Danica was beaming and glowing, walking down the aisles in her designer wedding gown on the arms of her dad. She wore an elegant and intricate, off shoulder mermaid gown which was an absolute stunner and fit Danica perfectly, accentuating her curves, giving her an elegant, regal look. It was definitely worth the hefty price tag she paid to look stunning.
Everything was perfect for her day, the decorations, music and the guest as they smiled at her, some dabbing at their eyes, while she continued down the aisles. It was just as she had envisioned, which gave her an overwhelming sense of joy and excitement as she continued down the aisle.
She was so happy she was finally getting to marry the man of her dreams. Her heart swelled and her tummy did that fluttery thing when she saw Levi waiting. He had the biggest smile on his face and looked handsome in his wedding tux. Nobody could dress like Levi and he really went all out in a black floral Mandarin collar suit.
Their eyes met and it was like time stood still and there was such a rush of emotions between them that her eyes teared up. They couldn't take their eyes off each other, and it was as if the world around them faded away. She couldn't wait to say I do and officially become his wife.
Danica's dad handed her over to Levi who stood before her now, their hands clasped tightly in each others, her eyes locked with his, her heart pounding so hard she was so sure the whole church could hear.
The Pastor cleared his throat and broke through the moment of their intimacy, and they both turned their attention to him. He looked at them with a warm smile and began. "We are gathered here todAy to witness the union of Danica Price and Levi Douglas. They have found true love and are ready to commit themselves to each other in the presence of their loved ones and God. Let us pray."
They bowed their heads as he offered up a petition that God would bless their union and the home they would create together. He prayed that their love and commitment to each other would grow stronger over time and that they'd be a source of light and joy to each other. The Pastor ended the pray by asking God to bless them with happiness and prosperity and a lot of children.
Everyone was smiling about the last part of the prayer. It was a sweet and light moment, and Danica and Levi smiled tenderly at each other.
They had finally reached the part for the exchange of vows and the Pastor's words echoed around the room.... "Do you, Levi, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do you part?"
Levi's gazed into her eyes. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to reply, but there was a loud commotion coming from the back of the church.
They were momentarily startled looking in the direction of the noise. The guest and all shifted their attention towards the source of the disturbance, with curious, confused, expressions.
Some heavily pregnant woman had burst into the church, causing the doors to slam against the walls and started marching down the isles shouting.
"Olivia!" Levi said.
Danica's head swung from Miss Pregnant to Levi with such speed one of her hair pins fell out, and a curl dangled in front of her face."You know her!"
"You up in here fooling everyone, making them think you marrying for love and s*h'*i*t, when two days ago you were at my place telling me how much you loooved me and the baby. You said you weren't going to go through with it. How come you're here!!?"
Ms. Pregnant was shouting at the top of her lungs, her voice full of rage and anger, which couldn't be good for her baby. She was gesturing wildly and pointing at the groom. Everyone in the church was stunned and didn’t know what to do.
Levi stood looking stunned. His mouth opening and closing with nothing coming out.
Danica hit Levi with her bouquet, sending petals raining around them. "Levi what's going on? What is this woman saying?!!"
"Tell her! Don't lie. Tell her this baby is yours and we've been f*u*c*k*i*n*g a whole year now!"
Danica's shocked glaze flew to him. "A year!" The Pastor was speechless and the guests heads were swinging back and forth, some were filming with their phones, others mouths were open or hands over their mouths with shocked expressions.
"I....I... can explain!" Levi stammered, looking at Danica, hands up in supplication.
Danica eyes filled with tears, "Explain what? That you've been cheating on me with this woman for a whole year?"
Here goes Ms Preggy, whose hair by the way was on fleek, with knotless braids and curls that was curlsing. Pregnancy nothing, she wasn't letting her style slip. "What you gonna explain. That you couldn't keep your d*i*c*k in your pants! That you didn’t want to get married or that you were gonna go ahead with this fully knowing this baby was yours and is due any day now?"
"I've had enough of this!" Danica threw down the bouquet and walked off crying.
"No don't follow her. Come take care of your child!" Ghetto baby momma was hollering as Levi made to go after Danica. She was a real character. All up in the people's church in distressed jean shorts, fitted top with her naked belly all outside.
"Olivia would you shut up!" Levi yelled. Hands thrown up over his head as he paced not knowing how to get out of the situation. Danica's parents had gone after her and the guest were crowding around to the front to get all the drama.
"Don't tell me to shut up!" She slapped him on the head and twisted his ear. "Don't feel I'm her gonna take your bull shit. Come here." She tugged him by the tie until he was facing her. "Now Pastor go on! Say them d*a*m*n vows! And you better say I do!"
Danica sat sobbing in the changing room, her mom stroking her hair, trying to console her. "Honey, I'm so sorry."
Danica was so heartbroken her world had fallen apart, and her wedding was ruined. The dreams of a happy life, the day she had looked forward to, for so long shattered by the man she loved. The love of her life had gotten another woman pregnant. She didn’t know much of what happened after, but the church was cleared, what needed to be canceled was, and now she lay on her bed wondering how to put herself and her life back together.
She had met Levi at one of her friend's party. She was helping to lay out the refreshments on the table, and when she turned around, she had crashed right into Levi. Danica had apologized profusely because she had a drink in her hand, and it spilled all over his white shirt. He said it was okay, that he had another shirt he'd change into.
After changing, Levi had approached her to give her the stained shirt she had asked for, so she could take it home to wash. Long story short, they spent the rest of the night talking with his shirt in her bag, which she returned two days later to his house. He asked her out and they were attached to the hip after that. When anyone saw Levi, they saw Danica and the reverse.
They had hit it off right away. Instant chemistry. He was just so easy to talk to, and Danica had felt like she'd known him forever, even though they had just met. They had dated for two years when he proposed. Levi was so nervous, he forgot the whole proposal speech he prepared, but it didn't matter to her because she had said yes.
She just didn't understand how he could throw their future away and all that they shared for someone else.
Her best friend Cara came and spent hours trying to console her, and that's when she learned that he had married the 'pregnant heifer' (according to Cara). "They deserved each other, Danica. Did you see her getup!" Cara said. " She literally forced Levi to marry her. The man has no backbone. Cheater."
"Cara, after all I did for him." Danica cried, wiping her eyes. "How could he do it."
"I told you you shouldn't have gotten that job for him. He's a plain ole leech. Sorry to say, but I'm glad she crashed the wedding. You dodged a bullet and she got it. Wait until she finds out, he can't keep his dick in his pants."
"Cara what are you saying?" Danica watched her with swollen red eyes.
"Girl he tried to come onto every thing that moved in a skirt, even me."
"What!" Danica screeched, "and you're now telling me this."
"Well I was hoping you'd find out before the wedding. I didn't want to be the bearer of bad news, that while Levi was dating you, the man was always scanning for the next available skirt to chase."
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