NovelToon NovelToon

At The End, My Love

Episode -1

Hazel's POV
My marriage ? I never wanted to marry anyone else other than Him. But... it's not what is happening. I knew it well from the start...Gosh, that's why I can't even blame anyone.
I knew that he wasn't mine but I loved him... wanted him anyway...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Standing in front of the priest*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Standing in front of the priest*
Do you, Arthur Xantheus, take Hazel Prescott, as your wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part, according to God's holy ordinance ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
I do. *cold*
Can a miracle happen and this marriage will stop like what happens in films ? This can't be real, right ?...This shouldn't be real...
Do you, Hazel Prescott, take Arthur Xantheus, as your wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part, according to God's holy ordinance ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I do.
Wow ! Wow ! This is real...this nightmare is real...I can't delude myself anymore
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Teary eyes*
By the authority vested in me by the Church and by the state, I now pronounce you husband and wife. What God has joined together, let no one separate.
God has joined together ? Us ? Hah ! I can't believe it. Let no one separate ? I, myself, want him and me to separate !!
You may now kiss the bride. *smile*
So... everything ends dreams about prayers for wishes for desires for him... everything should be stopped from here...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Turn towards her*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Turn towards him*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Come closer and lift up the veil*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Looks at him*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Make eye contact with her*
So...he is Arthur husband...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Kiss her gently*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*A tear falls*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Breaks the kiss*
My first kiss...I saved it for him...
At the car
I was sitting on one side of the car and he was sitting at the other side. Silence everywhere...
Maybe because he doesn't want to talk...but I know for sure that I won't talk with him first...
I guess... I am the first bride in my family who... didn't cry at her wedding for leaving her parents...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
...Are you feeling bad ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Turn head to his side and look at him*
Did...he just talk to me ?... Feeling bad ? Yes, mentally I am. I am feeling worse. I am feeling depressed... frustrated...sad...
Even before I knew...his face comes in my mind...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Teary eyes*
I am so tired of this world...I am so done with myself...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
...I mean, are you physically feeling bad ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Like head hurting ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
...I see *Looks away*
Am I messing up ?...I should at least reply...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott fine...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Looks at her*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Nods and looks away*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Close eyes*
I am tired... very tired...I need to sleep...I am gonna take a nap...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*In deep sleep*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Opens eyes slowly*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Yawns softly*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Feeling good*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I had a nice sleep. *mumbles*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Wait !! What ?!!
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Sits up immediately*
I look outside and... it's morning. Wow ! I was taking a nap in the car I slept like a pig, a damn pig ! And now I am here.
Is this my husband's room ?
Now am I referring to the man I married as my husband ?
My ??
His name... it's Arthur.
It's better to call him that...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Looking around the room*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
This room is weirdly comfortable looking...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
...Why ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Aghhh !!
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Looks at him*
When did he come ? I should have looked at the entrance of the room first...I literally embarrassed myself by screaming...
Okay...I was taken aback... that's why I screamed. No need to feel embarrassed.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Good morning.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
... Good morning. *smiles nervously*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Can I come in ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Sorry ? 😐
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I mean, you know you can... come in ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
It's okay.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Breakfast is ready. After you fresh up, please get downstairs.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
This guy's anything but...bad.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Seems like I am not going to be mistreated here...
I make my way out of the room and... just where did I get married ? Is this some kind of shooting spot ? Because this house is and nice looking.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*comes downstairs*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Where is he ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Behind you.
I...was about to scream again !!
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Turn around and face him*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Jumping out of nowhere is not a good thing !
Wait...Did I just say it out loud ? The hell !!
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
I'll keep that in mind.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Let's go and eat.
He makes his way to the dining table and I follow him. I thought, he would get pissed but he... didn't.
He takes his seat at one end and I take my seat at the other end.
Looking at the food... my mouth is watering... Just who the hell made this much yummy food for breakfast !!
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
I am not sure what you like...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
If you don't like -
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Are you serious ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I mean, this is the breakfast one would die for !!
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
... Please suit yourself then.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Here I go... embarrassing myself again.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Looks at him*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Can I ask you something ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Looks at her and nods*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I was sleeping in the car yesterday. So -
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
That, I carried you to the bedroom.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
You were in deep sleep. So, I didn't wake you up.
Am I hearing it right ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
...My clothes ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Wedding clothes ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
I...changed them...
Okay... WHAT ?!!
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
You changed my clothes ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Seriously ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
...I am sorry.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hmm ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
I should have asked for your permission before touching you.
...Is this man for real ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
I changed your clothes in the dark...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
So, I really didn't see anything.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Why did you change my clothes ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
... For you to sleep comfortably...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
This man is really something.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
It's okay.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
...Yes ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Only this time...I don't mind.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
To be continued
Hello creatures
I am your out of the world author.
The pictures used in this story are not mine.
And... there's not going to be any introduction as I suck at it.
If you like the story, please like and subscribe and... comment.
And it's a goodbye.
Tata !
Also flirting with me is...OFF LIMITS 😉!!

Episode -2

The Last episode
Arthur's POV
I guess, I married a nice woman... like my parents said.
She's pretty, very pretty. And too good for me.
I changed her clothes without her permission, I touched her without her permission and she says that it's okay...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Can I...ask you something ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hmm ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Why do you think the bedroom is weirdly comfortable looking ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
You don't need to answer if it's bothersome.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I should have stayed silent...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I thought your room would be like those novel male leads ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
... Like ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Totally black ? Or gothic ?
I don't know why but I feel like smiling. She's surely funny.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
That's why you said -
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Weirdly comfortable looking ? Yes...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
What are the characteristics of those novel male leads ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
She's taken aback.
It's clear in her face.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Would you like to answer ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
...They are grumpy ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hmm ? Do I look grumpy to you ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I,no... It's just, I...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
It's going to be fun... living with her.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
It's okay.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
I am not that expressive.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
So, people tend to think that I am grumpy or cold.
I don't even remember the last time I smiled...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
You are not... grumpy.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
You are anything but... grumpy.
Is she... serious ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
You are nice ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
At least, your actions are !
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
And yes, I am not lying.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I don't lie easily.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Looks down and eats*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
...*does the same*
She's so... angelic. It's been years... someone tells me that I am nice. Even if it's a lie...
Why do I feel so good ?
It's not
I was reading files in the hall room and she was just sitting in front of me, on the other couch. I could say it surely that she was feeling awkward.
I put the files down and take a nice glance at her...
She's... asleep again ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Just how much can she sleep ?
Last night...she was also sleeping so peacefully in the car like this...
Last night
As the car reached the house, I looked at her and she...was in deep sleep.
That's why... I didn't call her up.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Carries her in arms*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
I put her on the bed but she looked uncomfortable... obviously she would be.
The wedding dress was so long.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Should I change your clothes ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
But... it's not appropriate.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
I should at least ask for your permission before I touch you.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Moves in sleep*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Clearly uncomfortable*
I'll deal with it tomorrow. For now... let's change her clothes.
I took her night dress out of the closet and then...I turned off the lights.
It's bad as it is...I am touching her without permission. I can't see her naked too...
That's too perverted...
After changing her clothes, I leave the room...
I can't sleep in my room today... before sleeping with her in the same bed, I should ask for her opinion...
If she wants to share a room with me...then it's okay. If not, then it's okay too.
I have been alone all this time... marrying someone won't change anything.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur, let's sleep in the office room today. *mumbles*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Opens eyes slowly*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Staring at her unconsciously*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Looks at him*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Do... you need anything ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
The hell ?!! She caught me staring at her and...I didn't even notice ?? I am going crazy !!
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Sits up straight* Okay
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Looks away*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
After 5 minutes of awkward silence, I finally look at her. She looks at me at the same time.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Sighs and looks down*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
This is honestly awkward, no ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Looks up*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hmm ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
We are feeling awkward...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Nods* Honestly... yes.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
... How about you ask me something ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
... Really ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Yes, go on.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
It will reduce the awkwardness...I guess ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Can we try to be free and honest with each other ?...
I can guess...that took her a lot of courage to say out loud.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Sure. I'll do my best.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
What about you ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I'll do my best too.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Now you ask.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Can we share the room with each other ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
... Just where did you sleep... last night ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
In my office room...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
...Why ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
I didn't know if you'd like to share the room with me...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
...So can we ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Obviously we can...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
She agreed ? She... just agreed ? Well... that's normal. I am the abnormal one here after all.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
My turn to ask ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Let's call each other by our names ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I am Hazel...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
I know ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
😐😐 You should introduce yourself too !!
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Oh...I am Arthur...
She's really going to be a good company...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Do you want to...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hmm ?
make this marriage work out ? It's going to be tough... with me. I am broken. I don't want to love. What if I get hurt again ?...
What if I mess up ? Can you really love me ?...You are so angel like... you deserve far more better than me...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Please ask ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Do you want to go to my parents house ?
...I don't have the courage to ask you something like this... what if it hurts you ? I can't hurt you...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
...*Taken aback*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Sorry ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Mom wanted us to go...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Do you think, you'll be comfortable ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
If not, then it's okay...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
We'll go some other day...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
...When ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
When do we go ?
She agreed ? Isn't... she uncomfortable ? Will she be... alright ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
You know... you don't need to force yourself...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
You can simply say no...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
I thought... you wanted us to be -
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Free and honest ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I am being honest...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Really !!
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Are... you sure ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Are your ears okay ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
...Yes. They are completely fine.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Then, why are you making me repeat ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
... Okay then...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
...Are you really sure ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I am really S.U.R.E
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
So... when do we go ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
You say...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Tonight ?
Mom said the same thing...
What a coincidence !
She literally said tonight !?? Not even tomorrow ?
She sure is serious !
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Fine by me...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
All's set then...
To be continued

Episode -3

Hazel's POV
I am kind of nervous...I have only met my in-laws at the wedding... now meeting them in a close manner ?
Well...I need to meet them, why delay ?
And...they were so good to me at the wedding...I can assume that... they are nothing like my parents...
Forget about them Hazel... It's better this way...I was never going to end up with the man I love...By getting married to Arthur...I am treated nicely and...
That's enough...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Driving the car*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
We are almost there...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Looks at him*
Arthur and...Zaiden are very different from each other...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Are you finally regretting your decision ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
...No. *looks outside the window*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
... Welcome to my another house...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
But Arthur's nice to me...Till now, he is...
Arthur stops the car in front of the house stairs and... it's a freaking mansion...more bigger than Arthur's one...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
... Just how much loaded are you guys ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
...Well, very pretty much...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Looks at her*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
If... my parents ask you something weird...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Weird ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Yes, stuffs which are personal ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Sorry ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Like...How was our first night ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Then don't answer...
Is he serious ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Gets out of the car*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Gets out of the car*
Hazel... let's go and meet your in-laws...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Standing in front of the door*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Looks at him*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Are you... scared ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Looks at her* No ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Are you sure that it's okay ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Slaps herself in the head*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
You are a scaredy cat !
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
I am not ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
You are !
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Rings the bell*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
...So, you are sure ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
If you ask this one more time then...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Then what ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I'll...bite you...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Looks away and smiles*
He's cute... Wait, what ??
At that mother in law opened the door...I look at her and she...smiles at me so prettily...
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
Good evening dear !
She is looking so excited...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Smiles* Good evening aunty...
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
*Pouts* Aunty ?
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
You should call me mom !
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Nods* Good evening mom.
She's such a jolly lady !!
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
*Satisfied* Now that's my daughter !
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
*Looks at Arthur*
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
Haa ! I can't believe it !
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
You aren't even greeting me !!
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
Learn something from my Hazel !
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Mom, are you serious ? You just -
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
What ?? *narrow eyes*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
... Nothing 😐
She called me by my name !! She's going to be my favorite. That's confirmed !!
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
*Looks at her*
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
Hazel *sweet voice*
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
Let's go inside dear.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
She takes me inside with her and Arthur just gave her a stunned look !
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Follows them*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Mom, I am also here...
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
I know. I am not blind like you.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
You should also call me inside then...
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
Do you need an invitation card to get inside ??
Their bickering is... funny. I am honestly enjoying it...
We go to the living room and there was Arthur's dad...
He looks handsome... I'll give him that one !
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Goes towards his dad*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Dad !
Lucas Xantheus (Arthur
Lucas Xantheus (Arthur's dad)
Yes ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Mom is doing fake love with me !
Lucas Xantheus (Arthur
Lucas Xantheus (Arthur's dad)
Then you do true love with her. Simple. *shrugs*
Hazel... baby don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't laugh... Control yourself !
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Good ?
Lucas Xantheus (Arthur
Lucas Xantheus (Arthur's dad)
Lucas Xantheus (Arthur
Lucas Xantheus (Arthur's dad)
Good evening dear. How are you ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Fine. How are you ?
Lucas Xantheus (Arthur
Lucas Xantheus (Arthur's dad)
Well, your mom keeps me just fine ! 😊
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
I know. I know.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Mom, where is Iliana ?
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
In her room.
It's his sister. Man... she's also pretty...Why is this family full of handsome and pretty people ??
Aria Xantheus (Arthur
Aria Xantheus (Arthur's mom)
Arthur, show the house to Hazel !
Lucas Xantheus (Arthur
Lucas Xantheus (Arthur's dad)
Yes. Don't disturb me and my wife.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Looking at Arthur*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Looks at Hazel*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Let's go. Let them have their romantic time...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I and Arthur explored the whole mansion and now...we are walking in the garden...This place is amazing...
It's peaceful... not like my parents house...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Stands in front of her*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Your feet...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Stops and looks at her feet*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
It's red...
It's because of the heels I am wearing...I don't wear heels... that's why...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Sit down...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
It's okay.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
It's not. So sit down.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
I didn't know that you are stubborn...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Takes her in his arms*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Sorry for touching you without your permission...
This unbelievable !
He takes me to the little resting house in front of us and makes me sit on the bench.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
That's considered forcing !
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Then so be it !
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Kneels down in front of her*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Looks down at him*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Takes off her shoes*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Staring at her feet*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Stop staring. It's... embarrassing...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
You haven't worn heels before ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Looks up at her*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Face close to his*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Why is our face so close to each other ? Aghh !! Why does this man do everything so suddenly ??
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Backs his face away*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Sits straight*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Is this your first time wearing heels ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I wore heels first at the wedding...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
That explains it...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Stands up*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Are you going somewhere ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
You sit here and don't wear those heels.
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
I'll just go and come.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
But... where are you going ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
This too good for me...I have never been this much happy in one whole day till much as I can remember...
Someone caring for me ? It feels so foreign...a feeling I have always been craving for.
"Can I sit here ?"
I was looking at my feet when... someone talked. I look up at that person... it's Iliana...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
*Smiles back* Thanks
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
*Sits beside her*
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
Your it paining very much ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
No... just a little...
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
Hmm ?
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
Mine hurt quite a lot though...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
...This happened with you too ?
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
It's normal for anyone who wears it at first...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I see *nods*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Are you used to wearing heels now ?
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
*Nods* They are my favorite !
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
Sister ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Yes ?
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
... Thanks 😊
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
...Why ?
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
If you know you know *shrugs*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
But I don't know !
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
Then you don't know *shrugs*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
Sister ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hmm ?
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
How was your wedding night ? *smirks*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Wh-what ?
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
I thought you heard me...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
I think I heard you wrong...
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
Let me ask again 😄
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
How was your wedding night ?
"You little brat !"
This voice...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Looks at front*
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
*Looks at front*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Standing with a so done look*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Is this how you talk with your sister-in-law ?
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
Correction. She's my S.I.S.T.E.R !
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
And ! That gives you the right to ask questions like this ??
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
Why are you such a mood ruiner ?
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
*Stands up*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
I am glad that I am a mood ruiner !
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
I know.
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Am I invisible ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Whatever ! *goes and kneels down in front of Hazel*
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
*Smiles* Yes. Whatever. See you inside, sista !
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Nods* Yes. See you inside.
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur
Iliana Xantheus (Arthur's sister)
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
*Looks down at Arthur*
Beside Arthur... there's a box...a shoe box if I am right...Is that for me ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Wiping her feet with a wet towel*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Where did you get it ?
He didn't look up. He was attentively wiping my feet...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
... What are you talking about ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
...The towel ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
From my room...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
It's yours ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Then...why are you wiping my feet with it ?...
I wanted to ask him but...I couldn't...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Keeps the towel aside*
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
*Opens the shoe box*
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
You went shoes for me ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
... Don't bother...
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
The mall is it's okay...
He makes me wear the shoes...they look so pretty...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Are they comfortable ?
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
...How do you know my shoe size ?
Arthur Xantheus
Arthur Xantheus
Well...I know everything about you...
Hazel Prescott
Hazel Prescott
...What ? *says in a low voice*
This... what's he saying ? He knows everything about me ? He knows about Zaiden ? He knows how badly my family treats me ?...This can't be...This isn't true...
To be continued

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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