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...Mors Azrael ...

...The son of the feared mafia leader, Silas Azrael, and the formidable Carmilla Azrael. His family wields significant power in both legitimate business and the violent underworld....

...From a young age, Mors struggled to grasp human emotions, relying instead on imitation. Raised by a strict father, he was trained to become a lethal force, taking control of his father’s operations by age 12....

...His ruthlessness is matched only by his disdain for women, with the exception of his mother, whom he loves deeply.Everything changed when he fell for Seraphina Aurelia, his Czarina, at the age of 16....

...At that time, she was just 13, working alongside her mother in a flower shop. Mors's obsession spiraled into darkness, leading him to fantasize about keeping her in a cage, though he was determined not to instill fear in her....

...For the first time, he experienced genuine emotions, captivated by the power in her eyes that left him weak.Mors began sending her anonymous gifts and stalking her, eliminating any man who dared to approach her. His desire to be near her consumed him....

...As Seraphina turned 20 and Mors reached 24, he resolved to take further steps to claim her, driven by an insatiable longing....

...Seraphina Aurelia...

...young girl with a heart full of dreams and a mind that sometimes wanders into the clouds. Her naivety is not a flaw but a reflection of her innocence and optimism. She believes in the goodness of people and the beauty of the world around her, often seeing possibilities where others see obstacles. This hopeful perspective fuels her strong will; when she sets her mind to something, she pursues it with unwavering determination, whether it’s helping her mother in the flower shop or standing up for a friend in need....

...The flower shop, owned by her mother, is more than just a business; it is Seraphina’s sanctuary. The vibrant colors and intoxicating scents create a magical atmosphere where she feels safe and cherished....

...Here, she learns the art of nurturing—not just the flowers, but also the relationships that matter most to her. Each bloom tells a story, and Seraphina finds joy in arranging flowers, often creating bouquets that reflect her emotions or the feelings she wishes to convey to others. The shop is a place where laughter mingles with the fragrance of fresh blooms, and where Seraphina feels a sense of belonging....

...Seraphina’s love for her family is profound and unconditional. She often sacrifices her own desires for the sake of her mother’s happiness, whether it’s taking on extra chores or forgoing her own outings to help at the shop....

...She had been arranging daisies when a sleek, black luxury car parked outside, its polished surface glinting ominously in the sunlight....

...Curiosity piqued, she stole glances at the vehicle, feeling an unsettling chill creep down her spine. The car remained for over an hour, and an eerie silence enveloped the shop. Seraphina’s heart raced; something about the car felt wrong, like a storm brewing on the horizon....

...As the sun dipped lower, shadows stretched across the pavement, and she sensed that this was just the beginning. Little did she know, this strange encounter would unravel the fabric of her happy life, plunging her into a world of fear and uncertainty, where the safety of her family and the joy of her simple existence would be put to the ultimate test....


The sun blazed down mercilessly, but inside her mother’s flower shop, Seraphina felt a sense of calm. As she arranged the vibrant blooms, she couldn’t help but admire Lilith, who looked particularly stunning today. “She’s truly gorgeous,” Seraphina thought, a warm smile spreading across her face.

“Sweetheart, could you take these flowers outside for me?” her mother asked, breaking her reverie.“Of course, Mom!” Seraphina replied cheerfully.

She stepped outside with a bouquet of lilies, but her attention was immediately drawn to a luxury car parked nearby.“Who could that be?” she murmured, squinting to get a better look. The sleek vehicle felt out of place in their quiet neighborhood. “Whatever,” she dismissed, shaking off the unease as she returned to her work.

Half an hour later, the car remained, and an unsettling feeling settled in her stomach. “Why are they still here? This is weird,” she muttered, glancing over her shoulder. A prickling sensation crept up her spine, as if someone were watching her. In a sudden rush of instinct, she pulled down the blinds.

“Seraphina, why did you close the blinds?” her mother asked, concern lacing her voice.“Uh, nothing, Mom. Just… sorry,” she stammered, awkwardly lifting the blinds again. The car was still there, a dark silhouette against the bright street. Trying to shake off her worries, she focused on her tasks.

As the clock struck 5 p.m., she announced, “Mom, I’m heading out now. I’ll be back before 7.”“Okay, honey! Be careful!” her mother called from the door.

“Maybe I should grab some snacks before I go see her,” Seraphina thought, pedaling her bike to the nearest convenience store. Inside, she filled her basket with treats, her spirits lifting with each selection.

But when she stepped outside, her heart dropped. The same luxury car loomed before her, and panic surged through her. “What the—why is it here again?” she gasped, her knees feeling weak beneath her.

...Seraphina’s POV...

I need to get out of here, I told myself, urgency flooding my thoughts. I dashed to my bike, acutely aware of a pair of predatory eyes fixed on me. The feeling was suffocating, and I pedaled away, desperate to escape the unsettling presence that had invaded my once peaceful day.

...End of POV...

Seraphina's heart raced as she pedaled away from the convenience store, the weight of the luxury car's presence heavy on her mind. She glanced back, half-expecting to see someone emerging from it, but the vehicle remained ominously still.

Determined to shake off her fear, she focused on the road ahead, the rhythmic sound of her bike tires on the pavement grounding her. Yet, the feeling of being watched lingered, prickling at her skin.

As she turned a corner, she spotted a familiar figure—Serene, standing outside her house, her expression brightening at the sight of Seraphina.“Hey, Seraphina! You’re just in time!” Serene called, waving her over. The warmth of her friend’s smile eased some of Seraphina’s tension.

“Hi, Serene! I just got some snacks,” Seraphina replied, trying to sound casual. But the unease still gnawed at her.“Want to come in and share?” Serene asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.“Sure, that sounds great,” Seraphina said, grateful for the distraction.

As they entered Serene's home, the door closed behind them, shutting out the world outside. Inside, the atmosphere was cozy, filled with the scent of freshly baked cookies. They settled on the floor, surrounded by snacks and laughter, but Seraphina couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit distracted,” Serene observed, her brow furrowing with concern.“Yeah, I just… saw this strange car parked outside the shop earlier. It’s been there all day,” Seraphina admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. Serene's expression shifted.

“A luxury car? That’s odd. Did you see who was inside?”

“No, it was just sitting there. I felt like someone was watching me,” Seraphina confessed, her heart racing again at the memory.

“Maybe it’s just someone passing through,” Serene suggested, though her tone lacked conviction. “Or maybe it’s a new neighbor?” “Yeah, maybe,” Seraphina replied, trying to convince herself.

But deep down, she knew that this was more than just a passing curiosity.As the sun began to set, casting long shadows through the windows, Seraphina’s unease returned. She decided to share her feelings with Serene, hoping her friend could help ease her mind.

“Serene, I can’t shake this feeling. What if something bad is about to happen?” Seraphina said, her voice trembling slightly. Serene reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Seraphina’s arm.

“We’ll figure it out together. If it makes you uncomfortable, we can go check it out. ”Seraphina hesitated, fear battling with her curiosity. “Okay, let’s do it,” she said, steeling herself for whatever awaited them outside.

As they stepped outside, Seraphina noticed that the luxury car had vanished. “Hmm, that’s strange. The car isn’t here anymore,” she remarked, glancing at Serene.

“See? Maybe they were just passing through,” Serene shrugged, her tone light and dismissive.“Yeah, right,” Seraphina replied, her voice dull, betraying the unease that simmered beneath her surface.

Deep down, she felt a gnawing discomfort, a conviction that she wasn’t simply overthinking the situation. They returned inside, attempting to enjoy their evening together, but the earlier tension lingered in the air.

“I’ll head home now, Serene. See you later!” Seraphina called out, forcing a cheerful tone as she prepared to leave.

“Be safe!” Serene replied, her voice fading as Seraphina stepped back into the night.

“I should hurry,” she muttered anxiously, mounting her bike and pedaling away at full speed. The unease coiled tightly in her stomach, each stroke of the pedals amplifying her sense of urgency.

The shadows of the evening seemed to stretch and shift around her, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was watching her, lurking just out of sight.


...Mors POV...

“Dammit,” I curse under my breath, frustration bubbling just beneath the surface. My schedule is already overflowing, and now these idiots have to make it worse. My mind is racing with thoughts of deadlines and obligations when something outside catches my eye.

“An angel,” I breathe, my heart momentarily halting in my chest. “Stop! Immediately!” I command my driver, urgency lacing my tone.

There she is—a girl whose beauty is striking, almost ethereal. I can’t seem to tear my gaze away from her; she looks so captivating, so… delicious.

“Flower shop,” I instruct my driver, who glances at me with a hint of confusion. “Yes, young master?” he asks, his brow furrowed.

“Nothing, let’s just stay here for a bit,” I reply, relaxing my posture as I focus on the enchanting figure outside.Just the sight of her makes my troubles fade into the background. I want her. I want her more than anything I’ve ever desired. My fingers instinctively reach for my cellphone, and I dial my right-hand man, Nero.

“Yes, young master,” he answers, his voice steady. “Run a background check on this girl. She works at the flower shop near the coffee place, O’clock Shop,” I say, my tone firm and commanding. “I want all the information by tomorrow.” I hang up, a smirk creeping onto my lips.

Mine. I can already envision her by my side, my Czarina. The thought sends a thrill through me. I remain parked for nearly an hour, watching her as she goes about her tasks.

She glances over at my car frequently, and I can’t help but think she’s aware that someone is watching her. "Cute,” I murmur to myself, a hint of admiration in my voice. Is that the manager I see? I ponder.

My Czarina carries a bouquet of flowers outside, placing them delicately on display, but not before stealing another glance at my car. She must be curious about why this luxury vehicle has lingered for so long.

I check my watch and realize it’s almost 5 p.m. Perhaps I should wrap things up; I’ve accomplished nothing today, all thanks to my Czarina. “Let’s go,” I say, my voice firm as I prepare to leave.

Just as we’re about to pull away, I spot my Czarina hopping onto her charming little bike. “Follow her, but don’t make it obvious,” I instruct my driver, who nods quickly.

“Yes, young master. ”We trail her discreetly as she pedals away, her laughter ringing in the air like music. She stops at a nearby convenience store, and I can see her excitement as she fills her arms with snacks. The sight of her joy is intoxicating.

But then, as she steps outside, I notice a flicker of fear in her eyes.“Oh, honey, don’t be scared. I’m going to treat you like a queen, my Czarina,” I whisper under my breath, my gaze fixed on her with a predatory intensity.

She suddenly sprints back to her bike and pedals away with surprising speed, and I can’t help but chuckle at the situation. I let her go this time, but I know that soon I will cage her in my heart.

“Let’s go now,” I command my driver, and we head back to my mansion. As I settle into the familiar surroundings, I can’t shake the thought that I’ve taken on too much for sixteen-year-old.

I retreat to my study, the weight of unfinished work pressing down on me. Yet, amidst the chaos of my responsibilities, one thought keeps echoing in my mind: “I can’t wait to see her.” I repeat the sentence over and over, each iteration fueling my anticipation.

The world outside fades as I immerse myself in my tasks, but her image lingers, a bright spark in the shadows of my busy life. I know this is just the beginning, and I am determined to make her mine.

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