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Arrange Marriage With My Cold Brother


Marriage is a dream for every little girl..We always believed that one day there would be our dream prince charming who will one day and take us
A beautiful marriage like a fairy tale ending but my story is I'm the bride and finally marrying my dream prince charming whom I loved for so many years but it's not a fairy tale... it's a marriage without love
I never thought my marriage would be so happiness just two people going to be bound together
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
(hold her hands)oh Diana ! my dear..u looking beautiful (happy tears)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(smile at her)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
let's go your groom is waiting for u (excited)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(slightly grab her dress in nervous and walking)
maybe it's an unexpected wedding, but I'm marrying the person whom I loved, so I will try to keep my marriage happy
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Tiam look how beautiful your bride is looking today (smiles)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(smile) Wow what a beautiful pair may god bless your happy married life
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(disgusted) *happy my foot*
(looking at the holy bible) I Diana Swan, take you, Tiam Adamson to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law. In the presence of God I make this vow". 
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(slightly blush) I, Diana Swan, take you, Tiam Adamson to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law. In the presence of God I make this vow". 
Yes it's happening finally.. it's like a dream becoming true
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(slightly looks at him with a smile)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(cold expressions)
I, Adamson, take you, Diana Swan to be my wife, to have and to..
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(become furious) What rubbish!! I'm not to saying those stupid things!
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(looks down)
As expected he hates this marriage...
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
it's okay Grandmother if he doesn't want (gentle smile)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
No he have to say marriage oath
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Tiam..(looks at him)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
Grandma I'm not say-
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(grind teeth in anger) Fine!
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(in a hatred voice) I, Tiam Adamson, take you, Diana Swan to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law. In the presence of God I make this vow".
He is saying those words with full of hatred but still why I still like it
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(slightly blush)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
*I will never ever let you have peace in this marriage b*tch and it's my oath!!*


now you guys exchange the rings
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
(open the ring box)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(feels touched)
omg it's a couple wedding ring
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(take the ring and put on his fingers)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
(happy tears)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(shyly looks at him)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(blank face)
perfect Miss Adamson now your turn Mr Adamson
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(shyly lifts her fingers)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(takes the ring)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(slightly nervous)
omg it's really happening! I'm so happy
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(slightly smile)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(put wedding ring on her palm)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(coldly) wear yourself
saying that he went from the marriage hall
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
....(smile fades away)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(controlling herself not to cry)
did he really hates me that I really that bad..
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Diana..sorry from his side for behaving like this
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(gentle smile) don't say sorry grandmother.. it's fine since it was all a sudden marriage
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
maybe it's an unplanned marriage (gently hug her) but now both of you're officially husband and wife
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(hugs her back)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
now let's go Tiam hates waiting (in a joking manner)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
outside of the marriage hall
inside the car
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(smoking) *damn that b*tch!!
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(looking at the wedding ring) *can't believe for god damn she became my wife now..fck! i really hate that fox*
meanwhile Diana and grandmother arrived
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
now it's time to say goodbye
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
(hug her)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
good bye grandmother (hug her back)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(open the car door)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(death glare)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(silently sits inside the car)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
okay bye both of you and yea Don't forget I need good news soon (waves)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Grandma... (face turn red)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
Lanny (Ml grandmother)
on the way
it's an awkward silence although we're married now neither he is speaking nor me..he just keeps driving
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
ahem..Tiam so when will we reach home?
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
he didn't reply to me as expected..but it's nothing if i try once again
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
ahem Tiam so-
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(cutting her words) shut the fuck up (coldly)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
.... (silent)
he never changed over the years, still cold and sharp mouth
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(looks at her wedding ring)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(looks at his wedding ring on his finger)
it's like my dream come true to be his wife
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(slightly blush and kiss her wedding ring)


I'm his wife officially now Miss Adamson
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
suddenly the car stopped
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
Get out (coldly)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
huh? (confused)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
i said get out..(glare)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
oh we reached? (gentle smile)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(grab her hand in anger)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(dragging her outside)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(throws her on the ground)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
ah! (falls down)
i looked around and found myself on a lonely road where nobody is around except us
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(throwing the wedding ring on her face) keep this shit with you..(Coldly)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(picking up his wedding ring with a heavy heart)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(going inside the car)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
wai..wait..(quickly gets up)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
please don't leave me here alone (knocks the window)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
please don't do this to me..(teary eyes)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(death glare) move..
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Tiam (ML)
Tiam (ML)
(starts the car)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(looks down and moves back)
He left me alone at a lonely road and suddenly rain occurred
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
i have no choice but to walk barefoot..I never thought on my first day of marriage my husband left me like this alone
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(walking) (controlling herself not to cry)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(suddenly trips on her gown)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(falls down heavily)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(palm scratched and slightly bleeding)
my beautiful wedding white gown is no more white and beautiful it turned into a muddy and dirty..i looked at myself and realised i no longer look like a bride...
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(notice her wedding ring)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
Diana (FL)
(burst into tears) why..why..

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