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The Vengeful Mistress's Scheme


Hey, lovely readers! Welcome to 'The Vengeful Mistress's Scheme.'
I'm so thrilled to start this journey with you all.
Let's unwrap this story together
Hopefully, you all will enjoy this story.
From victim to victor, my past fuels my fire, and with the king's heart in my grasp, revenge becomes my desire. Jungkook
° ° °
Jungkook slowly awakens from his slumber, his bleary eyes adjusting to the dimness that shrouds the room.
As his senses come to, he becomes acutely aware of a presence beside him - a figure lying there, his breathing steady and deep, almost rhythmic.
He turns his head to look upon their face, and a sharp inhalation escapes his lips as realization floods through him.
There, next to him, lays the king Kim Taehyung, asleep and blissfully unaware of the transformation that has taken place within Jungkook.
Jungkook's mind races, a torrent of thoughts and recollections from his past lives flooding his mind, as he lies there beside Taehyung.
A wave of hatred and anger washes over him as he gazes upon the king's face, and he can't help but mutter under his breath.
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
Why? Why am I here again? (he whispers, his voice laced with bitterness)
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
I thought I had moved on from this life, yet here I am, reliving it once more.
After muttering to himself, Jungkook takes a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions.
As he lies there, his mind slowly begins to settle, and a sense of determination slowly takes hold of him.
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
No (he says firmly, though still whispering so as not to wake the sleeping king)
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
I won't let myself be pushed around again. This time, I'll take control of my fate, and I'll make sure to seek revenge on those who wronged me.
As Jungkook sat there, looking upon the king's sleeping form, he begins to formulate his plan.
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
💭 I have to play this carefully.
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
💭 He is obsessed with me, after all. I can use that obsession to my advantage and make him my puppet.
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
As Jungkook lost in thought, Taehyung begins to stir. The king slowly opens his eyes, his gaze meeting Jungkook's.
He seems disoriented at first, but a smile soon graces his lips as he realizes who is besides him.
Kim Taehyung \ Emperor
Kim Taehyung \ Emperor
You're awake (his voice hoarse from sleep) How long have you been up?
Jungkook is suddenly snapped out of his thoughts as Taehyung speaks. He quickly composes himself and responds, putting on a facade of affection.
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
Oh, just a few minutes (feigning a smile) I didn't want to wake you, so I tried to be quiet.
Taehyung sits up in bed, rubbing his eyes before looking up at Jungkook again. He gestures for him to come closer.
Kim Taehyung \ Emperor
Kim Taehyung \ Emperor
Come here (his voice still gravelly from sleep)
As Taehyung calls out to him, Jungkook reluctantly Sat on his lap.
Internally, he loathes having to put up this facade, but he knows he has to play the part if he wants to manipulate Taehyung.
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
Is this okay, my love? (his voice dripping with sweetness, as he sits down next to Taehyung)
Taehyung quirks an eyebrow as Jungkook calls him 'my love.'
He's taken aback by the change in Jungkook's usual timid behavior, and a hint of suspicion flits across his face.
Kim Taehyung \ Emperor
Kim Taehyung \ Emperor
You called me 'my love'? (he asks, a hint of uncertainty in his voice) You've never called me that before. You always were quite shy and timid.
Jungkook mentally rebukes himself for his slip-up. He had gotten caught up in the act and accidentally referred to Taehyung as 'my love'.

Feigned Affection²

In the art of feigned affection, manipulation weaves its intricate deception, each move a step closer to control. Jungkook
° ° °
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
Oh... I guess I just felt like it (he replies, trying to maintain his feigned affection) I'm sorry if it surprised you. I just wanted to show you how much I care for you.
Taehyung seems to mull over Jungkook's response for a moment, silently scrutinizing his behavior.
The suspicion is still visible in his eyes, but it begins to subside as he buys into Jungkook's feigned affection.
Kim Taehyung \ Emperor
Kim Taehyung \ Emperor
No need to apologize (he responds, wrapping an arm around Jungkook and pulling him closer) I like hearing it. It makes me feel special.
Jungkook allows Taehyung to pull closer, forcing himself to plaster a smile on his face.
On the inside, he is conflicted, struggling to keep his hatred and anger in check while maintaining his feigned affection.
Taehyung leans in and Pulls Jungkook in a Passionate kiss, oblivious to the tumultuous emotions raging within him.
As Taehyung kisses him, a wave of disgust washes over Jungkook. However, he manages to remain in character, responding to the kiss.
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
💭 in my previous life, I put up with it for fear (as he thought, his jaw clenching) but now I'll endure it for my goals.
His lips move against Taehyung's, but there's no genuine passion within his response.
He allows Taehyung to continue, pretending to be fully engrossed in the moment.
Taehyung, too caught up in his display of intensity, initially pays no mind to the knock at the door.
However, Jungkook, sensing an opportunity to create a small bit of distance, gently pushes Taehyung away.
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
My Emperor (he says, feigning a tone of concern) someone is knocking at the door. it can be important.
Taehyung begrudgingly relents and covers Jungkook's exposed body with the blanket before calling out to whoever is on the other side of the door.
Kim Taehyung \ Emperor
Kim Taehyung \ Emperor
You may come in (his voice tinged with annoyance)
The person on the other side of the door, a servant informs....
Unimportant Person
Unimportant Person
My lord (the servant says respectfully)
Unimportant Person
Unimportant Person
The throne room is expecting you. The royal council is already assembled and waiting for your presence.
Upon receiving the news, Taehyung glances down at Jungkook, clearly annoyed at having to leave.
He reluctantly untangles himself from the bed and stands up, Wearing his clothes.
Kim Taehyung \ Emperor
Kim Taehyung \ Emperor
Damn it (he mutters under his breath) I forgot about the throne room duties.
He turns to Jungkook and gives him a quick, regretful look.
Kim Taehyung \ Emperor
Kim Taehyung \ Emperor
I have to go, I'll be back as soon as I can. Stay here, alright?
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
💭 Just Leave already. (internally role his eyes)
Jungkook nods, forcing a smile onto his face.
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
Of course, my emperor, (he replies, his voice falsely sweet) I'll be here when you return.
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
Taehyung gives Jungkook a lingering look, his mind clearly conflicted between his duties
As a king and his desire to stay. But ultimately, duty wins out, and he reluctantly heads towards the door.
Kim Taehyung \ Emperor
Kim Taehyung \ Emperor
I'll be back soon (he says over his shoulder, his tone hinting at the frustration of having to leave)
With a final glance at Jungkook, he exits the room, leaving him alone in the bed.
As Jungkook sits there in the bed, alone, he glances down at his body, noticing the evidence of the previous night.
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
The bites and marks on his skin are a stark reminder of the night's events, filling him with an intense mix of anger and disgust.
He clenches his fists, his emotions warring within him. The memories of the previous life, flood his mind, adding fuel to his internal turmoil.
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor
Jeon Jungkook \ Emperor's Mistress
💭 My first meeting with the him was the worst day of my life. I'll never forget how I lost my dignity to that filthy Emperor, Taehyung.
In this story, there is a high chance that, Taehyung won't be the Main Love Interest For Jungkook.
but I can consider him being the Ml, if you all insist him being the Ml, even after knowing the Past Of Taekook.

ᵒⁿᵉWhispers Of the Past³

The Guzheng's music dances with beauty, yet its shattered strings possess a piercing edge that can wound as deeply as a honed blade. Jungkook
° ° °
In Jiseang House [Jiseang is a type of entertainer in Korean dynasty time]
Jungkook took a deep breath as he picked the Guzheng.
The beautiful instrument gleamed in the soft light of the room, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and excitement.
This was his first day at the Jiseang House as an entertainer, and he hoped to make a good impression.
Jeon Jungkook \ Past Life
Jeon Jungkook \ Past Life
💭 I can Do this (encourages himself)
The room was filled with a hushed silence as Jungkook began to play the guzheng.
His fingers moved effortlessly across the strings, coaxing a beautiful melody from the instrument.
As he played, he began to sing, his voice soft and haunting, fitting perfectly with the music.
The other courtesans and patrons in the room watched him with rapt attention as he played.
They were captivated by his performance, by the way he moved as he played, his graceful and elegant gestures adding to the enchantment of his music.
° ° °
As Jungkook left the stage, he was immediately swarmed by the guests, many offering him tips and compliments on his performance.
Unimportant Person
Unimportant Person
That was incredible (one guest said) You're the most talented musician we've had here in years.
Another guest stepped forward, a sly smile on her face.
Unimportant Person
Unimportant Person
You must be tired after such a beautiful performance (she purred) Why don't you come and rest with me in my room? I'm sure we could find plenty of ways to... relax.
Jungkook graciously accepted the compliments, but shook his head at the offer from the woman.
Jeon Jungkook \ Past Life
Jeon Jungkook \ Past Life
I appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid I have to decline (he said respectfully) I'm exhausted and need to rest.
Unimportant Person
Unimportant Person
(She pouted, clearly disappointed) Are you sure you won't change your mind? (she running her hand lightly over his arm) I can assure you, you'd have a better time with me than on your own.
Despite the woman's insistence, Jungkook remained firm, gently pulling away from her touch.
Jeon Jungkook \ Past Life
Jeon Jungkook \ Past Life
I'm sorry, (he said firmly, maintaining a polite smile) I really must decline. Thank you for your interest, though.
Jeon Jungkook \ Past Life
Jeon Jungkook \ Past Life
The woman sulked, clearly used to getting what she wanted.
Unimportant Person
Unimportant Person
Your loss (she muttered, giving him a final, frustrated look) You don't know what you're missing, my dear.
Jeon Jungkook \ Past Life
Jeon Jungkook \ Past Life
Perhaps someday I'll change my mind (he Replied, still maintaining his composure) But tonight, I simply need my rest.
With a final polite nod, he excused himself from the group and made his way to his room. Pushing open the door,
He breathed a sigh of relief, glad to be away from the relentless advances of the guests.
Jeon Jungkook \ Past Life
Jeon Jungkook \ Past Life
💭 I'm Glad I could Do as Jimin Taught me. (smiles to himself)
Being relaxed, as Jungkook was in the process of undoing the ties and fastenings of his hanbok, sighing in relief as the restrictive garment loosened around his body.
The soft silk of the fabric slid over his skin, providing a cool, soothing sensation after his performance.
Suddenly, the sound of a window opening abruptly interrupted his moment of relaxation.
He jumped, his hands automatically grabbing at the hanbok to cover himself.
His eyes darted around the room, searching for the source of the sound.
Then, he spotted the man who had come through the window, standing in front of him.
The man was tall and imposing, dressed in clothing that spoke of wealth and power.
His face was hidden in the shadows, only his eyes visible, glowing with an enigmatic light.
The tension in the room was palpable, and Jungkook felt a shiver run down his spine. Despite his fear, he tried to maintain a veneer of bravery.
Jeon Jungkook \ Past Life
Jeon Jungkook \ Past Life
Who are you? What are you doing in my room?! (He demanded, attempting to sound firm and authoritative) You must leave at once, or I'll call for the guards!
The man took a step forward, and Jungkook instinctively pressed his back against the wall, trying to put as much distance as possible between them.
I've been watching you (his voice low and smooth, as if he was merely stating a harmless fact) Your performance earlier was quite enchanting. I felt the need to pay you a visit.
Jungkook's heart raced faster in his chest as the man's words sank in.
He had been watching him? For how long? And why had he come to visit him like this, in his own room?

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