My name is stinger I am a S rank assassin age 25 height 6 foot two. I am on my way to a job right now. I was hired to kill two people who live in one apartment. The client told me they are there right now. I pull out my phone and I tell the guild that the payment was secured. I’m heading to the job. I forgot to tell you this is a world where gates have appeared. Monsters began to pour out of them humanity unlocked skills. I am also a hunter an S rank assassin who hunts other hunters reason my mother was killed by a hunter. Who tried to do something well not PG let’s just say that. i’m walking to the job site. The door was open. I found it very strange. I walked in and paused in shock. right there before me was a lady looking to be around 20 or 30 years old on the floor dead. Multiple stab wounds, at least seven on her back. I thought the job was already done, but then I realized the client said there were two targets in this apartment. I noticed something whimpering. a sound of a very scared person I look. under the bed and I found a little girl looking to be at least seven or eight. She ran out from under the bed. And covered with a blanket, trying to hide I let out a small sigh and say. A job is a job. I pull out my gun and aim at her head, she looked at me in the eyes as I took the safety off my hand started to shake. right as my finger was on the trigger I stopped and fell to my knees, crying yelling I can’t I can’t hurt a child. I was very pissed off at the client for trying to get me to do something so awful. I put the safety on the gun and threw it out the window. I go to the little girl and said I’m
not going to hurt you. Out of nowhere, she sticks out her pinky finger, and shyly says you promise not knowing what to do. I just wrap my pinky finger around hers and said yes I promise. she slowly intimidated stood up and laid her head on my chest and fell asleep as we were walking down this road. I get in a very good vehicle. It’s called Gold brand the very sleek fastvehicle that can go 310 miles an hour imported legally from Japan I really like this car too bad America hasn’t made one yet. I’m mean there are cars that can go 310 here, but not this one not the one I like. I said it to Cruise mode meaning it can’t go over 150. It has a restriction when I put it in that mode. When I take it off cruise mode. It can go 310. this feature I added myself for road safety.
Either way enough boasting I get in the car with her and start driving. I keep it under 20 miles an hour. She seems to be terrified of going fast. We arrive at a gate. I show my ID from my wallet and the gate opens. We drive forward and see a huge mansion. Her eyes lit up never seen such a beautiful house before. I asked her when we get inside. Do you want some ice cream? She asked me a question that almost made me cry. She said, Mr. what’s ice cream? I hug her quietly as my heart aches, saying you poor thing. I bring her in the house and when we walk in the house, the maid sees the little girl. I look at the maid and said she stinks. Give her a bath the maid smacks me in the back of the head and yells don’t be so tactless. God are you trying to hurt this poor things feelings. I’m sorry I yell I didn’t know. I’ve never taken care of a child before. I get on one knee and look at her, rubbing her head gently sorry. runt are you OK? The maid was behind me, saving with anger she started chasing me with a broom. don’t call her a runt either. then we hear a noise and look over and she’s crying. she says I’m sorry please don’t fight. I look over her with a bruised face. and said it’s OK we’re not fighting. The girl looks at me and says you’re flirting. Why don’t you get a room? Me and the maid blush me her never I would never flirt with Irene. The maid said yes, stinger would never. The girl looked at the maid and said Irene that’s your name right you’re pretty. Irene said thank you. meanwhile, I was having a panic attack with embarrassment. I jumped out the window, not knowing what this feeling was when I looked at Irene I looked at her. Closely for the first time actually paying attention to her and she looked quite beautiful. I don’t know what this feeling was. I panicked. I didn’t know whether I was about to die from a heart attack or become strong because of adrenaline. meanwhile, Irene was there blushing, thinking about me. soon Irene gave the girl a bath after she got out I gave the girl a teddy bear and said sorry for scaring you earlier. to my surprise, the girls started crying loudly saying thank you. she spoke saying thank you. It’s the very first gift every time I ask for something mom and dad would beat me or cut me. then one day Dad cut mom for the first time. my eyes whitened I told the maid lock down the house. I’m going out for a walk in a cold, creepy voice. She knew it was serious. She just bowed and said understood master. I stormed out of the house tears going down my face. I looked in the wallet of the woman who was the girls mother found her husband. and was shocked. It was the client that hired me to kill the little girl with anger. I pulled out my revolver and emptied two entire rounds in him and didn’t stop. until I ran out of bullets, I was so angry. how dare he treat an innocent child that way? I used one of my skills as a hunter to make myself look like a British man so the cameras would not know it was me and walked away The disguise was so good at even changed my fingerprints. When I got back to the house, I pretended nothing happened, but the maid saw through me as always she knew I had killed him.
But she didn’t tell the little girl we sat at the dinner table and I said to the little girl, what is your name? She replied with mom always called me. Piece of shit, trash or waste of space. My heart sank the cup in my hand shattered with my grip strength. I was so mad then I
said I’ll give you a name. How about Chloe? She unexpectedly started crying saying she’s never had a name before she said thank you then I said I’m not just giving you a name. This whole house is your house because you’re living with me now you are my daughter. Now the papers have already been forged perfectly. The maid Irene was so shocked. She spit out her drink and started choking on it. And then she yelled, you stinger potentially the world, strongest assassin a child this is absurd. just talking about the achieve she didn’t have time to finish her sentence before I covered her mouth and whispered not in front of the child. she said OK and sat down. After the dinner I went to bed. Two days later I got a phone call and answered, saying what’s up, oh you’re a new client where am I going and who am I killing the cavern of eternal Lakes? I haven’t been to that dungeon in forever. i’ll head there immediately. A ring of smoke started appearing in the cavern of eternal lakes, one of the adventures went near it and said hey guys what’s this is it the entrance to another dungeon?. he went near it. A hand suddenly came out of the smoke, lifting him in the air and choking him. You are the hunter.kai? right you’re responsible for the deaths of five people bounty was placed on your head. I spoke in a cold echoing voice. I squeezed his neck and his head flew off his body with my grip strength. I walked past the others who were too terrified to even move. Their legs, went to the young man. and said you were about to be a victim I showed him the dead man’s phone with text messages texting the other people in the party saying they’re going to assassinate that noob tonight. The young man was terrified, looking at his teammates. he said how I thought you were going to carry me and help me level up. I look him in the eyes and said it’s OK. The guild master of the assassins Guild sleeping coffin is here. The other party members that were traitors look at me and scream the guild master, they start shaking and fear remembering rumors about my accomplishments in battle. I snapped my fingers in two iron back. Hell hounds come out of my shadow. They are black dogs with red eyes iron plates on their back. they have stripes of lava that looks like cracks thing is if they trust you, the cracks won’t hurt you. You can pet them freely if they trust you. I look at the dogs and then I look at the other party members and I said finish them. The dogs pounced on them ripping them to shreds. as me and the young man walk out of the cave safely after I had taken their wallets and IDs as proof that I finished the job. I went to the guild got the money and left. I returned to the dungeon. The cavern of endless Lakes it’s where my mom was murdered after she was well can’t talk about that now. I was there I was able to run away and escape, but I went back and buried her here I didn’t want some creepy gravedigger looking at her weirdly while burying her I know stupid thoughts for a child, right. I arrive at the secret island. We discovered in the cavern of endless lakes. It was there that her party turned on her. they thought no one would find the island again. I suddenly noticed a young man at her grave apologizing to it. I pull out my gun and said who are you? What are you doing here? He worked at me and apologized and asked me if I knew this woman because he was fighting a monster here and it pushed him onto the gravestone breaking it. He was able to kill the monster, he explained. he felt guilty and bought a brand, new gravestone and drug it all the way here just to put it back and then every year apologized to the grave. and put flowers there. I was touched so I lowered my gun and said give me your bank info. hedid thinking I was threatening him, but then received a notification that $3 million was just transferred into his account. he exclaimed with excitement why shouldn’t you be mad at me? I looked at him and said listen, young man you made a mistake, but you had the guts to fix your mistake. Unlike the rest of these youngsters around so that gave you my respect and earned you that money. you could have easily walked away from this whole situation, but you didn’t you had enough respect for the dead to fix what you did. My mother would have forgiven you so I did as well. he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said your mother was a very kind lady and left. I walked through the woods of the island where I found a small house. I smiled and asked myself. Is it still here? I remember how I lived in the dungeon, not wanting to accept my mother‘s death. I lived here, killing monsters daily, and eating them. until one day, the hunters came back and I murdered them all I had already gotten my revenge. then when I grew up a bit, I started to realize that revenge is useless. It only slows you down. It’s better to just forgive and forget. well, there are exceptions like that party. I killed when I got here betraying your own party
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