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chapter 1 of episode 1 ; earths crime ; death be upon those who plunder my name

                      500 YEARS ago when this world lived in chaos people fought for thier lives but man died to the hands of the demons UNTIL the great pheonix came and locked the gate ways of the under world

                      therefore all the monsters dispersed into thin air  for 200 years the pheonix was worshiped

     later people started envying the phreonix power out of greed .

    when the pheonix saw how spitefull and envious the people bacame it turned it head in disgust.

   later the pheonix flew away from the temple to wath over the people but some people hid away from its ferosius

  gaze to hide away the sin they where about to make.

   then some people poured a chemical substance which caused fire, all over the temple then they set it  ablaze

 when th pheonix saw the burning blaze it hurried over and set it eyes upon a trampled  temple and from behind it was stabbed then the pheonix vanished into thin air

 later on the people rijoiced  and drank bear while saying whe have been relised from our shackles  while others wept in the passing of of the pheonix

      unlukly for the people the gate ways of the under world had opend up only those who truly belived in the pheonix power survived because they where gifted the pheonix flames


The people who were giving the flame dominated the world later they started dying

People where slowly forgetting the Phoenix and its good deeds. 300 years later the phoenix was forgotten or rather erased.

The world slowly erased the phoenix then the devil took advantage of that then the devil kings where worshiped

15 years later in the village of engrams a boy who was reading about myths saw the phoenix and was captivated by its flames

Later the boy started billiving in the phoenix the devil kings saw this then they were angered they sent Levi (a low rank demon spirit) to kill the boy's family (the boy named lumin who was not aware of what happen in his home) entered his house, his eyes open in terror tears fled down from his cheeks

Levi seeing this was happy he then enterd spirit form and tryed to make lumin loose his mind but lumin warded it of saying (t..he p...hoenix bilive in it )she will help r..ight l) levi saw this and smiled saying (haa ha ha its just a mhyth) when lumin heard this he was devastated lumin then shouted (no!! ) the pheonix lives )then levi was shocked because bloodlust ane flames where coming from lumin

Episode 3 ; the on coming general

Levi was terrified seeing the flames coming out from lumin Levi saw that it was impossible to even shake his mind to darkness’s cause he was a dicendant of the heroes who owned phoenix flames Levi imidiatly went to the devil kings


When levi appeared he told 1 of upper demons who name was genera {who was part of the 7 upper demons}

levi: sire sire the hero child has been born

when general heard this he took Levi by the neck and asked him why didn’t you kill him ,levi told him he was protected by the pheonixflames and his powers was imence then the general threw levi on the ground and then the general wnt to confirm t=waht levi said him self

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