NovelToon NovelToon


Where it all began

“A girl named ruby was a very special girl and you ask why that is well I’m gonna tell you a very interesting story”.

one day is a small village there was a girl named ruby and she was a beautiful young lady but she had a dark secret she was a

mix-breed and that ment she was neither

human nor monster. This magical phenomenon happened every 1000 years. Her father was a human and her mother was a werewolf her mother had wished that she’d be born a

werewolf but soon after ruby was born her dad died in a tragic accident and when her mother found out she was devastated she thought her daughter had killed her father and every day she made ruby do all of the chores and work around the house and even try’s…

Poisoning her when she was 6 years old but ruby luckily survived and ran away 10 years later she finally had her own beast killing

business but one day she got a report that there were 5 male vampires spotted on a hill not far from the village so the next day ruby set out on a journey to find and slaughter those 5 vampires but she didn’t know that her life was about to be turned upside down

the next day she was right beside the hill so she took a deep breath and went up the hill but what she saw next was unbelievable what she saw was the most beautiful castle she had ever seen bu she had the feeling someone was fallowing her so she turned a corner and

waited but what she didn’t know was that she was about to meet two of the vampires

Just then one of the guys turned the corner and was pounced on by ruby and said “ what are you doing here don’t you know how

dangerous this place is “ Just then the vampire said “ you don’t deserve to know what I’m doing here “ ruby was so irritated and told him “ alright dude look I really don’t care who you are but this place is super dangerous so what I’d suggest to you is to go home and save that sorry little ass of yours while you still have the chance or if you don’t go I’ll just beat the shit out of you till you want to go home “ then the guy said “ go ahead and try “ just then she pulled out one of her dagger’s and after she started cutting off his first finger he started screaming “ HELP PLEASE STOP PLEASE I’LL DO ANYTHING JUST STOP “ then ruby said “ okay okay just stop screaming “ just then the door burst open and the other four brothers came in and shouted “ LIAM “ as soon as they opened the door they saw blood on the floor just then ruby spoke and said happily “ hi “ as soon as they saw ruby sitting on top of liam they were frightened one of the boys stepped forward…

What is waiting on the other side

“ what are you doing to our brother “ then ruby said rudely “ you don’t need to know “ and she turned her head away then one of the brothers said sarcastically “ Oh so scary “ just then ruby’s patience had blown so she turned around glaring at them and said “ do you really want to see scary “ just then she turned into her hybrid form which startled the boys a little just then she rushed to attack them. A little while after Ruby calmed down she introduced herself “ hey the names Ruby make shore you remember it “ after that the boys introduced themselves “ I’m Eric the first brother “ “ and I’m Chris the second brother “ “ I go by the name max the third brother “ the names Luca the fourth brother “ “ and last but not least the fifth brother which you’re currently sitting on is Liam “ the eldest brother asked ruby if she wanted to come and live with them in their mansion and ruby said “ although it is very sudden I don’t have anywhere else to live so sure “ in the end she had revealed her darkest secret to 5 men and that night she didn’t

realize that her life was about to take a big turn.

Three days after that Ruby had gotten to know the men but she couldn’t shake off the feeling that the guys were trying to hide something but Ruby had found out a horrible secret about the men they had the exact discreption of the 5 vampires that she was trying to find and kill but she didn’t know that soon enough she would out the truth about the guys.

A few days later Ruby had found a body in the attic she had found a crucial clue which could lead her to the vampire’s but she couldn’t shake off the nagging feeling that the boy’s had something to do with it so that day when the guys got home she once again asked them if they had seen the vampire’s they all had the same answer but Ruby could sense that

something was going on so that night she gave the boys some very special wine and said how about we have a little bit of fun tonight and as soon as the boys drank the wine they all fell to the floor dead at least that’s what she thought Ruby then dragged them to the back of the house and tied them up and in a matter of seconds the boys all pretended to wake up she was surprised to see that the boys were

already conscious and asking her questions about why they were tied up and why she did this so Ruby answered honestly and and said “ I did this because I want to know who you really are and don’t even try to lie because if you do I’ll cut your fingers off one by one until you tell the truth so start talking now “ a few minutes later she knew everything and was about to start yelling but just then a guy

entered with a gun and said…


What was going to happen

“ stop what you’re doing and untie them if you don’t want to get shot “ then Ruby started to untie the guys but what happened next shocked her the boys started chanting some type of spell that started making the ground shake just then a magic circle was formed underneath us then they got teleported to the place Ruby first met the boys and then the boys started to explain “ we are all a type of special vampire species and our blood is like an antidote for humans and many other

creatures but due to our blood we have been chased down by creatures for centuries and almost all of our clan is extremely sick because of the humans that poisoned all the bodies of water on earth with silver and due to that we are almost extinct after the creatures found out that our blood had magical properties the humans and many other species have been hunting us down for our blood to survive we have been living in a cave for many centuries just to keep us alive our most powerful ancestors had gone to war to protect our tribe from the races but somehow they found out where our home was and tried to get as many of us as they could so that is the story of why we are here now and we have to fight to survive and there are only a few thousand of us left and our tribes health is deteriorating fast so we had to find a girl with amazing powers that could

revive our whole tribe and that’s where you come in because you might not have known that you’re a special type of hybrid that can help replenish strength and heal millions of people in just one day “ and just then Ruby

said “ okay pause first of all I have never heard of such a stupid thing in my entire life and second of all I have never been able to use or understand how magic even works and third and four most I’ve always been seen as a monster my own mother tried to poison me for all the misfortune that has come to our family I’m just not human and I’m a freak I’ve never been able to do one good thing in my entire life so if you’re trying to hurt me then congratulations you did so just go home and leave me alone I don’t need anybody to help or care about me so just please go away and leave me here “ then Eric said “ I know that you don’t feel good about yourself but that’s no reason to be rude to the people around you so when you’re ready to talk then just call us and we will come over and help you the best way we can but please just don’t give up we believe in you I believe in you and that’s all that matters “ so a few days later Ruby finally called Eric and said I’m ready to try and help but you have to promise that even if I don’t do it you won’t leave me “ Eric said in a sweet tone “ okay just don’t give up “

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