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SCI Mystery Files Book 1

Formation of SCI

Title: SCI Mystery Files Book 1

Raw title: SCI谜案集(第一部)

Author: Er Ya (耳雅)

Chapters: 128

Translator: lilies

Warning ⚠️ : This is a BL (Boys Love) Novel. Please click off now if you are not interested in this genre!!

S.C.I.: short for the Special Crime Investigation Team. It was set up by the Headquarters for Criminal Investigation under the proposal of the Police Commissioner. A specialised team composed of the elites from various police departments to investigate special cases.

The police statement is as follows:

All actions taken by the S.C.I. are completely independent. All actions shall be reported directly to the Police Commissioner by the team leader and deputy team leader. The department shall not be restricted by other departments when they are handling cases. Should the S.C.I. require the help of other departments, they are to offer their full assistance with no objections.

A statement released by: Police Commissioner of the Criminal Investigation Headquarters, Bao Zheng

Issued on: 7 November 2006.

The list of S.C.I. members are as follows:

Team Leader (main): Bai Yutang

Born: 27 September 1980


1998: Graduated from X Military Academy. Champion of the Intercollegiate Chinese Kickboxing competition for three consecutive years.

1999-2002: Pilot of the Air Force. Rank - Flight Lieutenant

2002-2005: After retiring from the Air Force, he joined S City as the Captain of the Criminal Investigation Team and solved countless cases.

Team Leader (deputy): Zhan Zhao

Born: 26 September 1980


1998: Admitted to the Master of Criminal Psychology of X Military Academy on a full score,

2002: Completed PhD in Criminal Psychology

2002-2004: Worked in the Abnormal Psychology Research Lab in New York.

Returned to China in 2005, as an official criminal psychology consultant. Currently working in the Criminal Psychology Research Office of the Main Police Office of S City

Team Members (field):

Wang Chao: Criminal Investigator (Member of Bai Yutang's old team)

Ma Han: Criminal Investigator (Former Sniper)

Zhang Long: Criminal Investigator (Member of Bai Yutang's old team)

Zhao Hu: Criminal Investigator (Has 5 years of undercover experience)

Xu Qing: Criminal Investigator (Former military mechanic)

Team Members (office):

Gongsun Ce: Medical Examiner (PhD in Anthropology)

Jiang Ping: Computer expert (one of the best hackers in the country)

Others (non-police personnel):

Lu Fang: Media Contact (Public Relations)

Han Zhang: Intelligence Officer (relevant information is confidential)

At 13 00, on 8 November 2006, all personnel listed above are to report to the SCI office located on the 17th floor of the Main Police Office of S City.

The S.C.I. (Special Crime Investigation Team) was formally established.

Reminder for the lost souls that are here but may not wish to be here. This is a BL Novel. Kindly take your leave if this is not within your area of interest or comfort zone.

"Black and white are born, can't change." The smile on the face is more intense, but the eyes are cold. "There are white places, can't be black; there are black places, can't be white - everyone Longing for white, abandoning black, this world is so unfair!"

Case 1 Case 1 - The Numbers Killer

The Numbers Killer - Chapter 1 Cat and Mouse who absolutely can't be near each

It was still early in the morning, but the Main Police Office in S City was already in a buzz. People gathered in small groups, whispering to each other. The moment Wang Chao and Zhang Long entered the building, they could sense that something was amiss.

What's up with everyone?

The two of them were sporting panda-eyes. They were obviously sleep-deprived from closing a big case last night. When they came to the elevator, there was a note stuck on the wall. Zhang Long ripped it off the wall and cursed, "Which bold idiot had the guts to post flyers in a police station? "

Wang Chao, who was by his side, scooted over to take a look and said, "It doesn't look like an advert... Oh, it's signed by the Police Commissioner?"

The two took a closer look at the piece of paper as they entered the elevator.

Ten seconds later, two loud cries could be heard coming from the elevator. Which gave the people waiting outside a big scare, causing them to retreat away from the elevator.

"Ding!" The lift doors opened on the 7th floor.

And the next moment, Zhang Long and Wang Chao sprang out violently like a pack of wolves, shouting, "Holy crap!!" As they rushed straight for the office for Criminal Investigation, drawing the attention of the other officers around them.

The door to the office was forcefully kicked open with a bang by the two men. Giving the officers the shock of their lives as they scurried under their tables for cover. Some even whipped out their guns.

But the two people didn't even so much as spare them a glance and headed straight for the Captain's office.

The door opened the second before they could barge through it. They couldn't stop in time and crashed forward from the momentum. They both fell flat in the middle of the room.


Then, they heard someone yelling through the window from the floor below, "Can't you people from the Criminal Police Force give it a rest, even just for a day?? At this rate, no one in the entire building will even know how to react in case of an earthquake!"

Zhang Long and Wang Chao got on back on their feet to see Bai Yutang leaning against his desk with a cup of coffee in hand, looking at them amusedly.

"Captain! Is it true??!!", Zhang Long asked, holding up the paper in his hand.

"What do you think?", Bai Yutang replied, unconcerned, as he took a sip of his coffee.

"T-then... It's true?", Wang Chao carefully confirmed.

Bai Yutang nodded his head and continued drinking his coffee.

After a moment of silence, thunderous cries rumbled throughout the entire office.

"Captain, you can't leave us."

"Captian, you can't just go like that."

"Wang Chao, Zhang Long, you guys can't leave." (Bai)

"What are the remaining brothers in arms going to do if you guys leave as well......" (Bai)

The commotion caused the other departments to poke their heads out in curiosity to see what was going on.

Vice division: "What's up with the Criminal Investigation Team? Did their Captain Bai die in action?"

Economic crimes division: "I don't think so? I just saw him this morning, well alive and kicking."

Narcotics division: "Yeah, right. As if Lord Yama would dare to take him."

Then, they heard an enraged roar, "All of you shut up! I'm not dead yet!!"


"Look..." the Vice, Economic crimes and Narcotics divisions said as they exchanged looks, before shrinking their heads back and closing the door.

Bai Yutang finished his last sip of coffee and said, "Zhang Long, Wang Chao, pack your things and come with me to the 17th floor in the afternoon. "

Then, he pulled over one of the member that was crying a river and warned in a threatening tone, "You better take good care of the team once I'm gone. Don't disgrace me!"

"Yes... wuuuu..." he replied and continued crying.

About 10 minutes to 1 pm in the afternoon, amidst the cries of the Criminal Investigation Team and celebratory cheers of the other officers on the 7th floor. Bai Yutang, along with Zhang Long and Wang Chao got on the elevator and pressed the button for the 17th floor.

The moment the elevator doors opened, they were greeted with a brand new office with the words "S.C.I." on the glass door. It actually felt a little like the F.B.I. As they got out, they heard the sound of another elevator opening. Turning to the sound, they saw a man, in a suit with one hand in his pant pocket and a folder in the other, walk out elegantly.

Zhang Long and Wang Chao immediately got nervous as they carefully looked at Bai Yutang. As expected...

As Gongsun Ce walked over, he saw Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang glaring at each other outside the elevators from afar. A glint flashed across his rimless glasses as he laughed to himself, "This again."

"Xiao Bai, Xiao Zhan... Aren't you going in?"

Both Wang Chao and Zhang Long gulped, " Here comes another one..."

The men standing before them were no ordinary men, they were commonly known in the police industry as the three wizards of their respective fields. They are also known as the three treasures of S City's Police station.

Let's start with Bai Yutang. People who know him call him Bai the fifth (Laowu). It wasn't because he was fifth in line in his family, but because he's the fifth Captian of the Criminal Investigation Team from the Bai family. The Bai family was well-known for producing great detectives. From his grandfather to his father and uncles, they were all famous criminal investigators. Even now, they were high-ranking officers in both the police and the army.

And Bai Yutang himself, was blessed with the superior genes from his father's side of the family. When he graduated from military school, he first joined the air force. After he got to the rank of a Lieutenant, he went back to become a police officer. In the few years in his post, he cracked countless major cases. Moreover, Bai Yutang was incredibly courageous and skilled at fighting; he had an eccentric personality and stood out from the rest. Under his leadership, the Criminal Investigation Team was extremely deadly. There was no one, in the entire police station, who dared to mess with them. When people pass by the team's office, they don't even dare to take a breath. This was also the reason why the members cried so hard when they heard that Bai Yutang was leaving because their pillar of support was gone!!

When talking about Bai Yutang, one would also have to talk about Zhan Zhao.

Which was the cultured-looking one who walked out from the elevator just now. The was another, more important reason behind their fame, other than their outstanding talents. It was their impeccable good looks. Which causes other officers to grit their teeth in hate. This was especially so for Zhan Zhao.

If one were to describe Bai Yutang as handsome, then Zhan Zhao would be described as beautiful. His elegant and delicate features with his slender figure, topped off with a fitted indigo suit. With a folder in his hand, it's a sight that makes all female creatures on the streets, from the age of 8-80 years old drool over. If he were to smile gently, in Mama Bai's words, all the women who bore witness to that would drop dead on the spot! Additionally, Zhan Zhao was a world-renowned Doctor in Criminal Psychology. He got his PhD before he even turned thirty!! Plus, have you ever seen a psychologist with a gun?! Zhan Zhao is one!!

Speaking of which, Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang go way back. In Mama Zhan's words, the two of them can't stand each other from the moment they came out of the womb.

Why is Mama Zhan and Mama Bai always mentioned? It's because the two families lived opposite each other. The two mothers have been great friends since primary school. It was just so coincidental that they happened to give at the same time. Just that Zhan Zhao was born one hour before Bai Yutang. As such, Bai Yutang was forced to call Zhan Zhao, "Brother Xiao Zhan" for eight years. Ah, that hatred...

The two were basically childhood friends, but why do they act like each other's worst enemy? This goes all the way back to when they were in kindergarten. Ever since they were young, they would compete over everything. When it was time to eat, they would steal each other's foods, when it was time to sleep, they would snatch each other's pillows. As it progressed, they would compete for first place in exams, for who could skip grades faster. If Xiao Bai was crowned champion in the Chinese kickboxing competition, Xiao Zhan would take the scholarship for all-around excellence. And so the two fought and fought until one of them went to the army while the other went overseas. But in the end, after going one big round, they still ended up in the same police station. This is known as, fate, enemies will be fated to meet...

(lilies: "冤家" can mean enemy, but it can also be a term to call the annoying lover that you can't bear to part with. I see what you did there Master Er Ya.)

In Bai Yu Tang's opinion, Zhan Zhao was far from the cultured and graceful man people pegged him to be. He was ten out of ten a sly and cunning cat!

In Zhan Zhao's opinion, Bai Yutang was not as smart and capable as he looks on the surface. He was a hateful white mouse!

As for the one in the white coat and rimless glasses, with a refined and cultured vibe. The one with the face of an elite was Gongsun Ce.

Gongsun was something of a legendary Medical Examiner. A famous anthropologist who's closed numerous cases. When he was still teaching in X Military, he taught Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang. But to them, he was a strange man who went everywhere with his scalpal. A man with the face of a perverted killer...

And so, these three men, whose beauty couldn't be put to words, just stood outside the S.C.I. office, staring at each other. Until Police Commissioner Bao, who was sitting inside, couldn't take it anymore and he roared, "What are you all standing around for?! Come in for the meeting!!"

The Numbers Killer - Chapter 2 A Case

The meeting went pretty well. It was just basically an introduction of the members and an explanation of the responsibilities.

After that, Commissioner Bao handed Bai Yutang a thick stack of files, saying, "These are the major cases that haven't been cracked in the last ten years. Put these bad guys in prison before they kick the bucket." Once he was done, he turned to take his leave. But just before he went out the door, he gave Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang a meaningful look and said, "The two of you... better not fight and work with each other properly!" He said his piece and left.

His words sent a chill down their spine.

Once Bao Zheng left, the originally serious atmosphere in the office lightened up immediately. Since they already knew each other from when they were in different departments. They were bound to chatter and catch-up amongst themselves now that they had to work together.

Bai Yutang waved his hand and said, "You guys sort out yourselves first, then we'll meet in half an hour for a meeting!" Then, he gave Zhan Zhao a look that meant, "Let's have a talk in the office." And the both of them went into the office.

The general make-up of the S.C.I. was not complicated. There was a lobby, two offices and a relatively modern-looking meeting room. Inside the lobby were standard work desks meant for every member. But since most of the members were out-field investigators, they didn't have many belongings with them.

As for the two offices, one belonged to Bai Yutang, while Zhan Zhao took the other.

Bai Yutang's office was relatively simple. It was elegantly furnished based on his preferences. Zhan Zhao, on the other hand, was probably the one with the most possessions. Due to his occupation, his office had several bookshelves, packed full of books. The file holders were also filled with various documents.

Lu Fang just came to briefly show his face before running off elsewhere, while Han Zhang who was in charge of intelligence was nowhere to be seen.

Gongsun had a few subordinates and his own separate Medical Examiner's office, located just beside the S.C.I., equipped with state of the art equipment.

In fact, the entirety of the 17th floor was a Medical Examiner's office. In the past, it was a forbidden ground that no one dared to step foot in. The first thing Zhao Hu did when he arrived was to offer incense to Bodhisattva, to dispel the bad vibes from the place. His actions resulted in Gongsun pulling him to the side, to offer some unwanted explanations about the place. Such as the reason for the Medical Examiner's office being on the 17th floor and the top ten paranormal activities that have taken place on the 17th floor. His words scared Zhao Hu out of his wits as he covered his ears and cried, "Please have mercy, Brother!"

In the leader's office.

Zhan Zhao sat down on the chair in front of the desk and crossed his leg elegantly. He lifted his head to look at Bai Yutang who was across from him with an unimpressed smile.

"You damn cat, what are you looking at?" From his many years of fighting with Zhan Zhao, he knew there was something up when Zhan Zhao had that expression.

"Nothing much," Zhan Zhao shrugged, "I'm just listening to Leader Bai's instructions."

Bai Yutang had his displeasure plastered all over his face, "You stop that. And as usual, show me respect and don't humiliate me when we're in front of the team."

"That's no problem, but I'm coming with you when you go out on the field! And you have to listen to me for all problems pertaining to my area of expertise!" Zhan Zhao listed his conditions.

"Huu... Fine, deal," Bai Yutang nodded his head with a sigh. Then he pushed the whole bulk of documents to Zhan Zhao, saying, "This is all yours now, Expert!"

"What! Why!?" Zhan Zhao retorted angrily and pushed half the documents back to Bai Yutang, "We'll take half each!"

Bai Yutang glared at him and spoke through gritted teeth, "You know I can't stand looking at these things."

Zhan Zhao returned the glare, "This is the Leader's responsibility!! You should look for a few easier cases and solve one or two first. Otherwise, the S.C.I. would be an embarrassment, Great Detective Bai!"

Bai Yutang got a shock, "Hello? Do you even know what cold cases are?? You think it'll be cracked just because you say so?? Wait a minute, something is not right..." Bai Yutang scanned Zhan Zhao up and down, then he said with a smile, "I say, Kitty, something is off about you. Oh, I get it, it's because I'm the leader while you're the deputy and you can't figure out why ain't it? Doctor. Zhan."

Zhan Zhao also started to clench his teeth and he threw his half of the documents back to Bai Yutang, "Hmph! You're just a lowly man who got lucky! You can look through all of these by yourself!"

"You... Fine!" Bai Yutang huffed, "I'll just take a random pick. We'll start with whichever one I pick, since they're all cases to be solved anyway." As he said that, he randomly reached for a file from the mountain, "This'll do..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a few crisp knocks on the door. When he looked up, he saw Gongsun leaning against the door with a folder in his hand, "Those old cases can wait, I have a fresh one here."

Bai Yutang lifted his palm, saying, "Wait a moment... Let's call everyone over. We'll talk about it in the meeting room."

Gongsun looked slightly surprised by his reaction, "Don't you want to hear what this is about first?

Bai Yutang beamed, "No need, if it was a case of little importance, would you, Gongsun, even bring it up?"

Gongsun nodded his head and headed to the meeting room with satisfaction. While Zhan Zhao mumbled to himself in the back, "What a suck-up! Sneaky mouse!"

Bai Yutang sneezed loudly as he walked.

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