Love, Lust and Betrayal
Young boy, Park Jimin. The only heir of Park's, one of the richest people in Korea. He was chewing onto his bubble gum he had in his mouth, absorbing all the flavors. One thing great being the richest is that, you own so many things such as roads, schools, parks etc. Yes, Parks held many of them. Jimin can walk around the roads without feeling any abnormal, even though he's a....
He walks, smirking at the people who cleared their way for him. Evening, Mrs park informed Jimin to come home as soon as possible after playing, and obediently he was returning. Suddenly something caught his sight.
He frowned, he could some sobs and whimpers coming behind the trash can. Without a second to his young curious mind he rushed and peeked over. Those little eyes wide seeing a young boy approximately his age, hugging his knees and crying.
jimin (past)
omo! *panicked*
The little boy looked up. Looking into jimin's innocent eyes, the boy felt safe! sobbing and rubbing his nose. Jimin got awestruck by boy's face, big round boba eyes and cute small face? Cutie!
jimin (past)
what happened? why are you sitting here? what's your name?
Young jimin asked so much question that the little boy got confused.
jimin (past)
Fine, tell me your name.
The boy hesitated first. He could feel the safe protected shield around him as the boy came in front of him.
jungkook (past)
Jung-kook! *low voice*
jimin (past)
jungkook? I'm jimin! what are you doing here? go home or else your eomma will scold you!
jungkook (past)
*tears up* I have no eomma!
jimin (past)
what? *confused* where did she go?
jungkook (past)
I don't know!
Jimin humped. Well, being the richest means the smartest. He grabbed the little boy's hand and made him get up. He grabbed his shoulders like a brother and asked.
jimin (past)
let's find your family then. What's you last name?
jungkook (past)
I....don't know!
jimin (past)
aishhh... how can you not know your family name? are you dumb?
Little by kook got sad. It was something that reminder him his memories, bad ones! His round boba eyes filled with water.
jimin (past)
I'm sorry! I didn't mean to.
jungkook (past)
I have no eomma Or appa. I don't know where they are! *looks down*
Jimin didn't know time was passing by, By then a guard came running in worry and told jimin to come back to his palace.
Jimin turned to kook, he can't leave a boy like this but he also don't know what to do.
Then, to his sweet innocent young mind an idea came.
jimin (past)
come with me!
jimin (past)
Come to my home. Eomma will feed you some food. I know you're hungry.
jimin (past)
no buts come!
Kook's heart soften at jimin's angelic smile, whose gonna feed him, play with him, feel protected and safe with him. He can feel jimin dragging him along to his house... or his future!
Young jimin, just got happy that he got a friend tonight.
Park joon- na
oh my baby! you're finally back!
Mrs. park lifted his young and only son up and hugged him tighter. She was worried about him for being different. She can't loose him. Letting her over thoughts back she kept her son down and smiled.
jimin (past)
I thought I was gonna die by you squeeze! *pout*
Park joon- na
don't say like that! I love you baby.
Jimin gave a beautiful smile to his eomma which was enough for her to feel calm. Her eyes got attention to kook who was standing beside jimin like a lost child.
Park joon- na
chimmy, whose he?
jimin (past)
oh! Eomma, he's jungkook! *smiles*
Joon-na could sense something negative on this boy. The face, she has seen it somewhere else, so similar and familiar. Her thoughts were interrupted by her son.
jimin (past)
He's gonna stay with me eomma!
Park joon- na
What? jimin-
jimin (past)
No eomma, he has no one. No eomma, no appa... I feel sad. Even I'm alone here. Let him live here! I'll share everything with him.
Park joon- na
but chimmy... *tensed*
jimin (past)
Eomma! I'll take care of everything. I'll take to appa! please...
Jimin begged with his eyes. How can they just let someone live in their palace like home. Kook was still shocked seeing jimin's house to be this magistic. He can't even believe why jimin asked to let him live with him.
Park joon- na
I'll...think about it! *looks at kook*
jungkook (past)
*still in shock*
jimin (past)
yesss! Jungkook... you're gonna live with me! we are gonna be best best friends!
jungkook (past)
what? *shocked in happiness*
Jimin grabbed both of kook's hands and jumped in happiness. of course, agreeing jimin's father is easy. He knows how lonely his son is in his home and outside due to money. No one can relate to his son. Joon-na had also no problem, kook seems like a nice and innocent kid, younger than jimin but still... her mind is filled with thoughts.
jimin remembered something and turned to his eomma, eager to tell him a surprise.
jimin (past)
Our kook is just like me!
Park joon- na
w-why? *confused*
jimin (past)
he's an omega too! *smiles widely*
Park joon- na
*gasps in fear*
Enough b*tch! you ain't gonna impressive none tonight!
Go s*ck on your bf's d*ck. Your money is for me to spend!
Park jimin and Jungkook, college student, education in one of the highest ranked college ever. Being rich is a luck huh? Well for jimin, it was hardworking family for kook it was just luck! It's been 7 years since they are together in one room, being the best friend for each other.
Currently both are standing in front of the big ass mirror, arguing about a 300$ lipstick, kook was applying. it was a gift for jimin but usually, jimin's gift means use once then belong to kook.
That shade doesn't even match you. Keep it back! it's f*cking 300$. *about to cry*
you are such a b*tch!
Kook rolled his eyes and kept the lipstick back. Jimin smiled widely and hid the lipstick from kook's eyes.
Baddies got their shoes on, clothes on, makeup and hair set um for what?... A party! yes. Jimin's boyfriend ain't some shit. His friends host parties like this frequently which jimin is a part and where's jimin there's Jungkook.
Finally touch up over, jimin and kook came down the stairs to greet his eomma and say good bye.
Park joon- na
Back by 12,okay?
okay 12:15! let's go kookie! *dragged him*
The car waited outside, started it's engine. jimin's eomma watched the kids get on the car.
Park joon- na
ugh! your mom thinks I'm a kid! when does she change?
she gives you food and shelter. She won't change! *smirked*
whatever, tonight I'm gonna get drunk and be free.
yaa well, I should take care of you so stay beside me.
and it's a public bar, lots of drinks are available don't drunk anything we didn't order.. can be drugged!
I can't stay beside you and your boyfriend cliché. I can be myself and don't worry I won't drink unless you keep it on the table itself.
that's my good boy! *patted his head*
*slap his hand away and fixed his hair*
TROPICAL BREEZE, A public bar where teens and adults get full on their lives. And why is jimin allowed there? Because it is heavy guarded a d who are we kidding? his boyfriend? he's no joke when it comes to jimin.
The car stopped in front of the bar. Jimin's face lit up seeing his boyfriend and gang waiting for him outside and to enter the bar. He quickly got down the car along with kook. Jimin didn't waste anytime, rushed to his boyfriend and kissed him. His boyfriend happily kissed him back.
I missed you too!
Yuck! This is why I hate seeing you guys together.
you are so open. yuccck!
what's wrong with us being open?
literally your hands are on his butt! in front of US!
Jimin giggled. He remembered about kook and looked back, he saw no one. Frowning he turned his head side to entrance, he saw kook entering.
huh? I'll be inside... you shits come after your sex!
*sighed* we are coming kook! slow down...
The friend group got inside the bar with a lots of MONEY!
it will be confusing at first but its a "rated A" stuff please go if not comfortable!
The actual story starts 7 years ago, after jimin and jungkook shared one bedroom. Since then, jungkook's family was jimin... only jimin! Because he was the only one who took care of him like a part of his life. Jimin's father and mother was great actors in pretending they loved kook. Kook knew this when he overheard their conversation, joon-na crying to her husband, talking how she'll keep kook away from jimin. Kook was not determined to leave jimin, his love for him as a true friend became huge. Jimin would share everything with him, his luxury, his food, his money literally everything with any hesitation... it was like kook getting permission to enter to richness.
Jimin and kook got into high school, same class. Park's hid the real age of kook which was 2 years younger than jimin and let him do education with him or else rumors will spread faster. Same school, same books, same bench, same home, same secrets between them even though kook had the darkest to share. One thing they promise each other is that they would never leave each other's side. EVER!
Jimin got a boyfriend in high school, Kim taehyung, from the Kim's group. One the richest kid again. His friends, Jung hoseok, Kim namjoon come from equal status. Kim taehyung's father died in an accident at his young age, his mother remarried due to Heirarcy was young but let the name Kim down. He's perfect college minded, smart, intelligent, brave and unexplainable handsome like literally anyone could dream off. Lucky only jimin got him. Tae confessed his sexuality after seeing jimin, but to his surprise jimin was rare, which made him rather happy! Kook also didn't remain a secret. They all accepted them and it remained a secret among them only.
The couple became famous, Clingy, adorable around the campus. Literally everyone else was jealous. As they grew, jimin became beautiful enough to catch everyone's eyes but none would dare because of tae meanwhile kook.... he was sexualized in every way! students talked about the feminine in kook, called him gay.. later he told everyone he was gay. but still they won't stop harassing kook. Soon it became a normal thing.
Sadly kook....he was slightly jealous of jimin, for his amazing boyfriend to protect him in everything. He wished he had a boyfriend like that but... only he can is wish. He would avoid himself when he sees the couple standing. Accepting the reality, kook decides to focus on his free youth. He should be more carefully, why? because These lustful eyes of predators won't leave him.
Now, Jung hoseok. The main of these kinds of party and a w0m@nizer. His life is not serious as he is. Live life to the fullest, that's his motto. He arranges these kinds of party, gets drugged, Play with 2/3 woman, then leave them without any harm or hurt for him. Exact opposite Kim namjoon, He's more practical, takes parties as a side enjoyment on life, focuses in career and friendship and hopes for a true love soon! Both grew up along with tae as his side, rich as f*ck and unborthered parents. People huh?
The dj played music louder for the crowd to cheer up and dance. While the group, sat around the round table with sofas, comfortable while sipping on illegal drunks. Well, Namjoon was analysis which drink he was sipping because tae ordered them, hoseok flirted with some lady beside, Kook getting drunk, Vmin making out ignoring the whole world.
*breaks the kiss* Baby~ you've been working out?
Kind of! *smirks*
f*ck that turned me so on!
Jimin grabbed tae's shirt and pulled him, hovering over him while súçking his lips.
Hungerliy devouring each other, touching themselves, aggressively pulling, griñdiñg on his lap, seemed like they would end up on the couch itself. But the world was numb to them in each other's warmth. jimin cupped his lover's face, squeezed it while he made marks all over his body.
F*ck baby, let's get a room. I can assure I'll do better than this and get you a place called heaven.
I don't have a room here. *sexy voice*
I have, let's not keep him waiting. *points at his own*
Hoseok tightly pulled that girls waist towards him. Slipping his hands onto tae's pocket, he took out the keys and went to room along with her. Tae shot a glare but hoseok seems to ignore it.
That f*cker took my key!
it's okay baby, let him enjoy! we have here... *goes to kiss him*
Jimin flinched in sudden call, he quickly turned to kook in fear of something happen to him. Thankly he was fine, just drunk as f*ck.
buy me more alcohol! *pouts*
Thats champagne and you're drunk?
It's only 4 glass, let me have more!
4 GLASS? Eomma's gonna kill me. You need to get out sobber here.
I'm not a child jimin!
buy some drink that he'll keep his mouth shut!
Tae said in annoyance, jimin glared, getting off from Tae and sitting beside him.
hyung, I just asked you for some drinks. why are you bossing me?
Because you drink from my money! Now keep your mouth shut, little kid!
Tae warned him in a deep voice. This kind of habit is what Tae can't tolerate from kook. Kook, threw the glass to the floor and cursed everyone like a brat child and sat on one corner.
Tae! Stop. Why are you shouting at kook? he's a kid.
I'm no kid! I can take care of myself! and What kind of B*tch I am you guys think of?
*anger* A B*tch that his-
Kook raged up with tears in his eyes. He stood up mad, leaving everyone and went towards the big balcony behind those rooms.
Tae what have you done?
Yes he does! What? are you gonna protect him life long? He needs to face these... or else he'll be a crying suçker.
Deliver this drink to that black coat sitting there!
The shadow pointed at the table where is target was, handed him the money and pushed him.
The waiter very professional, walked to the table and placed the drink on table, quickly walked away. The shadow growled in waiters mistake and his defeat.
No Tae, he's my best friend. I know him more than anything! *stern*
A waiter came and kept a drink on their table and left after bowing.
Ordered more? *eyebrow raise*
are you listening to me? Don't yell at kook anymore! If he's annoying you, then tell me.. I'll talk to him.
Tae ignored jimin and sipped his new glass. Jimin sighed, Tae and his tolerance is something he can't control. He knows how kook can take tae's patience at peak... That's Why He Keep Them Away From Each Other!
By the time, hoseok's back buttoning his pants.
I smell tension here... *flops onto the couch*
hoseok looks around and sees kook missing.
where's that sesky boy? *smirk*
*chuckled between his drinks*
Tae scolded him. He went to the balconies!
oh thanks Sherlock. Tae buddy? you ragged at him?
Buddy, just came by that way, the balcony is full of drunkards sniffing on their knees for someone to release.... *laughs*
jimin's heart panicked. He's worried about kook now. He quickly stood up but before he kept and step further his lover's hand stopped him.
I have too, he's alone!
Sit here, baby! he's fine!
shhhh! *pulled him to himself*
Tae took the last sip of his drink. Between calming jimin down, he got a call. Picking up his phone and seeing the caller id he immediately stood up.
I need to take this!
Tae! please go by the balconies... check on kook! please! *pleaded*
Tae after a pause nodded But he never went to the balconies, instead he went to the rooms corridor after picking up the call. Jimin sat there worring about kook the whole time.
Kook after calming down his anger and sadness inside, he turned back, took steps through the corridor after being there alone for sometimes with his deep thoughts
-all hopes die! *completed the sentence while he walked*
-everything lost! *made more sentences*
-advantage took off!
-vírgiñity is no more! *tears falling down*
Kook gulped down his tears recalling his past memories that still hauts him.
The corridor became empty. Harsh pull, that was kook felt. His eyes widen in fear, mouth shut tightly by man palm, pushing him to the door. His pupils tried to find a light in the room but it was dark as black, struggled but the grip was too tight. Kook wimpered, coming back to his sense, he could feel a strange hOrmone, and a fleshy toungé líçking his smooth neck harshly, while he blocked his screams.
MMM!!!!!! *horrified*
The demon pressed his bottom to the wall along with his érécted one causing suffocation for kook. Trembling kook tapped his hand on the door twice for someone to recuse him from this nightmare. Well it's not, demon grabbed his both hands stopping blood to flow through it and pin it above his head. Attaching his hungry, drooling mouth to kook's before he could scream. He rubbed his bøner against kook sending shivers over his body. Kook could taste another substance other than his water, a substance that's making him go deep to his unconsciousness... But the demon was cruel, slapping across his face, clenching his jaw and whispered.
ahhh~ *móàned out in pain*
Find you anywhere!
Jungkook was liften by that beast, with struggles still he couldn't withdraw from that devil. Crying, pleading, screaming and suffocating to peak. He could feel a harsh pain on his back as he was thrown into a bed, the beast had hovered over him. the devil's hands roamed around his chest in addiction, unbottoning his shirt quickly as his thirst grew.
Kook kept slapping his hands, beating his shoulder, but the man seemed ignorant. he rather pàrted kooks legs and came in between him.
So pretty that I could destroy this!
Gentle like a feather. You'll take us to heaven!
The devil spoke in heat from body. Panting on his changes. He ripped his shirt off, opened his pant zip and took out his bøner in view. Kook chocked in the sudden rise in temperature it was so not bearable for his body, he could see the man ripping his pànts off, strõkïñg over him.
He thought of himself for the last time before he shut his eye lids.
It's getting dark, the dj stopped, people started going home.. it's just few drunk boozos and the group.
It's 11 already. Where is he? *worried asf*
maybe he got drunk and got into someone-
SHUT UP HOSEOK! I am like him why don't you say things like this? Why do you hate him so much?
he's an angel all of the sudden? we all know what have he sad to all of us! He might be weak by physical but his tongue.... he's doesn't have any control! *annoyed*
He's insecure... That's it!
hoseok shrugged off the topic and relaxed on the couch.
where's Tae? he's not back!
Suddenly Tae came back after his phone call. He flopped on the couch in the stress after the call. Jimin waited him to talk about kook but rather Tae sighed and kissed his cheek.
Tae where's kook? *worried*
he hasn't returned yet?
I didn't see him there! He's not near the balcony.
jimin is really frustrated now. Kook has not returned yet, it's already late he need to return to home before it's too late. Jimin was halted by his boyfriend before he could stand up.
I'm going to find him!
he'll be back. Give him some space!
Time passed quickly but kook didn't return. The bar emptied. Now it was them and some staffs cleaning only. Jimin is now really tensed, nervous, worried, sad. Some staff came to them and told they were closing but still refused to go.
let's go check on him... pleaseee!
it's past 1....eomma will be worried.
The friends sighed and joined them. The all waited for kook to return after moving on from his sadness, it's late now he hasn't. It's not okay. Hoseok and namjoon searched over the bar section, Taemin searched over the balcony, Switching place by place they couldn't fine kook. Jimin's eyes teared up with water.
He once promised that he'll protect kook no matter what! He would never break this promise...
let's check over the rooms... last please!
He doesn't have a room booked.
Okay we'll check there last. Calm down, I'll ask the staffs!
Tae took the permission from the staffs and started searching in every room. Jimin was like a mad man, he searched every room like a police trying to a criminal or a mother trying to find child.
The promise was meant to true. It is true... only jimin could find jungkook even under the earth!
The last door opened and jimin switched on the lights. Not a second later, his eyes couldn't believe what he saw. Kook lying on the bed covered in red blood stained sheets and unconscious. It was like a heart attack to jimin. He took light speed steps to kook, lifted his head in his hands.
*his face showed struggles, lips bleeding and a slap mark on his cheeks, face all red and sweaty.*
The tear drops fell continuesly on kook face from jimin. he embraced him, covering him in sheets completely and scream in high pitched which others gained attention. They came in running to the room and got shocked to see kook like this.
Koo~ Tae, take him to hospital... *crys*
I'll take the car! *rushed out*
Kook was getting examined by their family doctor in the hospital. Jimin and his lover stood outside waiting for the doctor to arrive. Hoseok sat on the chair while namjoon went to inform home.
The doctor came out jimin hurrily left Tae and came near doctor. He could sense the worriness in jimin and eargly waiting for him to deliver the news.
𝘿𝙊𝘾𝙏𝙊𝙍: He's fine! soon he'll get his conscious back.
𝘿𝙊𝘾𝙏𝙊𝙍: Mister Kim, I would like to talk to you. You seem little less nervous than everyone here.
is there any problem?
Jimin please rest, I'll take care of it!
The doctor and Tae moved a little far from them.
𝘿𝙊𝘾𝙏𝙊𝙍: it's an abusive case. You need to report it!
𝘿𝙊𝘾𝙏𝙊𝙍: No, his internal organs seemed fine, his cervix has a big contraction. The one who did this was careful! His didn't target to kill him. Rather he did beat the life out of him. We had a lot of discharge collect from him.
he's gonna be fine right?
𝘿𝙊𝘾𝙏𝙊𝙍: Yes he is. He just need a lot of rest to recover properly. We can't be sure that he'll be having a shock next. Prays it won't.
Thank you doctor!
𝘿𝙊𝘾𝙏𝙊𝙍: where were you guys last night?
We went to bar yesterday. Jungkook, he had an unusual amout of alcohol.
𝘿𝙊𝘾𝙏𝙊𝙍: It's unusual to openly say this but we found a strange drug on his mouth, just a little amount. Please investigate on that too!
Yes, thank you doctor!
The doctor nods and leaves. Tae went back to jimin who was restless to know about kook.
Tae what did he said?
Jimin you need to rest. Look at yourself. baby please...
No... Tae! kook I failed to protect him.. *cries*
please tell me what happened?
I'll tell you tomorrow, let's go get you to home. come!
no buts! hoseok will stay here... you're coming with me.
hoseok take care of him and call me when he wakes up. huh?
Tae goes near hoseok and whispers.
I need to meet Namjoon. You stay here...
is something wrong.
The doe eyes shook, slowly opened entering the sunlight after many hours. coming back to his sense, he looks around, finds himself sitting on the medical bed some trips attached to him and a huge pain striking in.
ah! *holds his stomach*
Kook rolled his eyes at hoseok who was sitting on the guest chair fidgeting a rubics cube on his hand, seems like he waited for him to open.
I don't wanna talk to you.
Kook weakly said to him, closing his eyes again to sleep but he was rather disturbed.
Seeing you like this is enough. *smirk*
You know if it wasn't your family doctor your whole gender would have been a scene here. A rare species.
A man who can breed! *scoffs* it had to be ancient times we would have believed this. Jimin he's born in a big ass rich family. His identity is rare... You? You were considered as slaves back in time.
Hoseok words pierced into kooks mind like nails. He kept his completed cube aside and came near Kook's bed, leaning over him, smirking.
You hated it when I tried to like you huh? You sued me, called me a ***** right? Now, look at you? Sitting here after begged entering into someone's pànts for money. *scoffs*
you know what would we like to call them? *smirks*
That's it kook anger was not controlled. he grabbed hoseok's neck with both hands without even thinking about his condition.
The timing was correct, jimin entered the hospital room with medicine and food. He paincked when he saw kook. He rushed to him detached kook from hoseok and hugged him.
Hoseok stormed out the room and shut the door with a loud bang. Now it's just jikook. Jimin gave a soft smile to kook which was enough for him to feel sad and dull.
You're perfect! Nothing's wrong with you.
But I got r@ped. *scoffs* at some point hoseok hyung is also right!
Hyung why does everyone hate me? *tears up*
Jimin sighed. he squish more to kook and held his hand.
Listen to me, No one in this world hates you... I will never hate you! You have no rights to cry in front of the world when I'm with you.
You know hoseok, he's a sadist. he doesn't even care of himself. Don't mind his words. Namjoon he's an introvert but he's nice to you right?
they talk behind my back hyung!
And Tae, he just wants you to be responsible... he was so worried back. He scolds you because he knows you will think about it! he just wants the good of you.
F*cks, then why did he call me a b*tch?
Really? What do you call me? *raised his eyebrows*
Both chuckled softly. Jimin being playful is what makes kook smile the most. But in mind he couldn't trust his best friends alleys.
Please kook, take rest... I'm so relieved to see you now. I was so worried.
Saying that jimin leaned forward and kissed kook's forehead. He left the room. Kook's mind wandered in thoughts of what hoseok said. Because his words had more truth and power in it. Slowly getting up from the bed and going to the bathroom, kook stood in from of the bathroom mirror.
His eyes travelled over every blood clotted bruises, híçkey's, bite makes, scratch marks... He could feel the tight grip on his wrist still. His legs still pains and trembling, his bottom bleeding, his hoød being sore asf. The only thing that came to his mind was what hoseok said.
He trailed his red painted arms through his body, through the marks. Even though he suffered he still didn't miss a single mo@n he gave to that beast's pleasure. His thumb rubbed harshly on his soft skin over the mark. Tears flowed from his closed eyes due to the immense pain. His mind travelled back when the beast smoothly devoured his skin, touched his skin gently like he said, worshiped his body with his own líqûid. Kook's mouth parted in his livid thoughts, corner of his lip curled up. He smirked. Placing his thumb over his lips and rubbed it on.
Possession or obsession. This is kook's 'free' he wanted? No! Slowly, slowly.. he turning, turning to something he shouldn't have. A huge strike of his past hit his head. His eyes shot open like thunder. The disgusting, irritating, horrifying past. Tears flowed unconditionally over his eyes. Trying hard to catch his own breath. Gulping down huge lump of saliva. He can't believe what he did right now. Did he took advantage of himself?
The old voices echoed in his ears... "you are $lut!", "Go díe", "Weird specie", "a w****", "cursed!". Kook quickly closed his ears in fear. Realizing how much of that is true of himself, he cried.
Wait! He can't cry... Jimin hates him seeing crying. He can't cry! Kook wiped his eyes, straighten his back and looked himself through the mirror. Not in a good intention though. If he can't be normal like everyone then he'll be weirder than everyone...
Once again looking at his body and think about last night, he enjoyed in his mind. A smirk formed on his lips...
You're free now, "Jeon" Jungkook!
To destroy who ever hurt him, in his past, his present and his future.
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