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The Dracula's Lost Dugther


*Galaxy was flying and running away from the humans she was holding her baby in her arms while she was flying with the other Vampire Female's and Male's. The humans were running after them to get them and kill them once and for all.*

*after flying and running for hours and hours Galaxy found a house where there was other Vampires, but there was only the family Vampire in side she knew what she had to do she flies to the house and there she putted the baby down on the Barrel and look at her with Sadness in her eyes and Tells her*

Galaxy: oh my dear baby.. My Baby Kyla (that's the daughter's name)I'm so so sorry dear but i know this Family will take good care of you if anything happens to Mommy don't go after me... Im sorry my dear..

*with that she knocks on the door and then flies away fast as her daughter Kyla looked at her Mother flying away she stared crying then the family that was inside the house hears the door knocking and the baby crying the female Vampire named Iris heard the crying of the Baby and then Says to Her Husband and to her Two twin kid's.*

Iris: do you hear that Yoko!?

*Yoko her Husban looks at her and Listens closer and Says*

Yoko: yeah I do what about you twins??

*There two win kids Lola and Noah look at each other and also hear the sound of baby crying and they both Say*

Both Lola and Noah: yes we do Daddy and Mommy we should open the door and see what it is!?

*Iris slowly opens the door and sees the Baby on the Barrel and gets shocked and Says*

Iris: OMG there's a baby on the Barrel!

*her Husban Yoko and the twins Lola and Noah look at each other suprised and shocked

*Yoko her Husband looks at her and the twins Lola and Noah look at each other Shocked and Surprised to hear what Iris said.*

*but what the four of them didn't knew that the baby was actually the daughter of the Dracula*

*once they took the baby inside the house they all started thinking what to do with it*

*Kyla on the other hand was still crying, and she didn't stop crying at all*

*then iris came in and took Kyla from Yoko's hands she starts singing a song to her to get Her Asleep once it worked they all sigh. Noah looks at the baby and Says

Noah: Mom who do think this baby belongs to, and why did they leave the baby outside the woods on the Barrel??

*iris looks at her Son and Says*

Iris:i don't know my dear but the only thing know Is they probably left It outside, so they can protect the baby from the humans, so the humans won't find there baby.

*Lola looks at her me Mother and Says*

Lola: but why here i don't get it Mommy not only me but probably even Noah doesn't get it his stupid as hell duh

Noah dramatically gasps and Says*

Noah: how dare you call me Stupid I'm way more smarter than you. You don’t even know how to write down your name right!

Lola pouts and Says*

Lola: hey not true I do know how to write down my name right you don't know how to count to ten!

Noah gasps again and Says in Sarcastic tone*

Noah: well at last am not a simp over boys like you are!!

Lola gets angry and starts to fight with her twin brother while Iris and Yoko roll there eyes at there kid's constant fighting*


*Her name is Kyla and her Mother's name is Galaxy her Father is a Dracula and his name is Xander how did this all happened if you saw Episode 1 now let's get to episode two*

*One day Xander and Galaxy feel in love with each other deeply. After few months later they both got Married and now have a big Mansion house years, months, and weeks has passed. Then one day Galaxy found out she is pregnant, and she told Xander about once Xander found out he was really happy that he will become a Dad anyway nine moths passed and the baby was born they all found out the Baby was a beautiful Dracula girl of course the Vampires we're also happy about this.*

*humans and Vampires got along to. and Vampires were allowed to get in the town from now but then all in sudden humans start attack Vampires and the Vampires had to pack and fly away from there home's some Vampires were attack back and occurs Dracula was also there with them attack back. While Galaxy flu away with her daughter In her arms and with other Vampires female and Male,

*And that's how Kyla got in Iris Yoko Lola Noah, house where they were hiding.*

*anyway while Kyla was still sleeping on Iris arms Yoko her Husband sigh and Says*

Yoko: alright enough fighting kid's.

*Lola looks at him, and Says*

Lola: but Dad he started first!

Noah gasps dramatically, and looks at Lola with a pounding expression and Says*

Noah: liar You started first!

*Lola pounds back at him, and she looks kinda annoyed by him blaming her that she started first, when even she knows herself that she will never admit that.*

Lola: not true you Started first!

*Noah gets even more annoyed that her twin Sister isn't admitting that she started first.*

*Noah: No you started first dumb head don't lie!!

*Lola and Noah continued fighting on the other hand Yoko was starting to lose his patient with both of them and Says*

Yoko:enough now or else your gonna get grounded for a month.

*Lola and Noah look each other than they look at there Father knowing damn well he would actually ground them they both stopped fighting*

*after everything got calmed down they were still in the house hiding from the humans after hours and hours that felt like forever they got out and saw there was no Human outside, so they started flying away from the woods and a banded house*

*they continue flying, and they even took Kyla with them Kyla was sleeping peacefully in Iris arms all four of them continue flying until they found a place to stay they found a house that take can leave in it because there was no one inside.*

*few weeks later passed occurs Kyla grew up,, and she was Six years old while Noah and Lola we're 16 years old Kyla grew up with her adoptive family she didn't even knew they we're her adoptive family, she thought they we're her real family occurs Iris Yoko Noah and Lola continuee not telling her but as much as Kyla grew they begin to notice she looks a little Like Xander The Dracula leader of the Vampires they know Xander and Her wife Galaxy didn’tsurviveee at the war with the humans.*

*of course there was still Vampires outside there and since the got band from the human town they made there Vampire monster town, and they also made monster School and High School that's when Kyla turned 16 years old while Lola and Noah already finish School and High School*

Kyla ofcours was in School that's were she has her Enemy Kalix he was older then her he was 18years old and he was tall and handsom, attractive too.*

Epizode Kyla's first day of High School:3

(hii guys so sorry for only making 1 and 2 but I'm still working on this story that's why I hope you like this story oh and this is my first time I'm actually making one tho. Anyway I'm gonna finish this story once I get to episode 10 and by then i thought to start working on The Dracula's lost daughter episode 2 since this is the first part of the Dracula's lost daughter anyway let's get to the story pookies)

*Kyla was sleeping peacefully in her been when all in sudden Noah came in her room and start waking her up by saying it out loud*

Noah: KYLA WAKE Up now!! You have to wake up your starting you're first day of High School come on Little Sis!!

*Kyla groans out loud not wanting to wake up she picks her pillow and throws it on Noah's face and Says*

Kyla: No Ain't happening I don’t want to wake up i wanna continue sleeping!!

*Noah blink twice as he gets hit by the pillow and rolls his eyes at his little Sister not wanting to get of the bed*

Noah: if you don't get up I'm gonna throw you're tablet, phone pictures, and that teddy bear you have. Out the window so get your ass up and brush you're teeth and get ready for your first High School.

*Kyla gasps dramaticallyly and Looks at her brother Noah with a pound on her face and Says*

Kyla: you wouldn't dare!!

*Noah smirks and looks at her as he says*

Noah: watch me Sissy..

*Kyla immediately got up the and Says*

Kyla: okay okay I'm up I'm up jeez!!

*Noah grins and does a little Victory dance walking away from her room as Kyla looks at him thinking her Brother is Weird as hell right now she rolls her eyes then turns and goes to brush her teeth once she finished brushing her teeth she gets ready for her first High School day*

*with that Kyla leaves her room while closing her door behind her, she goes downstairs and Sees her two parents Iris and Yoko and Says*

Kyla: good morning Mom and Dad what you two doing??

*Iris turns her head and sees Kyla she smiles and Says*

Iris: nothing dear what about you all dressed up ready for your first day of School ya know your brother to told me you we're being grumpy again not wanting to wake up

*Kyla Chuckle awkwardly and while Yoko smirks and Chuckles at her*

*with that Lola and Noah come in the Living Room and Lola then Says*

Lola: morning family mmm~~ Mom what are you Making for Dinner

*iris looks at her daughter Lola and Says*

Iris: you're Favorite

*As Iris Said that Lola's and Noah's eyes light up as they hear that even Kyla's and Yoko's is light up and they all Say except for Iris

Everyone except for irisChilili pasta and Lasagna!!

*iris blinks twice and Chuckle and Says*

Iris: correct!

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