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The World Invaded by Fiction....


( Let me live....and also don't blame me for using the same character name as he is my ideal name TT)

(don't read this as this is extra speech from me having my comments and also it will be quite a sight to see as the story is made by a crazy guy like me who loves this kind of stuff -_-)

Start of the story-

Harley was lazily lounging on his sofa, flipping through the channels on his TV, trying to find something interesting to watch. It was a quiet evening in, and he was enjoying the peacefulness. Suddenly, a sharp and loud voice ringing in his head startled him. A blue hologram materialized in front of him almost instantly. Harley's heart rate spiked as he saw his name and other details displayed in the hologram, just like in a game's interface. He quickly sat upright, adrenaline pumping through his veins, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.   (writer:- happens?)

"What the hell is this?" Harley muttered, his voice cracking slightly with surprise. He squinted at the hologram, trying to make sense of the strange phenomenon that just happened in front of him. He tentatively reached out a hand, attempting to touch the hologram, only to find that his hand passed through it, leaving a ripple in the air that quickly faded away.

Harley's eyes widened as he noticed a button at the bottom of the hologram, with options only saying "Accept" and the words "Character gacha" written above it. His mind was racing to make sense of what he was seeing. He was suddenly faced with a decision, one that could have unforeseen consequences.

Harley hesitated for a brief moment, wondering if he was just having a very realistic dream. But the hologram in front of him seemed all too real for it to be just a figment of his imagination. He gulped and reached out a trembling finger towards the "Accept" button.            (writer:- He clicked it LMAO TT)

Harley, who was still trying to wrap his mind around the situation, heard a loud crash coming from his store room. Startled, he quickly got up from the sofa and cautiously made his way to the store room. It was a small, cluttered space filled with boxes and miscellaneous items. He stepped inside and froze in shock as he saw a figure of a man sprawled on the floor amidst the mess.

The man was wearing a red and black spandex suit, which was torn in several places, revealing glimpses of red, torn skin underneath. He sat up groggily, rubbing his head, and looked up at Harley. A manic grin slowly spread across his face as he realized he was not alone.

"Well, well, well... what do we have here?" Deadpool said, his voice raspy from the impact of the fall. He looked up at Harley, assessing him.           (Writer:- didn't expect that did you people?)

"Looks like I've stumbled into a good ol' fashioned home invasion. And look at you, all dressed up for the occasion." He let out a hearty chuckle, which echoed in the small space.

Harley was still in a state of shock, not knowing how to respond to the situation. He stood there, gaping at the red and black spandex-clad man in his store room. He couldn't believe who was sitting in front of him.

Deadpool, on the other hand, was completely unfazed. He got up from the floor and dusted off his costume, wincing slightly as he noticed a particularly large bruise forming on his cheek.

"So, you're the owner of this fine establishment eh? Mind if I take a look around?" He began to leisurely saunter around the room, picking up random items and inspecting them before tossing them aside.

"Nice little place you've got here." He said, glancing around. "Lots of interesting knick-knacks. But it's a bit cluttered, don't you think?" He kicked away a stack of old newspapers, sending them flying across the room.

Harley was still stunned, trying to process the situation. As Deadpool continued to wander around, making himself at home, Harley's mind was racing. Who was this man? How did he end up in his store room? And most importantly, was this real, or was he having some sort of hallucination?

Deadpool, not getting a response from Harley, decided to take the initiative. He approached Harley and stuck out his hand.

"The name's Deadpool, by the way. But you probably already knew that, right? I mean, who hasn't heard of the merc with a mouth?"

Deadpool then turned to the camera and addressed the audience directly in a 4th wall break.

"And hey, audience, you're not seeing things. This is a real 4th wall break! Pretty awesome, right?"

Harley, who was still trying to wrap his head around things, finally found his voice.

"Did... did you just break the fourth wall?" he asked, his voice dripping with confusion and disbelief.

"Hell yeah, I did!" Deadpool exclaimed, clearly enjoying Harley's reaction. "I do it all the time, buddy. It's kind of my thing. The writers just love it, it's a whole schtick."

He chuckled, enjoying the flabbergasted look on Harley's face. This was the kind of reaction he lived for. He thrived on the chaos and confusion he caused.

"You see, I've got this little agreement with the writers," Deadpool continued, leaning against a pile of boxes. "I do the whole 4th wall break thing, and they make me look awesome. Win-win, right?"

Harley, still struggling to believe what he was seeing, spoke up.

"But... you're a fictional character. You're not supposed to be here. This is the real world, not some graphic novel or comic book."

Deadpool chuckled, clearly enjoying this whole situation.

"Fictional character, you say? Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but the boundaries between fiction and reality are a little bit blurrier than they used to be."

He shrugged nonchalantly.

"I mean, I wouldn't have ended up in your store room if those boundaries were clear, right? Besides, who says fictional characters can't have a little fun outside their stories?"

Deadpool walked towards Harley, closing the distance between them.

"Just think of me as your special guest. A temporary visitor from the land of make-believe. Enjoy the ride, buddy. It's not every day you get to hang out with a living, breathing, regenerating mercenary."

Harley was torn. On one hand, he was fascinated. Here he was, face to face with one of the most popular characters from the Marvel Universe, who was cracking jokes and breaking the fourth wall in his very room. On the other hand, he was also terrified. What if he was right? What if this was all a dream and he would snap back to reality any moment now?

end of first chapter-

writer's note-

HEY PEOPLE!! , well i should not be that much happy but this is the first chapter and as it says , its clear twist and DEADPOOL? the hell i did! well it has a comedy tag so i will have to live up to it , you know?

when its the merc with a mouth....

"So, are you just going to stand there and gawk at me all day, or do you want to join the party?" Deadpool asked, breaking through Harley's internal struggle.

Harley blinked, trying to shake off the stunned feeling. He looked at Deadpool, trying to determine if this was all just a hallucination. But the merc with a mouth seemed all too real, with the rip in his suit and the scar tissue peeking out, not something his imagination could conjure up.

"You're... you're real..." Harley muttered, his voice tinged with disbelief and wonder.

"As real as they come, Harley boy," Deadpool replied, putting an arm around Harley's shoulders and drawing him closer. "And let me tell you, this is just the start of a very weird rollercoaster ride."

As Harley was trying to deal with the unexpected presence of Deadpool, a new holographic message appeared to him alone, invisible to Deadpool. The message, floating on the air, read, "Success. You have obtained Deadpool, a 5-star character."

As Harley glanced back and forth between the screen and Deadpool, confusion was written all over his face. He was still trying to process the fact that he had somehow "obtained" a five-star character and that said character was currently standing in his store room, chatting him up.

He looked up at Deadpool, who was blissfully unaware of the holographic message. He almost considered showing it to the merc, but something stopped him. Maybe it was the fear that Deadpool would find out that he had been obtained as some sort of a collectible item, and the potential consequences that might follow.

Deadpool, with a perceptive gleam in his eye, looked at Harley and seemed to understand the situation in an instant.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost, Harley. What's got you all tongue-tied?" He asked, a sly grin on his face.

Harley jumped, not expecting Deadpool to pick up on his internal struggle so quickly. He quickly composed himself, trying to act natural.

"Nothing," he said, perhaps a bit too quickly. "Just... still trying to wrap my head around this whole situation, you know?"

Deadpool chuckled, clearly not buying it.

"Sure, sure," he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "You're just standing there, looking like a deer in the headlights, and expect me to believe everything's fine and dandy."

He leaned closer, his expression growing serious for a moment.

"I may be a big fan of breaking the fourth wall, but even I know when someone's hiding something. And let me tell you, you're not the best liar, pal."

Harley swallowed, feeling a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead. He hadn't expected Deadpool to be so perceptive and observant. But then again, this was the merc with a mouth they were talking about.

He tried to think of an excuse, but his mind was blank. Deadpool was too observant, and any lie he came up with would likely be seen through in an instant.

Harley, feeling cornered and with no escape in sight, decided to go with the truth. He sighed and began to explain the situation to Deadpool.

"Okay. Okay. I'll tell you. But you have to promise not to laugh, okay?"

Deadpool raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "No promises, Harley boy. But go ahead, I'm all ears."

Harley took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Okay, so... this might sound a little weird. But... well, the thing is... I sort of, kind of, accidentally 'obtained' you?"

Deadpool's smirk widened. "Obtained me? Like I'm some kind of a collectible item you found at a garage sale or something?"

feeling embarrassed at how he had phrased it. But he nodded anyway, confirming it. "I guess... yeah, you could say that."

Deadpool let out a hearty laugh, unable to hold it in any longer. "Oh man, this is gold. You 'accidentally' obtained me? Like I'm some rare item dropped from a boss fight in a video game?"

Harley winced at the laughter, feeling more embarrassed by the minute. He had hoped that Deadpool would take this seriously, but it seemed like he was enjoying every minute of this.

Harley, still feeling embarrassed, tried to salvage the situation. "No, no. Listen, I know this sounds strange, but there's more to it. There's this...this system window, like a computer screen that pops up? And it said I 'obtained' you. And then...then it gave you a rating. A five-star rating."

Deadpool's laughter died down, replaced by a look of curiosity. "A system window? And it rated me a five-star? That's a new one, I gotta say. Go on, explain."

Harley took another deep breath, relieved that Deadpool was at least listening now. "Well, it's basically this thing that appears when I...well, when I get someone new. And based on how powerful or rare they are, it assigns a star rating. Five stars being the best, of course."

Deadpool's expression softened a bit. "So, this is a first for you, huh? You'd never 'obtained' anyone before me?"

Harley nodded. "Yeah, you're the first. And to be honest, I was as shocked as you are when it all happened. I still don't understand it fully myself. That's why I was so stunned earlier."

As Harley looked at the screen, he saw all the stats and information about Deadpool, presented like a character profile from a video game. His eyes then flickered to the bottom of the screen where the gacha counter was displayed, currently at 0. It indicated that the gacha would reset in 5 days, giving him a chance to obtain other characters.

He couldn't help but marvel at the system window and how it operated like a game. 5-star characters like Deadpool were clearly rare and powerful, and he felt a mix of excitement and anticipation at the prospect of obtaining more characters in the future.

The sound of the doorbell echoed through the store room, snapping both Harley and Deadpool out of their conversation. Both of them looked at each other, wondering who could be visiting at this hour.

(writer:- well its night time there of course)

end of second chapter-

The surprise...

As Harley walked over and opened the door, Richard, his game buddy, stood there, a smile on his face.

"Hey, Harley! Sorry to drop by unannounced," Richard said, glancing past Harley into the store room.

Richard's eyes widened as he noticed Deadpool lounging on the sofa, looking relaxed and casual. He did a double take, unsure if he was seeing things.

"Is... that..." Richard stuttered, looking at Harley with a mixture of surprise and disbelief.

Harley chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yeah, that's him. The real deal."

Richard's mouth hung open, clearly dumbfounded. He took a step closer to Harley, lowering his voice.

"Please tell me I'm not hallucinating," he whispered.

Deadpool, who had been quietly observing the exchange from his spot on the sofa, spoke up, his voice tinged with amusement.

"Oh, you're not hallucinating, buddy. I'm as real as a heart attack."

Richard turned his gaze to Deadpool, his eyes wide. He couldn't believe he was actually talking to the fictional character, known for his wise-cracking and penchant for breaking the fourth wall.

"I...I can't believe this," he sputtered, still trying to wrap his mind around the situation.

Richard, still trying to make sense of the situation, assumed it was a cosplay. He turned to Harley with a sly grin.

"Is this some kind of elaborate prank, Harley? You got someone to dress up as Deadpool or something?" he asked, half-joking.

Harley shook his head, trying to suppress a smile. "No, it's not a prank. He's real."

Richard chuckled, clearly not buying it. "Come on, don't mess with me. Next, you'll tell me Batman is waiting in your kitchen, drinking coffee."

Harley shook his head, trying to suppress a smile. "No, it's not a prank. He's real."

Richard chuckled, clearly not buying it. "Come on, don't mess with me. Next, you'll tell me Batman is waiting in your kitchen, drinking coffee."

Deadpool cut in with his usual sarcastic tone. "Yep, the Dark Knight's brewing coffee right now. Gotta keep the caffeine flowing when you're fighting crime in the bat cave, know what I mean?"

Richard's face went from skepticism to a mixture of surprise and amusement. He looked back and forth between Deadpool and Harley, trying to figure out if they were messing with him or seriously telling the truth.

"You guys can't be serious," he said, half-laughing. "First, you got Deadpool in your store room, then you're telling me Batman's chilling in your kitchen?"

Deadpool chuckled, enjoying the confusion he was causing. "Oh, we're dead serious. Harley's got the whole Justice League on speed dial. You're lucky Green Arrow isn't here. He'd be hogging all the snacks."

Deadpool chuckled, enjoying the confusion he was causing. "Oh, we're dead serious. Harley's got the whole Justice League on speed dial. You're lucky Green Arrow isn't here. He'd be hogging all the snacks."

Deadpool crossed his arms, a smirk on his face. "Cross my heart. We're as serious as Joker's psychotic grin. You can go check the kitchen if you want, maybe Batman will share some of his coffee."

Harley, seeing that Richard still wasn't fully convinced, decided to chime in. "Yeah, Deadpool's telling the truth about himself, but maybe not about the Justice League. I wish I had the whole team on speed dial, though. Batman's no-fun attitude would drive me up the wall if he was here every day."

Richard shook his head, still in disbelief. "But... but they're fictional characters, they can't be real. This is like something out of a comic book."

Deadpool, enjoying the confusion he was causing, leaned forward. "Fictional? Oh, my friend, you have no idea. You humans think we're just stories on a page, pixels on a screen or ink on paper. But the truth is, we're as real as you are. We just exist in a different realm, one outside the constraints of your reality."

Harley, seeing that Richard was still too flustered and confused by the situation, decided to call it a night.

"Richard, you should head home and get some rest," he said firmly. "We'll talk about this tomorrow when you're not seeing things."

Richard, still bewildered, slowly nodded, allowing himself to be urged toward the door. "Yeah, maybe you're right. I'll go home and sleep this off, wake up, and find out this was some wild dream."

Harley scratched the back of his head, a little uneasy. "Well, the store room is the only place I've got, and you're not exactly a small guy. It's not the most spacious, I'll admit."

Deadpool chuckled, sprawling out on the sofa. "Ah, it's fine. I've slept in worse places. And let's be honest, I'm not picky. I just need a place to lay my head between jobs."

Harley trudged over to his bed and collapsed onto it, the exhaustion from the day finally catching up with him. He let out a weary sigh.

"What a day," he muttered to himself. "First, I accidentally 'obtain' a fictional character, and now I have to share my store room with him. This isn't how I saw my Friday night going."

end of chapter three-

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