NovelToon NovelToon


A myth made real.

...Attention 🚫...

...All images in this story are my own creations, hand drawn by myself. I am a designer who creates my own characters and my own covers. Thank you for reading and enjoy reading. ...

...It all started with a story told around a campfire by a young girl who looked after the children at the summer camp. ...

...A long time ago, Phoenixes lived in our lands. But among them, there were a few more special ones. ...

...Three of them were really different. The first had the power of fire, the second that of air, and finally, the last also had the power of fire. ...

...These Phoenixes lived in peace and harmony, but certain malicious people wanted to seize their powers for their own gain. To protect their heritage, they hid in the wild with all their knowledge and never returned. ...

...The children were fascinated by the story the young girl was telling, then one of them exclaimed:...

First child: Wow, this story is incredible.

...With a big smile, she answered him. ...

...???: It's true that she is incredible, but the story is not over. ...

...One of his friends then asked him:...

...???: How so ? ...

...The girl replied:...

...???: There is a legend which says that among these exceptional phoenixes, there is another one just as remarkable, but which does not resemble the others, and that is the black phoenix. ...

...Everyone was surprised and exclaimed in unison: The black phoenix!? ...

...She then continued speaking and added:...

...??? : Yes, he was the first in his family to have this color. His people were afraid of this color, because it was said to attract evil, so they rejected it. ...

...Another child asked him a question. ...

...Second child: What happened with the black phoenix? ...

...The girl then responded. ...

...??? : Sad, with a heart filled with hatred and sorrow, he walked away and disappeared forever. ...

...Then, one of his friends spoke in a sad voice, with tears in his eyes. ...

...??? : What a sad story. He doesn't deserve to be treated like that. ...

...The young girl then added:...

??? : No one deserves this. You should never judge someone because of their color.

...Then the wisest of them, who only believes in knowledge, said to them:...

...??? : Even if this story is absurd, because the phoenix does not exist, I would have liked to live at that time to be able to study it. ...

...Then, the most daring of the group responded enthusiastically. ...

...???: Stop with your explanations, Sarah, I'm sure there are some somewhere. ...

...Another added:...

...???: I would love to find some. ...

...Sarah replied sarcastically:...

...Sarah: And where do you plan to look for these mythical creatures, Saphie? ...

...Saphie then replied:...

...Saphie: I don't know. ...

...Sarah: You don't know, but you want to go for it without thinking. Even if science tells me not to do it, I admit that I would also like to find some. ...

...Her friends laughed a lot at her reaction, but she, not finding it funny, blushed with embarrassment and said:...

...Sarah: Why are you laughing? It's not nice to make fun of your friend. ...

...It was then that the most thoughtful of them replied:...

...???: Sorry Sarah, that wasn't mean. ...

...Sarah: Hmm. ...

...Sarah blushed with embarrassment, turned around without looking at them. Saphie, the sweetest of the group, then said:...

...Saphie: Sarah sulks. ...

...Then the bravest of the group came up to Sarah, patted her on the back and said:...

...???: Come on, Sarah, it was just for fun. What if instead of being sullen, you came with us to look for the phoenixes? ...

...Sarah then asked him. ...

...Sarah: How do you like these Phoenixes, Stella? ...

...Stella replied casually. ...

...Stella: I don't know, we'll see along the way. ...

...Sarah sighed and said:...

...Sarah: It's not possible to be so naive. ...

...But a glimmer of hope appeared when their friends showed them the map that leads to the Phoenixes. ...

...??? : There is always the map if you are interested, it will take you directly to the Phoenix lair. ...

...The girls were delighted to learn this. They were so excited that they thanked Sasha for the card. ...

...Saphie and Stella said: Thank you, Sasha. ...

...A few seconds later, they began to gather their things, just the bare minimum, to go find a phoenix, even though it was already dark. They really wanted to find one. ...

...After getting ready, they left saying goodbye to Sasha and the children, but before they left, Sasha said something to them. ...

...Sasha: Don't come home too late tonight. ...

...Sarah, Saphie and Satella: Promise. ...

...The girls took the path to look for the Phoenixes. They arrived in the forest by carefully following the map. Then Sarah said:...

...Sarah: According to the map, we need to find a stone that looks like a large ring. ...

...As she spoke, Stella was right in front of the ring and said:...

...Stella: Like this one? ...

...They turned around and saw a large stone ring, then they exclaimed. ...

...Sarah: Yes, that's it, well done Stella. ...

...Stella was very proud of herself, she rubbed her nose with her finger and blushed. Then, Saphie asked:...

...Saphie: And now, what do we do? ...

...Sarah then replied:...

...Sarah: Let's look for clues, there must surely be some. ...

...They started looking for clues, but without success. Then, suddenly, Saphie leaned over a strange rock and the ground shook beneath their feet. Sarah, panicked, exclaimed:...

...Sarah: What's going on? ...

...After that, they were buried underground. They seemed to be sucked downward and were sliding down the rock like on a slide. During this adventure, they separated. ...

...Each of them found themselves alone in a strange place. Sarah recognized this place and called her friends. ...

...Sarah: Girls, are you there? ...

...But no one answered. It was the same for Stella. ...

...Stella: Where have I fallen again? ...

...Suddenly, a large and majestic phoenix appeared behind them, surprising them greatly. Stella was facing the fire phoenix, Sarah was facing the air phoenix and Saphie was facing the water phoenix. ...

...They were impressed. The fire phoenix spoke and addressed Stella. ...

...Fire Phoenix: What is it? Where does this invader come from? ...

...Faced with such a spectacle, the girls remained frozen and exclaimed:...

...Sarah, Saphie & Stella: A phoenix!? ...

...They had finally found the phoenixes they were looking for. ...

The new protectors.

...The Fire Phoenix: Where do these invaders come from? ...

...Girls: A phoenix!? ...

...The girls finally found themselves face to face with the legendary phoenix that they had so dreamed of meeting. The fire phoenix looked at Stella and spoke to her in an aggressive tone. ...

...The Fire Phoenix: What is a mortal doing in my house? ...

...Stella, upon hearing this, was not very happy to be called mortal by a simple bird. She thought: . She then decided to answer the phoenix. ...

...Stella: Wait a minute... ...

...The Fire Phoenix: Oh!? ...

...Stella: First of all, my name is Stella and not mortal. So, what is this place? ...

...The fire phoenix answered him. ...

...The fire phoenix: You have nothing to do here, leave. ...

...Stella replied: I will leave when I have learned everything I need to know. ...

...Meanwhile, Saphie, facing the water phoenix, seemed just as lost. ...

...The water phoenix: What are you looking for here? ...

...Saphie replied softly. ...

...Saphie: I wasn't looking for anything special, I just wanted to find a phoenix. ...

...The water phoenix was a little surprised by his answer. ...

...The Water Phoenix: Did you just want to find us? ...

...A similar question had been asked of Sarah, who was with the air phoenix. His answer had disappointed the phoenix. ...

...The Phoenix of the Air: But you couldn't have found us by chance. ...

...Sarah: You're right, I looked at your loan card and also heard about your story. By following the clues on the map and the message of your story, it was easy to find you. ...

...The air phoenix was impressed by Sarah's intelligence, but he too was very clever. He knew Sarah didn't really believe in their existence, so he asked her. ...

...The Phoenix of the Air: I thought you didn't believe in us. ...

...Sarah was surprised and answered him. ...

...Sarah: It's true that I had doubts at first, but it was for science. My friends believed in you, and that aroused my curiosity. ...

...The Phoenix of the Air: Your friends!? ...

...Sarah: Yes, Saphie and Stella. When this strange shaking stopped, we were separated. ...

...The same question had been asked of Stella too, but the fire phoenix was not very happy. ...

...The Fire Phoenix: And what's more, you didn't come alone, you human, you're going to stay here forever. ...

...Stella, not happy at all, answered him angrily. ...

Stella: Wait a minute, don't think I'm afraid of you. I can be as bad as you, don't look for me.

...Stella's expression was very serious. She didn't want a bird to decide her life. The fire phoenix, admiring her courage, burst out laughing, which surprised Stella a lot. ...

...Stella: Oh!? ...

...Then he said to him:...

...The fire phoenix: You are courageous, you would make an excellent wearer of the fire jewel. ...

...Stella was completely lost. ...

...Stella: The jewel of what!? What is this? ...

...He answered her. ...

...The fire phoenix: What you say is true, it's an object that will give you some of my powers. ...

...Stella then asked him:...

...Stella: Why do you choose me as guardian or bearer of your treasure? ...

...The Fire Phoenix: Because I see you, you are not afraid and you are loyal to your friends. ...

...Stella was a little confused by the situation. She took a moment of silence to think, then she smiled widely and replied:...

...Stella: Okay, I accept, I'm sure we'll have fun. ...

...The others also agreed with the other phoenixes' proposals. ...

...Sarah: Okay, I'll do it. ...

...Saphie: I'm up for it. ...

...The phoenixes came out of their homes, took objects and put them in their hands. Saphie asked him. ...

...Saphie: What is it? ...

...The water phoenix answered him. ...

...The Water Phoenix: It is an artifact, filled with my magic. He will protect you and allow you to call on my help when you need it. It will also give you the ability to transform yourself. ...

...Sarah: Transform me!? ...

The Phoenix of the Air: Yes, to protect our two worlds against the coming danger.

...Stella: What danger? What do you want to protect us from? ...

The fire phoenix: From the black phoenix.

...Girls: The black phoenix!? ...

...This revelation surprised them a lot, but Saphie asked the water phoenix a question. ...

...Saphie: But the black phoenix had disappeared into the wild, right? That's what it says in your caption. ...

...The Phoenix of the Air: Unfortunately, the dark phoenix could never forgive our species and eventually fell into darkness. ...

...Saphie: So that means he's turned to the dark side. ...

...The Water Phoenix: If we don't do something, it will cause problems for humans and phoenixes. ...

The fire phoenix: We absolutely must act.

...Stella, very excited, raised her hand and exclaimed. ...

...Stella: I agree, we will do everything we can. ...

...Despite the danger, she promised to help save both their worlds. The girls then took the oath together. ...

...Stella: Me, Stella... ...

...Saphie: I'm Saphie... ...

...Sarah: I'm Sarah... ...

...Girls: We agree to protect our worlds and save them from the great catastrophe. ...

...The phoenixes were relieved to see that these children were willing to do anything to save their world. They realized that they had made the right choice in entrusting the future of humanity to these children. ...

The return of the Dark Phoenix.

...Girls: We promise to defend our worlds. ...

...The phoenix was impressed by the courage of these young girls. Then the fire phoenix looked young Stella in the eyes and said to himself:...

...The Fire Phoenix: (Is she really serious!?)...

...That's when Stella asked him an important question. ...

...Stella: But tell me, if the phoenix has been missing for so long, why come back to this specific time? ...

...The fire phoenix answered him. ...

...The Fire Phoenix: We hid so as not to have a conflict with Vari. ...

...Saphie: Vari!? ...

...The water phoenix responded. ...

...The water phoenix: That's her name, she can sense all magic and find its origin. ...

...Sarah: I understand better. It's a bit our fault. By finding your hiding place, we allowed Vari to know exactly where you were. ...

...The phoenix of the air: You are really observant, as you have understood, she is surely on her way. ...

...The girls wondered if she could beat Vari. Meanwhile, Sasha was looking up at the sky and wondering. ...

...Sasha: I wonder if they found the legendary phoenixes? They have been in the forest for two days and we still have no news. ...

...The girls think they are about to leave, but in reality, they have already been gone for two days. ...

...Sasha, who had not heard from them, was worried about their absence, but she did not know that she was being observed. A strange creature then declared:...

...This girl will make a great recipient. ...

...She caught Sasha's attention by shaking the bushes near her, but she didn't really take it seriously. ...

...Sasha: What is that?! ...

...She thought it must be a hidden rabbit. After shaking the bushes a second time, she walked closer and saw a shiny jewel on the ground. ...

...Sasha: But what is a piece of jewelry doing here? I wonder who it could belong to. ...

...Sasha bent down to pick up the brooch when black energy escaped from it and took possession of her body. ...

...She felt a sudden uneasiness that took over her entire body, and then she fell to the ground, wondering inside herself. ...

...Sasha: What's happening to me? My body really hurts! ...

...She screamed in pain, and her cries reached the ear of her friend Raya, who immediately went to see where it was coming from. Outside, she found Sasha on the ground, screaming in pain. ...

...Raya: Sasha! ...

...She approached her and tried to understand what was happening. ...

...Raya: Sasha, are you okay? Answer me, please. ...

...But Sasha didn't answer; she had just lost consciousness. Raya didn't understand the situation. ...

...Raya: What's happening to you? ...

...In the forest, the phoenixes sensed an evil presence in the air. The water phoenix exclaimed:...

...The Water Phoenix: She's back. ...

...Stella cried:...

...Stella: No, it's not possible!? ...

...The fire phoenix replied:...

...The fire phoenix: Yet, she is there. ...

...Sarah added:...

...Sarah: If she's already back... ...

...Saphie intervened:...

...Saphie: That means she must have found a body. ...

...The water phoenix then answered him. ...

...The Water Phoenix: It's very likely. ...

...Then Sarah asked the air phoenix. ...

...Sarah: Is there any way to know who the recipient is? ...

...The Water Phoenix: There is a method, but it only lasts half a second. ...

...Sarah: It doesn't matter, we just need to know who was chosen. ...

...Water Phoenix: Okay, come closer to me. ...

...Saphie asked him. ...

...Saphie: Why? ...

...The phoenix responded. ...

...The water phoenix: We will connect our minds so that it can see what is happening outside, or know its receptacle. ...

...Saphie: Okay. ...

...Saphie approached her phoenix, and the others did the same. They saw their camp and their friend Sasha, who was sick, and they understood immediately. ...

...Girls: Sasha!? ...

...The water phoenix asked Saphie. ...

...The water phoenix: Do you know her? ...

...Saphie replied. ...

...Saphie: Of course, she's our best friend. ...

...The fire phoenix: She is in great danger, Vari is trying to take possession of her body. ...

...Stella then cried out. ...

...Stella: That's not true, we have to go home quickly. ...

...The Phoenix of the Air: Okay, but you have to be careful. Even if it is not yet controlled, it can do a lot of harm. ...

...Sarah answered him. ...

...Sarah: Don't worry, we'll get there. We will save our friend and our world. ...

...The phoenix smiled and began to move forward, but was stopped by the air phoenix. ...

...The Phoenix of the Air: One last thing. ...

...Sarah: Oh!? ...

...The phoenix approached and blew on Sarah's artifact, as well as those of the others. ...

...Sarah: What is it? ...

...The phoenixes then presented themselves. ...

...The phoenix of the air: I am Ilma, phoenix of the air... ...

...The water phoenix: I'm Vesi, water phoenix... ...

...The fire phoenix: I'm Mwaki, fire phoenix... ...

...The phoenixes: Let us offer our strength to these young warriors, so that they can bring peace to this world. ...

...Their items began to glow, the energy of the phoenixes was now within them. Then Ilma said:...

...Ilma: To use these powers, there is no real need for a specific spell, your imagination is the key to activate them. ...

...The girls were very touched by their generous donation. They raised their heads, looked the phoenix in the eyes and said to it before leaving:...

...Girls: We will not disappoint you. ...

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