NovelToon NovelToon

Hundred Ways to Tame the Villain's Uncle

let's break up!

Dark Writer
Dark Writer
since I gave you guys a sad ending so here i am with the same name main leads but yeah this is a completely different story
Dark Writer
Dark Writer
IN 2024
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
yeah-eh-eh yeah-eh yeah yeah yeah yeah *singing and twerking*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
No we won't be talking the next day I ain't got nothin' to say I ain't lookin' for my one true love Yeah, that ship sailed away 🎶🎶🎶🎶
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Love me love me baby l----- *got cut*
The door bell rang
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Who the he------ wait wait wait 😶😶😶
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Isn't today our 5 months anniversary sh!t you dumbas& now what?? I only called him to celebrate 😱😱😱😱
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
But *looking around*
Valencia looks around only to notice that her room is a mess, papers are literally flying because she was singing and dancing and imagining herself as a royal princess she threw the papers up in the air which she imagined as falling flower petals
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Cake cake cake *pulling her hair* oh yes I have a cake *hurriedly ran outside*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Coming coming *shouted*
Valencia quickly took out the cold chocolate cake which she brought yesterday but she forgot today but leaving these aside , she bought it to celebrate her 5 months with her 3rd number boyfriend this year.......well 5 months though is nothing to celebrate but this time this is the longest she stayed in a relationship
She isn't a Playgirl or something like that ,it's just that she has some serious anger issues ,a very rude and egoistic girl and wants to dominate everyone in every way possible.............It's not her fault she is just a little too intelligent and a self built CEO of a multinational company that she never submits herself to any men and this is the reason why she had so many break ups in the past.......she shows her love but in her love too there's a little dominance in it which hurt her past boyfriend's male ego, it's something like she wants to show her love but don't know the correct way to express it
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*keep the cake on the table, pour wine in two glasses and light up the candles*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*open her clip and throw it away* *open the door* Valden........😃😃😃
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
*look at her*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*notice Daisy* *frown* you???
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
*held Valden's arms tightly*
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
*pat her hand to assure her she is ok*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
come inside *move aside*
Both Valden and daisy went inside and saw a chocolate cake, two glasses of wine and candle was lit
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
*felt guilty seeing it*
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
*nudge him*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Have a seat
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
*sit on the chair*
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
*about to sit beside him*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Wait daisy you sit here i should sit beside Valden since he is my boyfriend isn't it❄️
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
*flinch and nods*
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
*hold Daisy's hand*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valencia let's break up
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
excuse me??
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Let's break up valencia you also know and i also know that this relationship won't go for long 😟😟
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Won't go for long???? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY WON'T GO FOR LONG *shout*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Did you call for her?? Huh?? *glare at daisy* previously you were an attention daisy and now DID YOU BECOME A HOMEWRECKER TOO😡😡
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
*look down and tears fell*
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
This is the reason valencia
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*look at him*
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
you just say whatever you want without thinking that others might get hurt😡😡
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Didn't i give you everything huh?? Didn't i also invest in that small company of yours and make it successful *cross her arms* is it daisy who did it?? ITS ME WHO DID IT ME WHO MADE YOU RECOGNISED AMONG THE RICH PEOPLE 😡😡
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
YES YES I KNOW *shout*
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
brother Valden don't shout😟😟
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
*took a deep breath* i know you helped me but that doesn't mean you can control my life and do whatever you please😡😡and dominate me by saying that it's you who made me famous , it's you who did this, did that😡😡
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
When did i control? Don't I give you everything you want??
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Yes its true but valencia do you realise that always expensive things can't buy you happiness?? For a man not being able to give her woman rich gifts is already very hurtful and now you humiliated me everytime when I gave you gifts but you have me gifts much much much more expensive than I can ever give you *look at her*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
It's humiliating for you??? didn't i say my money is yours too??
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
But it isn't and you will never understand because you are just too egoistic to admit that your way of showing love is not love but showing off money😡😡
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
*look at Valencia* sister I really didn't do anything I am not a homewrecker *hold her hand* your attitude and character is such that i doubt any man will ever love you 😏😏😏
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*glare at her*
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
let's leave daisy no use of staying *hold her hand and about to leave*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
*stop and turn back* what??
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
*also turn back*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*picked up the cake and wine glass and walk towards them*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
You are right that I am too egoistic, too rude, too arrogant, i only show my wealth, i have severe anger issues *tilt her head* now what can I do it's my fault I dated useless pieces of sh!ts😡😡
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*throw the cake on Valden and pour wine on daisy*
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
Daisy Morgan / past fl step sister
Ahhhh *gasp*
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
Valden Whitman / past fl bf
yo----- *glare at Valencia*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
I admit it Valden that it's my fault for not dating someone whose is an equal to me😡😡 worthless😡😡 *push them outside and lock the door*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*tears fell* *sniff sniff*
Dark Writer
Dark Writer
I want likes and comments to see whether you guys like it or else 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
Dark Writer
Dark Writer
Happy Reading 😃

i am alive??

Dark Writer
Dark Writer
Hii my strawberries
IN 2023
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*slide down* *tears fell*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Am I so bad?? Am I that bad as a partner?? Don't I give everything I can then why why I can't get love😢😢
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
First mom dad does partiality between me and daisy which i accepted because parents often tend to have one most loved child and i am not that but to think that i can't even get into a relationship despite being so successful *tears fell*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
What's wrong with my attitude i mean why can't I be egoistic I am not a saint that I will give my everything to someone and neither am I a kid that I will listen to whatever people say to me without saying anything *stood up*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
UGHHHHHHH *gulp down the wine* it's my mistake that I make boyfriends below my league😡😡😡 ahhhhh you f^cking b!tch valencia Morgan *throw the bag in frustration*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Ohhh no no no no wait wait wait *hurriedly picked her bag* this bag is limited edition omg its safe *kiss her bag*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*scoff and rub her tears* why crying over a boy when I can get whatever I I too frustrated being a v!rgin??😕
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia lazily walk towards her room and sit on the couch looking outside the window
She starts thinking about her 29 years of life without any success in love......first her parents don't love her half they love her sister and now she isn't even successful into getting a boyfriend let alone getting married and settle down
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*sighed again* how to change my character.......i......i am built in this way *rest her head back* is there no one who can love me despite my unbearable character???
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*sigh* leave it I even forgot how many ex boyfriends I had maybe 20 or 30 and out of them only Valden made it up to 5 months *scoff*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*took her phone and open the new message she received* now now even my friends are getting married , some having their first baby or second baby 💢💢💢💢ahhhhhhhhhhh *throw her legs*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*look at the notification* love for revenge???😕😕😕i don't even have a love what will I take revenge for?
Nevertheless valencia unconsciously open the notification and she was quite surprised to see that it's a novel......she pressed the back button but nothing happened, she even tried to switch it off but her phone was even switching off
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
What the f^ck??💢💢
Valencia hates reading's like she is very allergic to those cringe novel and their honey dipped romantic dialogues but today after reading the first line of the novel something happened in her heart, it's as if she got hypnotized and starts reading
The first line stated as "AFTER THE DEATH OF MARQUESS RODERIC SALVATORE HIS SON................"
After half an hour
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*scrolling down but the screen got stuck*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Did it end like this???ehhhh??
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Nah i mean i don't read novels BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I AM DUMB TO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS IS INCOMPLETE 😡😡😡 *throw her phone in anger*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Oh no my phone *squat down* it broke🙂🙂
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
first my break up then this shitty incomplete novel in which i couldn't even understand what happened and now my phone also broke🙂🙂
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Huffff huffff *stroke her hair and stood up*
Valencia calmed herself by taking deep breaths as she wore a hoodie and a cap to cover her face and went out of her apartment obviously she is famous so in order to hide herself from being recognized she hides herself
Valencia walks down the parking lot and was about to open her car door when suddenly a man from nowhere pointed a knife at her stomach
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*eye widen* who are you!?!
KILLER - girl take me to a safe place and I will leave you
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
A few police officers also came running
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Eh??? Ahhhhh
The man stabbed valencia as he threw her and ran away at full speed
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*fell on the ground* haaaah is this my end??? *eyesight getting hazy* (i am didn't get a bf leave alone a husband......what will happen to my money???)
Valencia's eyesight got hazy and she could see the police officers surrounding her as one of the officers lifted her but she lost her consciousness
*open her eyes*
Eh??? *lift her hand* i am alive??
*got up* to think that even God threw me back aishhhh valencia valencia valencia you really have a nasty temperament 😑😑
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
VALENCIA *came inside* how could you be so cruel to hurt your sister😟😟
*look at her*
Aven Hartford /fl dad
Aven Hartford /fl dad
*came inside* valencia are you okk??😟
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
she is ok aven can't you see but think about bea she is still in coma💢💢💢
Excuse me lady and you young man who are you??❄️
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Aven Hartford /fl dad
Aven Hartford /fl dad
(oh i should be in a hospital I was stabbed after all but why are they wearing clothes like a joker?)
why are you wearing costumes like this?? *raise her eyebrow* are we in a play or what?? whatever Listen i am in no mood for a joke this is a hospital after all *cross her arms* serve me food❄️
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Aven Hartford /fl dad
Aven Hartford /fl dad
Right now❄️ *look at aeris* i am hungry❄️💢
Dark Writer
Dark Writer
Dark Writer
Dark Writer
SHOUTOUT TO CUTIE PIE @butterfly🦋 love you 😘😘😘


Excuse me stop looking at me I know I am hot but serve me food i am hungry ❄️ *roll her eyes*
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Aven aven see just how your daughter is behaving with me😢😢 i mean i know I am not her mother but still shouldn't she atleast respect me😢😢
AERIS HARTFORD, 33 years old, aven's second wife and step mother of valencia , her elder sister and her elder brother......she married aven 5 years ago after aven was drügged and accidentally slept with her.........she is very greedy and loves none of the children but she specifically hates valencia because she is easy to bully and manipulate
Aven Hartford /fl dad
Aven Hartford /fl dad
Valen what on earth are you doing?? Can you stop with these acts??
*look at him* listen young boy first i am not acting and second what the hell are you both wearing?? Are we all in a theatre or what💢💢💢
Aven Hartford /fl dad
Aven Hartford /fl dad
VALENCIA HARTFORD *shout* what are you saying💢💢💢
AVEN HARTFORD, 45 years old, Count of Hartford Household in KINGSTON EMPIRE, have 3 children and loves them equally though he becomes angry on valencia because of her childish behaviour but he loves her much more though doesn't show.......he doesn't love aeris just married her out of responsibility
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
Hartford??? *look at him* who are you??
Aven Hartford /fl dad
Aven Hartford /fl dad
*took a deep breath to control his anger*
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Calm down aven calm down *look at Valencia* we are your parents he *point at aven* is your father😑😑
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
*look at aven* father?? He is my father pfft😂😂😂😂😂 *laughing* then don't tell me you are my mother??
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Ofcourse but I am your step mother😑
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 ohhh lord frauds these days are so funny 🤣🤣🤣
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Call the physician she has gone mad💢💢💢
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
*cough* i am not mad you are mad😡😡 HOW CAN THIS YOUNG MAN BE MY FATHER moreover my dad has black hair BLACK HAIR❄️
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
Moreover My mom has white hair❄️ listen i will call police if you keep this act of yours?? What do you want money??❄️💢😡
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Oo my goodness god now I have to see my valencia got mad *crocodile tears fall*
Aven Hartford /fl dad
Aven Hartford /fl dad
valencia *pat her head*
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
*jerk his hand*
Aven Hartford /fl dad
Aven Hartford /fl dad
What are you saying?? What is police??😟😟 what happened to you dear??😟😟
nina / fl maid
nina / fl maid
My lord *came inside* i brought the physician to check my lady😟😟
Aven Hartford /fl dad
Aven Hartford /fl dad
*move aside*
PHYSICIAN - *sit down and held her hand* *frown*
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Physician is my daughter okk??😟😟
PHYSICIAN - lady what's your name??
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
*look at him* don't you know me?? DON'T YOU KNOW ME💢💢💢
PHYSICIAN - *flinch*
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
PHYSICIAN - valencia Morgan???
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
*roll her eyes*
PHYSICIAN - what's your age lady??
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
Aven Hartford /fl dad
Aven Hartford /fl dad
*eyes widen*
nina / fl maid
nina / fl maid
PHYSICIAN - Count Hartford I think Lady Valencia is imagining herself as someone else and currently forgot her present self😟😟
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
are you saying I am sick💢💢😡💢💢 HOW DARE YOU FRAUD DOCTOR *held his collar* HOW DARE YOU SAY I AM SI------ *saw herself in the mirror*
PHYSICIAN - *scared*
Aven Hartford /fl dad
Aven Hartford /fl dad
Valencia leave him *hold her hand*
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
*shocked to see her face but didn't leave his collar*
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
*went towards her* Valencia leave him *push her*
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
*stumble back*
nina / fl maid
nina / fl maid
my lady *held her*
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
*walk towards the mirror* who is she??
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
Wh......who is she?? *look at others* I AM ASKING YOU ALL WHO IS SHE😡😡 *pointing at herself in the mirror*
nina / fl maid
nina / fl maid lady it's you valencia Hartford😟😟😢😢
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford?? *mumbles*
Aven Hartford /fl dad
Aven Hartford /fl dad
Vale----- *got cut*
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
Leave *looking at herself in the mirror*
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Aeris Hartford/ fl step mom
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
Everyone seeing Valencia very agitated left without saying something more
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
*remember something*
Nancy / Valencia
Nancy / Valencia's pa
Ma'am do you believe in rebirth??
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
again talking nonsense in the middle of work *eyes glued on the laptop*
Nancy / Valencia
Nancy / Valencia's pa
*pout* well i believe in rebirth what if I get rebirth into a novel with a handsome 8 packs 6' tall villain husband😍😍😍
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*bang her hand on the table*
Nancy / Valencia
Nancy / Valencia's pa
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Stop reading nonsense books and start reading some account or geography or history books❄️❄️💢💢
Nancy / Valencia
Nancy / Valencia's pa
*roll her eyes* who will read those rubbish like an old woman except you *mumbles*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Nancy / Valencia
Nancy / Valencia's pa
*flinch* nothing I am saying you are right 🙂🙂
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Go make a cup of coffee ❄️❄️
Nancy / Valencia
Nancy / Valencia's pa
*smile and left*
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
Valencia Morgan / fl past life
*rest her head back* rebirth??
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
Valencia Hartford / fl
Then am I into some novel?? But I am not a reader??i never read those rubbish novels in my life *pull her hair* What am I then??
Dark Writer
Dark Writer
Ending this here
Dark Writer
Dark Writer
Do like comment and subscribe my story
Dark Writer
Dark Writer
Happy Reading 😃

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