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Loving You Is All

chapter one

Chapter one: Released from jail

Bella opened her eyes, her vision blurred for she could not make out of the figures that kept moving Infront of her.

"She's awake." She heard someone shouting although it seemed so far. She could also hear siren sounds from afar, getting louder and louder as her mind and vision becomes clearer and clearer.

She gasps and stands up abruptly.

She is in her car and at the driver seat. 'how did i get here?' she wonders.

The last thing she remembers, is she was drinking fruit juice with her classmates at a reunion party. She never drunk alcohol that's why she ordered juice.

But later she got dizzy and she didn't know what happened after that.

Someone rudely shines the spotlight on her face which made her eyes stung.

One of them opened the door and drugged her out, the cold breeze enveloping her making her body swell with goosebumps. Before she could comprehend, she was handcuffed.

"Miss. Bella Daniel, you are under arrest for drunk driving and hitting a pedestrian by the name Mrs. Ann Grey, You have the right to remain silent and anything you say will be used against you by the court of law."

With that, she was rudely pulled towards the police car, her long fishtail red dress making her to stumble on her steps.

Thinks happened fast and before she realized she was being arrested, she found herself on the cold floor of the cell. What was the famous Mrs. Ann doing by the roadside all alone? She wondered.

"Why am I here, I am innocent. I don't know what you are talking about." She begged.

Just then, her parents appeared. Hope flashed in her heart. Before she could say anything...

"You see Daniel, I told you that Bella is a bad influence. She has brought shame in our family." Began her stepmom.

"You offended someone you shouldn't. The CEO of the famous Dolson company. I don't know how to help you child. I never knew you are a drunkerd. Just accept youre fate. You brought it upon yourself." Said her father.

She felt the word stop. The environment became quiet. Her heart ached after hearing her father's words. He was her biological father and had always loved her and gave her everything she needed. Even protected her from her stepmom's abuse ten years ago.

No matter how she tried, no one believed her. Including Mark, her boyfriend who suddenly made a sharp u-turn and revealed his dark side.

Five years later,

Bella leaned on the hard, cold wall of her cell, her eyes fixed on the roof.Today, she was being released! She didn't expect that because she knew very well she had to spend her whole life in here.

Her mind drifted back to the night five years ago. She wasn't the one driving. She was sure that Someone else had mixed her drink with alcohol and had used her car, but who and why?

When she was still held In custody, her besty April tried looking for evidences. She even tried to meet Jeffrey Dolson, A man whom she didn't even know and haven't seen because of his privacy. Only a few people knew him including his business associates.

He didn't like appearing in public and rarely attended to business party's and also most of his employee didn't even knew their boss.

Jeffrey Dolson was furious and ordered for a life imprisonment to the person who killed his mother. She had wrote countless letters to him trying to prove her innocence but non were replied, even during the trial, Sir Dolson never showed up.

Everyone left her when she was sentenced to death except for her besty April who visited her for the first week but later an order was given that no one should visit her.

Torture followed and she was tortured everyday and night. She later heard gossips in the bathroom that the rich tycoon, Sir Dolson was the one giving orders. And they were happy to serve him.

The first crash of her life was when her mother dissapeared without trace when she was ten. Later news came that she was found dead in a car accident, her body burnt beyond recognition.

Later on, her father bought in his mistress with her nine year old child, Maya, her fathers biological daughter.

Bella was a bright student and always came at the top. This Made Maya hate her even more but in secret. She pretended to be Bella's friend.

By the time she met Mark, She was a student at Sea ford university first year studying as a neurologist. Mark Anthony was from the wealthy family and her father was proud of her because he knew if he joined forces with the Anthony group, their small company at the edge of bankruptcy would thrive.

She was madly in love with him although she felt the distance between them but she was happy to be engaged to him. She would always cling to him like a leech and follow him whenever he went. She heard rumours that he married her sister.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and two officers matched in. They led her to the managers office. She was not happy because she knew very well she had nowhere to go after being released, at least at the prison she could have free meals although in small amount and also a place to sleep.

She made a mental note that after this, she would look for April.

"Congratulations, Bella Daniel, You are free to leave today. Well, sign these and dissapear from here.'' said the Manager .

Bella took the documents and signed them

" Ummm, excuse me sir, the person who released me was he that rich man Mr Jeffrey?" she asked confused as to why they would let her go all of a sudden.

The manager laughed loudly and swirled in his chair pleasurly.

"Do you even need to know? Just leave immediately "

At the 68th floor of the tallest building in the City, the famous Dolson company known all over the world for perfume making, Jewelry and outfit design, a tall and breathtaking man dressed with an expensive dark blue suit with a white shirt stands facing the city through the huge glass window.

Someone knocks at the door and comes in.

"Sir, we have investigated everything you asked for and, She was indeed released today and about the person behind it, we still have no clues about it. And the men who were assigned to follow her said her current location is at the outskirts of the city in a small community." Said a man in a well tailored suit that complimented his tall and slender figure, his short hair combed and styled neatly.

He was Dylan, Jeffrey's personal assistant and a very close friend who shared many secrets together.

Jeffrey's hands folds into a fist.

"I hate people who go against me. Continue searching for that person. Doesn't he know I can still torture her out here myself. She has to pay for my mother's death. I will make her life a living hell." He said with an evil smark.

Dylan blinked his eyes wondering what he might be up to .

episode 2

Chapter Two: The game is not over yet.

It has been two weeks since her release. She became lucky because she met Grandma Cecilia, an Old widow who live in the community.

She had helped her that night of her release. She helped her carry her heavy groceries to her home. She felt pity after hearing her story. As a repayment, she gave her a small rental that had a few of her late son's accessories.

She began looking for a job but due to her criminal record, she could not find a decent job and she ended up at the carwash.

It was almost eight in the evening and she hurried back home.

After buying a packet of instant noodles, she turned and walked along the dark lone corridor that lead to her apartment. A lighting flashes and a loud thunderstorm followed by strong wind.

She began to run and just as she was about to turn around a corner, she spotted a man in tattered clothes sitted on a stone shivering from cold. Out of kindness, She goes to him.

"Hey, its about to rain go home" she said.

" I dont have a home." He replied.

She hesitates and then decides.

"Okay, come with me" she pulled him up and guided him towards her house. It begins to rain heavily when they arrived.

The man stared at the single room with limited furniture. His lips slightly risen with a sarcastic smile that went unnoticed by Bella. There was a door in the room that was the bathroom.

The light flickers and it becomes dark.

"Oh shit. Not again. Dont worry it always goes off when it rains." She said as she light the candle .

" You must be cold. Hold on I Will boil some water for you."

He watches her every move. He noticed that she had grown thin, her hair longer and dull. Her skin has darkened and rather dried, her heels slightly cracked. He even starts doubting if she can kill someone. But she killed her mother when she was drunk driving. Even the survaillance footage showed how her car drifted from the road and hit his mother who was standing by the roadside while making a call.

In his disguise, he wore ragged clothes. A big wig that covered his forehead well. He promised to make her suffer and the game had officially begun.

" What's your name?" She asks.

"Jeff.....yes. my name is Jeff.

"Nice name. I am Bella. Do you have any...."

"I don't. I came from the orphanage two weeks ago and i have been living in the streets." He says.

"Well, same fate as mine. Although mine is a lot better but don't worry. You will be staying here for now. Oh the water is ready."

As Jeffrey showers, Bella ran to the opposite building and comes back with some men's clothes.

Jeffrey looks at himself at his 'new' clothes and wonders, Just two weeks from jail and she has a boyfriend already! Was she that desperate! How disgusting. He couldn't bear so he asked.

" Where did you get these?"

"I borrowed them from grandma cecilia. She is the one that helped me when I didn't know where to go. I was infact looking for my friend April but i cannot find her. Grandma is kind. You will meet her tomorrow. And after I get my salary i will buy new sets of clothes for you. Eat up. I will spread the bed for you." She says and stands up.

Jeffrey looked at his plate and notices she had nothing left to eat. As if sensing his thoughts,

"Come on eat up don't worry about me. You haven't eaten anything for days."

Jeffrey who had a big sumptuous breakfast and lunch couldn't help but smirk which went unnoticed again.

He suddenly felt pity for her when once again he saw her thin frame but he shook away these thoughts. There was no way he would feel pity for this murderer so he dug into his plate even though he wasn't a fun of such foods, he decided to eat everything and enjoy seeing her go hungry later.

Bella watched him eat. He was a tall handsome man although the thick bangs covered his forehead. She knew he was breathtaking with good body.

Wait....a street beggar with smooth and flawless skin?

That night, Jeffrey slept on the hard bed shivering from cold while cursing inwardly. He did not sleep an inch. But compared to Bella who only spreaded a thin blanket on the hard floor, slept soundly.

It was a long cold night for him and he could not help to think of his large king sized bed with soft and warm beddings that are unattended to back at home.

By this time, Chaos were at the Daniel's family as usual. Maya had locked herself in her room, Sobbing and rather angry.

five years of her marriage, they had not had a happy life as they thought. Mark begun having a hard time managing his business. He also started spending time outside in nightclubs and bars and also came home late.

"Maya come and have breakfast sweety. You didn't ate last night." Pleaded mrs Daniel.

" I don't care. Mom you see what he is doing to me. It has been five years since we got married yet he still goes to his whores. What kind of life is this. It's all you're fault for making him marry me just because of his money now look at me. All he knows is to drink at the bar with ladies all around him." Said Maya sobbing.

Maya remembered how he had began eyeing on Mark and just after things went bad when she tried seducing Sir Dolson.

She envied Bella's relationship with Mark who were affectionate with each other and add that he was the future heir of Anthony group, She felt that her stepsister was lucky while she was trying luck with sir Dolson and the fact that Bella was sooner becoming a neurosurgeon while she was just a useless secretary of Mr Jeffrey Dolson.

She served him as his secretary for two months before being fired for trying to seduce him.

She later tried seducing Mark and she succeeded.

She began having a secret relationship with him without Bella's knowledge.

Now she regrets marrying him. His purpose was now over, now that he was becoming a useless person.

Maya stood facing the mirror, an evil smile on her face.

( Mark, by now you should know the consequences of opposing me. well , you should ask my old rival who is now in hell.....)

A voice rings in her ear .she recognized that voice very well,

"You don't deserve my son. Find someone worthy of youre status, whore."

She gets angry and swipe everything on the dressing table.

" This game is not over, I will still win. Mark my words...."She shouts.

please leave any comments on this chapter. Thank you. Love you all..

Episode 3

CHAPTER 3:...Just accept youre fate

Jeffrey started dossing off at dawn. Bella woke up and saw his peaceful sleep. She prepared breakfast. Left a short letter for him and then left for work.

* Morning Jeff. I have made some egg and bread for you. After finishing you can stroll around as you wait for me. I will try to look for a job for you today. Have a nice day - Bella-*

After waking up, He was almost moved by all the caring that no one had showed him before but immediately he resumed his cold nature. He took the food and threw them in the dustbin outside. Then he put the paper on his pocket and left.

Not far away from the community, A Black Maybach was packed away from the vicinity of people. Jeffrey approached it and knocked twice at the window.

Dylan who was fast asleep woke up startled.

" Sir, you woke up late today. Thirty minutes and the meeting starts." He says looking at his wristwatch while opening the door.

Jeffrey removes his wig and clothes and puts on his suit at the back seat.

"Let us go to my penthouse first. I need refreshment. As for the meeting, You go and start it. I will be there sooner or later. Call my driver to pick me at my penthouse after you have gone."

"Which one sir? Can i take you to the one at Sky pearl?" He asks.

Jeffrey nods his head.

"And if Grandpa asks for where I went last night just tell him at the sea side villa." He scrolls a picture from his phone and shows to him. "Also, find her today."

Dylan looks at the familiar picture. The girl who fought tooth and nail with him five years ago just to see sir Dolson.

He had admired her brave nature and how she caused a scene at the Galaxy group. He found her pretty and liked her persistent nature.

A small smile appeared on his lips.

It had been a very long time that he had already forgotten about her!

April was a woman the same age as Bella. They went to school together.

She also came from a medium class family like Bella, and they both persued the the same career but April lost interest in her studies the day Bella was imprisoned.

This caused her problems with her family.

She decided to leave her life separate from them and was now a bar waitress.

Although they were in bad terms with her father because of Bella, Her mother still loved her so much.

Today, she had been given a day off and was lying lazily on a sofa at her expensive flat.

The door bell rung. Confused to who it may be, she opened the door and found no one but an envelope. Her heart raced as she picked it. He glanced around half expecting someone to be watching then shut her door tight.

With shaking hands she managed to unfold the letter. Her heart skips as she read about Bella's release. She jumped with Joy and can't wait to reunite with her friend.

She wonders who might have sent her this information and her thoughts drifts back to Jeffrey and wonders why.

Meanwhile at the Dolson group, Dylan was in the CEO's office.

" Sir, it's done" he says .

Jeffrey nodded but his attention was entirely on a trending topic about a 'garbage girl'

The photo showed Bella covered with dirty water that soaked her white shirt rendering it brownish. Seeing all these, His hands tremble slightly, his lips pressed into a thin line. His emotions soon fades as he remembers the bloody body of his mom which was all Bella's doing.

He sneers .Well, serves her right.

But he could not believe that he had just help the murder find her friend.

He shook his head. There is no way he will make her live well, with or without friend.


Earlier, Bella was busy cleaning one of the car carpets, when Janette, a notorious colleague approached her.

Janette was a young woman with brown coloured hair. She was an obstacle in Bella's job and always find a way to humiliate her.

" Well, well look what we have here. A murder" Says Janette.

Bella clenched her fists, her jaw tightened as Janette's words cut through her like knives. She kept her gaze steady refusing the satisfaction of seeing her falter.

" What? Do you think you are still the neurologist that people envy? As i can remember, you never finished even a semester so you are just nothing."

Still no response. Annoyed , Janette grabs her hair and slaps her then Pour dirty water on her.

"Enough Janette." James, a worker at the garage next to the car wash, who had helped Bella countless times in such situation arrives.

"James! Came to help you're lover, again ? Well you two look perfect together. A car cleaner and a brake mechanist" Says Janette her voice full of disdain.

"And so? Janette, aren't you a car cleaner?" Retorts James.

"Oh well at least i am not a murderer." She flips her hair and walks away.

Bella thanks James for helping her. James had developed feelings for her ever since she began working there and had wanted to give her a better life. He vowed to look for a good job and then later propose to her.

"You should fight sometimes when someone bullies you."

Bella lowered her head. How can she fight back at this point? What she wants is only to clear her name. All these she could only do when April was with her.

April her best friend can help her gather evidences and convince everyone that she was innocent. But where was she?

" Don't worry Bella. I already applied for a good job with good payment. I will protect you forever." He said smiling.

She looked up at him. He was very thin and haggard, in his maroon working overalls, his hair dull, probably tasted the bitterness of life.

Well, almost everyone living in this community was struggling with hardships.

Bella smiled as she knew where he was hinting at. Although he had helped her countless times, she only saw him as a friend .

She nagged him playfully.

"You never give up. I said i don't want to get married in this lifetime. Don't tell me you never heard me saying that. I will go and clean up first." She says and walks away.

Later that evening, James insisted to escorting her home. After their separation, Bella hurries home and she stops halfway when she noticed the lights on.

She remembers she had a companion. She smiles and walk in through the door.

"Hi Jeff. Wow. Smells nice. You are a good cook." She says.

" Got a job at the factory today as a cleaner and i decided to cook for us" He says and Bella doesn't ask more.

Jeffrey noticed she looked haggard and he remembered the scene he saw today. Something pushes him to ask.

" Who is Janette? know there are rumors outside about you today and viral videos of today's incident is everywhere ." He says.

Bella froze for a while. Her heart started beating fast. Now everyone knows she was released from prison. She wonders which animal would have recorded her video.

She is afraid that Jeff may have known about her past by now. Well, she decided to be frank with him and told him everything.

"Jeff. I swear. I didn't kill Jeffrey's mother. It is true i was in the car but i wasn't driving. I had passed out at that time . I don't know who framed me. No one believes me except for April. Jeff do you trust me?"

Jeffrey eyes flickers. Somehow this lady made him think that he accused her wrongly. No way She killed his mother and that's all. Besides everything points to her.

What a good act. He thought. The scene of his mother's body played at his eyes.

" Well if you want trust then you should prove yourself. Or else...just accept youre fate." He says boldly with a hint of anger.

And for the first time, she feels the cold aura eminating from him which make her heart beat even faster.

" I am saying the truth Jeff. I will prove myself. I am innocent. I will gather every evidences and i will show them to sir Dolson that i am innocent and he only accused me wrongly." She didn't back down either.

Jeffrey heart trembled from her boldness. Five years ago, he was busy grieving and was filled with anger. He didn't think of looking deep into the incident. He might have probably made a mistake. He decided to investigate secretly from tomorrow but what if he was wrong?

Bella stared at him Wondering what he was thinking. She once again admired his beauty. This man looked handsome with his confused gaze. She shook off those silly thoughts and once again, her eyes filled with determination.

"Let's eat." He said breaking the silence.

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