? ? ?
*smirks* Finally after 250 years
?   ?   ?
? ? ?
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
◇ To Be Continued ◇
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Ep 3 - The Devil

I remember...I remember there being a tale about this place...
Years ago, when the empire was engulfed in unending terror, demons, nightmarish monsters, and wild beasts roamed freely, their power fueled by a devil of unimaginable darkness. This devil was so terrifyingly powerful that even the combined might of the strongest magicians couldn't so much as scratch him...
He was the embodiment of evil, so utterly devoid of mercy that the agonized cries of countless suffering souls fell on deaf ears. There was no hope of destroying him....
...the only way to end his reign of terror was to...seal him away...along with his dreadful power.
After all the suffering endured by the empire, she appeared...
...the woman of fate, the harbinger of salvation. Sent as a divine ray of light by the goddesses, she was known as the Child of Fate, the Saintness
Then, she, with her four companions...each empowered by a share of her divine strength...united in a desperate struggle against the devil, determined to seal him away for eternity.
And finally the devil was sealed away...
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
( Here... )
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*blood escaping from corner of her mouth*
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
( Only if that one story were to be real... )
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
O epitome of evil and darkness ! Have my blood and wage your rage ! Engulf me... in darkness and accept my soul !
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Huf...huff....(I have very less time left )
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
( Damn it...the...there is no response ) Hah...hah... *clenches her chest*
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
" While summoning any power or any entity we most the 'real' name of it Luciana without it even if they want to they will never be able to get to you, this is why their name is always hidden in darkness of histories "
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
" Do you know the name of devil who was sealed by the child of fate and four guardians "
?  ?  ?
? ? ?
" It's... "
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*collects her last breath*
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
*cough huge amount of blood due to exertion*
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl yet believed a fairytale..*body weakens*
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
....of me *faints*
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Thud !
?   ?   ?
? ? ?
How ironic of you woman...
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Astaroth Luz Lucardo / Sylus / ML
Astaroth Luz Lucardo / Sylus / ML faint right after summoning me without even giving me my payment
Astaroth Luz Lucardo / Sylus / ML
Astaroth Luz Lucardo / Sylus / ML
*strokes Luciana cheeks* With a weak body like this you want revenge ?
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Luciana Von Morris / Fl
Astaroth Luz Lucardo / Sylus / ML
Astaroth Luz Lucardo / Sylus / ML
I guess you will need a new body now. *while stroking her cheeks*
Astaroth Luz Lucardo / Sylus / ML
Astaroth Luz Lucardo / Sylus / ML
And as for the payment... *glances at her*
' He firmly held her head bringing his face slightly down to hers '
' A ray of light covered them both as if illuminating a new beginning a new chapter of their story '
Astaroth Luz Lucardo / Sylus / ML
Astaroth Luz Lucardo / Sylus / ML
Woman, you had better be ready to give me a proper payment next time *smiles slyly*
Astaroth Luz Lucardo / Sylus / ML
Astaroth Luz Lucardo / Sylus / ML
◇ To Be Continued ◇
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