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The Story of My Life

•Chapter 1•

...A newborn baby was brought into a world full of happiness kindness and love. During her first few years of her life she was a curious child that wanted to see the world or let her family say what the earth is like. Her family once used to live in a huge house that she called home when she grew....


...The baby soon grew into a young girl that her family absolutely loved.They loved watching her run around the house as the curious being she was and very cute.This young girl was always running around the house and playing with her older cousins that also lived with her she felt happy that Nikki and Wendy were there with her to accompany her as she was an only child at the time.The young girl's name was Marlene and she loved spending time with her parents as well as Nikki and Wendy.She felt very loved by her family they loved how curious she was and always smiling and laughing having the best life she possibly had.But unfortunately she had two members that were a bit crazy and drank these members are named Angel and William.These two had caused trouble in the house when Marlene was a baby William was drunk and he broke a window and Marlene started crying without stopping.When William broke the window from being drunk or from taking drugs he had blood either on his head or face.Once when that crazy moment happened Marlene's mother got mad at him saying are you crazy you scared my daughter and now she is crying and wont go back to sleep because of what you did.After Marlene's mother was angry at william for what he did he said he was sorry but Ada wasn't having it she was extremely mad and William for randomly breaking a window and making her daughter cry non-stop.As life went by Marlene was growing more and more and her family said she is growing quick and she's a very curious When she was at least 3 or four years old she loved her family to death but the people she didn't know she'd love the most was going to be her Father's parents since she was a young girl and hasn't met them yet.Marlene's life was great in that house even though William and Angel did some pretty stupid things sometimes but she was too young too understand what was going on.When Marlene's first day of school came closer and closer she was scared what if no one liked her or if nobody wanted to be her friends with her and that concerned her the most she wanted to be the most loving person at the kids.During the day Marlene felt nervous about school because she doesn't know anyone there she is unsure if she meets the requirements for the other kids to me friends with her or if she wasn't kind enough....

•Chapter 2•

...In the previous episode we left on where Marlene started school and was concerned if she would fit in at school and thinking if she will meet the requirements to be friends with the other kids...


...It's been a few days that Marlene has started school.She thinks that her first few days at a school so big were going well.The only thing that was missing was friends or some company from someone or anyone.So throughout the school days Marlene was alone she sat in class alone but obviously someone had to sit next to her but she didn't have the confidence to speak to anyone in her class which made her feel sad.So when there was work needed to be done Marlene did her work quietly without speaking to a single soul because she didn't know if people would stay and listen to her or ignore her and leave with their friends instead.When it was recess time Marlene didn't know what to do during that time because she didn't have anyone to talk to or a group of kids to play and talk with.So instead of trying to talk to people like she originally does she sits on a bench all by herself staring at the black cement or at her shoes the entire recess time.When the bell rang to go back to class Marlene got up and walked back to class and sat in her seat and did work quietly without feeling to talk to any of her peers that were around her talking and laughing with one another.And instead of talking to others she had quietly listened to the conversation that her peers were having she wondered if she will ever have the strength or confidence to make a friend at her school.Then when the bell rang for lunch Marlene had followed the other kids outside for lunch grabbing different foods and fruits to eat on the side.Even during lunch Marlene could hear everyone being loud talking and laughing with their friends like a normal day.On the other hand Marlene was a quiet as a mouse and didn't make a sound when she ate her lunch she wondered while hearing the loud talking from other kids "why do they talk so loud even when eating lunch?".There was a time at lunch Marlene had gotten an orange because she loved oranges only if they were sweet but to Marlene's luck when she was trying to peel the orange some orange juice got into her eye during the process.When this happened the juice from the orange had started to sting Marlene's eye that she had to rub her eye with her wrist to nake sure she was okay.After she made sure that she was okay she blinked a few times to make sure that she could still see.After some bad luck had hit Marlene in the face she decided to go with her date and continue eating her lunch quietly....

•Chapter 3•

In the previous episode the chapter ended where our silly babygirl got orange juice in her eye while peeling the orange she was unbothered and she almost giggled at herself for not being careful 🤭


As the days went by Marlene was happy at home when she went back home knowing that it was a Friday and having no more school for the rest of the week.There was a time when Marlene and her Father snuck outside to the front yard and turned the hose on.Marlene's Father pointed the hose up the sky making a light rain with the water.What Marlene didn't care about was that it's night and there was water being shot up into the sky and falling down on her face.She didn't care that she could get sick from how cold it was outside and water was falling on her face.What Marlene had released was that she loves nature and being connected to it in any sort of way.When she felt she had enough fun out with her Father she thought it was time to go inside.She told her Dad that its starting to get cold can we go inside now her dad said yes and turned off the hose and went inside.When they went inside they went straight to the room where Marlene's mom was waiting for them.For a good while they played games till they got tired and decided to crawl into bed and sleep for the night.The next morning Marlene woke up and wanted to spend time with Nikki and Wendy so she went downstairs but seen the door to their room was closed so she wondered to herself "maybe they are still sleeping?".So she thought it was best to wait for Nikki and Wendy to wake up in the small living room in front of the room and sat on the couch waiting.After a while of waiting Marlene had slept on the couch since she was sleepy and getting bored of waiting so she slept for a certain amount of time.After what felt like forever Marlene woke up from her nap and heard that the family dog was coming to the living room that Marlene was in.She had started playing with the dog in the meantime when everyone else was sleeping but she didn't know.And after a good while of playing with the dog the dog almost bit her she was spooked but not scared so she let the dog walk away.After a few hours she was able to spend time with Nikki and Wendy for the day they were eating chips at a certain time of the day and doing makeup at another time of the day.Marlene was curious if what they were putting on their faces if it was good or bad for the face.Nikki had seen Marlene looking with curiosity at the makeup and she asked Marlene if she wanted to do her makeup.Marlene had nodded her head wondering what will she look like with makeup on her face.

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