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The Adventures Of A Blue Rabbit

The beggining

Once upon a time there was a blue bunny

Who was looking for his parents

The blue bunny did not remember how he had gotten to that forest

But he knew he had to go home, surely his parents would be very worried

But the blue bunny had no idea how to get back home.

All I knew was that I had to go home

He walked for several hours without knowing where he was going, hoping to find his house and inside his house his parents.

But he didn't even remember what his house was like

He was too thirsty so he went straight to the lake that was on one side, he drank water and looked at his reflection in the water, he realized it was a rabbit!

But not just any rabbit, it was a blue rabbit!

He felt out of place since the last thing he remembered was that a few hours ago he was human

But for some reason now he was excited, he wanted to see what his house was like,

Maybe it was like in fairy tales

A little house under a tree 🌳 and a carrot garden on the side

While the blue bunny wandered in his thoughts

Some eyes were watching him from behind the grass

It was a snake! I was hungry, I hadn't eaten anything since the morning.

-He approached the bunny and with a kind voice said-

--Where are you going?

-He responded happily-

--I'm heading home, Mr. Snake.

-He looked at the bunny from top to bottom and said-

--Are you lost?

-The bunny looked down and a little sadly answered-

--Yes... But I'm sure my parents are very worried waiting for me to return.

-Mr. Snake responded with a smile-

--I will tell your parents that I have found you, but first let's go to my house to eat something, you're probably hungry...

The bunny accepted without questioning anything, and they went to Mr. Snake's house

On the way to Mr. Snake's house, they encounter a squirrel which was running at full speed.

-The worried blue bunny asks the squirrel lady-

--What's wrong, lady squirrel, why are you running away?

-The squirrel responds with whispers-

--A Hawk has been chasing me since I left home!

-Mr. Snake looks at the squirrel with contempt and with an annoying voice tells him-

--If you'll excuse us, miss, we're in a hurry...

-The squirrel whispers to them and tells them-

--Where are they going?

-The blue bunny responds happily-

--we will go to eat something at Mr. Snake's house and right after he will take me to my parents

-The squirrel looks carefully at Mr. Snake and whispers to the blue bunny-

--If you go with him you will be dinner, let's escape together

-Mr. Snake annoying tells the blue bunny-

--If you go with her, she will use you as a sacrifice to save her life, she would, without hesitation, hand you over to the hawk

-The annoying squirrel screams-


-The worried blue bunny tells them-

--Please don't fight, Miss. Squirrel, I trust Mr. Snake, he's very kind, it's better to come with us and let's all eat together.

-The Mr. snake smiles maliciously-

--It's a good idea, Miss Squirrel, please come with us...

-The squirrel, aware of what could happen, decides to go with them-

--Okay, I'll go with you, but help me hide from the hawk.

-The Mr. snake answers with a smile-

--Of course I'll help you.

The blue rabbit looked up at the beautiful blue sky wondering what Mr. Snake's house was like.

While he wandered in his thoughts, the mr snake seemed noticeably nervous as he watched the sky with fear.

--Umm I think I forgot the way home... Hide in those bushes and don't come out until I come back, I'll climb that tree and look for my house from there

The blue bunny and the squirrel decide to do what Mr. Snake told them and they hide in the bushes trying not to make noise.

The Mr. snake climbs to the top of the tree quickly, and looks everywhere looking for the hawk.

Angry eyes were watching him from the top of another tree.

-The hawk flies stealthily towards the mr. snake-

--Good morning Mr. Snake...

-Says the displeased hawk-

--G-good morning Mr. Hawk

--What brings you here, Mr. Snake? I thought snakes didn't fly...

--I have the squirrel you are looking for...

--Squirrel? Mmmm, yes. That little squirrel escaped from me. . .

--I can help you catch it

-The hawk looks at him displeased-

--Do you think I need the help of a worm?

-Mr. Snake looks at him offended-

--Worm? In that case... I'll hide that stupid squirrel and you'll never find it.

-Mr. Snake comes down from the tree angry-

--We'll see about that...

-The hawk flies away

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