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Trying to Survive the World While Raising a Kid

The star align

As the wind blows hard against Timothy's face, he contemplates if he should have left little Lorraine alone all by herself as his feet get buried by the snow. He rans with some bread he had stolen earlier with sweat trickling from his face .He arrives with a bang on the crooked door almost breaking it.

To his horror, Lorraine laid on the floor dead due to starvation.Timothy with tears in his eyes shakes Lorraine's cold dead body. Timothy's worst fears hit him hard.He carries her body and digs up a grave to lay his dead sister.He wishes her a safe journey to the afterlife. With nothing left to live for ,Timothy sets out on a journey but a flicker of hope beams at him as he remembers the story his mother told him about the elixir of life(resurrection potion).

Since it is the only lead Timothy has he prepares himself to go find the elixir. His determination is his only hope.With no clue of where to find it ,Timothy seeks the diviner of Paladi to show him his memories in which his mother told him.

As the cold wind blows and the snow falls a new zeal in Timothy glows in his eyes."I will do it all for you Lorraine.I won't give up .Please wait for me ,I will be back". Timothy soon arrives at the distinguished Rovaine castle .As he opens the door he senses something and dodges the incoming swords he grazes his hand against the door. He slowly opens his eyes to see a tall figure standing over him.His eyes look menacingly on Timothy.

He instantly faints as his eyes meet with him.He wakes up to find his hand bandaged and is laid on the most softest beds Timothy had ever laid on.The door creeked open and Timothy bolted up in surprise.The stanger who had helped him introduced himself"I amJoule,I hope you feel much more better he inquired.Young child might I ask again what brings you to my castle at this time of day? "

Before Timothy said a word he stomach began to gramble, since he hadn't eaten for almost three days.He was given some bread and bowl full of soup.Timothy was weary at first but he saw the concerned look on Joule's face and he wanted no time as he gobbled up the food.

"So what brings you to my castle?" Joule asks politely with worry in his eyes."I am here to look for the diviner which I guess is you since you are the only one in this castle" Timothy answers him.Joule is shocked since a young boy like Timothy had already observed and understood his surrounding's to realize that he was all alone depending on the time since he only took a glance to realize.

Joule's becomes interested in the boy and considers taking him under his wing

The bright light

As Joule stares at Timothy deep in thought, Timothy taps his shoulder and pulls Joule back to reality.Timothy asks Joule to show him his memories from when ho was nine years assuming that Joule is the diviner.Unfortunately for Timothy the diviner had died two years ago.Joule reveals this to Timothy which made Timothy fall in shock and pass out.

Joule covers him with a blanket and waits till Timothy wakes up to tell him to the truth.As Joule's questions himself and enters into his train of thought and remembers that the diviner left his remaining essence (mana) into an orb down below deep in the dungeon guarded by traps and high level demons.He doubted if it was right to tell Timothy this since he was only a child.

He vowed not to tell this to Timothy but what he didn't realize was that Timothy had overheard everything since Joule was talking in a low but soft voice careful not to wake Timothy up.As soon as he left,Timothy jolted up and prepared to go to the dungeons.Fear crept into his heart but determined to find the elixir for his little Lorraine, he pushed it away and sneaked past Joule's room and down the stairs leading into the dungeon.

Timothy was met by a grotesque scene .Bodies of dead people and demons.The smell of fresh blood sent a cold chill down Timothy's Timothy knew that he wasn't alone.He had to watch out since anything could happen.He took a sword from one of the dead bodies.He took his steps slowly but on high alert.He passed big iron cages and was shocked to see a young boy still alive.He wasted no time in setting him free and was also shocked to find out that the boy was a half human and a half demon .

The boy Timothy had set free slowly opened his eyes and saw Timothy's face .He pushed Timothy away and went back to the corner of the cage.Timothy wasn't afraid ,so he held out his hand to the boy and gave him a look reassuring him he wouldn't hurt him.The boy took his hand and stepped out of the cage with help from Timothy

"Wyle!"Timothy blurted out saying it would be his new name . Timothy offered him a loaf of bread and the boy "Wyle" snatched it and gobbled it up like he hadn't eaten for days.Timothy giggled making Wyle stare at him . Timothy gave him a set of new clothes and a pair of shoes.

Timothy tries talking to Wyle but he can't talk back probably due to him being gone from civilization for too long and seems to have forgotten the way of life.Timothy considers taking Wyle with him since it would be too dangerous.But little Wyle touches a piece of Timothy's shirt which reminds him so much of little Lorraine.

He takes Wyle with him

Into the darkness

As Timothy carries Wyle on his back,he takes One cautious step .Ashe takes each step he knows it is one step closer to his goal.He is jolted back to reality by Wyle who senses danger not to far away Even before Timothy takes a step he is met by the site of a demon feeding on a pile of dead humans . He hardly breathes as the demon notices him and lunges forward to attack him.

Before Timothy grasps his sword, Wyles leaps into the air and crashes the demon's head killing it instantly.Timorhy gasps in shock as he calls for Wyle who seems to be drooling over the blood of the dead bodies but is pulled back to reality when Timothy taps his shoulder.Luckily for Wyle Timothy doesn't notice it.

Their encounter with the demons would not stop here.But they soon got used to it which had improved Timothy swordsmanship.As they took down the final demon, their eyes met with the orb's purple glow.Timothy touched it memories of his family flooded back to him and he opened his eyes to find himself in a woman's arms hi mothers."Like the dark night you will find it under your nose in you all along .To realize it was in you through it all.And you will find it in the deepest caves of the deepest carverns on top of the highest cliff,but through pain and tears you must bear to find the elixir of life in despair.Ony when you need it will it reveal itself.

Timothy saw his mother's face and it ended like that .He found himself crying . Wyle too was surprised and asked him but Timothy brushed it off.As they turned around a frightening growl was heard from behind it was the final Boss the bloody red dragon.It opened its mouth without warning and blasted a larg dark ball of fire thought almost hit them if not for their quick instincts to dodge it .They combined their forces trying to figure out it's weakness but it seems their efforts were inevitable

Finally Timothy spotted a weakness on its tail a small but visible gem which seemed to be its core th perfectly coordinated their attacks but not without some bruises and strikes it's cor shattering it into pieces.The seemed to have believed it was dead but all hope was gone as they noticed two more other cores on its wings .But Timothy's determination for his sister and to protect Wyle encouraged him to keep going .A certain burst of energy broke out in Timothy which helped him in completely shattering all the gems on the bloody red dragon.He quickly passed out and the last thing he saw was Wyle worriedly looking at him.

Wyle wasted no time in carrying Timothy on his back determined to get back alive. He quickly ran through the dungeon wasting no time.As soon as he arrived on the last step to the surface he met up with Joule but also passed out due to him depleting all his energy

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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