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My Life My Rule


A man entered the room where there are full of people holding guns and fire arms where by the boss was called Mr Big where everyone was astonished to see the man and when he entered he directly went back of Mr Big and whispered to him that `Everything is in order' . Mr Big just pulled a smug smile and the room went cold where by everyone started looking at each other and then Mr Big stood up and look at everyone and raised a toast everyone hesitated but drank the wine .

Mr Big: Leon I heard that you got a new project under my nose and it's going high with good money

Leon: Mr Big am sorry but that was an overseas project and I just got lucky (smiling weirdly) but I hope you don't get it to hurt because it didn't hurt that much to your business am just making a fortune you know sir (looking at Mr Big with a suspectful look)

Mr Big: Don't worry it just a fortune you said so I won't take it to hurt (laughing)

They both laughed and continued to party but Ronnie just stared and look at everyone with a weird and suspenful look and later walked out when everyone was not looking at him . Annie Annie someone called out that name we come along a beautiful young lady known as Annie who is a young billionaire and the richest lady in K-city who was living with her grandmother Pammy .

Pammy: (walked inside a study room) Annie I don't understand why you don't want to get married but I really need a grandchild do you want me to die without seeing them .

Annie: Pammy please stop you know that we still have unfinished business with the Noris they are coming to our city and will hold a banquet that we have to attend

Pammy : ok what can I say I know that if I say it again I may end up being in house arrest ( she laughed and walked back to her room)

Annie: Lewis (she called out)

Lewis: Yes miss, what can I do for you?

Annie : How is the investigation going

Lewis: Well we learnt that Mr Big owns 90% of the gangs in K-city and also all the illegal things he runs them himself and has cover all the city and now he is trying to expand all over the nation but

Annie: But , but what finish it may ue

Lewis: Don't you feel it's weird he can't do all this if there is no someone helping him on his back to get all the gang to listen to him and do all the dirty works for him . Don't you think so miss

Annie : Mmmhhh you may be right about it and it does make sense . Why don't you look at it and report to me later , ok

Lewis : Yes miss

Lewis went away leaving Annie alone in the study trembling because of the information she was given by her assistant.


Mavix: Hey are you going to let the old man suck up all your efforts,it's surely that you are the one suitable to be leader than him but you are just stuck behind him like a dog obeying it's master

Ronnie: Well I have a plan but I can't just step in on that like it's a simple thing ok just wait and see how things will go down like hell

Sounds of gun shots are heard from behind them and Ronnie was quick and took out his gun and cover Mavix his best friend to run away . As they continued fighting Ronnie was able to identify the shooters and asked Mavix to hide himself in the dungeon until he comes to pick him up. He shot to the shooter on the other side so as to distract them so Mavix can enter in the dungeon. When he saw that Mavix has successfully entered the dungeon he stood up and start shooting everyone without them seeing him that caught them by surprise they were about to retreat but he shouted at the that there is no way out of this they tried to shoot from where the sound came from but we're surprised to see him standing beside there leader who was on his knees down of him.

Ronnie: Put your guns down before I kill any of you who are left.

They looked at him but he was serious and shot one of them down , that was when all of the remaining shooters handed over their gun and pistol to the ground .

Ronnie: ( seriously but still handsome) Am going to ask you a question and you have to give me the answers.( looking at them )

Leader: ok

Ronnie : Who sent you here and why are you shooting me

Leader : we are just following the orders and nothing less , we were just told to kill you.

Ronnie: Judging from your skills of shooting and fighting and clothes , you guys belong to the vascaper gang , right?

Leader : ( unwillingly because of the gun on his head ) Yes

Ronnie : why then did you want to kill me

Leader: I just told you we are following orders nothing else

Ronnie: You guys don't you know coming to me you are just asking for hell to •••k you guys up or you guys were already tired of living.

Leader : ( nervously and crying) No no no don't kill us ok we know we wronged you ok , how about we make a deal then eehh what do you think in exchange for our lives.

Ronnie: ( with a smirk) Well you want to make a deal with me that easily do you think am stupid or what eeehhh

Leader : no we don't but please spare us

Ronnie: ok if you want me to spare you then you guys and all other member of your gang will.have to obey me for life or

Leader : or

Ronnie: pay me with your lives of course you must die

Leader and the others: yes we will obey you all our lifetime master

Ronnie: Then you promise if any of you go against it and me don't expect me to be this kind to you , ok

All: ( happily) yes sir

Ronnie : ok , then welcome to our cooperation but before that I have an assignment for you all

Leader : what is it

Ronnie : you must find someone for me .


Annie is shopping with her Pammy in the mall where she is the owner. While they were surfing Pammy entered another shop when Annie was not watching her. It was a man clothing shop she walked In front of a handsome young man and grab his hand, the man turned around and saw the old lady

Ronnie: (who was wearing a mask and cap) hello granny what can I do for you

Pammy: [in her mind] This young man is handsome and good looking judging from his looks and clothing his is a powerful man yah , he is good for my granddaughter.( back to life) help me child someone wants to abduct me

Ronnie : ( looking everywhere) who granny coz everyone is busy shopping

Pammy: ( pointing outside the shop where Annie was standing) Them

Ronnie : ( looked at them ) Granny you must be mistaken because Judging from their way of dressing and posture they are bodyguards and that lady must be their boss or something

Pammy: ( looking at him) looks like you can know people through their character young man

Ronnie : Granny how about I take you back home

Pammy : I don't have a home , everyone in my family abandon me but my granddaughter was the one helping me all this time but I feel like a burden because she doesn't want to get married because of me so I ran away

Ronnie : but granny don't you think that if your granddaughter found out that you ran away she would be mad and unhappy

Pammy : it seems you also don't want me then I will go away ( pretending to cry )

Ronnie: ( felt helpless) ok I will help you , what do you want so you can go back home.

Pammy : ( happily) you get married to my granddaughter

Ronnie: ( astonished) what

Pammy : you change your mind ok then am not going home

Ronnie : ok I will marry her but I don't even know your granddaughter

Pammy : ( happily) you might know her but never met her , she is the billionaire Annie Whisper

Ronnie: ( can't believe what he had) what , you must be kidding me right

Pammy : ( point at Annie who was also looking for her) it's true there she is

Annie walked towards them and hugged her grandma while give Ronnie a cold eye look

Annie : ( angrily) what have you done with my grandma

Ronnie: miss I don't know what you are talking about

Pammy: ( stepped in) stop Annie don't be angry at my my future grandson - in-law

Annie : ( shocked) what?

Pammy : yes and you must respect him coz I choose him for you and no backing down from it

Annie : Pammy you are not serious are you?

Pammy : Am serious and he is coming home with me and you two are going to get married next week no questions ok

Ronnie : Granny I think you should go home with your granddaughter and talk at home ok coz I have to run some errands for myself( trying to bail himself out)

Pammy : NO

Annie: Pammy he is right let him be and may be we can talk it out at home ok let's us go home now

Pammy : Both of you listen to me , you guys both of you will be going home with me and getting married the day after tomorrow and not next week change my mind

Annie and Ronnie: NO

Pammy : you guys are already ganging up on me even before your marriage that's good , you two would make a nice couple

They tried to reason with her but they couldn't change her mind and went home with her .

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