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The Bakerys Neighbor

The Bakerys Neighbor

There was a girl named Yemz, she's only 25 years old living in the nevada, usa. When shes 15 her parents likes to abused her and treating her like shit, except to her sister Bianca who's being treated the best. Yemz only wants her parents to love her but she think that imposible. After five years, its still the same like nothing happened until Yemz parents have a huge argument, she didnt mind it at all cuz they always arguing on something stupid. Her and Bianca didnt except to see their father to pulled a gun and shot their mother infront of them. They were so shocked, speechless and nervously to see their mother lying on the ground covered with blood, their father kneel down and look at them both with regret, sadness and fear in his eyes, but then he suddenly pointed the gun on Bianca's face while Yemz is stepping back and watching them. "Dad, why r u pointing the gun at me?" bianca ask, her father didnt say anything is just to cry, "im really sorry sweetie, but im a criminal now" her dad says in shaking tone. Yemz just stand there so speechless while trying to get out and called some help, in then, "im going to love u everyday Bianca, dad love's u" dad says to bianca still pointing the gun at her, "dad, what do u mean?" bianca ask and stepping closer to him. "Dont come closer!" her dad shouted gripping the gun so hard, "dad, i dont understand u" bianca says, she didnt listened to her dad and still come closer to him, "IM SO SORRY BIANCA BUT I HAVE TO DO THIS!!" their father shouted to bianca, Yemz look at bianca to see her burst into tears, "why could u say that?" bianca ask but suddenly he shot 5 time's on bianca's chest and fall from the ground like her mother, Yemz eyes widening and cover her mouth with her hands while tears fall from her cheeks. She just stand there and watching her sister to die, she look over at her father to see him holding the gun on his head. His crying so loudly and his body is shaking, Yemz cannot take it anymore so she run's to his father and trying to pulled the gun away. "dad, r u out of ur mind?!" she says while straggling to pulled the gun away. "leave me alone!" he shouted, trying to pulled the gun back. "Im not leaving u here" she says while theyre both keep straggling to pulled the gun back or away. "u little sh-" the gun shot him in the neck and he died, i realize that i pulled the trigger and shot him, i just look at my blooded hands in shocked, before someone will see me and blame me again, i leave the house and go somewhere else that nobody knows just to my own safety and my life

The Bakerys Neighbor

After 5 years, Yemz finally get a good life, just a simple life like a normal person. When she run away from the accident, she go to her lovely grandma that love's her very much. Her grandma name is Cintia Maria, Cintia is taking care of her that she never experience before from her own parent, when Yemz tells Cintia that her father, her sister and her mother died, she want to call some help but she knows that they will blame her for doing that, yemz wants to keep it as a secret cuz its really ruined her reputation. Cintia agreed to her and she will help yemz to get her dreams even when they dont have such a money, but after 5 years cintia died on the heart attack and yemz have to live without her grandma. after the funeral of her grandma, the owner of the house kick her becuse the contract r done, it means the owner and cintia have a contract, if cintia die they will get the house and they agreed so thats why they kick yemz without any word, yemz just accept it cuz its from the contract, before she leave, yemz visited her grandma grave for the last time just in case she will never get back, she kneel down and put some flowers on top of it "My dear cici, i promise to myself that i'll always love u like u do, i will never forget u even im straggling to life, im going to get my dreams alone cuz i know ur there for me, i love you very much my cici" she says before picking up her things and leave her grave, after an hour she finally get into her new apartment, its just a small community with 25 neighbor. Her apartment is just small for her daily life, this time she cleaned her apartment and display her things and ofcourse she also display her memory pictures of her family, her grandmother and her friends, its been a year and she very missed them so much. She could imagine the happy memories she have with them but its all gone, she want those happy moments back to her life but she knew its imposible. And once shes done, she want to make some new friends with her new neighbor, so she went outside and take a look of the baeutiful houses surronded by trees, so the place she move in is the Aruhe community, its a place where there's only a few people living in there and the place is huge. She decided to talk to them and be friends with them, while shes exploring the place, she discover a bakery and decided to eat for a bit. She notice that the bakery have so many costumers and i have to wait for me to buy, after an hour of waiting she can finally buy a bread, when she smell the bread, she imagine how good and tasty is it, once she buy some fresh pastries the girl said "can we talk later?" the girl asked, yemz agreed, realize its getting late, so says goodbye to her and go to her house. once she get inside, yemz got cirious of what the girl need, she doesnt mind it at all, she cleaned herself and lock all the doors before sleeping

The Bakerys Neighbor

After that day, she just take a rest outside for a minute under the tree and take some fresh air, until yemz see a girl approaching her, she look at her carefully to see who is it, its a girl from the bakery yesterday and yemz realize that she forgot that she want to say something to her, when the girl stand infront of her, she look at her and she smile's at yemz, she smiled back and take a look around if anyone is there "So, ur new here?" the girl ask that made yemz flinch, "Uhmm yeah im new here" she says while rubbing the back of her neck, "Hello, im Marry and you?" the girl ask, yemz smiled and answered "Im yemz, nice to meet u" they shake their hands together and it feels like yemz finally found some friends. "Can we be friends?" the girl ask that made yemz smiled, she agreed and wrap her arms around her, she hug's back while yemz take a big breath, she remember the day that she was with her grandma, she misses her hugs, kisses and smiled she give to her but yemz need to move on cuz if she didnt, it will make her lost her own confident, she slowly pulled me away and look at her, "why r u here all alone?" she asked, "well, my life is boring and i dont know what to do" yemz said "why dont u come and j-" marry got interrupted when someone calls her, "ohh shoot, okay i need to go now, my father is calling me" she say's before running away. Yemz just stand there and watch her walking away with her father, she have no choice is to go home. Later that day while she's chilling to her couch, watching something on tv and she switched the channel, she see a news reporting and decided to watch it for a bit, "there's a man in Akuhe community have been missing for a months, the police found his apartment have been rubbed and it has so many blood inside, they think there has a killer in akuhe community, if u think its true just be safe guys" the reporter said that made yemz speechless, she turn off the tv and just lied down in the couch for a little bit, she didnt mind the killer on their community and thinking its not real, she take a big sign while getting ready to sleep, she decided to talk to marry for abit just to know her better since theyre already friends, she look at outside once more and if she any suspicious but she see nothing, before going to sleep she went to the bathroom and take a shower to clean her body, while she's showering, someone knock on her door and it stops her from showering, "Who is it!" yemz shouted in hee bathroom and waiting for someone to answer but that person still knocking on her door, it seems that the person never heard her, so she dry her hair and wrap a towel around her body before opening the door

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