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King of the Universe


A little boy lays on the cold damp floor of his parents house. Tears roll down his eyes to his clothes which were already soaked with the blood of his recently deceased parents, as a shadowy figure emerges before him.

“I’m so sorry for what happened, Little Kay.”

Kay stands up and slowly moves backwards, as he begins to stutter. “ T- They were your F- Friends, why?”

“The reason I killed them is because your mother and father found a really important Something on the moon, and they refused to tell me where they hid it. I’ve searched everywhere for it, but you couldn’t have known where it is... Could you.”

The figure pulls out a gun from his jacket and points it at Kay.

“Where is it? Do not be like your parents. I know you know where it is.”

Suddenly, the sound of sirens begins to wail from outside the house.

“Oh shoot!”. The figure puts the gun back in his jacket and runs away. Kay drops to the floor, Just as the figure leaves his sights.”

As the figure opens the back door. He is met by a man in a black suit, pointing a gun at him. “We’ve finally caught you... Jack Daripa.”. Then he cuffs Jack.

Then a bunch of police officers rush in through the back door and into all the rooms. The man in black walks up to Kay and squats to Kay’s level. “Sorry Kid.”

Kay hugs the man as he begins to cry rigorously. “They didn’t do anything, why do they have to be killed. Is earth really just a bad place.”

The man hugs Kay back. “No it’s not. It just has some bad people. What about your relatives? Do you have any?”



“Kay!, Kay! Wake up.”

Kay opens his dull black eyes, a giant heap of eye bags cover half of his lower face, as he looks at the person who was waking him up. “What? What do you want? What was your reason for waking me up this early in the morning?”

“It’s already six-thirty.”

Kay’s eyes suddenly become riddled with life as he arises swiftly from the floor mat, he was laying on and runs out of the tiny condemned room he was sleeping in.

He arrives in the kitchen sees a girl doing dishes and stands beside her. “Morning Anna.”

“You missed breakfast.”

“You don’t have to tell me that”. He grabs a sponge and starts doing the dishes.

“So what happened this time? What were you doing last night?”

“I was just thinking of ways we could escape.”

Anna drops the plate she was washing. “Not again.”

Kay does the same and grabs Anna’s shoulders. His eyes shining brighter than a star. “No, this time it’s going to work. We just have to get adopted.”

Anna slaps Kay’s hands from her shoulders and continues doing the dishes. “It’s an adoption plan this time. So how do you plan on doing that?”

“We just have to sneak into his room, steal his phone and, then we___”

“Call the police and tell them to come get us? You know what happened to us the last time we did that.”

“Wait this time it’s different___”

Anna stops washing and slaps Kay. “Nothing is different this time, we’ve tried and tried, to no avail. This orphanage is abandoned. No one is coming to adopt us, why can’t you just accept the fate that this world thrust upon us!?”

Kay rubs his cheeks and then he proceeds to punch Anna on the face. “Do you really think I am going to let you or Manny or me, get sold off to some lowlife like that! I will never give up, even if I have to keep reusing old plans that didn’t work!! I will keep using them till they work!!!

Then a plump man enters the kitchen. “Kanye!”

“Gary, it’s Kay. My name is Em Kay”

“Does it really matter, you are all the same anyway. Today’s your lucky day Kevin, someone has actually come to adopt you.”

“What!? I didn’t think it was going to be this soon.”

“That’s not possible. Don’t you dare lie. This orphanage has been closed for a long time!”. Anna said.

“Believe it or not kid, but I have no reason to lie to you.”

Mr Gary leaves the kitchen and so does Kay, but not before giving a thumbs up to Anna.

Anna falls to the floor as tears roll down her eyes. “Why did I give up so easily.”

“Sounds fishy doesn’t It”. Manny says as he walks over to Anna.

“Who knows.”

“You shouldn’t have stopped me.”

“Well, I don’t like it when my friends fight.”

“He doesn’t deserve to be your friend.”

As they converse, a mysterious figure lurks behind them.

Meanwhile, Kay opens the front door and to his surprise, Jack, along with two men in black suit, stand before him.

“I really missed you, Little Kay.”

Kay falls to the floor in shock --- his face paler than a corpse’s. “How did you find me?”

“You called out to me, and here I am.”

“No I didn’t.”

“Yes you did. That little message you sent to the police was intercepted. You made our work ten times easier.”

Then Jack points a gun at Kay’s chest and...Tranquilizes him. Kay collapses and one of the men in suit, carries him out of the building.

“So since you have him now, what about my reward?”. Mr Gary says as he slowly rubs his palms against each other.

Jack pulls out a gun from his jacket. “No one must know about this. Especially not a weed like you”. He shoots a hole through Gary’s skull and walks away.

Anna and Manny stare in horror, at the corpse of the man who was once their abuser.

Anna screams, but Manny seals her mouth on time, with his hands.

“Hey”. A voice from behind the duo calls out to them and they both slowly turn around and... scream in unison, at the sight of the big orange woman who was behind them.




As Jack and co are taking Kay to their vehicle, they hear the screams of Anna and Manny.

“There are still people inside. Kill them.”

Then the men in black point their revolvers at the rundown ‘Orphanage’, and begin firing loads of bullets at it.

Suddenly the door to the house falls to the floor, and the Seven foot tall, orange woman --- pops up from the house. “Hey. I want that young man you are carrying.”

Jack points his gun at the woman and shoots at her. But, the bullets bounce off her body.

“So that’s it... You are not one of us.”

“It’s a fight you want then”. Then the woman unsheathes her sword and points it at Jack. “I am Terriza... Commander of the Emerald kingdom brigade and I have come to claim the boy for my king. Now state your title and reason for challenging me.

Jack turns around and walks continues walking to the car. “You two can handle the rest, just buy me eno___”

Before Jack could finish his sentence, Terriza was already before him. He looks back at the men in black, but they were already dead... as their heads roll into obscurity.

Then Terriza carries Kay from Jack’s shoulder. Jack trembles as he reaches for his gun. But he is instantly cut in half, by Terriza’s sword.

“Those who commit the sin of tarnishing my pride, have to pay with their life.”

Then Terriza encloses her sword and starts walking away with Kay on her shoulders --- Then she turns around and looks at Anna and Manny. “You two are free now. Go out and live your life to the fullest.”

Shaking in her boots, Anna walks up to Terriza and grabs her arm. “I-i c-c-can’t just leave m-m. I can’t just leave my friend here with a stranger!”

Terriza looks at Anna, deadeye. Then she readies her fists and... punches Anna’s face. Anna falls to the floor.

“Is that all you’ve got?”

Anna stands up and runs to Terriza, with a fist readied.

“Anna, stop!!”. Manny screams as he runs after Anna.

She throws a punch at Terriza. But, Terriza effortlessly dodges it and strikes Anna’s Jaw, with her elbow, knocking her out.

Manny rushes after Anna. But then, a gush of ice suddenly surround him.

A pale girl with long white hair and white robes, walks up to Terriza and Manny, and throws a dagger at Manny.

Terriza, breaks the ice enclosing Manny and catches the dagger, then she throws a kick at the pale girl.

A thick wall of Ice appears in-between the kick and the pale girls’ face. “Typical Terry. Always so quick.”

Terriza grabs Manny and jumps back. “Do not talk to me like that. You are not my comrade anymore, Nikki.”

Nikki creates a blade made of ice and begins to chant in a foreign language.

Terriza unsheathes her blade. She drops Kay and Manny on the floor.

Nikki and Terriza run towards each other and then, Terriza suddenly strikes the floor and dust fills the area.

“It seems as though you still underestimate me, Terriza. Blinding me won’t work.”

Nikki waits for Terriza to strike her... She waits and... Waits. That’s when she realises. “She ran away!”



Whenever I go to bed, I always dream about this girl. Her hair, look like it was created in heaven. Her fragrance, takes you to a flower garden filled with pink roses. Her eyes, I just can’t take mine off it. Her skin glows like the sun. Who is this goddess? Where can I find her? I need to leave this wretched place, so I can find her, so I can know who she is.

??? - ???

Kay wakes up and sees Terriza.

Terriza waves at him. “Hey.”

Kay waves back. “Hey. So have you seen my friends, one of them is a short girl with red hair and the other looks dumb with the worst hair cut you could ever imagine.

“Oh them?”. Terriza points at a door. “Just go left, you will see them.”

Kay thanks Terriza as he walks out of the room, he turns left, and begins to run at full speed. He thinks to himself ‘What the heck is going on? Where am I?’.


“She’s not here to eat your brains.” Anna comments, cooling Kay down – Who was panicking.

“Yeah I am harmless... Sometimes.”

Kay sits down. “Okay, I’m good.”

Anna sits next to Kay. “It seems as though you got your wish.”

“Weird enough, I don’t even know how it happened.

Kay and Anna both giggle

“That’s enough play”. Manny walks into the room. “What’s your deal, abducting us to use for your sick experiments.”

Terriza exclaims. “No I’m not like that, I have good intentions. Residents of the Emerald Island are known for our honesty and straightforwardness”

“That doesn’t mean shit.”

Anna wacks manny’s head. “You should be grateful, you stupid lurker.”

“I’m sorry, ms Terriza. Thank you for helping Anna, Me and the other escape.”

Terriza giggles. “You don’t have to be so polite. Plus I didn’t plan on helping you two.”

“No I do, as long as Anna wishes it, it will happen.”


Manny looks at Kay. “What did you say, you selfish moron.”

Kay stands up and rushes to Manny. “Who did you just call a moron.”

Manny readies a fighting pose. “Isn’t it obvious.”

Anna places her hand on her forehead.

Terriza grabs Kay’s arm. “You are not going to fight on my ship. If you want to fight do it after we have gotten down.”

“Gotten down? Does that mean we...”. Anna asks.

“Yeah, we are here... In the Emerald Island.



Kay, Anna, Manny and Terriza walk out of Terriza’s aircraft, and they are greeted by a bulk man, wearing a crown and royal attire - presumably the king, standing on red carpet, leading to a giant castle, behind him.

“You have returned, Terriza”. Then the King notices Manny and Anna.

“Hey Dad, how has it been?”

“I have something to discuss with you. My princess”. The King walks to Terriza.

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