Humans are weak . They are fragile . Can be easily broken .
Weak people stay in group thinking they can win against the strong . But In this reality , those who are strong can only win .
Hidayon Middle School ,
A group of high school boys , 30 or 40 with chains and baseball bats , gather in the gate and yelling ,
" I know you are there , you little punk !!. Come out already . " One fat boy screamed .
No answered .
" Hiding on the school , you think you will be safe . Just come out and taste my fist on your face . "
From the enterance door , one boy with silver hair and blue -green eyes in uniform just came out and said —
" What this ? Highschool boys bring the whole gang to fight just a kid . "
That fat boy scared and run —-
" Sanzo -san , that the kid —
The boy with black - bandana stand up and point his finger to him .
" You are Genji Takahashi , ? "
" What if I am ? "
" Then , you beat Kaizo . "
" Who ? "
" The guy , you beat two days ago in the riverside . "
" Oh , That bastrad . Yes I remember . Fat Blond dye hair dumbass . No, no the perfect will be fatass dumbass blonde hair . "
" He was my brother ."
" So I come here to get beaten up instead of that fatass . "
" You gonna pay big times , kid . "
" Yes sure . Beside I don't like cheap thing like you anyway , Fatass's Brother . "
He shouted and raised his fist — " HaaAAAAAAA
And throw his big arm in Genji's face .
Genji just stand their for minute . Little blood pour from his nose . He smile and said —
" That's it . That's all you got . "
Evrybody was shocked —
" How's he standing ? Didn't he gotten hit by Sanzo's big arm ? Is he strong than Sanzo ? Look at him , his nose is bleeding , there is no way Sanzo will lose to middle school kid ? "
Genji smile and said —
" Now , Now Shut up . You all came here beat or just to chat . Enough —-
" Now it's my turn . "
Just the one punch from the Genji on the face and he goes to kiss the ground .
" Did he punch Sanzo ? "
" Did he just win ? "
Genji look at other and said —
" Are guys only for show ? Come at me already . "
With shouting and screaming ,everybody rush at Genji .
Genji kick the first guys who was about to hit . He took his baseball ball . And start to hit them with bat whereever the bat reach in their body first .
" Hey , guys jump at him at once . "
Whole jump at him one other . Then —
He got the chain . He wrap around his fist start punch one after another .
" What is he ? MONSTER . "
They start to flee . But one guy leg was caught by Genji . He step on his both elbow and start to punch . Genji was smiling and punch . Spill blood and some blood on his face but he didn't stop .
Sudden a hand came and catch his shoulder —
" Enough , —-
A woman with bob haircut with same silver hair . Her eyes were blue like a ocean .
" Stop it . "
Genji stand up —
" We are leaving . Now —
And you guys , take your leave . "
Outskirt of Hidayon —
Small wooden House —
" Why did you fight , Genji ? "
Genji remain silence for a moment . And answer —
" They were picking on me for long time . They were making fun of hair and eye. They were said I don't have father because he abandon me . They told me I am not belong here . They told me I like a — ice — a cold and heartless . "
Silence remain still .
" Do you know Genji , there are many thing people cannot get in their power ?and only then they start to envy . The people , you were fighting are also no better than that they envy you . That's way they were bullying . But —
You should not fight them . "
" I say they were the one who start it first ? "
" Even so , the way you smile while hitting
. It feels like you were enjoying . It told many times Genji , Only Fight to protect other . But today , you disappoint me ,Genji . "
Genji just give a sigh —
" Way to make me better ."
" Yes . Yes . Now cheer up . And I want to hear anymore complain from the school .
You hear me . "
He nodded and said —
" Yes . Maam "
He look at their tables . There were some photo . A photo of his mother holding after birth .
" Mom , when will we take about my dad ? —
" That again ? "
" I mean you have never talk about him . We don't even know if he alive or dead . "
" He is dead "
"huh? "
" At least for us —
So from now on always remember "You are my son , son of Naomi Takashima , Genji Takashima . Okay . "
He became quite .
" Okay , Mom "
" And don't invokve yourself in unnecessary fight —
Suddenly someone start to shout infront of their house .
" Open the door . Hey , kid , come outside—
He stood up in anger —
" Stay calm —
Naomi open the door and saw —
A drunk man and a boy .
" Excuse me , Sir I suggest you to go home . "
" No , No , your lad beat my kid . "
" Genji , apologize to the boy now . "
Genji hesitated but —
" I am — sorry . "
" That won't make up . "
The boy said to his dad —
" Dad , It enough , let's go back . "
The drunk man shout —
" Shut up . "
Naomi said in cold voice —
" what you want to do ? "
The drunk man said —
" Nothing , just want to teach him manners how to do our ways . Perhaps , you didn't teach him .
I know because this house doesn't have a father . What , your house need is a man .
Genji clutch his fist . The man was came at trying to punch but —
Naomi fast like swift , take her three finger at drunk man chest —
" My house doesn't need man . I am the man of this house . "
She punch in the chest . The man became imbalance . She swing her hand like dragon , take his right arms , throw him over the shoulder .
The man fell and kiss the ground .
" Boy , take your father leave . "
The boy take his father and leave .
" That 's so cool . Where did you learn that ?
He start to swing his hand .
" Please teach me , Mom "
" No .... At once she said .
" Fighting other doesn't make you cool . It only help you to create more enemies . "
He is serious listening to her mother word .
At night ….
Genji's House ...
Suddenly a green glowing monster with the six arm , three eyes but that monster eyes colour blue , flying on the sky .
Naomi wake up almost as if she can sense it .
She rush toward outside .
That green monster landed on the ground and whole earth start to shake .
Suddenly Genji wake up and look outside the window .
He saw enormous green monster outside his house .
Naomi walk toward that monster . Genji was so confused why would she go near that monster , she should run away .
But it look she know that monster because she don't fear thaf monster .
Then she put her hand in her back and raise her right hand …. Her leg in fighting position .
" It look like you have became more disgusting then before , Aokiri . "
Aokiri roar and whole wind blow like cyclone .
" It look like our fight begins now . "
In Pervious Episode ,
A boy who loves to fight , Genji Takashima beat up the whole gang of Saizo .
But his mom , Naomi Takashima , a vet , who is against his nature .
Some mystery about her mother who knows some extraordinary fight style . But refuse to teach him .
At night a green glowing monster with six arms , three blue eye , whose face look like a lion and got lower body of horse , AOKIRI.
Naomi and Aokiri facing off in the battle . Who will win ?
Naomi raise her right hand and put her left hand at back . Her leg were in position .
" It look like you have became more disgusting than before , Aokiri "
Aokiri roar and whole wind blow like cyclone .
" It looks like our fight begin now . "
Aokiri's swing his hand and try to smash Naomi at once . But ---
She do one hand cart wheel to block the force of Aokiri's punch .
" Look , like you have become slow ----
Aokiri roar ...
" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
Wind blows and lightning down and .....
Genji was seeing all this through the window . He couldn't believe his eyes . It feel like he was in dream or some fantasy world .
Suddenly he thought of his mom ...
" Momm...
He try to open the door but it was lock perhaps her mother locked it .
He hit on the wall in frustration because he knows that in the end he couldn't do anything .
Aokiri gone berserk . He just shoot lightning everyway like he want to destroy everything even his surrounding .
" Oh my , whining like a baby girl now , Aokiri .
Naomi heavy breathing and little blood from the head but still standing strong and smiling ..... Like she is enjoying ....
" Now , my turn ...
" Flaming Wings ...
Suddenly a mark appeared on her face , it like some wings just draw at her each eyebrow and cheeks .
She clutch her fist , make a little gap between her legs and ...
Her legs was at blaze , not only her legs , her hand and her hair . She was looking like a flaming goddess appear out of nowhere .
Suddenly her back , a fire like wings grow and she jump a give a blow at her nose .
" This is for , disturbing my sleep , you green asshole "
Genji from the window think ...
" My Mom is so cool .....
Aokiri little push back...
She was fast . More faster than any one ....
Aokiri attack her with his lightning .....
But ....
She just jump so high in the sky and than suddenly kick the knee of flames on the face .
Aokiri fallen on the ground .....
" That 's it . Huh ? ".....
Then , she flames in her body and marks on face , just gone . And vomit the blood on the Aokiri face ..
She thought " I just have used all my chi ..."
( Translation - Chi is the vital force of life that flow s through the body )
She walk back but .....
Wind blows and green lights glows and lightning , green thunder ....
Then , Suddenly the gaint looking Aokiri turn small ... And little .....
Having just two eyes .... No multiple legs and hand .....Just two legs and hand ....
Two horns ..... And reptiles like tails ....
And wings on the back ... But he look little like human
It is in his true monsterous form ...
Gust of the wind , blow and Naomi see that green Aokiri in his different form ...
" You .....are ...
She was shocked ...
" That thing ....
" Did he manage to make you .....
" Who are you ...?
" Did he complete the Project - D ? ".
" Did he sent you to kill us ? "
So many question but ....
He was standing still ....
Then , he just quickly move with some green thunder sparks and zooooommm...
He just charge like a air ... And gave a solid punch to her ...
She cross her hand to block the attack ...
But the force was too much ... She just fly to ground ...
She was already exhausted and bleeding in the previous fight ...but now .....
She was thinking .....but ....
Blowing wind .... With some little green spark he was ... Coming near her ...
Genji was watching all this from the window. He was thinking....
" Why is this happen ? My mom turn into flames .....
That green dude just knock out but ... Now transform into the monstrous form like a human ....
Suddenly the Aokiri move toward the Naomi.
Genji think ....
" Mom , get up ...
Mom ....
Then , Genji take chair ,throw to the window.
Break and scatter the glasses.
He jump and run .
" Mom ..... Mom... Mom....
Naomi struggle to stand up and said ..
" Who ... Sent you here ....huh ?
He take the stance and put his power in his hand then suddenly a green spark develop in the right hand ....
He was about to throw the punch ...
Genji jump , and kick on the Aokiri but .....
Aokiri grabs Genji's leg by his left hand . And throw him , upward in the sky ...
When Genji was in the middle of the air ...
Aokiri just finger flick on his forehead ...
He just throw with the full force and about hit on the house ...
" GENNNJI IIIIII ! " Naomi shout .
She put her all chi in the foot .....
She quickly got on Genji's back before it hit on the house ....
And Baaaaaaammmmm!
House was destroyed .....
Genji was lying on the arms of Naomi.
He open his eyes ...
Blood coming from his head ... He saw his mother breathing heavily ...
" Guess , I am old now , huh ?
" Mo...Mom !
" Genji , In bank locker , you will find the address of your uncle ...
" What nonsense are you talking , Mom?
They both slowly trying to stand up .
" Just hear me out .....
Always do the thing that your heart wanted , and fight for that thing .
Fight to win ,not to hurt .
" Mo...Mom...
" And Remember , You are my son . You are the son of , Naomi Takashima. "
She hit him with palm
He flying out of that scene....
..... . .. ...
" Now , let's fight....
They both move quickly ....
She kick and punch with flip and Aokiri block with grab the leg ...
" Now .....
She take cylinder with her hand ....
" Burn in the flames .....
Fire lit and blasted
" Booooooommmmm ! ".
The whole house at fire .
In Past ( Flash Back )
" Mom , what is that ? A cute little boy asked looking at the picture of the beautiful reddish bird in flames
" That is , Phoenix
" Phoenix .....?
" It look beautiful .
Yes .
" Just like you , Mom .
" Yes . She laughed . " It is said that it immortal .
" Immportal .. ?
" Immortal means one that never die , right ? "
" Die ? " Little confused
" How should I explain ? .
Hmmm. Something that never leaves you ."
" So , it is really like you ,Mom. After all, you will never leave me , right ...
Rain falls and pouring into the face and he is repeating the same thing and recall past of the woman holding her child .....
" Mom ? "
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