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( Unexpected Life ) Changing the Novel


let's start
💥💥💥💥 boom
Someone was laying on the road with blood all around him....
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
(Is it the end???)
(..... ) - this is thinking *......* - this is action
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
( I hate you mom, dad , and my so-called boyfriend.... finally I will get some peace in life .... Sorry my dear sister for leaving you alone )
Ambulance came ....
doctor: giving cpr to keep the heart beating
They took him to hospital
Someone from the crowd informed this to her sister as it was the first number to pop up in contact list
In hospital
They reached the hospital entrance
kim ae ra
kim ae ra
*waiting there* * crying non stop*
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
* saw her* ( I can't even speak) *gave a small smile to her*
kim ae ra
kim ae ra
Please be alright 😭😭....
In the operation room ....
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
(I can't keep my eyes open anymore.... Sorry ae ra ) * slowly close his eyes* *heart beat stopped*
Doctors came out and informed ae ra
kim ae ra
kim ae ra
No no... It can't be true 😭😭😭😭....
tae's mother
*reached and heard the news* 😶😶....
tae's father
* same as her*
kim ae ra
kim ae ra
* looks towards their parents* are you both happy now?? 🥶😭😭
tae's mother
*tears flowing from her eyes*
tae's father
*trying not to cry*
tae's mother
* fainted*


let's start
On the other side
*slowly open his eyes* 👀
(didn't I die?? Where am I??? I wanted to die)
*looking around*
* looks at his hands* (why are my hands this fragile??? )
(what is happening?? ) * looks at himself in the mirror* (I look similar to myself, but why does my body feel so fragile?? ).... *looks at the date* (19 / 7/ 24.... Next day from my accident???... )
park min ji
park min ji
* knock knock*
(am I transmigrated??? ) 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
park min ji
park min ji
Tae .... Are you alright now ?? Can I come in??
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
(Tae???) come in
park min ji
park min ji
* touches his forehead* your fever has reduced..... Gud.... Get freshen up and come down for breakfast.... * tured around to leave*
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
park min ji
park min ji
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
If you don't mind.... Can you tell my full name?
park min ji
park min ji
* shocked* why tae?? You don't remember???
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
Just ...... Will you?
park min ji
park min ji
....... Jeon taehyung
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
* shocked* ( jeon.... ???)
park min ji
park min ji
Are you ok?
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
Yes .... I will be down in 20 mins....
park min ji
park min ji
Hmm.... *turned and left the room*
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
I am in the novel that my sister read to me...? Her favourite one.... 😶
let's all see in the next chapter.... Byee 👋😊

tae's story

let's start
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
From what my sister told....
So this book goes like.... Kim Taehyung is married to Jungkook in 2017.... You can say forced marriage from both sides.... Jungkook parents like Tae and wanted Jungkook to marry tae.... tae and his dad doesn't have good relationship and tae's dad forced him to marry for business.... But the thing is, tae likes jungkook from his childhood (backstory later) so he agreed..... But who knows his life will turn into hell.....
after a year of marriage.... they had their kid when (Jungkook was in rut).... In 2018 ji ho was born....
But from the time tae got married.... No one looked after him.... They all behaved like tae don't exist.... So to get attention tae will go to have breakfast with them.... But everyone will leave if he comes... Still he tried... He will try to have a conversation but no one will respond
The reason for they ignorance is .... They thought he forced jungkook to marry him... He is a gold digger and attention seeker.... And another reason is Choi De Eun
She is a classmate of tae and jungkook assistant in his company.... So they all believed her
She will always says bad stuff about tae to them.....
And after ji ho birth... Tae started to be rude to others especially ji ho his son ..... as choi de eun blackmailed him and others started to hate him more
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
But my sister didn't tell me the reason.... She said she will tell me later... it's a secret ....
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
jeon taehyung ( kim taehyung)
And jimin and Tae know each other from childhood.... But for ......... (I will tell later) they both don't talk and jimin ignores tae completely... And no one knows it...

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