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Legends of The Ancient Demons and Gods

The Beginning


In the dark night, a big luxury car was running on the road around the mountain. The right side of the road attached to the mountain, and on the other side there was a deep cliff, a sharp turn came, and suddenly out of nowhere a heavy truck came in front of the car, the truck driver was very drunk and lost control of the truck, when he saw a car coming in front of him. The car driver also saw the truck coming in the wrong direction he stomped his foot on the break, and as they were on a sharp turn car got imbalanced. The car driver tried to take control of the car, and with small luck, he took control of the car, but it was too late, a small part of the car first collided with a heavy truck then the car collided with the left side of the railing and truck run away from there.

[POV: Just 5 minutes have passed after the accident]

On the accident site, a lot of police cars have arrived keeping away the crowd from there, the ambulance takes injured people to the nearby hospital, and many news reporters standing there and covering the site news, "two new rising stars of 'X' district got in an accident, these two rising stars and their parents don't have heavy injuries, but the younger brother of two rising star got more injuries than anyone and his life is at critical position".

After covering the site, two reporters talked with each other " Why do we need to mention that "Long Zhen" in the report, that "Long Zhen" is trash, many people don't even bother to hear about his situation" another reporter sigh "Just leave it and focus on the work or boss will get angry".

The ambulance stops at a big hospital they put "Long Zhen" on the stretcher running towards the operation room "Doctor" runs towards the operation room and is horrified by the scene as the "Long Zhen" situation is very critical, "doctor" speak in worried tone "nurse read the reports and tell me how he got these injuries in the accident".

The nurse spoke in a scared tone, "During the collision his parents, brother, and sister were able to use their QI at the critical moment to cover their bodies to save themselves, but the whole 'X' district knew he couldn't gather QI energy at a very early age like his brother and sister during the accident, his head collided with his sister who covers her body with QI and that damage his brain, after that his face stuck with window and his body collided with side door where he sitting and it causes that side door to break it with his body".

"Doctor" spoke in an angered tone to the nurse "Why did you stop reading the report, tell me his age, name, and situation of his body". The nurse suddenly spoke "his name is "Long Zhen", age j-j-just 5-year-old, an-and his face and head have a lot of scars, broken bones, and the side of his body that collied with side door is in more critical situation"

"Doctor" speaks in a furious tone, as he can collapse at any time due to exhaustion and not able to save "Long Zhen" "Why I don't inform, the situation is this much worse….go bring more "Doctor" to heal his wound, I am coming here with my low QI after healing patients a whole day, I am already at my limit, I can hold myself for 10 minute only".

The nurse runs over the whole hospital building to find "Doctor" or another nurse but half of the "Doctor" and nurse refuse it, as those "Doctor's want to focus on the two rising star and their parents who have a lot of influence in the martial arts world as well business world but other, Doctor's who want to help the young child but they are busy with other patients.

The nurse runs towards the operating room where "Long Zhen" fighting for his life, nurse comes in the room "Sir, I am very sorry but other Doctors are busy with other patients, and most of the Doctors don't want to help, as they want to carry some favor from his parents and sibling by giving them full attention despite, they aren't injured that much".

"Doctor" looked at the nurse with a shocked expression "Can't you tell them it's an emergency, a 5-year-old child is in a critical situation, do they don't have any dignity of Doctor left?"

The nurse spoke very quickly "Sir, as I told you he is considered a useless child in the family his elder brother and sister's talent is considered at S rank or above, at a very early stage they start gathering the QI energy, but he isn't able to gather or even feel the QI, considered as useless, and his parents are not expert but still they know how to cover their body with QI, "Long Zhen" parents have a slight influence in martial arts world due to their children who are considered as a genius but they are financially very strong before they even enter in martial arts worlds".

"Doctor" getting irritated and frustrated at same time, after hearing the nurse explanation "Okay tell me your skill or if you have any skill that can be used in this situation please for god sake don't hold back yourself girl".

The nurse spoke in trembling tone "umm I have E-rank skill name "silence" which can block any voice within a room as well a same E-rank level skill called "calm" it can just calm down your nerve for a short period only" "Doctor" respond very fast "okay not that good, but still use your skill "calm" on him with this he can calm down a little bit and with my skill "Healing light: swift recovery" on him can increase his chance of survival, but with my low QI, I-I-I can't save his life completely, if he wants to live then my skill can bring more effect, but if don't want to live then I can't do anything".

"Doctor" put one hand on "Long Zhen" head and one hand on his heart to heal his both main internal organs at the same time "If I focus my energy on his heart then swelling in the brain can be worse or If I focus my energy on the brain then his heart can stop beating his luck is worse than anyone else, I have seen until now"

"Long Zhen" breathing started getting slow he could barely open his swelling eyes, "Doctor" saw this and tried to keep "Long Zhen" awake, "Little " Long Zhen" open your eyes, don't close them if you close them you won't able to see your loved ones, don't you want to see your family and friends...".

"Long Zhen" speak up finally in very weak tone "no it's best if I die, I am just useless person, who wasting his parent's precious money and time…..but it's so painful, please "Doctor" let me die peacefully don't heal me and waste your energy on me….."

"Doctor" was shocked after hearing "Long Zhen" will to die "If you don't try to survive, that means you are proving to others that you are useless, and can't do anything "Long Zhen" used this death as a stepping stone to prove other your will to survive, your will to challenge the heaven authority over you is greater than their useless ego, SURVIVE THIS TO PROVE THEM YOU ARE NOT USELESS" but still "Long Zhen" is not responding to "Doctor".

When "Long Zhen" finally going to close his eyes, he starts screaming over his lungs, "Doctor" saw "Long Zhen" with a shocked expression and doesn't understand why "Long Zhen" was screaming "What happened "Long Zhen", why are you screaming all of sudden, nurse did you stop using your skill "calm" on him? …." in scared and confuse tone "No sir, I didn't stop using my skill on him"...."Long Zhen" speaks in pain "I don't know, my whole body is in a lot of pain, just stop using your healing skill is not working on me, it's hurting me more"

"Doctor" grabbed "Long Zhen" hand to stop his movement and start healing him but "Long Zhen" was in a lot of pain blood coming from every part of his body his veins were popping out from his body, "Doctor" was shocked and terrified by the scene "you need to survive this "Long Zhen".

The nurse speak in fear "what's happen to him why his blood and veins are popping out, can he survive this torture, sir we need to call his parents or anyone"

"Doctor" speak in a frustrated tone "Like hell they gave damn about this child can't you see the way he begging for his death before, but now I think he wants to survive, so who we are to stop him".

"Doctor" is barely able to stand now due to constant depletion of his QI, "Doctor" breathing is very fast, and he falls on his knees and then onto the ground due to exhaustion of QI energy.

when "Doctor" fall on ground "Long Zhen" stop screaming even his breathing also stop but strangely his body coming back to normal, nurse speak in sad tone "sir, "Long Zhen" is not breathing anymore…. we-we lost him…."


A few minutes later "Doctor" was barely able to stand up and moved outside the room as the nurse followed him, "Doctor" spoke in a sad tone "If other Doctors come here, can we still save him from that torture?... At least he fought and don't give up in the middle of it".

The nurse saw "Long Zhen" sibling with other Doctors coming towards them, the nurse quietly spoke to the "Doctor" "Sir, please look at your left side "Long Zhen" brother and sister coming this, maybe they will blame you for "Long Zhen" death and I am sure other Doctors support them to get their attention, sir maybe we offend some big people these time" "Doctor" spoke in irritated tone to the nurse "I already guess that much, but don't worry nothing will happen to you".

The Beginning-2

"Long Zhen" elder brother and sister come to the "Doctor" hold his coat and speak in a worried tone "Sir, do you see anyone in the hospital, who was carrying my younger brother to treat his injury, please tell me sir I want to see my brother"

"Doctor" shook away "Long Haotian" and "Long Tianyu" hands from his coats "Please, don't touch me I don't want to get touched by someone like you guys". Suddenly from back a voice raised in anger of a certain Doctor " you trash, how dare you to talk with great "Long Haotian" and "Long Tianyu" in arrogant way, do you know who they are".

Suddenly "Doctor" spoke, glaring at the pair of siblings "I know who they are, these two rising stars are my DEAD patient siblings".

"Long Haotian" grabbed "Doctor" collar in rage "What did you say? DEAD patient sibling, do you even know the meaning of your words, rather than that do you know how much your every single word weight is?" "Doctor" is still glaring at "Long Haotian" "Someone like you don't need to tell my words weight, I know well what I say and why do you suddenly start caring about trash which is wasting your and your parent's money".

"Long Haotian" spoke in an angered and rage tone "What do you mean by this? Are you insulting me and my parents that we can't take care of him properly during the accident?". "Doctor" pushes away "Long Haotian" "YES, you and your parents don't take care of that innocent child. "Long Zhen" was fighting for his life and you aren't even injured that much and you guy's took that much time to find find him, let me ask you so what if? he is not a genius like you guys with even a small chance of survival he still fights…. but at first, he gave up and just want to die as he can't take the pressure of useless child between some genius".

"Long Haotian" and "Long Tianyu" do not believe what "Doctor" is saying then "Long Tianyu" spoke "You are joking right, we-we never say he is useless we are always willing to give him anything he desires. Especially I focus on his training so that he can survive in this world".

"Doctor" spoke in a frustrated way "Do you know, there is a certain difference between conveying our emotions to others directly or indirectly, I don't know which method you choose but he gave up and I was barely able to motivate him but-but still he dies….blood on my coat is evidence that he getting torture during his last breath by pain"

Both "Long Haotian" and "Long Tianyu" were shocked, suddenly from behind a Doctor spoke to butter up two siblings "Great sir "Long Haotian" and great mam "Long Tianyu", why are you worried about trash death, please don't worry about it we will cover this up and don't drag your name".

when that Doctor finished speaking, in anger and rage those two siblings gathered their QI energy in their hands, and just in a second at the same time they cut that Doctor head from his body.

"Long Haotian" and "Long Tianyu" speak at the same time "How dare you call him useless, he is my younger brother, not a beggar do you understand, even if his not able to achieve anything in his whole life his older brother and sister are still alive to make his life full of luxury".

"Doctor" clinched his fist in anger "when I send the nurse to ask for backup from other Doctor's they don't come to save him but stay with you two pairs of siblings for some favour"

"Long Haotian" and "Long Tianyu" got shocked by listening to this, and "Long Haotian" speak in anger tone "For some goddamn favor they neglect my brother and let him die...dear sir, thank you as you try to save my younger brother in that situation but these useless foxes, who killed my brother…... I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL, YOU ALL WILL BEG FOR DEATH IN FUTURE….".

"Doctor" head is down in shame and regret "Please, wait a minute even if they come in time, I am not sure we can still save him...First of all "Long Zhen" didn't want to live anymore…. but I still motivated him to live, and his will to live grew, out of nowhere his body reacted in an unknown way, suddenly blood started coming out from his body, and muscle stretched, his veins are popped out that much they become very visible to eyes and then he stops breathing, his suffering also stop with his death" "Doctor" open the door of the room where "Long Zhen" lying dead all the machines are showing no sign of life in his body...…

"Doctor" takes out a report of "Long Zhen" injury and hands over it to "Long Haotian" he grabs the report with a trembling hand after listening to the "Doctor".

"Long Tianyu" fell on her knees in regret then suddenly a Doctor spoke from behind "Sir "Long Haotian" did you hear the "Doctor," say even if we come it's impossible to save him so please forg…" "Long Haotian" swings his hand cover in QI and cuts that Doctor in half. "Long Haotian" speaks to the other Doctor in full bloodlust "If any of you speak a single word, then forget about your life".

"Doctor" speaks in a sad tone "Please control your bloodlust there are many patients in the hospital, and your bloodlust can affect their health". "Doctor," thinks in his mind {he just killed one person right now in front of me and I don't think someone like him kill another beast or human, but how can someone at his age have that much bloodlust….. so this is what we call real talent, "Long Zhen" is really at the tight position even after surviving, if he doesn't show any talent like his brother "Long Haotian", he really declared as useless now I can understand "Long Zhen" mind now}

"Doctor" speak in regret tone "please come and see your brother last time...I am very sorry me and nurse not able to save your brother"

Those two-sibling come into the room and then the nurse speaks to "Doctor" in a very weak tone "Sir, what if they are acting like they are very sad and hold regret not saving him" Then "Doctor" speaks "maybe yes or no, understanding human nature is far more difficult than finding a GOD".

Siblings standing beside "Long Zhen" body, "Long Tianyu" tears fall on "Long Zhen" motionless hand and she speaks in a regretful tone "If I have enough QI and know how to cover others with QI, then I don't let you suffer this level of torture, maybe you don't suffer this much and survive if I just-just also cover you with my QI".

when both siblings cry, they take off the cloth that covers "Long Zhen" face and body, "Doctor" gets shocked after seeing "Long Zhen" face and body, "Doctor" moves towards them and speaks in a shocked voice "How can this possible where are the scars who is covering all of his body from head to toe".

"Long Haotian" speaks in a confused and angry tone "What do you mean by this, "Long Zhen" doesn't have a single scar or even slight we look stupid to you, who doesn't know about the world? while treating him you heal him completely and there are no scars or injuries left on him, as he can't bear the pain and dies. while saying this are you insulting his death".

"Doctor" speaks in a shocked tone "No this is impossible, how can I with depleted QI energy heal him, even with the rest of the saved QI, I can hold his life for 10 minutes, to save him I try to burn my blood but due to previous exhaustion, I suffered a backlash and fall on the ground even that nurse have two skill "silence" and "calm" who can't heal him so how is body recovered from scars". "Long Haotian" get shocked after listening "Doctor" explanation.

"Doctor" checking on "Long Zhen" body and machine as those machines show wrong information, suddenly "Long Zhen" wakes up and sits on the bed in the lotus position, itching his jaw, and speaks in a sleepy voice "Aww men this day's no one let someone die peacefully, in my dreams that "Doctor" don't let me die but he somehow passes out".

"Long Zhen" yawned, everyone saw "Long Zhen" with a shocked pale face Doctors standing outside the room screamed "Holy shit, it's the ghost of "Long Zhen" no I don't want to die this early"

"Long Zhen" still in his sleep moved his head towards his "Long Haotian" and "Long Tianyu" he spoke in a sleepy voice "Oh my, what are these two ugly faces people near my bed ".

"Long Haotian" and "Long Tianyu" have mixed happy and shocked emotions on their face after hearing "Long Zhen" They got irritated by it, then "Long Zhen" turned his face towards "Doctor" and nurse who was still shocked, when "Long Zhen" saw them, he got shocked and come in his sense "what the, how did both of you come out from my dreams what type demons are you?".

"Long Tianyu" put her hand on "Long Zhen" head grabbed it tightly and moved "Long Zhen" head towards her face, she spoke in an irritated and offended tone, "Dear "Long Zhen" do I look ugly to you".

"Long Zhen" moved his head toward "Long Tianyu" with a blank face as it sweating a lot, "Long Zhen" spoke in a feared tone "Big sis please calm down I-I-I ca-n explain p-please listen to me, ho-how can I say your ugly I am sure you misheard it" as "Long Zhen" saw some Doctors outside "I-if you don't believe you can ask those people, they can say your ugly but I will never-ever say you are ugly sis"

Suddenly "Long Haotian" put his hand on "Long Zhen" shoulder "But little brother, if I remember correctly, you also call me ugly" "Long Zhen" shaking his head furiously from left to right "No I don't say those things, how can I call two demons are ugly".

"Long Zhen" stops speaking and realizes he is speaks something he doesn't need to speak, he starts sweating a lot he speaks in fear tone "sh!t I am dead now" he sees "Long Haotian" and "Long Tianyu" coming to him he closed his eyes, rather than receiving any harsh lecture or beating, "Long Haotian" and "Long Tianyu" hugged him and start crying "Thank god you are alive we think you leave us forever and won't come back you scared us to death".

"Long Zhen" hugged them back "That means I won't get any punishment? "Long Haotian" and "Long Tianyu" speak together "Your training double dear brother". "Long Zhen" speaks in his mind but keeping a smile on his face {that mean's I am dead }

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