NovelToon NovelToon

Our Naughty Boy

Episode 1

This is S2 of My Forced Marriage 🥳
A lot of people said I should do a S2 so here it is 🥰
Let's get right into this story
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(wakes up)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
💭 Damn if what happened last night my back hurts 😫
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(looking around and sees a hot man naked in the bed)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
💭 WHAT!!
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
💭 There's no way I lost my virginity from a one-night stand 😱😨
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
💭 Now I'm not pure 😨
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
💭 I need to leave before he wakes up 😮‍💨
Akio slowly gets out of bed and finds his clothes on the ground he picks them up and changes into them
He looks around on the floor to find his phone but he can't looks around more but can't find it all he can see is condoms on the floor
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(finds a box's of condoms) 💭 XXL
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
💭 There's no way that's real 😳
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
💭Sh!t I need to leave now
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
He's so cute when he's flustered
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
I can't wait to see him again (smiling while looking at Akio's phone in his hand)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Hopefully, he needs this
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
I guess I should go tell Kenji I found us a little Omega 😏
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
But damn he was so good 😮‍💨
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Even though it was his first night I need more of him 😏
On the other side
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(limping home)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(yells) DAMN IT YOU
(staring at him crazy)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Oh sorry I didn't mean too
It's 9am shut up
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Who are you telling to shut up old man 😤
I told you to shut up
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
No, I won't, you old man
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Tsk (walks away)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
💭 I hate old men they are so annoying
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
💭 How did I even get in there to lose my virginity 😫
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
All I remember is
Flash back
At Alan's house
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
We should go get drinks
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Because I'm horny, and I want someone to fûçk me 😫
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I don't want to know that 🤧
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Well you asked why, so I told you duh
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
You did have to say that much
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
I didn't say that much I was going to say more
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
😮‍💨 you need help
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Yes by a big d!ck-
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(covers his mouth)
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Mmm (trying to talk)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(let's go of his mouth)
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Can we please go pretty please 🥹🥺
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Okay fine, but I'm and not losing my virginity never ever until I find my person
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
You might just find them there
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
No way
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I want someone who's rich, tall, has muscles, and sweet,
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
So every hot guy
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I'm not saying every guy without those things isn't hot I'm guy saying that's my favorite
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Can we leave now
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Yes I'm ready
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Wearing that 🤨
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
What's wrong with it ?
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
You're wearing a long T-shirt and sweats
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Don't worry I have some clothes you can change into
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
But I like this outfit
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
I don't so here change
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
You need to look hot and sexy
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Do you want a tall, rich, handsome, man to f*ck you
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
🙂 I'm never talking to you again
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
But why 🥹
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Fair point
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Yea true I'm always horny
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Maybe you do really need a horny man also
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Yes that would be great 🤤
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I'm going to go change now
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Good and hurry up I want men 😩
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
😒 yeah okay
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(changes into the outfit)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Let's go
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
They arrived at the club/bar once they got inside Alan left to go find someone to have s*x with
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
And now I'm by myself
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(looking around)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(sees some whose tall, and has muscles)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
💭 damn he is so hot I could fold in half right now 😩
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
(staring at him)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
💭 He's cute he looks like he might break from just looking at me
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
(met eyes with him)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(blushes and looks away)
Bar worker
Bar worker
How many I help you
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Can I have 3 cups of your Strongest drinks
Bar worker
Bar worker
Are you sure there pretty strong
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(starts to drink them all)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(fully drunk)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(gets up and goes to Jasper)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Yes (deep voice)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(shivers) Sleep with me
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
(picks him up gently)
Flash back ends
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(walks into his apartment)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I'm going to k!ll my self there's no way I said that
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
That's so embarrassing 😫😳
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
this is it for me
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I guess I'm dead after today
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Oh didn't mean to scare you or anything, but I heard everything you said
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
So did you have a good time last night
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
No 😳
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Are you sure you look a little red
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
It's hot in here
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
The AC is on
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Umm no he wasn't even good he has XXS
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
He looked like he would have a big one
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
But I guess looks isn't everything
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Yes he was so tiny that I couldn't even feel him
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
So basically I'm still a virgin
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
💭 There's no way he believes my lies
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Yeah, I guess, so
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
it makes sense if you couldn't even feel it then it would make you half of a virgin
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
💭 He's so stupid
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Did you have a good time last night
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
How could you tell?
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
You have some marks on your neck
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
But yes he was so big I couldn't feel it hitting deep inside my stomach 😩
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
😨 I don't wanna know that you sick person
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(covers his ears)
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
(laughs) I love teasing you
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
it's so funny
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
But I was calling you for a while
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I lose my phone
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
WHAT oh great
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Yeah 😅
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
I hope you like this
If you haven't read the first one please go read that My Forced Marriage
This is my 3rd chat story please go check out my other ones

Episode 2

Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
So what do you do now without your phone
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I guess I should go back to that bar and see if anyone turned it in
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Hopefully they did
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
I'm surprised
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
that you haven't died without your phone for this long
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I'm not always on my phone!!😠
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
yes you are
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Come over here I'm going to hit you
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(runs after him)
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
(runs away)
On the other side
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
You're finally back
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
let's just say I had a good night
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
did you now 😏
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
I think I also found our Omega 😏
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
I slept with him, and he smells perfect and is perfect
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Was he good?
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
I was his first and he was pretty good
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
I guess we should tell mom and dad that we found our Omega
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Where is he? Did you bring him
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Nope he ran away
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
But I got his phone 😏 (swung it in his hand)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
(laughs) He can't leave now can he 😏
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Don't worry he will come running back for this
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Let's find out where he lives
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
okay well I'm going to go take a shower
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
You're the hacker
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Ugh great why can't you be smart
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
I am smart
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
You smart as a dead fish
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
😨 no I'm not
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Well some fish are smart 💅😤
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Yeah that's why I said dead fish
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
See you are stupid
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
(calls mom)
Casper Asher ( ML mom)
Casper Asher ( ML mom)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Kenji is calling me stupid
Casper Asher ( ML mom)
Casper Asher ( ML mom)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
That's it
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
just okay
Casper Asher ( ML mom)
Casper Asher ( ML mom)
What do you want me to do?
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
I don't know hit him
Casper Asher ( ML mom)
Casper Asher ( ML mom)
We aren't even living with you guys
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Well can I hit him
Casper Asher ( ML mom)
Casper Asher ( ML mom)
I don't care
Casper Asher ( ML mom)
Casper Asher ( ML mom)
(hung up)
Jackson (ML dad)
Jackson (ML dad)
What happened
Casper Asher ( ML mom)
Casper Asher ( ML mom)
There fighting again
Jackson (ML dad)
Jackson (ML dad)
They call us everyday
Casper Asher ( ML mom)
Casper Asher ( ML mom)
I know next time we see them we should just strangle them
Jackson (ML dad)
Jackson (ML dad)
Perfect then they will be quiet
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
What did mom say
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
He said I could hit you
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Do it, and I'll knock you out
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Oh yeah let's see
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
(punches kenji)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
(chase after jasper)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Wait stop I didn't mean to
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
(kicks the back of his knee)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
(falls down)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Ha see
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
please don't knock me out
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
you did that yesterday
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
(got up and went back to his office)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Here is his phone find out where he lives, works and his family and friends
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
I know I'll do it
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
(sits next to him)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
(hacks into his phone)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Whoa, he is gorgeous 😍 🤤
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
I know right
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
He's in college, he's 20, he wants to work for a company, he lives by himself, he has no family, has dept, he has one friend named Alan,
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Let's make someone give him our company card
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Then he can work for us
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Are you okay
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Are you sick?
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
(Touches his forehead)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
What do you mean?!
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
You were using your Brian for once
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Then we can make him fall in love with us
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
How do we make him fall in loves with you
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
You mean us?
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
No, he's already probably in love with me 😏
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Well we just need to flirt with him and take good care of him
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Maybe I can pay off his debts
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Then I can just flirt with him
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Plus he's probably already in love with my buddy
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
You mean your 1 inch
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
It's not 1 inch it's 9 inches
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Damn so tiny
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Yours is bigger!! 😨
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
It's 10 inches
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
I need to grow mine
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
You can just grow it like a tree you dummy
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Well then I'll take stuff for it
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Because I like being bigger, and it's not good for you
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
but he is probably drooling over my and my buddy
On the other side
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
He's was so small
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Are you sure?
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
it was so tiny that it's kinda sad
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
You were drunk last night are you sure you weren't looking at yours
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
No, I don't think so 😤
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Maybe but I'm not sure
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
(shakes his head) your a weird one
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Tsk your weirder
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
No I am not
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Yes you are
I hope you like this 💜💜
Do you guys Like this so far??

Episode 3

Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Hey you
Yes sir
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Go to this address XXX and give this boy our company card in his mailbox ❄️
Yes sir
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Really in the mailbox
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Hmm I see I guess it can work
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Now let's see if he will show up tomorrow 😏
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
You're good at finding people
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
You're making me sound like I stalk people for a living
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Don't you 🤔
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
We share the same company 😮‍💨
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Okay and?
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
So I don't stalk people for a living!
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Yeah yeah
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Your the one who is a hacker
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Yeah I hack into stuff not stalk people
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Don't make me call mom again
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Don't make me knock you out again
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Fine I won't call mom 😤
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Then I'll still knock you 😴
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
You said that you would knock me out again
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Did I? 🤔
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
I don't think so 🙅‍♀️
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
You did
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Are you okay I never said that
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Wait you're telling the truth?
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Yes why?
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Oh nevermind then
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
💭 So dumb
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
💭 No way he believed me 🤦‍♂️
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
💭 Maybe he really didn't say it 🤔
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Jasper Asher ( 1 ML)
Okay I believe you
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
Kenji Asher ( 2 ML)
💭 How are we twins
On the other side
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
I'm going to go home now
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Yea your boring
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
What no I'm not
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Yes you are
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
You've been talking about your phone and phone calls
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Well what if someone called me
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
I'm the only one in your phone
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
How do you know?
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Because you only have me
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
That's true but what if I got someone's number
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
You would have told me
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
You know me to well
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Okay well bye
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Call me if you need anything
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Oops you can't 😂
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
(runs out the door)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Alan (MC best friend)
Alan (MC best friend)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
What am I going to do
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I guess I can look for some companies 😁
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I applied for some so let's go check if they emailed me
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Oh wait
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I don't have my phone 😒
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I guess I can check my mail
Akio goes and checks his mail
It was all trash besides one it said a really big company name on it
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Wait I never applied to this one before
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(opens it up)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
They want to hire me as there bosses P.A
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
😵 I might faint
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Let me call this number?
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Oh I don't have my phone
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
See I can't live without my phone
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
😭 I'm going to die without it
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I guess I'll go to the company tomorrow morning 😅
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Why did they pick me?
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I'm not even good at it
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I just want money 🤑
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I need to pay off my mom's debt
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Mom I miss you
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I know you are in a better place
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Don't feel bad about leaving this debt to me 😁
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
I'll take care of it
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
And maybe I'll find some rich boyfriends and be rich 😗
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
That's a good idea
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
But there kinda scary 😨
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
What if they are in the mood do it, I'll tell them to go fine someone else or with their hands
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Wait not someone else
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
(signs) 😮‍💨
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Something is wrong with me
Akio (MC)
Akio (MC)
Let's just get ready for the night
Akio gets his outfit for tomorrow ready to go
After that he finally starts to feel sleepy he lies down and falls asleep slowly
I hope you like this 💜 💜

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