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Give Me Your Life

Peaceful life?

She gazes at the crowd, their faces filled with a chilling desire for her demise. A single tear rolls down her cheek, an involuntary response to the overwhelming injustice.

"Why?" She whispers, her voice barely audible. The guards position her head beneath the blade of the guillotine. If only someone hadn't falsely accused her brother of poisoning the crown prince, she wouldn't be facing this gruesome fate. She doesn't deserve this. The crown prince's gaze falls upon her.

"Do you have any last words, Duchess Nana?" He asks.

She shakes her head, she says nothing to the people who hated her and wants her to be gone. Her eyes scan the crowd, and she notices a figure in the distance, their face twisted into a cruel grin.

"...I know who did it.." She murmurs, her gaze fixed on the grinning figure, closing her eyes just before the blade chops off her head.

I died before I turned 20. I wish I could change everything...

She opens her eyes.

"Look, our baby is awake!"

She heard a sweet voice, and looked around to see who it belonged to. Mom.. aren't you supposed to be dead?.. she says in her brain

"What should we name her?" A gentle voice was heard. Dad.. you are here too. A tear fell from her eyes.

"Our baby is crying.. What should we do?" Mom asked him "you shouldn't be worried about it." He grabs her from her crib "don't cry little one." She looks at her dad and smiles.

"Dad! Can I hold sissy?" A sweet voice came from the little boy. "Oh Seong.. you are still 4 years old and it would be heavy for you.." The little boy pout

"I want to hold her!" The little boy says. "Maybe when you grow older you can.." The little boy looked at him with a grumpy face. "fine.."

"What should we name her? Seong?" Mom asks him ".. I get to pick a name for her?.." He asks back waiting for an answer "Of course but don't give her a bad name." She says and Seong nobs at her "What about Nana? It means grace and lady." Mom and Dad look at each other before nobbing "It suits her very well"

...~ Four years have passed ~...

I found out that I have been reincarnation but how? Is it because of my wish?.. but I'm finally four years old, and I can speak fluently without any problems! She writes it on note and hears a voice Hm? It's mom and brother.

She eavesdropped on them behind the door. "Seongho, can you get food for dinner tonight?" Mom asks. Seongho looks at his mom and nods "Okay! What do you want me to get?". Mom looks at him with a smile "Today it's special, you can pick any food you want, but it's better if it's not expensive."

Seongho chuckled "Of course, Mom, I promise I won't!" He grabs the coins on the table and puts them in his pockets before saying goodbye. Mom always asks my brother to go to town to get some food, and I secretly go with him sometimes.

She opens the front door quietly and closes it quietly so no one will hear..

"Can I come too?" She asked him. He turned around, a wide grin spreading across his face as he looked at Nana before nodding happily "Of course you can! You're my sister after all." She looked at him with curiosity "Do you know why mom let you pick the food for tonight?" She asked my brother to wait for an answer. He looks at her with surprise before chuckled at her "Did you forget about it?"

She tilts her head with confusion "What do you mean?" He stops walking, lowering himself to her height. "It's my birthday, silly," he says, starting to pat her head. "Hey don't pat my head!!.. But I didn't know it was your birthday." She says while looking at him. Seongho chuckled again "Of course you don't know! You have a peanut brain you won't remember a thing." He says and starts walking

"Hey! That's not true!" She says with an upset voice, pouting about it. She walks with him and sees the village town

"Look we are almost here!" She says and points at the village town. "Time flies doesn't it?" He says with a smile. She nobs about it while giggling. They arrive at the village town. She looks at him "What do you want to buy?" He looks at her and thinks about it

"What about cheesecake?" He says looking at her waiting for an answer. She looks at him with an exciting face "That's my favourite! You should get it for me!!" He chuckles at her "isn't it supposed to be my birthday?" He says. Nana looks at him with puppy eyes "Please?" He can't deny her request, unable to resist her puppy dog eyes. He sighs "Fine then."

They went to look for a bakery, After finding one they pushed open the door and stepped inside the bakery "I love bakery so much they smell so good!" She says. He chuckled and patted her head. "It seems like they have a discount today" She looks at him with confusion and curiosity

"Discount what is that?" She says. He looks at her, searching for an explanation she would understand and accept. "Well discount means something costs less than usual. It's like getting a deal!" She looks at him with sparkly eyes "Woah I love deal!" She says happily

He pats her head with a smile "Of course everyone loves deals I'm going to go buy cheesecake don't do anything stupid okay?" He says. She looks at him with sparkly eyes and nobs. He walks to the counter to buy a cheesecake. She looks around the bakery, her mouth watering at the sight of all the delicious desserts

She waited for her brother to get the cheesecake. She noticed a child at the window, around her age, wearing a hood pulled over their head. The child was heading towards the back alleys. "Who's that?" she wondered. Nana glanced at her brother, still waiting for the cheesecake. She thinks she could sneak out to see who the mysterious child was.

She quietly opens the bakery door and slips out, heading towards the back alleys. She hides herself against the wall, secretly watching the child. The child stops walking in the alley. She sees a glowing circle around the child, and then a glowing ball appears above them, seemingly created by the circle's magic. And then, the child disappears.

She looks so confused. She remembers that in this world, everyone has a magic aura, even herself. However, she has never seen that particular spell ever before. She was about to enter the back alleys before someone grabbed her shirt at the back it was her brother Seongho. She looks at him with a pouty face. He looks at him with surprise and chuckles "I was helping you to not go to a dangerous place silly." She crossed her arms "I'm not stupid..."

He puts her down to the ground "Come on let's go home." He says. She looks at him and nobs "Do you get the cake?" She says excitingly. He pats her head and nobs and shows the cheesecake. She realizes it was the whole cake and not a piece and looks very excited about it and can't wait to eat it

"Let's go home!" She says excitingly. Seongho looks at her and then smiles. They walk together back home but Nana was still curious about the child and hope she will see the child once again. Nana skipped along happily, and Seongho was pleased to see her cheerful mood. However, neither of them could have predicted what would happen next. Nana skips happily, Seongho was happy about it but they didn't expect what would happen next.

They walk home together and see the door slightly open. They look at each other thinking that their dad forgot about it because he always forgets about everything. Before they open the door Nana sees a small red on the ground in front of their door and thinks it was nothing. Seongho opens the door and drops the cake box to the ground. She notices him dropping the cake box to the ground and looks at what is inside the house..

She looks frightened, sees her "own" parents on ground bleeding. It looks like someone breaks in and kills them. She didn't realize it was the time that her parents died, she wishes she knew about it..

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