NovelToon NovelToon

Was I Meant to Be the Villainess?

EP :- 1

Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*sighs* *plops down on the couch*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
(I read manga's the whole afternoon...)
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*internal crying*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
(and I have to submit my assignments tomorrow)
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
I am Asha D' Anglo.. A normal girl born in a middle class family.. Everything here is normal, expect for my family, I was born an orphan but later got adopted only to be used as a maid like- seriously, in this house I'm the oldest and while my younger siblings get whatever they want I can hardly get anything, all I get ardw hand downs of my cousins or either anything an outsider or visitor brings me, I work at a mall during night and go to college in the morning.. so to it plainly my life is fucked up and I'm not gonna spill the details since I don't want anyone's DAMN pity
I'm just saving up money to get out of this toxic ass house
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*walks out and picks up her teacup*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*plops down on the sofa*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*scrolling through her phone*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
(I need to do my assignments....)
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
(I'll do it later-)
*bell rings*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*sighs.. Has a bad feeling*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
I guess mom's here...
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*opens the door*
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
*puts down her bag*
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
*sits on the couch*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*biting her lip as she closes the door*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
(is she in a bad mood..?)
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
Go and get me water
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*goes to get some water*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*comes back and hands her the glass*
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
*takes it and drinks the water*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*goes and gets her tea*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*handing the teacup to her*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
(I guess I'll just go to the bedroom)
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*goes to the bedroom*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*sits and drinks her tea..*
-after a while-
Are you done drinking?
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
*noticed something*
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
Why are you wearing your sisters t-shirt?
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
mine were torn and I couldn't find my black one..
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
I saw that one in the cupboard
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
If I find them I'll gouge your eyeballs out, they're useless after all
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*staring at her mom with a blank expression*
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
don't stare at me, I'm gonna enter your eyes or something..
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*looks away*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*walks out*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*done eating*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*about to get up*
Done already?
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
But you ate so little?
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
(why do you suddenly care?! Weren't you bad mouthing me?)
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
I'm full
This girl...
*holds up a spoonful of rice*
Say ahh
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
No, I'm not-
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*got rice stuffed in her mouth*
*forcefully fed her*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*chewing* (but I don't wanna eat anymore...)
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*about to get up*
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
*tries to feed her again*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*gets aside accidentally hitting her head onto the fridge*
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
*fed her anyway*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*gets up while chewing* (as expected, she didn't even care about my injury..)
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
Where do you think you're going?! 💢
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*enters the washroom*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
(should I or should I not spit it?)
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*hesitant* (I'm feeling like I'm about to-)
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*coughs* (I told them not to feed me..)
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
(they never listen)
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*freshens up and walks out*
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
You really need to start eating
her father
her father
With that body of yours, you're gonna cost me a lot of hospital bills someday..
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*walks away*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*starts setting up the bed*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*plops down*
You're probably wondering why my parents treat me like that..
Honestly.... I too have no idea... Sometimes I just wish to disappear.. I don't hate them but I don't love them either... How can I hate them when they've raised me from nothing but shards and dust.. I know they're financially struggling.. and because of that my father often vents his anger on me and my siblings... While my mother... Well.. She's trying her best... Right? Idk why but I don't feel anything towards my family.. Over the years of hearing how they badmouth me behind my back I've just learnt not to care...
I don't have any friends, they're all toxic and only befriend me to cheat during exams since I'm the 'smart' kid.... I once even got told to KMS by one of them
I'm often neglected since I'm the adopted one.. Most people say that I'm wrong, and my parents love me, but I don't think so... All my mom cares about is how my grades are, how many chores I do and how much time I spend on my phone..
TBH I kind of envy the people who have normal parents or loving parents
And my younger sister is a brat, she does what she wants and I refuse anything she goes around complaining and whatnot, she once showed my drawings to my parents and I got yelled at after that... idk why she did that.. As an artist my drawing and sketches are really important to me... Idk why maybe I'm just too sensitive
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*snaps out of her thoughts*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*goes to help her sister clean up the table*
---after cleaning----
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
Camille (her mom)
Camille (her mom)
*already sleeping*
her father
her father
*singing a lullaby for her younger brother*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*feels some pain in her chest*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*lies down beside her dad on her side of the bed*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*pulls a blanket over her head*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*tears slide down her face*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
(why couldn't you care for me like that? Just because I'm a girl?)
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*wipes her tears*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*joins her hands*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
(thank-you for the peaceful day god... Just get me through the weekend.. I don't want any arguments please...)
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*tries to sleep*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
(I just wish I had a loving family)
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*tear slide down her face before she finally falls asleep*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
You wish?
*stares at her*
But you better not disappoint me...
*cups her cheek and wipes her tear*
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
*subconscious* (is someone.. Touching me?..)
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
(it's.... Warm and.. Comforting)
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
Asha D
Asha D' Anglo
(is it you mom? Do you... Finally love me?)
just for tonight kid...
I'm working on it ..

EP:- 2

your highness...
Your royal highness..
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*frowns in her sleep*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Who.. *mumbles*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*feels someone whisper in her ear*
Wake up dear...
"Your wish is now fulfilled"
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*opens her eyes*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
(what was that?! A GHOST?!???)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*eyes wide open*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*sits up*
Greetings to her majesty *bows*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
(her majesty??)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
(why is she here?? Where am I?? Did I miss my school?? Mom is going to scold me again?!! What is this place?!?)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*confused as hell*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*looks around*
The room was covered in white, excluding a peaceful and refreshing aura, the sunlight was escaping through the curtains falling directly over Asha, draping over her like a warm blanket, the birds were chirping outside, the view from the window was nothing like the modern world, it was all warm, peaceful and cozy, like a slow, warm, comforting and majestic melody, a dream no-one would want to wake up from..
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
(so peaceful and cozy...)
(her highness didn't tell me to rise...)
(I feel like my neck is about to fall off) *still bowing*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*finally looks at the maid*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
(am I kidnapped? But she wouldn't bow to me if I was kidnapped right? WAIT- IS IT LIKE THOSE FANFICS IN WHICH AN OBSESSED MAFIA KIDNAPPS AN INNOCENT GIRL???!)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
(but I'm not pretty at all so why would some like me? And I'm too poor to pay ransom... Not like my parents would care anyway...)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
(she called me her highness right?...)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*clears her throat*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Uhm could you please leave me alone for sometime?
*looks up* are you sure your highness?
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Yes... You may leave... *says clamly*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*panicking inside*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*straightens up*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*lies back down*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
(now what?)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
(how am I here?)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
(should I run away-)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*sees something*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*shocked to her core*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*hastily stands up and takes shaky steps towards it*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*touch the mirror with her trembling hands*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
(so pretty..)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
(wait- isn't this a mirror... Does that mean..)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*slaps herself*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
This has to be a dream...
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*looks at her hands*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
p-pale skin... But...
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
My skin is.. brown isn't it?
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
This has to be a dream..
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*walks towards her bed with huge strides*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*lies down*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
(just sleep and everything will be back to normal once you wake up)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*pulls the duvet on top of her*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*falls asleep*

EP:- 3

Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Where am I?
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Have I finally gone crazy?
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*looks around*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*walking around*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Oh you arrived
.... finally
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*turns around*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
The moment I turned around my steps came to a halt as my words died down in my throat
Wrapped in an aura of calmness and elegance, she wore Beauty and confidence like a crown, rested upon her bravery and elegance... Her silver hair shining in the heavenly light, her skin milky white and pale, her body elegantly wrapped in a white robe like silk cloth as she wore an invisible cloak of confidence and allure, her emerald eyes shining with something I couldn't put my finger on .. It felt as if time had stopped and god had descended an angel infront of me
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
Thank you my dear *warm smile*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Who are you?
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
I'm Scarlett...
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
Scarlett D' Morvin
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
.... Scarlett...
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
*chuckles* yes
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
You mean the character from "darkness seeks light"?
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
no my dear, you are quite right but also wrong
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
I'm not a fictional character..
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
The story you dismissed as a myth.... Is true....
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
*smiles* it's pretty simple..
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
This took place back in my time...
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
practically saying...
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
The time emperor and empresses existed
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
So I travelled back in time?!!?
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
I bought you here..
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
You wished for it...
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
Remember... You said that you wanted a loving family....
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
I'm granting you that...
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
*breath hitches*
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
I want you to protect and treasure what I'm about to give you
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)
What are you----
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
Go now....
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
They're waiting..
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (Real Scarlett)
Scarlett D
Scarlett D' Morvin (FL)

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