NovelToon NovelToon

Our Wonderful Prince


(...) mind *...* action "..." talking to mind you'll find it later
today is the day
I'm going to confess to my crush
I hope he likes me back
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
samuel Richard
samuel Richard
Oh, hey there aaron
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
I have something to tell you *blush a little bit*
samuel Richard
samuel Richard
What is it?
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
samuel Richard
samuel Richard
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
(come on aaron you got this)
samuel Richard
samuel Richard
What's is it aaron?
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
I LOVE YOU SAM!!!😣❤️ *head down*
samuel Richard
samuel Richard
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
(i did it? Do i?)
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
*look up*
samuel Richard
samuel Richard
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
(huh?, He's not happy?, did i do something wrong?)
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
samuel Richard
samuel Richard
Can you stop!
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
*shocked* 💔
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
samuel Richard
samuel Richard
i don't like you!
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
samuel Richard
samuel Richard
Stop it!
samuel Richard
samuel Richard
I was trying to be nice with you, because no one like you in this school!!
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
💔 *heartbroken*
samuel Richard
samuel Richard
Do you think i like you, no I don't!!
girl student
girl student
Look guys the loser got rejected *laugh*
boy student
boy student
All of them laugh at aaron
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
*Head down and tears escape from his eyes*
boy student
boy student
Oh look, a cry baby *laugh*
girl student
girl student
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
samuel Richard
samuel Richard
*didn't care*
girl student
girl student
Let's beat him up *laugh*
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
N-no please 😢
They beat aaron up until he pass out and so much blood everywhere
Of course sam didn't care and let aaron suffer to dead
When aaron wake up
He began to walk weakly
and then
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Huh? *look to the right*
BOOM!!! 💥💥
poor aaron 😔
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
H-help me...
they didn't help aaron and they just let aaron die
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
(why i have to go through all this)😢
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
*slowly closing his eyes*
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
*and his heartbeat began to stop*
Poor aaron
I will give a better life *disappear*


Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
umm *began to wake up*
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
(huh? What happened i thought i died did someone save me?)
No one save you aaron....
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Ohh 😔
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
so is this the heaven or
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Hell 😔
No this isn't a heaven nor hell
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Huh? So where i im?
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
And why are you a ball?
*giggle* it nothing
Im a spirit aaron
and i will give you another life that make you happy
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Yes i watched you every time and i know that you're having trouble with your life
So im here to help you
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
*teary eyes* 😢
Don't cry
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
your so nice 😭
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Actually the world you're going is from a novel called "your a devil prince"
I want you to change the there life and change there faith
Are you willing to do that?
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
(i must do it, then i will change it and have a beautiful life)
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Here are the plot of the novel and you
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
yes you have a another name
And face
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Ohhh ok 😯
this is you
Here's the plot
There's a five kingdoms
Where eight prince and princesses
they are nice
One of them if evil
It's prince lionel, they call him evil price because of his looks and personality
All of the kingdom hate him even his parents
Because of his attitude and jealousy
One day
He meet price alexander and he fall in love at first sight
Alexander didn't like him and even ignore him
one day
Lionel saw alexander with another woman
then he got jealous and kill her
Every one saw this and there are scared
Of course alexander is angry because that was his
Lionel find out that girl is alexander cousin and he felt guilty
And alexander killed lionel
The end
do you really think that he's a evil?😏


Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
that's was sad 😭
Oh really 😅
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
I want information about me
Okay 😌
Name: Lionel Hermes (villain or i say mc😏) Age: 23 Gender: Male/Submissive Omega (SO) Like: sweet 👀 and nothing else Dislike: everything Personality: cold, bad, killer, smart, and act he's the the prince and one and only heir of the hermes kingdom but_______
Sorry guys im bad at introduction 😑
anyways back to the story
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Wow he looks so pretty
I know right 😌
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
But why is there a missing part? 😕
Well you going to find that out 😉
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
um okay?
anyways your going back where when you are a little...🤔
it's up to you what you want...
to change the storyline
If you want to pretend to lots your memory it's okay....
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
yeah you're right i must pretend i lost my memory and change everything 😆
It's up to you ☺️
Anyways are you ready?
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers
Yes 😎*with confident"
Teleporting you to the story

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