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How I Grow Up

The beginning of life

...In a far away land there was a family, and they lived happy together they had two kids a boy and a girl. One day the husband called the wife at the place they do sleep together, and the husband said, oh my wife l want to tell you that l want to live this country l want to go see my father he is sick the wife answered" OK my love". Then they slept . In the morning the father called out his kids to make breakfast for him Rejoice and Teddy. By then The younger child Rejoice said Dad l want to go for a holiday at uncle Mike's house what do you think the father said it's alright you can go . By the time Rejoice was 8 year's old. And a very clever girl who was in middle school and a Daddy's girl , she bought joy to every member in the house , 4 people were staying in the house and it was a very happy family .After some weeks Rejoice went to holiday and Teddy was the only one remaining at home and on 20 August 2019 their father left going out of the country and the father left the mother and the son without even leaving anything for them and this was a tough time for the family .The holiday was up and Rejoice needed to go at her house again after spending time at her uncle's house .And the mother called her on the phone saying that they moved out in the house the used to stay in and Rejoice thought tht maybe they're at a beautiful house but things didn't go as expected it was a house without light and the floor was very bad and she felt bad about this and this was the time where by her mom was not working or do anything maybe a business she was waiting for money that her in laws will send to her and they just thank God tht they were eating they were not sleeping without eating . it was near Rejoices school and she could come eat and then go back to school . and they was a time where by her brother was supposed to be going to school he was going at a boarding school he was in high school by this time school fees was being paid by their uncle .Then Teddy went to school Rejoice and her mom were leaving their and it was a house with 2 rooms and got no windows , sometimes they were scared of the house but what can they do since they were poor people and the mother liked playing alot .One day Rejoice was playing Games outside the house and she feel down breaking her elbow.The mother was really worried and took her to a beer by hospital where by it was a private clinic and she did not have the money to afford the treatment by herself....

#Learnin in life gives us lessons

Rejoice had recovered from her injury, and her father's return home brought relief. One day, while Rejoice was at school, her parents went shopping and bought new kitchen utensils and food warmers, making her mother happy.

When Rejoice returned home at 4:00 pm, she found the house empty and locked. She sat on the veranda, getting wet in the rain, but when her parents returned, she eagerly helped them carry their heavy loads.

A month later, Rejoice's mother was pregnant, but Rejoice was too young to understand. When Teddy, Rejoice's brother, returned home from boarding school, he was happy to find their father's presence had improved their lives. Teddy tried to bond with his father, who had previously been distant and critical.

As the holiday progressed, Teddy and his father grew closer. However, their father soon had to leave the country again, which was tough on the family. Teddy joked that the baby should be a boy, making his mother laugh.

When Teddy returned to school, the mother stayed with Rejoice. One day, she went to her hometown for prayers, taking Rejoice with her. After returning, she prepared a meal of fish and nsima, explaining to Rejoice that she was eating more because she was pregnant.

Weeks passed, and the mother felt the need to visit the hospital. She walked a long distance with Rejoice, spending several hours there before returning home. Rejoice noticed her mother's exhaustion and asked if she was okay. Her mother suggested going to a friend's place to rest.

At her friend's house, Rejoice's mother ate and slept, telling her friend she wasn't feeling well. Her friend dismissed her concerns, saying it was just pregnancy. Rejoice's mother insisted she was in pain, and Rejoice went outside to play. Later, they returned home, and Rejoice went to school the next morning, playing with her best friend, with whom she sometimes argued.Rejoice and Shannon's friendship was a remarkable one, forged during their middle school days. Despite not visiting each other's homes often, their bond flourished at school. They were inseparable, earning them the nickname "separated twins" due to their striking resemblance and synchronized actions. Their friendship was built on trust, laughter, and shared experiences.

However, Rejoice's mother was cautious, restricting her visits to Shannon's house due to the distance and fear of her child getting lost. This led to occasional grounding, late arrivals, and even corporal punishment from her parents. Rejoice initially disliked this treatment but grew accustomed to it over time.

One incident that left a lasting impression on Rejoice was when her father showed her a video warning that lying leads to hell. She was scared and remembered it vividly even as she grew older. Despite this, Rejoice developed a habit of lying sometimes, which became a concern for her parents.

Rejoice's relationship with her parents was complex. While they disciplined her, they also cared deeply for her well-being. Her mother's fears and restrictions were rooted in love, and her father's video was meant to teach her a lesson. Rejoice struggled to balance her desire for freedom with her parents' concerns.

As she navigated her childhood, Rejoice learned valuable lessons about friendship, family, and personal growth. Her bond with Shannon remained strong, a testament to the power of true friendship. Despite the challenges she faced, Rejoice emerged resilient and

determined to make the most of her life.

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