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9 Lives (Chat Story)

Hell of a Morning

Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
*banging on Vanny's door* VANNY!!! Hurry up. You're going to make us late for school!😡!
Vanny Cruse
Vanny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Ugh! Now I'm going to have to listen to Mr. Shit face Brown's dumb lecture for being late to class... Again!
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Well, at least you don't have to deal with Mrs. West "Tardy Wall". We have to stand in front of the wall and explain to the whole class why we decided to come to school late. *she sighs😮‍💨*
Veronica (Venny and Vanny
Veronica (Venny and Vanny's Mom)
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
They both head downstairs and sit down for breakfast
After they finished eating
Veronica (Venny and Vanny
Veronica (Venny and Vanny's Mom)
Vanny Cruse
Vanny Cruse
I'M COMING MOM!!! *hurries downstairs*
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Ugh, finally, you come out of your bat cave🙄
Vanny Cruse
Vanny Cruse
Oh shut up Venny, at least I'm going to school not looking like the green goblin! *sticks her tongue out*
Vanny Cruse
Vanny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Well, at least I don't look Count Dracula! Bla-Bla-Bla! *she sticks her tongue out*
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Venny and Vanny started screaming at each other until their mom yelled at them both to quickly shut them up.
Veronica (Venny and Vanny
Veronica (Venny and Vanny's Mom)
BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP AND GO TO SCHOOL😡!!! *she grabs them both by the ear*
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Ow ow ow! We're sorry we're sorry!
Vanny Cruse
Vanny Cruse
Ow ow ow! We're sorry we're sorry!
Veronica (Venny and Vanny
Veronica (Venny and Vanny's Mom)
Good😁! Now go and get to school.
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Yes ma'am!
Vanny Cruse
Vanny Cruse
Yes ma'am!
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Come on Destiny, let's go-
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Veronica (Venny and Vanny
Veronica (Venny and Vanny's Mom)
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Where's Destiny???
Veronica (Venny and Vanny
Veronica (Venny and Vanny's Mom)
Oh, she left while you guys were screaming at each other.
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Vanny Cruse
Vanny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Vanny Cruse
Vanny Cruse
Meanwhile with Destiny
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
*knocks on Camila's door*
Https:// (Sorry guys, this was the only way for me🥲. If it doesn't work, then double sorry🥲🥲)
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Hello, Camila!?
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
*opens the door*
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
Morning Destiny!
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
Where's Venny and Vanny🤨?
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
*shrugs her shoulders*
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
I don't know
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
They're probably hurrying over here right now
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
They were screaming at each other this morning, so I just left😐
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
Of course😑
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
Wanna come inside while we wait for them?
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Yeah sure😁
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
As they're about to go inside the house
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Venny and Vanny make it to Camila's house
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
Oh! Hey Venny! Hey Vann-
Venny and Vanny start dragging Destiny and Camila
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Guys! Slow down before you rip my arm off!
Vanny Cruse
Vanny Cruse
Sorry, no time!
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
We're going to be super late!
Time Skip
At the bus stop
Vanny Cruse
Vanny Cruse
*huff* *huff* We made it💨
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
I feel so dizzy😵‍💫
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
*huff* *huff* At least we didn't miss the late bus💨
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
*smirks* At least we ain't alone
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
*points to the side*
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Oh! It's Natiley and Becca😁
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Hey guys!
Becca White
Becca White
Heya, everyone😆! *waves*
Becca White
Becca White
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Sup guys!
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Why are you guys so late?
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Your usually early🤨
Naitley White
Naitley White
Because SOMEONE lost their book bag last second☺️💢
Becca White
Becca White
Naitley White
Naitley White
What? It's its not my fault your memory is like an old lady's mind🙄
Becca White
Becca White
Becca White
Becca White
Naitley White
Naitley White
If it were there, then we would've made it on time😁💢
Becca White
Becca White
I swear it was there😡!
Becca White
Becca White
It's probably your fault for rushing me💢!!!
Naitley White
Naitley White
Naitley White
Naitley White
Becca White
Becca White
Bus arrives
The bus pulls up at the bus stop, and the girls proceed to get on the bus and head to school
Time Skip
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
We made it!
Vanny Cruse
Vanny Cruse
Yeah, but we gotta hurry to our class!
The girls got off the bus and sprinted to their classes.
✨️Da Author✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
Hope you guys enjoyed✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
Byye my fellow manga lovas🫶❤️


Name: Destiny Blake Age: 16 Likes: Her friends, books, and designing clothes Dislikes: Liars and Socializing Past life: Both of her parents died in a fire and were taken in by Venny and Vanny's parents BFF: Venny Cruse Fear: Fire
Name: Venny Cruse Age: 16 Likes: Causing trouble, playing drums, drama, and her friends Dislikes: bitches, snitches, and liars Past life: She was bullied in the 2nd grade and learned how to toughen up and fight against her bullies BFF: Destiny Blake Fear: None
Name: Vanny Cruse Age: 14 Likes: Partying, her friends, track, pranking people, bats Dislikes: Bullies, liars, and snitches Past life: She was an outcast in elementary school, but she grew out of her fear of being one and soon became very popular BFF: Becca White Fear: Tight spaces
Name: Natiley White Age: 16 Likes: Video games, her friends, electric guitar Dislikes: Rude people, homewreckers, liars Past life: Became more distant towards others since the death of her father BFF: Sadie Crepe (will be later introduced) Fear: Loud sounds
Name: Becca White Age: 15 Likes: Partying, planning events, and her friends Dislikes: Liars, bitches, snotty people Past life: Same as Vanny's BFF: Vanny Cruse Fear: Spider webs
Name: Camila Harper Age: 16 Likes: Music, sketching/drawing, her friends Dislikes: Socializing, liars, rude people Past life: Camila was more social until her mom died of stage 4 cancer, so now she doesn't socialize unless it's her friends. BFF: Rei Willows ( introduced later) Fear: Getting sick
✨️Da Author✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
Hope yall enjoyed✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
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✨️Da Author✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
Don't forget gifts too plz😘✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
Byye my fellow manga lovas🫶❤️

And so it Begins

✨️Da Author✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
Sorry guys that took me so long to update. School, chores, and a mental break have been making me very busy😅. But I promise that I will try to update more frequently for you all✨️.
✨️Da Author✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
Now with all of that being said...
Let's Begin
Vanny Cruse
Vanny Cruse
Most of them went their separate ways, but Camila and Venny had the same class. They both hurried down the hallways and made it inside the classroom out of breath.
Mr. Brown (the teacher)
Mr. Brown (the teacher)
Now, if you turn to page 243...
Venny slams open the door
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
huff* huff*💨
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
huff* huff*💨
Both were out of breath and breathing heavily
Mr. Brown (the teacher)
Mr. Brown (the teacher)
Look who finally showed up😒
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
*rolls her eyes* Hey Mr. Brown.🙄
Mr. Brown (the teacher)
Mr. Brown (the teacher)
You know you girls are always coming in here with a nasty attitude. I'm not responsible for horrible attendance. You should always be prepared and ready to come to school without any excuses! ( `Д´)/
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
*in a low voice* Sorry Mr. Brown... (-_-;)
Mr. Brown (the teacher)
Mr. Brown (the teacher)
*didn't hear her*
Mr. Brown continues to lecture Camila and Venny about being on time.
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
Mmm *covers her face in embarrassment*😣
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
💭Blah blah blah, don't be late, blah blah blah😒, like enough with these dumbass lectures shitface brown. *rolls her eyes*🙄
Mr. Brown (the teacher)
Mr. Brown (the teacher)
And it's most definitely important to-
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Alright alright, we get it!
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Can we go sit down now and not hear your dumb shit lectures!?😤
Mr. Brown (the teacher)
Mr. Brown (the teacher)
Be my guest Venny
Mr. Brown (the teacher)
Mr. Brown (the teacher)
But don't ever come to my class late again.
Mr. Brown (the teacher)
Mr. Brown (the teacher)
Go and take your seats now
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Yeah yeah😒
They both head over to their seat and begin to take their school books out.
Ava Hills
Ava Hills
Ava Hills
Ava Hills
*whispers* I could never be embarrassed in front of everyone
Ava Hills
Ava Hills
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
💭 Ughhh, how embarrassing😣 I just wanna go home and cry right now😭💭
Camila covers her head and puts her headphones in
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
*notices Camila's reaction*
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
*whispers* Hey, you okay Cam?
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
*whispers* Cam you go-
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
*tears rolling down her cheeks*😭
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
*whispers* Venny...
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
*whispers* Venny... I-I wanna g-go home😭
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
💭That bitch made her cry...💭
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Venny was fueled with anger
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
*loudly whispers to the girl* Hey!
Ava Hills
Ava Hills
Ava Hills
Ava Hills
*turns around to see Venny's murderous gaze*
Ava Hills
Ava Hills
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
Ava Hills
Ava Hills
💭 S-so s-scary😰💭
Ava Hills
Ava Hills
*whispers* Y-yeah😰
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
*whispers* You want to say that my face and not be a coward about it😁💢
Ava Hills
Ava Hills
*whispers* I-I uh...I didn't m-mean...
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
*whispers* Exactly, so I suggest that you shut your mouth before you melt your plastic face off with that hot breath of yours!
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
*whispers* Got it Barbie🤗💢
Ava Hills
Ava Hills
*nodded slowly while trembling*
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
*whispers* Good😒
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
Camila Harper
*whispers* T-thank you Venny🥲
Venny Cruse
Venny Cruse
*whispers* No problem
Camila wiped her tears, and both her and Venny began to read along
MEANWHILE with Natiley and Destiny
Natiley and Destiny both hurry in the same direction because their classes are across from each other.
They both almost make it to their class
Staff Member
Staff Member
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Naitley White
Naitley White
Both stopped at the same time
Staff Member
Staff Member
What are you girls doing in the hallway😡!
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
*huff* *huff*💨
Naitley White
Naitley White
*huff* *huff*💨
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
*huff*💨 I'm sorry, we came here a bit late, so we just-
She cut her off
Staff Member
Staff Member
Oh you kids and your excuses!
Staff Member
Staff Member
Do you two even have a hall pass!?
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
N-no...b-but you see we j-
She cuts her off again
Staff Member
Staff Member
Oh wait, let me guess!
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Staff Member
Staff Member
You're trying to skip class to go hang out with your friends and play on your little Idroids and Andphones😡
Naitley White
Naitley White
*mumbles* It's IPhones and Androids old bitch😒
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
*looks down and starts to tear up*
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
N-no, it's not like that at all....
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
W-we were just coming into s-school late and-
She cuts her off once again
Staff Member
Staff Member
Oh! So now you want to come to school late!
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
I-I um...😥
Staff Member
Staff Member
This school is the key to your future!
Staff Member
Staff Member
And you juvenile girls are just trying to ruin it all!!!
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
*In tiny voice*I-I'm s-sorry😥
Staff Member
Staff Member
*didn't hear her*
Staff Member
Staff Member
Oh what! Now you can't speak!
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Naitley White
Naitley White
Naitley White
Naitley White
Staff Member
Staff Member
*turned to Natiley*
Naitley White
Naitley White
She's trying to explain why we're running in the hallway! But YOU, keep interrupting her!
Naitley White
Naitley White
So let us go to our class, or else I'll tell the principal that you're keeping two students INNOCENT students away from their "key to their future.*says with sass*😒👐💢
Staff Member
Staff Member
I-I ummm....uh t-there's no need f-for that😅
Naitley White
Naitley White
Then let us through🤗💢
Staff Member
Staff Member
Naitley White
Naitley White
Staff Member
Staff Member
J-just go!
Naitley White
Naitley White
Thank you.
Naitley White
Naitley White
Naitley White
Naitley White
Come on Destiny
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
*wipes tears with sleeves*
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
*pretend she has sleeves*
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
T-thank you🥺
Naitley White
Naitley White
It's no problem😊
Naitley White
Naitley White
Alright, let's hurry and head to our class
Destiny Blake
Destiny Blake
Y-your right😁
Both Natiley and Destiny made it inside their classroom
They tried to explain to their teachers why they were so late
But the teachers heard everything that happened outside the classroom and let them go to their desk.
✨️Da Author✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
Hope yall enjoyed✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
Again terribly sorry for not updating😞😞😞
✨️Da Author✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
But I promise I'll update more often😁
✨️Da Author✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
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✨️Da Author✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
Don't forget gift too😘
✨️Da Author✨️
✨️Da Author✨️
Byye my fellow manga lovas🫶✨️

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